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1 3. YÖNTEM: 3. METHOD: Bu talimatın amacı Arçelik A.Ş tarafından üretilen ve/veya ithal olarak temin edilerek elektrikli ve/veya elektronik cihazlarda kullanılan malzemelerin içeriğinde, çevreye zararlı kimyasal maddelerin kullanılmaması, yerine göre azaltılması veya belirtilen miktarlarda kullanımının sağlanması için hazırlanmıştır. Bu prosedür, ürünlerde kullanılan malzemelerin çevresel olarak kalitesini arttırmak için yerli ve yabancı tedarikçilere yöntem gösterme açısından yardımcı olacaktır. Arçelik in tüm tedarikçileri talimatta belirtilen kanunlara ve üretici standartlarına uymalıdır. Bu prosedürde yasaklı maddeler (Tablo -1), RoHS (Yasaklanacak veya Kısıtlama Getirilecek Maddeler) (Tablo - 2) ve bu tablolarda referans verilen ve aşağıda sıralanan eklere göre F. Kod: 92641x nolu Malzeme Deklarasyon Formu her malzeme için ayrı ayrı doldurulacaktır. Satış yaptığımız firmalar Arçelik A.Ş den, ürünlerinde Tablo 1 ve 2 de belirtilen maddelerin bulunmadığını deklare etmesini isteyebilirler. F. Kod :93096x nolu Ürün Deklarasyon Formu doldurularak firmalara gönderilecektir. The purpose of this guideline is to ensure the prohibition of environmentally harmful chemical substances, reduce the usage where required or use at determined levels in the materials that are manufactured by Arcelik A.S. and/or obtained by importation and used in electric and electronic equipments. This guideline will assist in showing methods to the native and foreign suppliers for improving environmental quality of the materials used in the products. All the suppliers of Arcelik should obey and adapt the laws and manufacturer standards that are clarified in this guideline. The Material Declaration Data Sheet which is described in F.Code 92641x will be filled for each material according to the Tables 1 and 2 and annexes reffered, outlined in this system guideline (Table 1 - Banned Chemicals, Table 2 - RoHS (Yasaklanacak veya Kısıtlama Getirilecek Maddeler) The companies that we sell product, may request a declaration from Arçelik A.Ş., that the substances listed in table-1 and table-2 are not used in the products. F. Code: No: 93096x "Product Declaration Form" will be filled out and be sent to the companies UYGULAMA ALANI 1) Ürünlere yönelik; a) Arçelik A.Ş tarafından dizayn edilen, üretilen ve satılan ürünler, b) 3. kişiler tarafından dizayn edilen, üretilen ve Arçelik A.Ş markası ile satılan ürünler, c) Promosyon için kullanılan ürünler. 2) Ürünlerde kullanılan parçalar ve malzemeler Ürünlere yönelik kapsamında tariflenen ürünlerde kullanılan komponentler, malzemeler ve diğer parçalar; a) Komponent ve malzemeler, b) Gruplanmış/Monte edilmiş komponentler, c) Aksesuarlar: AC adaptörü, uzaktan kumanda vs., d) Diğer yapısal parçalar için yardımcı malzemeler, e) Kullanma kılavuzları, f) Tamir ve servis parçaları, g) Nakliye ve koruma için kullanılan ambalaj malzemeleri, 3.1. APPLICATION 1) Application to products a) Products designed, manufactured and sold by Arcelik A.S. b) Products contracted to a third party by Arcelik A.S. for design and manufacturing, and sold by Arcelik A.S. with its trademark c) Products used for sales promotion 2) Application to components and materials This rule applies to the components, materials and other items used for the products mentioned in item 2. 1) Application to products above. a) Components and materials b) Grouped/Assembled components c) Accessories: AC adaptors, remote controls, etc. d) Auxiliary materials for other structural parts e) Operating instructions f) Repair and service parts g) Packaging materials used for transport and protection -1/19- _DP

2 3.2. YASAKLANACAK MADDELER Arçelik ürünlerinde yasaklanan maddeler iki bölüme ayrılmaktadır. İlk bölüm yasaklı maddeler çeşitli ülkelerde yürürlülükte olan ve 1 ocak 2005 tarihinden itibaren Arçelik ürünlerinde kullanımı yasaklanacak maddeleri, ikinci bölüm ise 1 temmuz 2006 dan itibaren yürürlülüğe girecek olan RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances) yönetmeliğine göre yasaklanacak maddeleri tariflemektedir Yasaklı Maddeler Aşağıdaki liste, Avrupa Ülkelerinde ve Japonyada yürürlülükte olan yaptırımlarla / kanunlarla sınırlama getirilen madde ve malzemeleri içermektedir ve Arçelik ürünlerinde kesinlikle kullanılmamalıdır. Tablo -1 Yasaklı maddeler listesi No Maddelerin Grup Adı Yasal limit Referans Direktif 1 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Ek-7 2 Asbest Ek Spesifik organik kalay bileşikleri, Ek-8 Kısa zincirli parafin klorür (C10-13) Azo boyaları, pigment lerde kullanılan spesifik aminler. Ek-6 Polychlorinated naphthalene (3 veya daha fazla Cl atom içeren), Kadmiyum, Krom +6, Kurşun ve Civa Spesifik amin bileşikleri, Ek-6 9 Ozon delici gazlar Kullanımı yasak Kullanımı yasak 76/769/EEC 76/769/EEC, Amendments (83/478/EEC, 85/610/EEC, 91/659/EEC) 1000 ppm Chem-sub Law Kullanımı yasak 30 ppm) (spesifik amin için) Kullanımı yasak 100 ppm (toplam) 76/769/EEC 76/769/EEC Chem-sub Law 94/62/EEC Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive 1000 ppm 76/769/EEC Kullanımı yasak Montreal Protocol, 2037/2000/EC 10 Formaldehit 0,1 ppm ChemG 11 Penta-Octa Bromodiphenylethers (Penta BDE Octa BDE) 1000 ppm 76/769/EEC, Amendments 2003/11/EC 3.2 SUBSTANCES THAT WILL BE PROHIBITED The prohibited substances in Arçelik products are classified in two categories. First category, prohibited substances, describes the substances, whose usage in Arcelik products, will be prohibited after 1 January 2005, and related laws and regulations that are already valid in various countries. Second category gives the substances that will be prohibited according to RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances) regulation, which will be valid after 1 July Prohibited Substances The list below presents the substances and materials whose usage is limited by the regulations / laws that are valid in European countries and Japan, and these substances should not be used in Arcelik products in any way. Table 1 Prohibited Substances No Substance Group Name 1 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), annex Asbestos annex 9 Specified organic tin compounds, annex-8 4 Short-chain paraffin chloride (C10-13) 5 Azo dye and pigment forming specified amines. annex Polychlorinated naphthalene (number of chlorine 3 or more) 7 8 Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Lead, Mercury Specified amine compounds, annex Ozone-depleting substances 10 Formaldehyde 11 Penta-Octa Bromodiphenylethers (Penta BDE Octa BDE) Legal Limits Use prohibited Use prohibited Applicable Laws and Regulations 76/769/EEC 76/769/EEC, Amendments (83/478/EEC, 85/610/EEC, 91/659/EEC) 1000 ppm Chem-sub Law Use prohibited 30 ppm (as specified amine) Use prohibited 100 ppm (Total) 76/769/EEC 76/769/EEC Chem-sub Law 94/62/EEC Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive 1000 ppm 76/769/EEC Use prohibited 0,1 ppm (ChemG) 1000 ppm Montreal Protocol 2037/2000/EC ChemG 76/769/EEC, Amendments 2003/11/EC -2/19- _DP

3 RoHS ( Yasaklanacak veya Kısıtlama Getirilecek Maddeler) Tablo 2 de verilen maddelerin kullanımı, 1 temmuz 2006 dan itibaren yürürlülüğe girecek olan RoHS (Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Hazardous Substances) direktifi ile ürünlerde yasaklanacaktır. Bu maddelerin Arçelik ürünlerinde kullanımı 1 Ocak 2006 tarihi itibari ile yasaktır. Tablo 2 - RoHS RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) The usage of the substances listed in Table 2 will be prohibited according to RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances) directive, which will be valid after 1 July The usage of these substances in Arcelik products is prohibited after 1 January Table 2 - RoHS No Maddelerin Grup Adı Spesifik brom içeren alev geciktiriciler (PBBs, PBDEs), Ek-5 Kadmiyum ve bileşikleri Ek-1 Kurşun ve bileşikleri Ek-2 6 değerlikli krom bileşikleri, Ek-4 Civa ve bileşikleri Ek - 3 Yasal limit Referans Direktif 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 100 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) No Substance Group Name 1 Specified brominebasedflameretardants (PBBs, PBDEs), annex 5 2 Cadmium and its compounds annex 1 3 Lead and its compounds annex 2 4 Hexavalent chromium compounds, annex Mercury and its compounds annex 3 Legal Limits Applicable Laws and Regulations 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 100 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) 1000 ppm 2002/95/EC (RoHS) RoHS direktifine uygun olarak Arçelik ürünlerinde aşağıda sıralanan ürünler için yasaklı maddelerin kullanımında esneklik gösterilmiştir. Kadmiyum ve bileşikleri Kullanımına izin verilen yerler: elektrik kontakları ve Cd kaplamalar Kurşun ve bileşikleri Kullanımına izin verilen yerler : Radyasyon önleyici kurşun, CRT, ampul ve fluoresan tüplerindeki kurşun, Elektronik seramiklerdeki kurşun, Yüksek erime sıcaklığına sahip lehim içindeki kurşun, Press-fit konnektör sistemlerinde kullanılan kurşun, Kimi işlemcilerde (özellikle server işlemcilerinde) ısıyı çipten uzaklaştırmak için kullanılan termal iletken modül c-ring'lerin kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanılan kurşun. Optik camlar ve filtre camlarda kullanılan kurşun ve kadmiyum. Mikroişlemci kılıflarında, işlemci kılıfı ile bacakların birbirlerine bağlanmasında kullanılan, alaşımında For the parts of Arçelik products that are listed below, the usage of prohibited substances is allowable in accordance with RoHS directive. Cadmium and its compounds Allowable usage: Electrical contacts and cadmium plating Lead and its compounds Allowable usage: Radiation preventing lead, Lead contained in glass for cathode ray tubes, Bulbs, and fluorescent lamps, Lead in electronics ceramic parts, Lead in high-melting point solder, Lead used in compliant pin connector systems. Lead as a coating material for the thermal conduction module c-ring. Lead and cadmium in optical and filter glass. Lead in solders consisting of more than two elements for the connection between the pins and the package -3/19- _DP

4 ve ikiden fazla materyal içeren, içerik olarak %80'den fazlası kurşun olan ve ağırlık olarak %85'den azı kurşun olan lehimler, Flip-Chip kılıflardaki entegrelerde, yarı-iletken çekirdek ile kılıf taşıyıcısı arasındaki elektriksel bağlantıyı tamamlamak için kullanılan lehimin içerdiği kurşun Çelik alaşımlarında Pb < %(ağ) 0.35 Al alaşımlarında Pb < % (ağ.) 0.4 Cu alaşımlarında Pb < % (ağ) 4 of microprocessors with a lead content of more than 80 % and less than 85 % by weight. Lead in solders to complete a viable electrical connection between semiconductor die and carrier within integrated circuit Flip Chip packages. and alloy containing the following ingredients as alloy components Steel 0.35 wt% or less Aluminum alloy 0.4 wt% or less Copper alloy 4 wt% or less 6 değerlikli krom bileşikleri Kullanımına izin verilen yerler: Absorpsiyon buzdolaplarında karbon çeliği soğutma sisteminde antikorozif madde olarak kullanılan +6 değerlikli Cr. Civa ve bileşikleri Kullanımına izin verilen yerler : Kompakt fluoresan lambalar (Hg <5 mg/lamba) Cıvalı straight fluoresan lambalar Halofosfat (Hg < 10 mg/lamba) Trifosfat normal ömürlü (Hg < 5 mg/lamba) Trifosfat uzun ömürlü (Hg < 8 mg/lamba) Özel amaçlı civalı straight fluoresan lambalar Diğer cıvalı lambalardaki cıva Laboratuvar aletlerindeki cıvalar Hexavalent chromium compounds Allowable usage: Hexavalent chromium that is used as anticorrosive substance in the system of cooling carbon steel in absorption refrigerators. Mercury and its compounds Allowable usage: Small fluorescent lamps not exceeding 5 mg per bulb General-purpose fluorescent lamps including but not exceeding the following: Halphosphate 10 mg Triphosphate with normal lifetime 5 mg Triphosphate with long lifetime 8 mg Mercury contained in special use straighttube fluorescent lamps Mercury contained in other mercury lamps Mercury in laboratory equipments -4/19- _DP

5 4. EKLER / APPENDIX: KİMYASAL MADDE KULLANIM LİSTELERİ Bu prosedürde belirtilen yasaklı maddeler (Tablo -1), RoHS ( Yasaklanacak veya Kısıtlama Getirilecek Maddeler) (Tablo - 2) ve bu tablolarda referans verilen ve aşağıda sıralanan eklere göre F. Kod: 92641x nolu Malzeme Deklarasyon Formu her ürün için ayrı ayrı doldurulacaktır. CAS No: Chemical Abstract Service, bütün madde (kimyasallar) bir CAS üye numarasına sahiptirler. Ve bu numara her bir madde (kimyasal) için tektir. ANNEX CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE USAGE LISTS The Material Declaration Data Sheet which is described in F.Code 92641x will be filled for each product according to the Tables 1 and 2 and annexes reffered, outlined in this system guideline (Table 1 - Banned Chemicals, Table 2 - RoHS (Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances) CAS No: Chemical Abstract Service, all substances (chemicals) have a CAS member number. And this number is unique for each substance (chemical). EK 1 Kadmiyum ve Bileşikleri / ANNEX 1 Cadmium and its compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Cadmium Cd Cadmium alloys Cadmium oxide CdO Cadmium chloride CdCl 2 Cadmium sulfide CdS Cadmium nitrate Cd(NO 3 ) 2 Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate Cd(NO 3 ) 2.4H2O Cadmium sulfate CdSO 4 Cadmium stearate Cd(C 18 H 35 O 2 ) 2 Other Cadmium compounds -5/19- _DP

6 EK 2 Kurşun ve Bileşikleri / ANNEX 2 Lead and its compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Lead, metal Pb Lead / Tin alloy Pb-Sn Lead (II) oxide PbO Lead (IV) oxide PbO 2 Dilead trioxide Pb 2 O 3 Lead (II, IV) oxide Pb 3 O 4 Lead azide PbN 6 Lead (II) fluoride PbF 2 Lead (II) chloride PbCl 2 Lead (IV) chloride PbCl 4 Lead (II) iodide Pbl 2 Lead (II)sulfide PbS Lead (II) cyanide Pb(CN) 2 Lead fluoroborate Pb(BF 4 ) 2 Lead fluosilicete PbSiF 6 Lead nitrate Pb(NO 3 ) 2 Lead carbonate PbCO 3 Lead hydroxy carbonate (PbCO 3 ) 2 Pb(OH) 2 Lead perchlorate Pb(ClO 4 ) 2 Lead (II) sulfate ; PbSO 4 Lead oxide sulfate Pb 4 SO 7 Lead (II) phosphate Pb 3 (PO 4 ) 2 Lead thiocyanate Pb(SCN) 2 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate Pb(CH 3 COO) 2.3H 2 O Lead (II) acetate Pb(CH 3 COO) 2 Lead(IV) acetate Pb(CH 3 COO) 4 Lead oleate Pb[CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 CH= CH(CH 2 ) 7 COO] 2 Lead stearate Pb(C 17 H 35 COO) 2 Lead (II) metaborate Pb(BO 2 ) 2.H 2 O Lead metasilicate ; PbSiO 3 Lead antimonite Pb 3 (SbO 4 ) 2 Lead arsenate (1:1) PbHAsO 4 Lead (II) arsenite Pb(AsO 2 ) 2 Lead chromate; chrome yellow PbCrO 4 Lead molybdate PbMoO 4 Calcium plumbate Ca 2 PbO 4 Tetramethyl lead Pb(CH 3 ) 4 Tetraethyl lead Pb(C 2 H 5 ) 4 Other lead compounds and alloys -6/19- _DP

7 EK 3 Civa ve Bileşikleri / ANNEX 3 Mercury and its compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Mercury Hg Mercury alloys, amalgam Mercury (I) oxide Hg 2 O Mercury (II) oxide HgO Mercury (I) chloride Hg 2 Cl 2 Mercury (II) chloride HgCl 2 Mercury (II) nitrate Hg(NO 3 ) 2 Mercury (I) sulfate Hg 2 SO 4 Mercury (II) fulminate Hg(ONC) 2 Mercury (II) acetate Hg(CH 3 COO) 2 Methylmercury salts e.g CH 3 HgX; Ethylmercury Propylmercury salts Phenylmercury salts Methoxyethyl-mercury salts Dialkylmercury X : Cl, Br, I, OH, etc C 2 H 5 HgX X : Cl, Br, I, OH, etc C 3 H 7 HgX X : Cl, Br, I, OH, etc C 6 H 5 HgX X : Cl, Br, I, OH, etc CH 3 OC 2 H 4 HgX X : Cl, Br, I, OH, etc R 2 Hg Diphenylmercury (C 6 H 5 ) 2 Hg Other mercury compounds R = alkil grup (C n H 2n+1 ) -7/19- _DP

8 EK 4 Altı Değerlikli Krom Bileşikleri / ANNEX 4 Hexavalent Chromium and its compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Chromium (VI) oxide; Chromium trioxide CrO 3 Lithium chromate LiCrO 4 Sodium chromate Na 2 CrO 4 Potassium chromate K 2 CrO 4 Potassium chlorochromate K[CrO 3 Cl] Ammonium chromate (NH4) 2 CrO 4 Copper chromate CuCrO 4 Magnesium chromate MgCrO 4 Calcium chromate CaCrO 4 Strontium chromate SrCrO 4 Barium chromate BaCrO 4 Lead chromate; chrome yellow PbCrO 4 Zinc chromate ; ZnCrO ; Sodium dichromate; Na 2 Cr 2 O 7 Sodium bichromate Potassium dichromate; K 2 Cr 2 O 7 Potassium bichromate Ammonium dichromate; (NH 4 ) 2 Cr 2 O 7 Ammonium bichromate Calcium dichromate; CaCr 2 O 7 Calcium bichromate Zinc dichromate; ZnCr 2 O 7 Zinc bichromate Other hexavalent chromium compounds -8/19- _DP

9 EK 5 Brom içeren alev geciktiriciler / ANNEX 5 Non-specific bromine-based flame- retardants Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Polybrominted biphenyls (PBB) e.g C 12 H 10-X Br X (X = 1 10) Polybromodiphenylether PBDE; C 12 H 10-X Br X O polybromodiphenyloxide PBDO; polybrominated (X = 1 10) biphenyl ethers PBBE Octabromodiphenylether; C 12 H 2 Br 8 O octabromodiphenyloxide Hexabromodiphenylether; C 12 H 4 Br 6 O hexaboromodiphenyloxide Pentabromodiphenylether; C 12 H 5 Br 5 O pentaboromodiphenyloxide Nonabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Other PBDEs M-153-9/19- _DP

10 EK 6 Spesifik Amin Bileşikleri / ANNEX 6 Specified Amines Adı / Substance Name CAS No: 4-aminoazobenzene o-anisidine naphthylamine ,3-dichlorobenzidine aminodiphenyl Benzidine Ortho-toluidine chloro- o-toluidine ,4-toluenediamine Ortho-aminoazotoluene nitro-o-toluene ,4-methllene-bis-(2-chloroaniline) ,4-diaminodiphenylmethane ,4- oxydianiline p-chloroaniline ,3 dimethoxybenzidine ,3 dimethylbenzidine p-cresidine ,4,5-trimethylaniline ,4- thiodianiline ,4-diaminoanisole ,3-dimethyl-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane /19- _DP

11 EK 7 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) / ANNEX 7 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) -11/19- _DP

12 -12/19- _DP

13 -13/19- _DP

14 -14/19- _DP

15 -15/19- _DP

16 -16/19- _DP

17 EK 8 Spesifik Organik Kalay Bileşikleri / ANNEX 8 Specified organic tin compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Monomethyltin trichloride CH 3 Cl 3 Sn Dimethyltin dichloride C 2 H 6 Cl 2 Sn Trimethyltin chloride C 3 H 9 ClSn Monobutyltin trichloride C 4 H 9 Cl 3 Sn Dibutyltin dichloride C 8 H 18 Cl 2 Sn Tributyltin chloride C 12 H 27 ClSn Monobutyltin hydride C 4 H 12 Sn Monobutyltin ion C 4 H 8 Sn Dibutyltin hydride C 8 H 2 0Sn Tributyltin hydride C 12 H 28 Sn Tetrabutyltin C 16 H 36 Sn Bis(tributyltin)oxide C 24 H 54 OSn 2 Triethyltinbromide C 6 H 15 BrSn Triphenyltin C 6 H 15 Sn Triphenyltin hydroxid C 18 H 16 OSn Triphenyltin chloride C 18 H 15 ClSn N-octyltin trichloride C 8 H 17 Cl 3 Sn Di-n-octyltindichloride C 16 H 34 Cl 2 Sn Trioctyltin stannane C 24 H 52 Sn Tri-n-octyltin chloride C 24 H 51 ClSn Tetraoctyltin stannane C 32 H 68 Sn -17/19- _DP

18 EK 9 Asbest ve Bileşikleri / ANNEX 9 Asbestos and its compounds Adı / Substance Name CAS No. Kimyasal Formül / Chemical Formula Asbestos Actinolite [(Ca 2 (Mg,Fe) 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ] n Amosite (Grunerite) [(Mg,Fe) 7 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ] n Anthophyllite [(Mg,Fe) 7 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ] n Chrysotile Mg 3 Si 2 O 5 (OH)4 Crocidolite (NaFe 3 2+ Fe 2 3+ Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ]n Tremolite [(Ca 2 Mg 5 Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ] n -18/19- _DP

19 5. KAYNAKÇA / REFERENCES: Avrupa Ülkeleri Kanunları EU Hazardous Substances Regulations - Council directive of 27 july 1976 on the approximation of the laws, regulation and administrative provisions of the member states relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations 76/769/EEC, EU üye ülkelerin uyguladığı kanun ve kurallar EU Parliament and Commission Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste 94/62/EC Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 january 2003 Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Germany : ChemG Spesifik kimyasallar, karışım ve ürünlerin bu maddeleri içermesi ve bunların satışının yasaklanması Germany : Consumer Goods Ordinance Germany : Dioxin Ordinance Denmark : Formalin Act The Netherland, Denmark : Chemical Substances Regulations Law in Foreign Countries EU Hazardous Substances Regulations - Council directive of 27 july 1976 on the approximation of the laws, regulation and administrative provisions of the member states relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations 76/769/EEC, Includes the laws and ordinances enforced in the EU member states EU Parliament and Commission Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste 94/62/EC Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 january 2003 Restriction Of The Use Of Certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Germany : ChemG Prohibiting the sale of the specified chemicals, mixture and products that contain these substances or their possible release for the specified uses and conditions. Germany : Consumer Goods Ordinance Germany : Dioxin Ordinance Denmark : Formalin Act The Netherland, Denmark : Chemical Substances Regulations Japon Kanunları: Spesifik kimyasal maddeler Law Concerning the examination and regulation of manufacture, etc. Of chemical substance Chem-sub-Law 0.html Üretimde yasaklı zararlı maddeleri saptamak için Law on industrial safety and hygiene Ind-safety Law Spesifik maddeleri (HCFH hariç) saptamak için Law concerning the protection of the ozone layer through control of specified substances and others measures Ozone Layer Law Laws in Japan: Chem-sub-Law Law Concerning the examination and regulation of manufacture, etc. Of chemical substance html Manufacturing-prohibited hazardous substances as determined by the Law on industrial safety and hygiene Ind-safety Law Specified substances (excluding HCFC) as determined by the Law concerning the protection of the ozone layer through control of specified substances and others measures Ozone Layer Law Diğer: Matsushita Electric Group chemical substances management rank guidelines version 3 (for products) SONY - Management regutations for the enviroment-related substances to be controlled which are included in parks and materials the 2nd edition of SS Nokia Substance List Electrolux Restricted Materials List (valid for 2003) ARN 234 RoHS - Yasak Ve/Veya Sınırlı Kullanım Gerektiren Kimyasal Maddeler Other: Matsushita Electric Group chemical substances management rank guidelines version 3 (for products) SONY - Management regutations for the enviromentrelated substances to be controlled which are included in parks and materials the 2nd edition of SS Nokia Substance List Electrolux Restricted Materials List (valid for 2003) ARN 234 RoHS - Banned and/or restricted chemicals Report -19/19- _DP