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1 UNIT 15 CAN I SEND A LETTER? Giriş: Modal ; Türkçe de kip olarak adlandırılabilir ve bu kelime grubu İngilizce de önemli bir rol oynar. Kipler fiile meli/-malı, -ebilmek gibi anlamlar katar. Bu yardımcı fiilleri kullanarak çeşitli durumlar için çeşitli cümleler üretilebilir. Kipler belli durumlardaki düşünce ve tutumları ifade eder. Örneğin modal kullanarak bir işin zorunluluğundan, gerekliliğinden, olasılığından, bahsedilebilir, tavsiyelerde bulunulabilir ya da tercihler ifade edilebilir. Bu ünitede yetenek, kabiliyet, rica, istek, olasılık bildiren kiplerden söz edilecektir. Modals: can/could, may/might, must, have/has to Modal verbs olarak adlandırılan kipler, yardımcı fiillerin farklı bir türüdür. Kipler, dört açıdan diğer tüm fiil ve fiil türlerinden ayrılırlar. Her kip, cümlenin eylemine (rica, istek, zorunluluk, yasaklama, yetenek v.b.) çok farklı anlamlar katar ve genellikle geniş zamanda olumlu (+), olumsuz (-) ve soru (?) cümlelerinde kullanılırlar. Geniş Zamanda, kiplerden sonra kullanılan fiiller yalın halde olur. 1) Kiplerden sonra kullanılan fiillerin önüne mastar (infinitive) eki olan to yapısı gelmez. Örn.; I can speak English fluently. (I can to speak English fluently. ŞEKLİNDE DEĞİL!) (Akıcı bir şekilde İngilizce konuşabilirim/konuşabiliyorum.) 2) Kipler ile birlikte kullanılan fiillerin sonuna, geniş zamanda özne herhangi bir 3. tekil şahıs (he/she/it) zamiri olsa bile herhangi bir değişiklik olmaz, -s eki gelemez. Örn.; Ayşe can t swim very well. (Ayşe can t swims very well. ŞEKLİNDE DEĞİL!) (Ayşe çok iyi yüzemez.) 3) Kipler ile soru (?) cümlelerini ve olumsuz (-) cümleleri do yardımcı fiiline ihtiyaç duymaksızın kurabiliriz. Örn.; Can you help me? Yes, I can. ( Bana yardımcı olabilir misin? Evet, olabilirim. ) ( Do you can help me? Yes, I do can. ŞEKLİNDE DEĞİL!) 4) Kipler hiçbir zaman mastar eki olan ve normalde fiillerden önce kullanılan to ile birlikte kullanılamaz. Kiplerin, diğer fiillerde olduğu gibi ( past participle denilen) geçmiş zaman çekimli halleri (2. ve 3. hal) yoktur. Bunun yerine geçmiş zamanlı cümlelerde kiplerin farklı şekilleri kullanılır. Can/Can t (-ebilmek/-ebilmemek; -ebilememek) (+): (?): (-): I can swim You can swim He/she/it can swim We/they can swim Can I swim? Can you swim? Can he/she/it swim? Can we/they swim? I cannot swim You cannot swim He/she/it cannot swim We/they cannot swim 92 Can yapısı olumlu cümlelerde kullanıldığı zaman özne veya nesne ile ilgili olarak cümleye a) yetenek/beceri/kabiliyet, b) olasılık ve c) izin; olumsuz cümlelerde kullanıldığı zaman cümleye a) yeteneksizlik, b) imkansızlık ve c) yasaklama/kısıtlama anlamı katarken, soru cümlelerinde kullanıldığında ise yetenek/istek/rica/temenni anlamları katar. My brother can play basketball well. (Benim erkek kardeşim iyi basketbol oynayabilir.) (Yetenek) She can t ski well. (O, iyi kayak yapamaz.) (yeteneksizlik)

2 Could (-ebilirdi; can yapısının geçmiş zamanlı şeklidir.) (?): Could I swim? Could you swim? Could he/she/it swim? Could we/they swim? When I was a little boy, I could play the piano. (Küçük bir çocukken piano çalabiliyordum.) (Geçmiş yetenek) When she was 10, she could cook delicious meals. (O, 10 yaşındayken, lezzetli yemekler yapabiliyordu.) (Geçmiş yetenek) Bu yapı, can yapısının geçmiş zamanlı şekli olmakla birlikte yaygın olarak geniş zamanlı rica, istek cümlelerinde kullanılır. Can you open the door, please? (Kapıyı açabilir misin lütfen?) Be able to (-ebilmek; bir işin üstesinden gelebilmek) (+): I am able to pass the exam. He/she is able to carry that heavy box. We/you/they are able to climb that mountain. (-): (?): I am not able to pass the exam. He/she is not able to carry that heavy box. We/you/they are not able to climb that mountain. Am I able to pass the exam? Is he/she able to carry that heavy box? Are we/you/they able to climb that mountain? Be able to yapısı, ifade ettiği anlam açısından can yapısı ile aynıdır, fakat kullanım şekli açısından can yapısından farklıdır. Be able to yapısı can yapısınıdan farklı olarak birçok zaman diliminde (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Tense ) kullanılabilir. Elif is able to speak three languages. (Simple Present Tense) (Elif üç dil konuşabilir.) Yüksel was able to cook delicious meals when she was only 10 years old. (Past Simple Tense) (Yüksek sadece 10 yaşındayken lezzetli yemekler yapabilirdi.) Hakan will probably be able to be attorney general after four years. (Future Tense) (Hakan muhtemelen 4 yıl sonra savcı olacak.) May/May not (-ebilir; -ebilmeyebilir) (+): (-): I may swim You may swim He/she/it may swim We/they may swim I may not swim You may not swim He/she/it may not swim We/they may not swim Önemli Not: may yapısının soru cümlesi şekli ve olumsuz cümleledeki kullanımının kısaltması bulunmamaktadır. May ve might yapıları, gerek kullanım şekilleri ve cümledeki yerleri, gerekse ifade ettikleri anlamlar açısından birbirleriyle aynıdır ve geniş zamanlı istek, rica, temenni veya olasılık cümlelerinde kullanılırlar. Anlam farkı açısından bakıldığında, may = yapabilir, may not = yapmayabilir anlamlarına gelmektedir. Örn.; It is really sunny and hot. We may go on picnic. May I have a Turkish kebab, please? ( Hava gerçekten çok güneşli ve sıcak. Pikniğe gidebiliriz. ) ( Kebap alabilir miyim lütfen? ) A: May I ask a question? B: Yes, you may. We may go on picnic in the afternoon. May I bring you a can of coke? 93

3 Might/Might not Might, geniş zaman cümlelerinde kullanıldığında zayif ihtimal belirtir. (+): (?): (-): I might swim You might swim He/she/it might swim We/they might swim Might I swim? Might you swim? Might he/she/it swim? Might we/they swim? I might not swim You might not swim He/she/it might not swim We/they might not swim We might visit our relatives this weekend. (Bu hafta sonu akrabalarımızı ziyaret edebiliriz.) EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Fill in the blanks with one of the modals in brackets ( can, could, may, might, can t, couldn t, may not, might not ). 1. They (can t/might) be away for the weekend but I'm not sure. 2. You (may/might not) leave now if you want. 3. (Could/May) you open the door, please? 4. He (can/could not) be Scottish. It s obvious from his accent. 5. (May/Can) you run 100 meters in 10 seconds? 6. Listen, please You (can/can t) speak during this exam. 7. They (can't/may not) still be out! It s quite late! 8. You (can t/might not) smoke in the buildings. It s forbidden. 9. According to the weather forecast, tomorrow (can/could) be a sunny day. 10. You (can/may not) be right but I'm going back to check anyway. Exercise Choose the correct choice. 1. I... remember her nationality. A. am not able to B. can't C. know 2. Serkan... the classical guitar. A. can play B. can to play C. eats 3. My family... visit us next week if my father finishes his work. A. can't B. could C. will be able to They... go out. Because it was raining heavily. A. couldn't B. can't C. wasn't able to 5. Ece : Can you lend me your dictionary? Burak : Sorry. I.... I haven't got any either. A. can't B. am not able to C. couldn't 6. You can solve this problem,...? A. can you B. can't you C. will you

4 7. Sorry, Sir. I... do my homework. A. wasn't able to B. couldn't C. haven't been able to 8. Batıkan... pass the exam if he studied hard. A. will be able to B. can C. would be able to 9. The bus crashed into a tree, luckily the passengers... survive. A. were able to B. could C. wasn't able to 10. We... go to the party. We're going to have an exam. A. couldn't B. won't be able to C. will can't SENDING A LETTER OR A PARCEL AT A POST OFFICE A Man : Can I send these two parcels and this letter, please? Clerk : Yes, of course. Where would you like to send them? A Man : I would like to send the letter to England and parcels to Ankara. Clerk : How would you like to send them? A Man : What do you recommend? Clerk : Is it urgent? A Man : The letter is urgent. Clerk : So, you ought to send it by airmail. A Man : How should I send the parcels? Clerk : If they are not urgent, you don t have to send them by airmail. You may send them by surface mail. A Man : How much will they cost? Clerk : Can you put them on the scale, please? I must weigh them first. The letter will be 6 TL by airmail and the parcels will be 11 TL each. A Man : How much will they cost all together? Clerk : That will be 28 TL. A Man : Here it is. Clerk : Here is your change. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the following questions with the answers. ( ) 1- How should I send the parcels? A- No, it is not. ( ) 2- Is it urgent? B- I would like to send it to Ankara. ( ) 3- Where would you like to send the letter? C- Yes, of course. ( ) 4- Can I send these two parcels and this letter, please? D- You may send them by surface mail. 95

5 FOR A HEALTHY LIFE A healthy life depends on physical and mental health. These days people aren t doing many things for their health because life has been very quick and busy, but it's not difficult to lead a healthy life. Your health usually depends on your habits. So you can make some changes in your habits for a healthier life. Here are some suggestions for a healthier life. Initially, you should include healthy, natural food in your diet. For example, you must eat vegetables and fruits because they involve lots of vitamins and minerals. In addition, you ought to drink plenty of water - at least 2-3 litres a day. You should also do regular exercises, it provides a healthy life because it will burn fat in your body and you will be able to control your weight. If you can't do exercise every day, you can go for a walk every day; walking is one of the best exercises. Besides, you should take up hobbies, hobbies will help you feel relaxed and happier and you can forget about the problems in your daily life. That is, hobbies are useful for our mental health. In addition, you should see your doctor for regular controls. And you should regularly see your dentist for dental care. Apart from these precautions, you should also sleep sufficiently to feel relaxed and energized. And finally you must not smoke or drink for a healthier life. When you follow these suggestions, you can lead a healthier and happier life and probably you will live a longer life. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. These days people aren t doing many things for their health because they don t have much time. 2. For a healthier life, we must change our habits. 3. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. 4. Walking isn t a good exercise. 5. Hobbies are useful for our mental health. 6. When you follow these suggestions, your health will be worse. 96 Exercise Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the following words. mental lead depends on include sufficiently 1. Sport is useful for our physical and health. 2. He has a good family, and they a happy life. 3. We must drink water. 4. His future this exam. 5. Fruits a lot of vitamins.

6 UNIT 16 I HAD BETTER TRY IT ON Giriş: Bir önceki ünitede olduğu gibi bu ünitede de kiplerden söz edilecektir. Bu bölümde işlenecek olan kipler zorunluluk, tavsiye, öğüt, ikaz, uyarı ve yasaklama anlamları taşırlar. Must / Mustn t (yapmalı / yapmamalı) (+): (?): (-): I must swim You must swim He/she/it must swim We/they must swim Must I swim? Must you swim? Must he/she/it swim? Must we/they swim? I must not swim You must not swim He/she/it must not swim We/they must not swim Must yapısı, geniş zamanlı olumlu cümlelerde vicdani, içten gelen zorunlulukları ve kişisel sorumlulukları, olumsuz cümlelerde ise kuvvetli tavsiye, öğüt, ikaz, uyarı, yasaklama v.b. durumlarını ifade etmek için kullanılır. Örn.; My room is quite dirty and untidy. I must clean and tidy it immediately. (Odam oldukça kirli ve düzensiz. Onu derhal temizlemeli ve düzenlemeliyim. Oh, you look very tired and ill! You must see a doctor right now. (Sen çok yorgun ve hasta görünüyorsun. Derhal bir doktora görünmelisin.) You mustn t smoke here! You mustn t walk on the grass. You mustn t speak loudly. (Burada sigara içmemelisin!) (Çimenler üzerinde yürümemelisin.) (Yüksek sesle konuşmamalısın!) Have-Has to / Don t-doesn t have to (yapmak zorunda / yapması gerekmez) (+): (?): (-): I have to do... He/she has to do... We/you/they have to do... Do I have to do...? Does he/she have to do...? Do we/you/they have to do...? I do not have to do... He/she does not have to do... You/we/they do not have to do... have/has to yapısı, geniş zamanlı olumlu cümlelerde çevresel, dıştan (otoriteden) gelen zorunlulukları ve toplumsal, ailesel, mesleki sorumlulukları, olumsuz cümlelerde ise yapmak zorunda olmadığımız durumları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Örn.; If I want to graduate from university, I have to study hard. (Eğer üniversiteden mezun olmak istiyorsam, çok çalışmak zorundayım.) Soldiers have to wear military uniform all over the world. (Tüm dünyada askerler askeri üniforma girmek zorundadır.) Civil servants do not have to go to work on official holidays. (Memurlar resmi tatillerde işe gitmek zorunda değiller.) I have to wake up early tomorrow. You have to come to work at 8:00 a.m. She has to call the police if there is any problem. He has to visit them as soon as possible. They have to bring it back to us. 97

7 Should / Shouldn t (yapmalı / yapmamalı) (+): (?): (-): I/you/he/she/it/we/they should do... Should I/you/he/she/it/we/they do...? I/you/he/she/it/we/they should not do... Bu yapı, must yapısı ile karıştırılmamalıdır. Should yapısında herhangi bir zorunluluk anlamı bulunmayıp, tavsiye, öğüt, nasihat mesajı verir. You look terrible. You should see the doctor! (Kötü görünüyorsun. Doktora görünmelisin!) Your exam results are really bad. You should study harder! (Sınav sonuçların gerçekten çok kötü. Daha çok çalışmalısın!) I have headache. Should I take this medicine? (Baş ağrım var. Bu ilacı almalı mıyım?) You have a bad cough. You shouldn t smoke! (Kötü öksürüyorsun. Sigara içmemelisin!) Had better / Had better not (yapsa iyi olur / yapmasa iyi olur) (+): (-): I had better go He/she/it had better go We/you/they had better go I had better not go He/she/it had better not go We/you/they had better not go Had better yapısında herhangi bir zorunluluk anlamı bulunmayıp, herhangi bir şeyin yapılması veya yapılmaması konusunda kuvvetli tavsiye, öğüt, nasihat anlamı vardır. Örn.; Oh! It s getting dark. I had better go! (Hava kararıyor. Gitsem iyi olur.) Past Forms of Some Modals Could/Couldn t (yapabilirdi; yapabildi/yapamazdı) (+): (-): (?): I could swim. He/She/It could swim. We/You/They could swim. Could I swim? Could he/she/it swim? Could we/you/they swim? I could not swim. He/She/It could not swim. We/You/They could not swim. Could yapısı, can yapısının geçmiş zamana göre çekimlenmiş şeklidir. Could Geçmiş Zamanlı cümlelerde kullanılmakla birlikte, Geniş Zamanlı cümlelerde istek, rica, temenni anlamlarını taşır. Örn.; When I was a child, I couldn t speak German. But, I can speak German fluently now. (Ben çocukken, Almanca konuşamazdım. Ancak şu an Almanca yı akıcı bir şekilde konuşabiliyorum.) Could you get me a cup of coffee, please? Could you open the window, please? (Bana bir fincan kahve getirebilir misin lütfen?) (Pencereyi açabilir misin lütfen?) Had to (yapmak zorundaydı) (+): (-): (?): I/you/ he/she/we/they had to study hard. Did I/you/he/she we/they have to study hard? I/you/ he/she we/they did not have to study hard. Had to yapısı, geniş zamanlı cümlelerde kullanılan have/has to ve must yapılarının geçmiş zamana göre çekimlenmiş şeklidir. Bu kip, geçmişte yapmak zorunda olduğumuz işleri ifade etmek için kullanılır. Örn.; I had to study hard before the exam, but I couldn t do. (Sınavdan önce çok çalışmak zorundaydım, ancak yapamadım.) 98

8 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Fill in the blanks with have to/has to, must or mustn t. 1 This week I finish my English project. 2 She will wait in the queue. It s a rule. 3 All workers come on time for work. 4 We forget to take the meat out of the refrigerator. 5 If you are under 16 you get your parents' permission to marry someone. 6 Your son try on different sizes. 7 The doctor get here as soon as he can. 8 Do you work next Friday? 9 Motorists remember to signal when they turn. 10 Şeyma, you leave your clothes all over the floor like this. Exercise Fill in the blanks with don t/doesn t have to or mustn t. 1. Hey! You say awful words like that! 2. Shhhh! You pick your nose in class. It's not a good habit. 3. You finish the exercise now. You can finish it at home. 4. You drive so aggressively. You'll crash into somebody. 5. Don t worry, please. You pay now. You can pay me later. 6. You stay out so late. Otherwise, I ll get angry with you. 7. You have lunch with me. It s not necessary. 8. I forget to phone Gökhan. It's his birthday next Friday. 9. You get married if you are under We play football. We can play volleyball instead. 11. You smoke. It harms your health. 12. You be cruel to your family members. It s very rude. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Fill in the blanks with should or shouldn t. 1. You be so rude. 2. I don't think you use alcohol so much. 3. You exercise more to be healthy. 4. I think you try to speak to her for the last chance. 5. You are overweight. You go on a diet immediately. 6. Where we park our car? 7. You never speak to the old in such a bad way. 8. The young children spend so much time in front of the TV or the computer. 9. I tell her the truth or should I say nothing? 10. I think we book our hotel rooms. BUYING A SUIT Assistant : Do you need any help? A Man : Yes, please. How much is that suit, please? Assistant : That suit is 299 TL. It was 599 TL last month. A Man : Is it in the sale? Assistant : Yes, it is. It is half price. A Man : Have you got it in blue? Assistant : Yes. What size would you like? A Man : Size 50. Assistant : Here it is. Would you like to try it on? A Man : I had better try it on. Where are the fitting/changing rooms? Assistant : Upstairs. 99

9 BUYING A SHIRT Assistant : How may I help you, madam? A Woman: I am looking for a shirt. So, could you get me a medium, please? Assistant : What colour would you like? A Woman: White, please. Assistant : Here is one. A Woman: How much is this shirt? Assistant: It is 79 TL. A Woman: It is too expensive for me, so I ll leave it. Assistant : No problem. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the following questions with the answers. ( ) 1- Have you got it in blue? ( ) 2-Would you like to try it on? ( ) 3- Is this in the sale? ( ) 4- How much is that suit, please? ( ) 5- What colour would you like? A- Yes, it is. B- White, please. C- Yes, I had beter. D- 299 TL. E- Yes, here it is. MY LIFE IN FUTURE I am Ali and I am a high school student. This is my final year at university, next year I am going to take university entrance exam and I want to go to a good university after the exam. Yesterday our teacher gave us homework about our life 40 years after now. When I began to think about it, I felt very strange because many great changes will probably happen in my life 40 years later. For example, I might be married and have children. Besides, I may probably be enjoying my retirement. My children will also probably be married and they will be working on their jobs. I might even be a grandfather, too. These things don t seem very bad, but I think bad things will probably happen, too. I won t probably be living a very healthy and energetic life because I will be very old then. Perhaps life is more difficult for older people, but I think every age has its own beauty. So we must try to live every period of our life happily. 100 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. Ali is a university student. 2. Ali felt unhappy when he thought about his future. 3. He might be enjoying his retirement 40 years later. 4. Ali may have lost his health 40 years later. 5. He could have had grandchildren in the future.

10 UNIT 17 THEY ARE MADE IN TURKEY Giriş: Temel cümle yapısında genellikle özne (işi yapan) ve fiil (yapılan iş) belirtilerek cümle oluşturulur ve bu tür cümlelere etken (active) cümle denir. Ancak, eylemi gerçekleştiren kişi veya nesne bilinmiyor veya belirtilmek istenmiyorsa cümle edilgen hale getirilir. Örneğin Ali camı kırdı. cümlesinde Ali cümlenin öznesidir yani işi yapan kişidir ve bu cümledeki fiil etken (active) bir fiildir. Fakat Cam kırıldı. cümlesinde cam, işi yapan değil; işten etkilenendir, dolayısıyla bu cümlenin fiili edilgen (passive) bir fiildir. Bu ünitede temel zamanların edilgen şekilleri üzerinde durulacaktır. Passive Voice (Edilgen Cümleler) Bir etken cümleyi edilgen yapabilmek için; a) etken cümlenin nesnesinin edilgen cümlenin öznesi konumuna getirilmesi, b) be nin zamanlara ve kiplere göre uygun olan şeklini kullanılması, c) cümlenin fiilinin mutlaka üçüncü halde (past participle) olması gerekir. ETKEN A B I water the flowers. I watered the flowers. I will water the flowers. EDİLGEN B A The flowers are watered by me. The flowers were watered by me. The flowers will be watered by me. Simple Present (+): (?): (-): I am invited to conferences. He/she is invited to conferences. We/you/they are invited to conferences. Am I invited to conferences? Is he/she invited to conferences? Are we/you/they invited to conferences? I am not invited to conferences. He/she is not invited to conferences. We/you/they are not invited to conferences. A: The gardener waters the flowers every day. (Bahçıvan her gün çiçekleri sular.) B: The flowers are watered (by the gardener) every day. (Çiçekler hergün (bahçıvan tarafından) sulanır.) A: My mother does the housework willingly. (Annem ev işlerini gönüllü olarak yapar.) B: Housework is done (by my mother) willingly. (Ev işleri (annem tarafından) gönüllü olarak yapılır.) A: They produce Formula 1 car tires in Kocaeli. (Onlar Formula 1 lastiklerini Kocaeli de üretirler.) B: Formula 1 car tires are produced (by them) in Kocaeli. (Formula 1 araba lastikleri (onlar tarafından) Kocaeli de üretilir.) A: Painters paint most hotel rooms every year. (Boyacılar çoğu otel odalarını her yıl boyarlar.) B: Most hotel rooms are painted (by painters) every year. (Çoğu otel odaları (boyacılar tarafından) her yıl boyanır.) 101

11 Simple Past (+): (-): (?): I was examined He/she/it was examined We/you/they were examined Was I examined? Was he/she/it examined? Were we/you/they examined? I was examined He/she/it was not examined You/we/they were not examined The letter was sent two days ago. (Mektup iki gün önce gönderildi.) The first plane was invented by Wright Brothers. (İlk uçak Wright Kardeşler tarafından icat edildi.) The burglar was arrested by the police yesterday. (Hırsız, polis tarafından dün göz altına alındı.) This car was bought this morning. (Bu araba bu sabah satın alındı.) Future (+): (-): (?): I will be examined He/she/it will be examined We/you/they will be examined Will I be examined? Will he/she/it be examined? Will we/you/they be examined? I will not be examined He/she/it will not be examined You/we/they will not be examined When will your car be repaired? (Araban ne zaman tamir edilecek?) One day the world will be ruled by the robots. (Günün birinde dünya robotlar tarafından yönetilecek.) EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Fill in the blanks with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Parcels by the postman at 8 every day. (deliver) 2. This wallet full of money on the bus yesterday. (find) 3. The dress in very hot water. (wash) 4. My car now. (repair) 5. The next Friday. (send) 6. These rooms now. (clean) 7. This report in time if you don't support me. (not finish) 8. Why the TV? (turn on) 9. This building in the 1970's. (restore) 10. Bags in the restroom. (leave) 11. The engine always when the director sees it. (test) 12. The last shoes in the morning. (sell) 13. You to arrive so late if you worked for me. (not allow) 14. The test results in two weeks. (announce) 15. All the doors and windows at the moment. (paint) 102

12 Exercise Fill in the blanks with by or with. 1. The room was cleaned my mother. 2. A lot of golden bracelets have been stolen the thefts. 3. The tree will be cut down a saw. 4. This dictionary is often used our students. 5. He was hit in the eye a ball. 6. The meatball is often eaten a fork. Exercise Rewrite the sentences in passive. 1. They make these cars in Germany. 2. You throw litter in the street. 3. Someone broke our window last night. 4. They mended our car. 5. People need public transportation. 6. They will be decorating the house next weekend. 7. You will replace the window. 8. People spent much money on clothes this year. BUYING SOME VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ONE Stoll Holder : Next, please. A Woman : How much is a kilo of apples? Stoll Holder : It is 3 TL. A Woman : What is the origin of apples? They look nice. Stoll Holder : They were produced in Turkey. A Woman : How much is a kilo of pears? Stoll Holder : It is 4 TL. A Woman : How much is a bunch of parsley? Stoll Holder : It is 1 TL. A Woman : Can I have two kilos of apples, a kilo of pears, and a bunch of parsley, please? Stoll Holder : Yes, of course. A Woman : How much will they cost? Stoll Holder : That will be 11 TL. TWO Stoll Holder : How may I help you, madam? A Woman : How much are the lemons, the cucumbers, and the tomatoes? Stoll Holder : Lemons are 60 Kr. each, the cucumbers are 1.50 TL a kilo, and the tomatoes are 2 TL a kilo. A Woman : How much is a bunch of spring onions? Stoll Holder : It s 1 TL. All of my vegetables and fruits are picked daily. They are local and fresh. A Woman : Alright then. Can I have two lemons, a kilo of cucumbers, two kilos of tomatoes, and a bunch of spring onions, please? Stoll Holder : Here are bags. Help yourself. 103

13 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the following questions with the answers. ( ) 1- How much is a kilo of apples? ( ) 2- How much are the lemons? ( ) 3- Where were they produced? ( ) 4- How much is a bunch of parsley? A- It is 2 TL. B- They are 50 Kr. each C- They were produced in Turkey. D- They are 1 TL a bunch. The Selimiye was built by the chief imperial architect Sinan and the Selimiye is the peak of his career in architecture. The mosque was built in memory of the conquest of Cyprus. It was built in Edirne either because there was no suitable hilltop for the mosque in İstanbul or Selim had spent nine years of his life in Edirne. Sanbayır was chosen as the area for the mosque, it was overlooking the city. Sanbayır was covered with flower nurseries and most of them were growing tulips. A woman had a small tulip garden in this area but she didn t want to sell her land. She couldn t be persuaded by anybody to sell her land and she resisted official pressure. Eventually, the woman was taken to Sinan for agreement. After Sinan and the woman talked about the land, the woman was persuaded by Sinan, but she wanted something from him. She said you should make a sign here and that sign should symbolize my tulip garden. Sinan agreed and kept his word. An inverted tulip motif was carved on a pillar in the centre of the mosque. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Vocabulary Match the words with their definitions. 1. Chief 2. Conquest 3. Architect 4. Overlook 5. Peak 6. Inverted 7. Persuade 8. Carve 9. Nursery 10. Cover a) the highest point; zenith; acme b) highest in rank or authority c) to decorate or form (something) by cutting or chipping d) to change the normal position of something, especially by turning it upside down e) he/she designs buildings f) plants are grown there g) to spread over the surface of something h) to cause to believe; convince i) to take control of a country or city and its people by force j) to look over or at from a higher place 104

14 Exercise Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. The Selimiye was built by Sinan. 2. The mosque was built in Istanbul. 3. Selim had spent nine years of his life in Istanbul. 4. Sanbayır was chosen as the area because it was in the centre of the city. 5. Sanbayır was covered with trees. 6. The woman was not willing to sell her land. 7. The woman wasn t persuaded by Sinan. 8. A tulip motif was carved on a pillar in the centre of the mosque. 9. The tulip motif symbolizes the woman s tulip garden. Exercise Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. What is Sinan s best work in his career? 2. Why was the mosque built? 3. Why was the mosque built in Edirne? 4. Did the woman want to sell her land? 5. Was the woman persuaded by people? 6. Who persuaded the woman? 7. What did the woman want from Sinan? 8. Did Sinan accept the woman s will? 9. Why was a tulip motif carved on a pillar in the mosque? 10. What does the tulip motif symbolize? 105

15 UNIT 18 THEY WILL BE SHORTENED Giriş: Edilgen cümle kurabilmemiz için ilgili etken cümlemizin fiilinin mutlaka geçişli (nesne alan) olması gerekir. Bu ünitede de fiillerin edilgen yapıları üzerinde durulmaya devam edilecektir. Present Continuous (+): (?): (-): I am being visited now. He/she is being visited now. We/you/they are being visited now. Am I being visited now? Is he/she being visited now? Are you/we/they being visited now? I am not being visited now. He/she is not being visited now. We/you/they are not being visited now. Present Continuous Tense te edilgen yapı, içinde bulunduğumuz anda meydana gelen edilgen eylemlerden söz etmek için kullanılır. Husband: I m really hungry. Where is my soup? (Gerçekten çok açım. Çorbam nerede?) Wife: Wait a minute. It is being cooked now. (Bir dakika bekle. Şimdi pişiriliyor.) Present Perfect (+): (?): (-): I have been questioned He/she has been questioned You/we/they have been questioned Have I been questioned Has he/she been questioned? Have you/we/they been questioned? I have not been questioned He/she has not been questioned You/we/they have not been questioned Presen Perfect Tense te edilgen yapı, içinde bulunduğumuz ana kadar etkisini sürdüren ve önemini koruyan geçmiş eylem veya olaylardan söz etmek için kullanılır. My house has been sold this morning. (Evim bu sabah satıldı.) İki Nesneli Fiiller Türkçe de olduğu gibi, İngilizce de de iki nesneye ihtiyaç duyan fiiller bulunmaktadır. Bu fiillerle iki şekilde edilgen cümle kurulabilir. I gave Ahmet a birthday present. VEYA I gave a birthday present to Ahmet. ( Ben Ahmet e bir doğum günü hediyesi verdim.) (Ben doğum günü hediyesini Ahmet e verdim.) Bu cümlelerin iki olası edilgen şekilleri vardır. Ahmet was given a birthday present. VEYA A birthday present was given to Ahmet. (Ahmet e bir doğum günü hediyesi verildi.) (Bir doğum günü hediyesi Ahmet e verildi.) 106

16 Edilgen Cümlelerde by Yapısının Kullanımı Edilgen cümlelerde daha çok eylem veya olayın kendisiyle ilgileniriz. Eğer eylemin veya olayın kim/ne tarafından gerçekleştirildiğini söylemek istersek by yapısını kullanırız. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. (Telefon Alexander Graham Bell tarafından icat edildi.) The stolen car was found by the police last night. (Çalınmış araba polis tarafından geçen gece bulundu.) My car will be repaired by my friend next week. (Arabam gelecek hafta arkadaşım tarafından tamir edilecek.) A new documentary is being prepared for television by our company. (Şirketimiz tarafından televizyon için yeni bir belgesel hazırlanıyor.) EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Write the passive forms of the sentences. 1. Kerem has paid the bill at the restaurant. 2. I have eaten an egg-sandwich and olives. 3. We have driven five kilometres. 4. I have opened her birthday present for me. 5. They have not read the book yet. 6. You have not sent the letter. 7. I have not agreed to this issue of taxes. 8. They have not caught the burglars. 9. Has she phoned him? 10. Have they noticed us? Exercise Write the passive forms of the sentences. 1. Dudu is drinking lemonade. 2. My father is repairing the motorbike. 3. Peasants are milking the cows. 4. The journalist is taking a picture of the president. 5. I am writing a short story. 6. We are not playing computer game. 7. Is she preparing the breakfast? 8. Are the students talking about the meeting? 107

17 Exercise Write the sentences in passive in two forms. 1. They bought me a wonderful birthday present. a) b) 2. Bestami asked Tuğba a question. a) c) 3. My family bought me this house last year. a) b) 4. She gives him a parcel. a) b) 5. I will send her an . a) b) 6. The waiter brought Caner Shish Kebab. a) b) 7. The teacher taught us English. a) b) BUYING TROUSERS 108 Assistant : You look nice, they suit you very well. A Man : I like these trousers but I don t like the colour. Assistant : What colour do you want? A Man : Have you got them in brown? Assistant : Hold on a minute, I will check. A Man : Have you found them in brown? Assistant : Yes, you are lucky today. Here they are. A Man : That s great, but they are too long for me. Assistant : No problem, I will measure your length and send them to our tailor. They will be shortened for you. A Man : Am I supposed to pay for it? Assistant : No. It is free. You don t have to pay for it. It has always been paid by our company since we opened. A Man : OK. That s lovely. Thanks.

18 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the following questions with the answers. ( ) 1- They will be for you. ( ) 2- It has been always by our company. ( ) 3- It free. ( ) 4- Have you got them brown? A- shortened B- in C- paid D- is DR. JAMES BARRY ( ) Dr. James Barry was known as one of the best surgeons of his time; he served in British Army and travelled to lots of countries. However Dr. Barry had a secret and he kept it during his life. The truth was quite different because Dr. Barry was not her real name and in fact, the doctor was a woman. James Barry was her uncle s name. Her real name was Margaret Ann Bulkley and she was born in London in While she was going to school, women were not permitted to enter medical school so they made a plan and they decided that she would pretend to be a man. She was accepted by the University of Edinburgh and became a medical student at that university in She was mocked by her friends at university because she did not look like a man. She did not have a beard or moustache and she was short. However her friends never thought that she was a girl. After she graduated from university, she went to London and studied surgery there. In 1803 she joined the army and became a successful surgeon. After she joined the army, she went to many colonies such as Jamaica, Malta, and India. She was known as the best surgeon. She tried to raise the medical standards at hospitals. She had some strict rules, so some people did not like her very much. But everybody accepted her success in surgery. The doctor also had some strange behaviour. She shared rooms with male officers but she never dressed when they were in the room. They couldn t understand the reason for this behaviour. Dr. Barry was assigned to Canada as Inspector General in She worked there for two years and then she became ill and went back to London in She died in London in When she died, it was discovered that she was a woman. She was not announced by the army as a woman and she was buried as a man, Dr. Barry. 109

19 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Vocabulary Match the words with their definitions. 1. strict 2. truth 3. pretend 4. accept 5. discover 6. join 7. bury 8. strange 9. permit 10. surgeon 11. raise 12. share 13. mock 14. graduate a) To place a dead body in grave b) To move to a higher level c) To become a member of a group d) To make fun(of) e) Different, unusual f) To find something new g) A doctor ( he performs operations) h) To finish school, university... i) Reality, facts j) disciplined k) To act, represent fictitiously l) To say yes to an offer m) To allow someone to do something n) To have or use something with others Exercise Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. Dr. Barry was a successful surgeon. 2. In reality James Barry was Margaret s uncle. 3. While she was a student, women could go to medical school. 4. University of Edinburgh accepted Margaret as a student. 5. Her friends at university made fun of her because she was not like a man. 6. She joined the army before she graduated from the university. 7. Everybody liked Dr. Barry. 8. The doctor went back from Canada because he did not like it. 9. Before her death it was not known that she was a woman. 10. The Army didn t see her as a woman. Exercise Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. What was Dr. Barry s secret? 2. Who was James Barry in reality? 3. Why did she pretend to be a man? 4. Did she look like a man? 5. Why did she go to London after she graduated from the university? 6. When did she join the army? 7. Was she a strict doctor? 8. What was her strange behaviour? 9. When was her secret out? 10. Why did she go back to London after Canada? 110

20 UNIT 19 IF I WERE YOU I WOULD TAKE THAT ONE Giriş: Koşul/şart cümleleri, birbirine bağlı olan olayları (yani birinin olması, diğerinin olması şartına bağlıysa) ifade etmek için kullanılır. Şart cümleleri iki cümleden oluşur. Birisi if (eğer) kelimesiyle başlayan cümledir ki buna if clause (if cümlesi) denir. Diğeri ise if cümlesine bağlı olan cümledir. Buna ise main clause (ana cümle) denir. Cümleye if clause ya da main clause ile başlanabilir. Eğer cümleye if clause ile başlanırsa, if clause ile main clause arasına virgül konur. Diğer kullanım şeklinde ise virgüle gerek yoktur. Conditional Clauses (Koşul Cümleleri) İngilizce dilbilgisinde Conditional Clauses veya If Clause olarak adlandırılan Koşul Cümleleri, ana cümledeki (main clause) iş-oluş-eylemin gerçekleşmesinin veya gerçekleşmemesinin, yan cümledeki (subordinate clause) koşula bağlı olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır. Bu dilbilgisi yapısının özünü oluşturan ifade, koşul durumunu belirten ve Türkçe de eğer, şayet anlamına gelen if yapısıdır. Look! If I need you, I will call you. (Bak! Eğer sana ihtiyacım olursa, seni arayacağım.) Look! I will call you if I need you. (Bak! Eğer sana ihtiyacım olursa, seni arayacağım.) Koşul cümlesi olumlu veya olumsuz olabilirken, ana cümle olumlu, olumsuz, soru veya emir cümlesi olabilir. If I learn his address, I will tell you. (Eğer onun adresini öğrenirsem, sana söyleyeceğim.) If their boss doesn t give permission to them, they cannot go on holiday this summer. (Eğer patronları izin vermezse, bu yıl tatile gidemeyecekler.) If you need any help, what will you do? (Eğer yardıma ihtiyacın olursa, ne yapacaksın?) If you need any help, let me know. (Eğer yardıma ihtiyacın olursa, bana haber ver.) If you need any help, please don t call anybody, but me. (Eğer yardıma ihtiyacın olursa, benden başka hiç kimseyi arama!) Anlam açısından bakıldığında, İngilizce de koşul cümleleri dört temel bölüme ayrılır. a) Conditional Clauses: Type 0 Bilimsel gerçekleri, doğal olayları, rutin işleri, alışkanlıkları anlatır. Örn.; If you heat water, it boils. (Eğer suyu ısıtırsan, o kaynar.) b) Conditional Clauses: Type 1 Koşula bağlı olarak şu an veya gelecekte gerçekleşmesi veya gerçekleşmemesi muhtemel olacak/olabilecek iş-oluş-eylemleri anlatır. Örn.; If you lend me your dictionary, I will be very happy. (Eğer bana sözlüğünü ödünç verirsen, çok mutlu olurum.) 111

21 c) Conditional Clauses: Type 2 Şu an gerçekleşmesi mümkün olan/olmayan iş, oluş ve eylemleri anlatır. Örn.; If I were you, I would be here. (Ben senin yerinde olsam, burada olurdum.) d) Conditional Clauses: Type 3 Geçmişe ait durumları anlatır. Örn.; If I had studied quite hard, I would have won a better programme. (Eğer çok çalışmış olsaydım, daha iyi bir yeri kazanırdım.) Her bir temel bölümün kendine ait bir zaman yapısı (tense) vardır; If Clause, Main Clause Conditional Clauses: Type 0 Present Simple Tense + Present Simple Tense Present Modals Örn.: If you heat water at 100 C, it evaporates. (Eğer suyu 100 C de ısıtırsan, o buharlaşır.) If you heat oil, it blows. (Eğer petrolü ısıtırsan, o patlar.) If you freeze water below zero, it turns into ice. (Eğer suyu sıfırın altında dondurursan, o buza dönüşür.) If you listen to music loudly with earphones, your ears get injured. (Eğer kulaklıklarla yüksek sesle müzik dinlersen, kulakların zarar görebilir.) If I wake up early at the weekend, I never get up and get out of the bed. (Eğer haftasonu erken uyanırsam, asla yataktan kalkmam.) Önemli Not: Bu dilbilgisi yapısında, if li bölümde herhangi bir modal (kip) pek kullanılmaz. Modal (kip) yapıları daha çok ana cümlede kullanılır. Conditional Clauses: Type 1 Present Simple Tense + Future Tense, will/will not (won t) can/may (not) Örn.: If you call me, I will bring some sandwiches. If someone asks me, let me know. If you need me, I can help you. If I find your keys, I will let you know. If you take more regular exercise, you will be absolutely successful. If you don t hurry, we won t catch the coach. 112 Conditional Clauses: Type 2 Örn.: Conditional Clauses: Type 3 Örn.: Past Simple Tense + would (not) + verb could (not) might (not) If I went abroad, I would go to London. If I were you, I wouldn t do that. If I had time, I would help you now. If you studied your lessons quite much, you could be very successful. If we had chance to go abroad now, we might go to California. Past Perfect Tense + would (not) have v3 could (not) have v3 might (not) have v3 If I had earned much money, I would have bought a house. If I had bought a house, I would have lived in it. If Hakan had arrived here on time, we wouldn t have missed our flight to New York. If Nisa and Caner had been to London before, they would have known the British Museum.

22 EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Fill in the blanks according to If- Clauses Type If the students late again, the lecturers will be furious. (to arrive) 2. What will you do if you for your exams. (to revise) 3. We out if it doesn t rain tomorrow. (to go) 4. You'll be really energetic tomorrow if you to bed soon. (to go) 5. If the bus on time, I won't miss the match on TV. (to be) 6. If you your homework now, you'll feel relaxed. (to do) 7. You'll be happy if you more often. (to smile) 8. If it's very hot, we for a picnic. (to go) 9. You'll learn English better if you more time on it. (to take) 10. If she going to the gym, she'll lose weight. (to keep) 11. My family will be very upset if you to phone them. (to forget) 12. I very happy if I graduate from the university. (to be) 13. If you fashionalbe clothes, they will notice you. (to wear) Exercise Fill in the blanks according to If- Clauses Type If we (have) a car, we (visit) wonderful places in Turkey. 2. If he (have) more time and opportunities, he (learn) German. 3. If they (tell) lie about the burglary, the police (be) very angry. 4. She (spend) less money on this skirt if it (be) a bargain. 5. We (help) you if we (know) your problem. 6. I (buy) a beautiful villa if I (have) money. 7. If I (feel) better, I (go) out with you. 8. If you (go) to England more often, your English (be) better. Exercise Fill in the blanks according to If- Clauses Type If I (study) for the English test, I (pass) it. 2. If you (call) me for help, I (help) you. 3. If we (go) to the theatre, we (spend) wonderful time. 4. If you (speak) English slowly, they (understand) you clearly. 5. If they (listen) to me carefully before the exam, they (be) much more successful. 6. I (send) you an if I (have) your address. 7. If you (not / break) my heart, I (take part) in your party. 8. If it (not/ start) to rain, we (walk) to the wonder land. 9. We (play) beach volley if there (not / be) so many children on the beach. 10. If she (take) a taxi, she (arrive) on time. 113

23 AT AN ELECTRONIC SHOP Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant A Woman Assistant : Hello, can I help you? : I would like to buy a laptop. What brands do you have? : We have all main brands. : OK. How much is that? : Which one? : The smaller one. : How would you like to pay? : I can pay in cash or by credit card. : If you pay by credit card, the price will be 899 TL. : What if I pay in cash? : If you pay in cash, I will give you 10% discount. That is, the price will be 810 TL. : Can you sell it for 800 TL. : OK. I will. : Is it under guarantee? : Yes, it is under guarantee of two years. If I were you I would take that bigger one, because it is same price but it is under guarantee with four years. : No, I will take the smaller one. : You are lucky today. If you had come two days ago, you would have paid 400 TL more for that laptop. It was 1199 TL. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the following questions with the answers. ( ) 1- If you pay in cash, I give you 10% discount. ( ) 2- If I you I would take that bigger one. ( ) 3- If you come two days ago, you would have paid 400 TL more. ( ) 4- If you by credit card, the price will be 899 TL. A- had B- will C- pay D- were SHAPES AND CHARACTERS People have different types of faces, and the shape of a person s face is very important for the Chinese because the shape of the face shows your general character. According to them, there are eight types of face and they all have different features: 1. If you have a round face you are very intelligent and you are confident. People with round faces usually live long. 2. Diamond is another shape of face. Usually famous movie stars have diamond faces. According to the Chinese you will be lucky if you meet someone with a diamond face before you go to a meeting. These people are usually lucky people. 3. If you have a rectangular face you are intelligent and creative. They are also hardworking and reliable people. The most important thing for them is their work. 114

24 4. Square faces are usually generous and honest. The most important thing for them is their friends. Square faces are lucky and live long. 5. People with wide forehead and a pointed chin are lively and intelligent. If you have such a face you can be depressed easily. 6. If you have a wide jaw and narrow forehead you will get many things such as money, strength, etc. during your life. 7. People with wide foreheads and square chins usually like to attract attention. They usually live long. 8. If you have wide foreheads and high cheekbones you have a strong character. These people are also very energetic. Of course these are the ideas of the Chinese. They were not confirmed scientifically. So you may have problems if you evaluate people only with these ideas. Conversation is the best way of understanding people. If you talk to people you will understand them much better. EVALUATION QUESTIONS Exercise Match the words with the shapes. a) rectangular b)square c)triangle d)pentagon e) diamond f) round Exercise Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. If you have a round face you don t live long. 2. If someone has a rectangular face you shouldn t trust him/her. 3. If you have a square face, friends are very important for you. 4. People with wide foreheads, and square chins never live long. 5. If you talk to people you can understand them better. 6. If you are only interested in shape of people s face you might have problems. Exercise Fill in the blanks with the following words. evaluated conversation according to confirm depressed 1. The president didn t the news about the economy. 2. Everybody watched their on TV. 3. the Chinese, shapes of faces have different meanings. 4. They the problem but couldn t find a solution. 5. He has many problems these days. He is. 115

25 Exercise Match the words with their definitions. 1. Dependent 2. Disappear 3. Communicate 4. Effectively 5. Boring 6. Reach 7. Search engine a) Efficiently, successfully b) A computer programme. It searches documents or files on the Internet. c) He/she needs others help. d) Uninteresting e) To get access f) To become lost or invisible, go away, vanish g) To be connected with others A LIFE WITHOUT INTERNET Today the Internet is a very important part of our life. We do most of our jobs with the help of the Internet. Although it hasn t got a very long history, people today are very dependent on the Internet and they often need it very much. But what would happen if the Internet disappeared? There are many possible answers to this question. If we didn t have the Internet everything would be much harder in life. For example, we couldn t communicate so effectively because we couldn t send, receive s and talk to our friends using some software. Life would be very boring if we didn t watch videos on Youtube, share pictures, and videos on Facebook. Besides, we couldn t reach information so easily because we can learn almost about everything with search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Lycos, etc. In short, the Internet has a lot of advantages and a lot of disadvantages but it helps us in many parts of our life. It makes many things easy and life wouldn t be very easy if we lost it. Exercise Reading Comprehension Answer the following questions according to the passage. True or False?(T/F) 1. According to the passage life would be very boring without the Internet. 2. We can share videos on Facebook. 3. The Internet has only advantages. 4. The Internet makes our life more difficult. 5. We can learn lots of things from the Internet. 6. The Internet provides a better communication. 7. Many people don t use the Internet. 116

26 UNIT 20 I WISH HE WOULD RETURN VERY SOON Giriş: İstek cümleleri gerçek dışı durumları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Örneğin, bir ürün satın almak istiyorsunuz ve paranız yok. Bu durumda "Keşke param olsa" gibi bir ifade kullanmak isterseniz "I wish" ifadesini kullanabilirsiniz. (I wish I had some money.) "Wish" kelimesini bu anlamı ile kullanırken cümlenin zaman yapısına dikkat etmek gerekmektedir. Wish Clauses (İstek Cümlesi) İngilizce dilbilgisinde Wish Clause olarak adlandırılan İstek Cümleleri, içinde bulunduğumuz anda gerçekleşmek isteyip de gerçekleştiremediğimiz eylemleri ve oluşları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Wish fiilini, istemek, dilemek, arzu etmek anlamlarında kullanacağımız zaman bir fiil ile birlikte kullanmamız gerekmektedir. Örn.; I wish to see the manager as soon as possible. (Müdürü mümkün olduğunca kısa sürede görmeyi istiyorum/arzuluyorum.) My brother Hakan wishes to buy a new-model car. (Kardeşim Hakan yeni model bir araba almayı istiyor/arzuluyor.) Tanrıöver family wishes to move into a new house with a garage. (Tanrıöver ailesi garajı olan yeni bir eve taşınmak istiyor/arzuluyor.) İsteğimizi bir başkası aracılığıyla gerçekleştirmek istersek wish yapısının hemen ardından nesnemizi (özel bir isim veya şahıs zamiri) getiririz. Örn.; I wish you good luck in the exam. (Sınavında sana bol şans diliyorum.) My brother Hakan wishes me swift recovery. (Kardeşim Hakan bana acil şifalar diliyor.) Tanrıöver family wishes them a worry-free journey. (Tanrıöver ailesi onlara iyi yolculuklar diliyor.) I wish... yapısı ile kullanılan isim cümlelerini Geniş Zaman veya Gelecek Zaman cümleleri yapısında kullanamayız. Bu cümleler Geniş Zaman Present Simple Tense ifadeleri için Geçmiş Zaman Simple Past Tense ; Gelecek Zaman Future Tense ifadeleri için ise kiplerin ikinci halleri kullanılarak yapılır. I wish... yapısı ile kullanılan Geçmiş Zaman cümleleri de -miş li geçmiş zaman (geçmişin geçmişi) diye ifade edebileceğimiz Past Perfect Tense yapısında kullanılır. Örn.; do => did am/is/are => was/were can => could have/has done => had done You are a quite lucky guy. I wish I were you now. (Keşke şu an senin yerinde olsam.) I can see that your assignment is quite difficult. I wish I could help you. (Keşke sana yardımcı olabilsem.) Unfortunately, I can t buy her a beautiful gift. I wish I had enough money to buy it. (Keşke onu alabilmek için yeterli param olsa.) 117


UNIT 15 CAN I SEND A LETTER? UNIT 15 CAN I SEND A LETTER? Giriş: Modal ; Türkçe de kip olarak adlandırılabilir ve bu kelime grubu İngilizce de önemli bir rol oynar. Kipler fiile meli/-malı, -ebilmek gibi anlamlar katar. Bu yardımcı


5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Part 2 Ünite 12 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA PART 2 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 4 12.1.1. Review of verb forms...


a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.)

a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) He is having an exam on Wednesday. (Çarşamba günü sınav oluyor-olacak.) Mary is spending


I WOULD come to the party but... You He,She,It We They

I WOULD come to the party but... You He,She,It We They İsteklilik (willingness), kararlılık (determination), istek (request) ikram - teklif (offer), red (refusal) ve geçmişte alışkanlık (habit in the past) ifade eder. A WILLINGNESS - DETERMINATION (isteklilik


a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır.

a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Olumlu cümle I must go: Gitmeliyim. (Ben böyle istemiyorum) He must



Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. We can t go out today it s raining


Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?)

Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?) Birinci tekil ve çoğul şahıs zamirleriyle (I-WE) kullanılır. Gelecek zamanın yardımcı fiili olmasının yanısıra, MODAL yardımcı olarak fikir sorma veya teklif ifade eder. Ayrıca kesin kararlılık, tehdit


Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog)

Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog) Going Home 02: At a Duty-free Shop Hi! How are you today? Today s lesson is about At a Duty-free Shop. Let s make learning English fun! Eve Dönüş 02: Duty-free Satış Mağazasında Exercise 1 Vocabulary and


1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend.

1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend. 1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is 1. This is girlfriend. a. hers b. to him c. of her d. his 1. There are people


Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU

Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU Listmania Ünite 12 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 3 12.2. REVIEW OF VERB FORMS... 3 12.3. VOCABULARY


Üyelerimizi; "anlıyorum konuşamıyorum", "konuşabiliyorum", "akıcı konuşabiliyorum" şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz.

Üyelerimizi; anlıyorum konuşamıyorum, konuşabiliyorum, akıcı konuşabiliyorum şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz. English Spoken Cafe sosyal bir ortamda, ana dilini konuşan yabancı ekip arkadaşlarımız eşliğinde konuşarak, İngilizcenizi yurt dışında yaşıyormuş gibi geliştirebileceğiniz ve İngilizce öğretmenleri tarafından


ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com

ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com ATA - AÖF AÇIK ÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ VİZE SORULARI YABANCI DİL l Sipariş ve Bilgi İçin : ZAFER FOTOKOPİ SINAVINIZDA BAŞARILAR DİLER. 0.332 353 78 75 Rampalı Çarşı 1 Kat No: 135 Meram/KONYA www.zaferfotokopi.com


WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref

WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref WOULD FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be She hoped (that) we would com I thought that he would ref WILLINGNESS (gönüllülük) She would not The car would not POLITE



İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ State Of The Art Part I Ünite 8 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ 1 Ünite 8 STATE OF THE ART PART I Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ İçindekiler 8.1. BE GOING TO... 3 8.1.1. FUNCTIONS


STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri)

STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) We use it to express a future decision, intention, or plan made before the moment of speaking (Konuşma anından daha önce düşünülmüş kararlar,





1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken:

1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken: Nerelerde Kullanılır: 1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken: My father is going to buy me a bike. (Babam bana bisiklet alacak.) The teachers are



ÜNİTE İNGİLİZCE - I İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER THEY HAD LEFT BEFORE I WOKE UP THEY HAD LEFT BEFORE I WOKE UP İÇİNDEKİLER Dilbilgisi: Past Perfect Dinleme & Konuşma: Geçmiş Bir Zamandan Daha Önce Olan Bir Olay hakkında Konuşma Okuma: Üniversitede Zor Günler III İNGİLİZCE - I HEDEFLER


Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Ders 33: Yakın gelecekten bahsederken be going to, be + verb~ing kalıplarının soru zamiri formları Reading (Okuma)


SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz.

SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. SBS PRACTICE TEST 2 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. 3. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcükleri seçiniz I am your true friend Mehmet. A true friend



8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 1., 2. ve 3. sorularda verilen kelimelerden hangisi anlam bakımından diğerlerinden farklıdır? TEST - 1 (2011-2012) 6., 7. ve 8. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen


Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad):

Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad): Gelecek zamanın (Future Tense) yardımcı fiili olarak kullanılmasının yanısıra Modal Yardımcı olarak İSTEKLİLİK (WILLINGNESS), PROMISE (Vaad) POLITE REQUEST AND OFFER (Kibar istek ve ikram), STRONG DETERMINATION


can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için

can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için Can, could, would like to, may. a) can: e bilir, a bilir. can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için kullanırız. Olumlu cümle (can olumlu) cümlede yetenek bildirir. I can speak



TEOG 1. MERKEZİ ORTAK SINAVLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ BENZER SORULARI TEOG SINAV SORUSU-1 UNIT 2 SINIF İÇİ TARAMA TESTİ Diyalogu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir? Henry: That's my money.i don t want to give it to you. Martin:...! Don t be so stingy. Diyalogda boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan


1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of

1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of lots of a great deal of plenty of çok, bir çok many much çok, bir çok a little little az, biraz a few few az, birkaç 1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of ( en yaygın olanıdır ), lots of, plenty


My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü

My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü EMTRAS [Turkish] My Headteacher is Okul müdürüm My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm My Form Tutor is Sınıf öğretmenim My Form is Sınıfım P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü I must bring in a T-shirt, shorts


İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir:

İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: Informal Greetings (Gayri Resmi selamlaşmalar) - Hi. (Merhaba) -Hello. (Merhaba)


Şimdi de kesin bir zorunluluğun bulunmadığını ifade eden cümlelere örnekler verelim:

Şimdi de kesin bir zorunluluğun bulunmadığını ifade eden cümlelere örnekler verelim: 1 You mustn't smoke here. It's dangerous. (Burada sigara içmeniz yasaktır. Tehlikelidir.) 2 We mustn't park our car here. There's no-parking sign. (Arabanızı buraya park etmemiz yasak. Park edilmez işareti


1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around. 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d.

1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around. 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d. 1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d. for 1. I am taking some books. a. hers b. her c. to her d. she 1. bottle





CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney CALUM SAILS AWAY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474 23


function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); }

function get_style114 () { return none; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } Wish sözcük anlamı olarak istemek, dilemek anlamı taşımaktadır.cümlenin



8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 1., 2. ve 3. sorularda aşağıda verilen kelimelerden hangisi anlam bakımından diğerlerinden farklıdır? 1. A) rude B) trustworthy C) generous D) supportive TEST - 2 (2011-2012)


Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler

Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler Reading (Okuma) He can cook almost any dish. (Neredeyse her yemeği pişirebilir.) You must solve your problems. (Sorunlarını çözmen gerekir.) He could be


Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought

Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought SBS PRACTICE TEST 6 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. I was shopping officer. What were you doing he stole your bag? 1. Mustafa Kemal


Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not

Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Reading (Okuma) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Umuyorum bir gün beni ziyaret edeceksin ) I think your sister will like that cellphone. ( Bence kız


THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474





He eats meat. She eats meat. It eats meat.

He eats meat. She eats meat. It eats meat. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (GENİŞ ZAMAN) Simple Present Tense Türkçedeki Geniş Zaman a karşılık gelir. Simple Present Tense kullanımı olumlu, olumsuz cümlelerde ve soru cümlelerinde aşağıdaki gibidir: OLUMLU


Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock.

Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. diyalogda boş bırakılan yere 1 uygun düşen seçeneği işaretleyiniz. seçeneklerden hangisi verilen 5 cümle ile aynı anlamı taşımaktadır? What time is it? =... A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. A)


İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! 1 Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri 2 How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? 3 8.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı ve Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 4 TOO


Genellikle onlar bahçede mı? Onlar şimdi bahçede mı? Yazın bir otelde kalır mısın? O her gün evde mı? Ödev zor mu? Ben yiyorum çünkü açım.

Genellikle onlar bahçede mı? Onlar şimdi bahçede mı? Yazın bir otelde kalır mısın? O her gün evde mı? Ödev zor mu? Ben yiyorum çünkü açım. Oda genellikle dağınık ve oda şimdi dağınık. Genellikle onlar bahçede mı? Onlar şimdi bahçede mı? O otobüste. O sabahları otobüs ile işe gider. Ben akşamları İngilizce çalışmam. Yazın bir otelde kalır


MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1

MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1 MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1 1. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcüğü seçiniz 3. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. We have got flowers


Lesson 23: How. Ders 23: Nasıl

Lesson 23: How. Ders 23: Nasıl Lesson 23: How Ders 23: Nasıl Reading (Okuma) How are you? (Nasılsın?) How are your parents? (Ailen nasıl?) How was the interview? (Görüşme nasıldı?) How is your work? (İşin nasıl?) How do you go to school?


Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Reading (Okuma) I was born in 2000. ( 2000 de doğdum) We work in the garden in


SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir?

SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir? SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir? 4. Düşünce balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcüğü seçiniz. You are not a hardworking student, Mike! Jeff is a/an friend.


İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları

İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları 5. SINIF My Daily Routine 1. 3. UNIT-1 TEST-1 do you go to school? At 8.30 Sevgi Ýlhan Saati ifade eden seçenek aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Where B) Who C) What time D) What 4. A) It's one o'clock.


Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Reading (Okuma) Will it be sunny tomorrow? (Yarın güneşli mi olacak?) Will you lend her the car? (Arabayı ödünç verecek misin?)


DENEME SINAVLARI. www.dilkoyayincilik.com

DENEME SINAVLARI. www.dilkoyayincilik.com DENEME SINAVLARI Tüm hakkı saklıdır. 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yayıncının yazılı izni olmaksızın bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı elektronik ortam dahil kopya


be (= am / is / are) able to

be (= am / is / are) able to Modal be (= am / is / are) able to "Bir şeyi yapabilmek" anlamını taşır. I am able to run a mile. Ben bir mil koşabilirim. They will be able to complete the project on time She was able to say a few words.



A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION 1. Çeviri Metni - 9 Ekim 2014 A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION Why is English such an important language today? There are several reasons. Why: Neden, niçin Such: gibi Important: Önemli Language:





18- UNİTE 1 1- 11- 12- 19- 13- 20- 21- 14- 15- 22- 16- 23- 24- 17- 10-

18- UNİTE 1 1- 11- 12- 19- 13- 20- 21- 14- 15- 22- 16- 23- 24- 17- 10- UNİTE 1 1-2- 3-4- 5-6- 7-8- 9-10- 11-12- 13-14- 15-16- 17-18- 19-20- 21-22- 23-24- 40-41- 42-43- 44-45- 46-25- 26-27- 28-29- 30-31- 32-33- 34-35- 36-37- 38-39- 47-48- 49-50- 51-52- 53-54- 55-56- 57-58-


Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim

Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim Lesson 21: Who Ders 21: Kim Reading (Okuma) Who are your friends? (Arkadaşların kimler?) Who is your new boss? (Yeni patronun kim?) Who is your English teacher? (İngilizce öğretmenin kim?) Who was the


Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Lesson 63: Reported speech Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Reading (Okuma) He told me that he would come. (Bana geleceğini söyledi.) She said that she would be fine. (İyi olacağını söyledi.) He promised that


The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year

The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year ! ÜN TE III KONULAR The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year : gelecek y l, next month: gelecek


Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak

Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak Lesson 42: have to, don t have to Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak Reading (Okuma) We have to go to school tomorrow. ( Yarın okula gitmeliyiz. ) I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow. ( Yarın sabah 5



SBS PRACTICE TEST 3. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 3* SBS PRACTICE TEST 3 1. Konuşma balonunda sorulan soruya karşılık resme göre verilebilecek doğru yanıt hangi seçenektedir? What s Bob doing now? 3. Verilen cümledeki boşluğa tamamlayan ifadeyi seçeneklerden


1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read. 1. He will study.

1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read. 1. He will study. 1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read 1. He will study. a. until I will come back. b. when I came back. c. when I will come back. d. until I


Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım.

Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Let s, Shall we, why don t Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Yes, let s. Evet haydi oynayalım. No, let s not. Hayır, oynamayalım.



YABANCI DİL 1 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ A Real Achievement Ünite 9 Ortak Dersler YABANCI DİL 1 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 9 A REAL ACHIEVEMENT Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 9.1. SPORTS AND PASTIMES... 3 9.2. CAN-CAN T... 5 9.2.1. Uses of



İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ Hungry Planet Part 2 Ünite 6 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ 1 Ünite 6 HUNGRY PLANET PART 2 Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ İçindekiler 6.1. QUANTIFIERS (MIKTAR BELIRTEN KELIMELER)...


Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden Lesson 22: Why Ders 22: Neden Reading (Okuma) Why are you tired? (Neden yorgunsun?) Why is your boss angry? (Patronun neden sinirli?) Why was he late? (Neden geç kaldı?) Why did she go there? (Neden oraya


at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a

at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a at İngilizcede zaman edatı olarak saatlerle birlikte kullanılır. - I will see you at 4:15. Seninle saat 4:15'de görüşeceğim. - The plane leaves at six. Uçak saat 6'da


Ünite 6. Hungry Planet II. Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE. Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN

Ünite 6. Hungry Planet II. Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE. Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN Hungry Planet II Ünite 6 Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN 1 Ünite 6 HUNGRY PLANET II Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN İçindekiler 6.1. QUANTIFIERS (MIKTAR BELIRTEN KELIMELER)... 3 6.1.1.


«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek»

«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» «Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» Soru sormak için kullanılan kalıplar. Önemli soru kelimeleri. Sorulan sorulara cevap vermek için kullanabileceğin kalıplar. Anlık kararlar ve öneriler için sık kullanılan



NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 6 UNIT 6 A There Is / There Are 2 B Countable and Uncountable Nouns 3 C How Much / How Many 5 D Some / Any / A Few / A Little / A Lot Of 6 Yabancı Dil 1 WEEK 10 & WEEK 11 2015, Tekirdağ UNIT 6 A) THERE IS


Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her

Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her Lesson 58 : everything, anything each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey Her biri, her Reading (Okuma) Is everything okay? (Her şey yolunda mı?) Don t worry, everything will be fine. (Endişelenme,



SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NEVSEHIR HACI BEKTAS VELI UNIVERSITY ERASMUS EXAM THIRD SECTION NEVSEHIR HACI BEKTAS VELI UNIVERSITY ERASMUS EXAM THIRD SECTION 2018-2019 Değerli Öğrenciler, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu tarafından hazırlanan Erasmus Sınavının Üçüncü Basamağına (Konuşma) katılmaktasınız.


Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden Lesson 22: Why Ders 22: Neden Reading (Okuma) Why are you tired? (Neden yorgunsun?) Why is your boss angry? (Patronun neden sinirli?) Why was he late? (Neden geç kaldı?) Why did she go there? (Neden oraya



İNGİLİZCE SORU CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE SORU CÜMLELERİ What are you cooking, Fatma Hanım? What is it, Mrs. Miller? What do you want? What is his name? What have you in your basket? What can I do for you? What is the meaning of Topkapı


Ünite 11. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

Ünite 11. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Ünite 11 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 11 LISTMANIA Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 11.1. DREAMS AND AMBITIONS (HAYALLER VE İSTEKLER)... 3 11.2. COMMON VERBS AND COLLOCATIONS


Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not

Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not Lesson 41: may, might, might not Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not Reading (Okuma) You may have a seat. ( Oturabilirsin. ) May I borrow your book? ( Kitabını ödünç alabilir miyim?) The taxi fee may be





Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Ders 40: gereklilik(olumlu), gereklilik(olumsuz), tavsiye edilen gereklilik(olumsuz)

Lesson 40: must, must not, should not. Ders 40: gereklilik(olumlu), gereklilik(olumsuz), tavsiye edilen gereklilik(olumsuz) Lesson 40: must, must not, should not Ders 40: gereklilik(olumlu), gereklilik(olumsuz), tavsiye edilen gereklilik(olumsuz) Reading (Okuma) You must answer all the questions. ( Tüm sorulara cevap vermelisin.





Lesson 45: -er, more, less Ders 45: -er, more, less

Lesson 45: -er, more, less Ders 45: -er, more, less Lesson 45: -er, more, less Ders 45: -er, more, less Reading (Okuma) Jason is more active than Kevin in the class. ( Jason sınıfta Kevin den daha aktif.) This cellphone is cheap, but that one is cheaper.





NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 1. A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5.

NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 1. A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5. UNIT 1 A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5 Yabancı Dil 1 WEEK 1 & WEEK 2 2015, Tekirdağ UNIT 1 A) SUBJECT PRONOUNS (KİŞİ ZAMİRLERİ) We use subject pronouns when the


Sports. A Real Achievement

Sports. A Real Achievement A Real Achievement Sports 2 Surfing: sörf Jogging: jogging Tennis: tenis Judo: judo Gymnastics: jimnastik Pilates: pilates Basketball: basketbol Golf: golf Climbing: dağcılık Football: futbol Horse riding:


Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma

Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Reading (Okuma) Walk on this road. (Bu yoldan yürü.) Write an email to me. (Bana bir e-posta yaz.) Dance on the stage! (Sahnede dans et!) Good night,


Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Lesson 67: Tag Questions Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Reading (Okuma) You will come with us, won t you? (Sen bizimle geleceksin, değil mi? ) The water is cold, isn t it? (Su soğuk, değil mi?) You really like


YABANCI DİL I Zorunlu 1 1 4

YABANCI DİL I Zorunlu 1 1 4 Ders Öğretim Planı Dersin Kodu Dersin Adı Dersin Türü Yıl Yarıyıl AKTS 200001212010 YABANCI DİL I Zorunlu 1 1 4 Dersin Seviyesi Lisans Dersin Amacı After attending the Foreign Language I, students will


Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur.

Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur. Bu derste Past Continuous Tense zamamnını öğreneceksiniz. Past Continuous Tense geçmişte sürekli olarak gerçekleşen olayları anlatmak için kullanılan bir zamandır. Past Continuous Tense yardımcı fiil olarak


One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık.

One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık. Lesson 12 One Crazy Story Turkish Tea Time turkishteatime.com Made with love. Ever have one of those nights? You know, the kind you can't wait to tell all your Turkish friends about the next day? Before


Bedava İngilizce Seviye Tespit Sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavımız

Bedava İngilizce Seviye Tespit Sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavı İngilizce seviye tespit sınavımız Bedava İngilizce Seviye Tespit Sınavı ile İngilizce Seviyenizi Öğrenin! İngilizce seviye tespit sınavı, sorulara vermiş olduğunuz cevaplara göre seviyenizi tespit etmenize yardımcı olmak üzere hazırlanmış



UNIT 4 MY DAILY ROUTINE BOOKLETS UNIT 4 MY DAILY ROUTINE BOOKLETS CygnusLanguage.com Brush teeth Comb hair See a movie 4 6 7 8 9 0 4 4 6 7 8 4 6 7 Do homework Go shopping Read a book Get on the bus Get dressed Go to bed Get up Wash hands


AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition)

AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) Hakan Cora Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri


1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the

1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the 1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the rank of ) 2. for/in/during/over/within (fidow) : last/past time olduğunda bu prepositionlar gelir. 3. Now that;


Present continous tense

Present continous tense Present continous tense This tense is mainly used for talking about what is happening now. In English, the verb would be changed by adding the suffix ing, and using it in conjunction with the correct form


bab.la Cümle Kalıpları: Kişisel Dilekler İngilizce-İngilizce

bab.la Cümle Kalıpları: Kişisel Dilekler İngilizce-İngilizce Dilekler : Evlilik Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world. Yeni evli bir çifti Congratulations


4. S n f. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla - dakilerden hangisidir? name is Engin. Konuflmay resme göre tamamlayan ifade afla dakilerden hangisidir?

4. S n f. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla - dakilerden hangisidir? name is Engin. Konuflmay resme göre tamamlayan ifade afla dakilerden hangisidir? NG L ZCE 4. S n f Adı - Soyadı:... Numarası:... Sınıfı:... TALKING ABOUT CLASSROOM RULES, GREETINGS, SUBJECT PRONOUNS Test 1 1. 5. Good night Ahmet. Good night Mehmet. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla


Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Ders 59: Olumsuz Evet-Hayır Soruları

Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Ders 59: Olumsuz Evet-Hayır Soruları Lesson 59: Negative yes-no Questions Ders 59: Olumsuz Evet-Hayır Soruları Reading (Okuma) Isn t James playing soccer this year? Aren t they coming to the party? (Partiye gelmiyorlar mı?) (James bu sene


Grade 6 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

Grade 6 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. SBS PRACTICE TEST 6* 1. Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. Hello. I am Cheng. I am from China.? Hello, Cheng. I am Nathalie. I am from France. A) Are you French? B)


Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde

Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde 52 Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde Reading (Okuma) Go straight on, and you will see the station. (Düz devam edin, istasyonu göreceksiniz.) Hurry up, and



TEOG 1. MERKEZİ ORTAK SINAVLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ BENZER SORULARI TEOG SINAV SORUSU-1 Aşağıda verilen diyaloğu tamamlayan ifade hangi seçenektedir? Sarah: Shall we go out and play in the snow? Paul: Yes, of course. A) I think it is a bad idea. B) I hate the snowy weather


a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü

a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü Possessive Endings In English, the possession of an object is described by adding an s at the end of the possessor word separated by an apostrophe. If we are talking about a pen belonging to Hakan we would


(Bu örnekte görüldüğü gibi aktive cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin öznesi konumuna geçmektedir.)

(Bu örnekte görüldüğü gibi aktive cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin öznesi konumuna geçmektedir.) Passive voice "edilgen" anlamındadır. Bir cümlenin Active kullanımında yüklemi yapan bellidir ve özne olarak adlandırılır. Passive kullanımında ise özne yüklemden etkilenir. Eylemi yapanın, yani öznenin



GENİŞ ZAMAN SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE GENİŞ ZAMAN SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Does he go to the theater? O tiyatroya gider mi? ÖRNEK CÜMLELER VE KALIPLAR Yes, he goes to the theater. Evet, o tiyatroya gider. Do you like swimming? Yüzmeyi sever misin?


Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır?

Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Hüseyin Demirtaş Dersimiz: o Argumentative Essay o Format o Thesis o Örnek yazı Military service Outline Many countries have a professional army yet there is compulsory
