UNIT THREE. (This house was built in 1900) Ç NDEK LER

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1 UNIT THREE (This house was built in 1900) Ç NDEK LER PASSIVE VOICE without an agent Using Passive Voice when it is not so important who or what did the action. ( fli kimin yapt ya da iflin yap lmas na neyin sebep oldu u önemli olmad zamanlarda edilgen yap kullan m.) PASSIVE VOICE with an agent Using "by" phrase in Passive Voice when expressing who did or what caused the action. ( flin kim taraf ndan yap ld ya da ifle neyin sebep oldu unu ifade eden edilgen yap larda "by" kullan m.)

2 NG L ZCE 2 BU ÜN TEN N AMAÇLARI Bu üniteyi bitirdi inizde; fli kimin yapt ya da iflin yap lmas na neyin sebep verdi i önemli olmad zamanlarda edilgen yap kullan m n, flin kim taraf ndan yap ld ya da ifle neyin sebep verdi ini ifade eden edilgen yap larda "by" kullan m n ö reneceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIfiMALIYIZ? Yap lan aç klamalar dikkatle okuyunuz. Verilen örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. Diyaloglar dikkatle okuyup, benzerlerini yazmaya çal fl n z. Al flt rmalar yap p yan tlar n z her ders sonundaki cevap anahtar ile karfl laflt r n z. Yanl fl yapt n z sorular üzerinde tekrar durunuz. Ünite özetlerini tekrar ediniz. Her ünite sonunda yer alan Ünite Testlerini yaparak bilginizi test ediniz. 62

3 UNIT THREE The First lesson THE PASSIVE VOICE without an agent These porcelains are made in Kütahya Bu dersimizde Passive Voice yani edilgen yap ile kurulan cümleleri ve edilgen yap gerektiren durumlar inceleyeceksiniz. Afla daki aç klamalar dikkatle takip ediniz. Somebody built this house in (Active Voice) Subject V 2 Object (Birisi bu evi 1900 senesinde infla etmifl.) This house was built in (Passive Voice) Subject be V 2 (Bu ev 1900 senesinde infla edilmifl.) Eylemin kimin taraf ndan ya da hangi sebepten ötürü gerçekleflti i önemli olmad ya da bilinmedi i durumlarda Passive Voice yani edilgen yap kullan l r. Yukar daki örnekte "Somebody built this house in 1900" cümlesi etken bir yap içermektedir. Bu cümlede evin birileri taraf ndan yap ld ifade edilmifltir. "This house was built in 1900" cümlesi ise edilgen bir yap ile kurulmufltur. Cümlede evin kimin taraf ndan ya da hangi sebeple yap ld üzerinde durulmam flt r. fade edilmek istenen evin hangi tarihte yap lm fl oldu udur. Tüm edilgen yap larda "be" yard mc fiilinin uygun flekli ile, eylemin 3. hali kullan l r. 63

4 O halde; 1. iflin kim veya ne taraf ndan yap ld n n vurgulanmad ve asl nda vurgulan mak istenenin iflin kendisi oldu u durumlarda ve People all over the world speak English. Subject V 1 Object (Dünyan n her yerinde insanlar ngilizce konuflurlar.) English is spoken all over the world. Subject be V 3 ( ngilizce dünyan n her yerinde konuflulur.) 2. öznenin bilinmedi i durumlarda genellikle edilgen yap tercih edilir ve kullan l r. Her ring was stolen last night. Subject be V 3 (Dün gece yüzü ü çal nd.) Dikkat etti iniz gibi edilgen yap da; etken cümlenin nesnesi özne olur. Someone mailed the package. Subject V 2 Object (Birisi paketi postalad ) The package was mailed. Subject be V 3 (Paket postaland.) Ancak, iflin kimin ve ne taraf ndan yap ld belli olmayan etken cümlelerde cümlenin öznesi edilgen cümlede yer almaz. People eat a lot of rice in China. Subject V 1 Object ( nsanlar Çin de çok pirinç yerler.) A lot of rice is eaten in China. Subject be V 3 (Çin de çok pirinç yenir.) Daha önce de belirtildi i gibi Passive Voice yani edilgen yap da kullan lan fiil format afla daki gibidir. be + V 3 (past participle) "be" tüm formlarda olabilir; am, is, are, were, has been, have been, will be v.s. 64 People speak Spanish in Venezuela. (Active Voice) Subject V 1 Object (Venezüella da insanlar spanyolca konuflur.) Spanish is spoken in Venezuela. (Passive Voice) Subject be V 3 (Venezüella da spanyolca konuflulur.)

5 Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. Etken cümlelerin, Passive Voice yani edilgen yap ya dönüfltürülürken nas l de ifltiklerine dikkat ediniz. Ayr ca unutmay n z ki iflin ya da eylemin kim/kimler ya da ne/neler taraf ndan gerçeklefltirildi ini bilmedi imiz ya da ifade etmek istenilenin iflin kendisi oldu u durumlarda etken cümledeki özne edilgen yap ya geçirilmez ayr ca öznenin belli olmad durumlarda da edilgen yap kullan l r. People grow tea in Rize. ( nsanlar Rize de çay yetifltirirler.) Tea is grown in Rize. (Çay Rize de yetiflir.) People make these porcelains in Kütahya. ( nsanlar bu porselenleri Kütahya da imal ederler.) These porcelains are made in Kütahya. (Bu porselenler Kütahya da imal edilir.) People speak French in France. ( nsanlar Fransa da Frans zca konuflurlar.) French is spoken in France. (Fransa da Frans zca konuflulur.) Someone has cancelled the soccer game. (Birisi futbol maç n iptal etti.) The soccer game has been cancelled. (Futbol maç iptal edildi.) People sell hammers at a hardware store. ( nsanlar h rdavatç da çekiç satar.) Hammers are sold at a hardware store. (H rdavatç da çekiç sat l r.) Someone has invited us to a party. (Birisi bizi partiye davet etti.) We have been invited to a party. (Partiye davet edildik.) Bu ünite de Simple Present Tense (Genifl Zaman), Simple Past Tense (Dili Geçmifl Zaman), Present Continuous Tense (fiimdiki Zaman), Present Perfect Tense ve Simple Future Tense (will) den fromlar nda oluflturulan etken cümlelerin, edilgen cümle yap lar na nas l dönüfltürülece ini ö reneceksiniz. 65

6 fiimdi afla daki tabloyu dikkatle inceleyiniz. Tabloyu yüksek sesle okuyunuz. ACTIVE VOICE PASSIVE VOICE Simple Present Tense People produce cars in Bursa. Somebody cleans this room everyday. People don t often invite me to parties. am / is / are + V 3 Cars are produced in Bursa. This room is cleaned everyday. I m not often invited to parties. Simple Past (Sb + V 2 ) Somebody cleaned this room yesterday. Someone built that castle in Something blew the tree down. was / were + V 3 This room was cleaned yesterday. That castle was built in The tree was blown down. Present Continuous Tense (am/is/are + V 1 ing) am/is/are + being + V 3 Someone is cleaning the room at the moment. They are building a new highway round the city. Someone is serving me all the time. The room is being cleaned at the moment. A new highway is being built around the city. I m being served all the time. Present Perfect (have / has + V 3 ) They have taught English for many years. Somebody has cleaned the room. They haven t invited me to the party. have / has + been + V 3 English has been taught for many years. The room has been cleaned. I haven t been invited to the party. Simple Future (will + V 1 ) They ll teach English next year. Someone will post the letters next week. The bill won t include service. will + be + V 3 English will be taught next year. The letters will be posted next week. Service won t be included in the bill. 66

7 Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. Cümleleri Türkçe ye çevirmeye çal fl n z. Bilmedi iniz kelimeler için ünite sonundaki bilinmeyen kelimeler listesine göz at n z. They have planted a lot of flowers in the garden. Alot of flowers have been planted in the garden. They built the Bosphorous Bridge in The Bosphorous Bridge was built in They will do the experiment in the laboratory. The experiments will be done in the laboratory. They teach French and German in schools. French and Germany are taught in Schools. Someone is preparing the dinner for us at the moment. The dinner is being prepared for us at the moment. EXERCISE 1: Put the following active voice sentences into Passive Voice as in the example below. (Afla daki etken cümle yap lar n örnekteki gibi edilgen cümle yap lar na dönüfltürünüz) e.g e.g e.g e.g They will postpone the meeting. The meeting will be postponed. Someone rang the bell twice. The bell was rung twice. They are serving the tea in the garden. The tea is being served in the garden. They have brought me some warm clothes. I have been brought some warm clothes. 1. Someone will deliver the mail tomorrow We sent out the letter yesterday Something is ruining the crops They have mailed us the samples today Someone is organizing a student trip to the art museum

8 EXERCISE 2: Put the following passive voice statements into active sentences as in th example. (Afla daki edilgen cümle yap lar n örnekteki gibi etken cümle yap lar na dönüfltürünüz.) e.g e.g e.g e.g e.g Nuts are grown in Ordu and Giresun. People grow nuts in Ordu and Giresun. The Suez Canal was built in the nineteenth century. Someone built the Suez Canal in the nineteenth century. Her office is being decorated. Someone is decorating her office. That machine has been repaired. Someone has repaired that machine A hotel will be built on that field. Someone will build a hotel on that field. 1. The Keban Dam was opened in Someone.. 2. Cotton is grown in Çukurova. People I m being served. Someone.. 4. The dinner has been prepared. Someone.. 5. This building will be paint next week. Someone

9 EXERCISE 3: Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Afla daki boflluklar parantez içindeki fiillerin do ru halleri ile doldurunuz.) e.g e.g People don t use this road very often. This road isn t used (not / use) very often. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights were cancelled (cancel) because of fog. 1. I didn t realize that someone is recording our conversation. I didn t realize that our conversation..... (record). 2. They have changed the date of meeting. The date of meeting.... (change). 3. They are building a new theater in K z lay. A new theater... (build) is K z lay. 4. No one will do my homework. My homework... (no / do). 5. Someone robbed him in the street. He..... (rob) in the street. 69

10 ANSWER KEY FOR THE FIRST LESSON EXERCISE 1 1. The mail will be delivered tomorrow. 2. The letter was sent out yesterday. 3. The crops are being ruined. 4. The samples have been mailed us today. 5. A student trip is being organized to the art museum. EXERCISE 2 1. opened the Keban Dam in grow cotton in Çukurova. 3. is serving me. 4. has prepared the dinner. 5. will paint this building next week. EXERCISE 3 1. is being recorded. 2. has been changed. 3. is being built. 4. won t be done. 5. was robbed. 70

11 The Second lesson THE PASSIVE VOICE with an agent Our homework is corrected by the teacher Bu dersimizde de edilgen yap ile kurulan cümlelerde eylemin kim ya da ne taraf ndan yap ld n n belli oldu u durumlar inceleyece iz. Bu tür cümlelerde as l vurgulanmak istenen iflin kimin taraf ndan yap lm fl oldu u ya da eyleme neyin sebep verdi idir. Afla daki cümleleri dikkatle okuyunuz. Bob mailed the package. (Active Voice) (Paketi Tom postalad.) The package was mailed by Tom. (Passive Voice) (Paket Tom taraf ndan postaland.) The teacher corrects our homework. (Active Voice) (Ö retmen ödevimizi düzetir.) Our homework is corrected by the teacher. (Passive Voice) (Ödevimiz ö retmen taraf ndan düzeltilir.) Machines milk cows on modern farms. (Active Voice) (Modern çiftliklerde inekleri makineler sa ar.) Cows are milked by modern machines on modern farms. (Passive Voice) (Modern çiftliklerde inekler makinelerde sa l r.) Mrs. Mary will teach this class. (Active Voice) (Bu s n fa Bay Cook ders verecek.) This class will be taught by Mrs. Mary. (Passive Voice) (Bu s n fa Bay Cook taraf ndan ders verilecek.) Yukar daki örneklerde de dikkat etmifl oldu unuz gibi eylemin kim ya da ne taraf ndan yap ld belli oldu u durumlarda, edilgen yap da "by" kullan l r. 71

12 The news surprised me. (Active Voice) (Haber beni flafl rtt.) I was surprised by the news. (Passive Voice) (Habere flafl rd m.) The teacher helped me. (Active Voice) (Ö retmen bana yard m etti.) I was helped by the teacher. (Passive Voice) (Ö retmenden yard m ald m.) (Ö retmen taraf ndan bana yard m edildi.) Mr. Cook invited me to the dinner. (Active Voice) (Bay Cook beni akflam yeme ine davet etti.) I was invited to the dinner by Mr. Cook. (Passive Voice) (Bay Cook taraf ndan yeme e davet edildim.) Eylemin kim ya da ne taraf ndan yap ld n n belli oldu u durumlarda edilgen yap ile vurgulanmak istenilen asl nda ifli yapan ya da sebep oland r. Bu tür edilgen yap larda vurgulanmak istenen eylemin kendisi de ildir. Water surrounds an island. (Active Voice) (Bir aday su çevreler.) An island is surrounded by water. (Passive Voice) (Bir ada sularla çevrilidir.) Yukar daki edilgen cümlede vurgulanmak istenen adan n kendisi de ildir. Vurgulanmak istenen adan n sularla çevrili olmas d r. Yani vurgulanmak istenen sudur. 72

13 Tolstoy wrote War and Peace. (Active Voice) (Tolstoy Savafl ve Bar fl yazm flt r.) War and Peace was written by Tolstoy. (Passive Voice) (Savafl ve Bar fl Tolstoy taraf ndan yaz lm flt r.) Yukar daki edilgen cümlede vurgulanmak istenen Tolstoy un yazd Savafl ve Bar fl isimli eser de ildir. Vurgulanmak istenen Savafl ve Bar fl adl eserin kimin taraf ndan yaz ld yani Tolstoy un kendisidir. "by" ile kurulan edilgen yap larda da; Simple Present Tense (Genifl Zaman), Simple Past Tense (Dili Geçmifl Zaman), Present Continuous Tense (fiimdiki Zaman), Present Perfect Tense ve Simle Future Tense (will) yani Gelecek Zaman formlar ndaki etken cümlelerde edilgen yap ya geçerken uygulanan zaman de iflikli i, iflin kim ya da ne taraf ndan yap ld belli olmayan durumlar için kurulan edilgen yap lardaki zaman de iflikli i ile ayn d r. Afla daki tabloda "by" kullan lan edilgen yap larda zaman formlar na göre fiil de iflikli i gösterilmektedir. Dikkatle inceleyiniz. ACTIVE VOICE Simple Present Tense Bob mails the package. Does Bob mail the package? Simple Past (Sb + V 2 ) Bob mailed the package. Did Bob mail the package? Present Continuous Tense (am/is/are + V 1 ing) The secretary is writing some letters. Is the secretary writing some letters? PASSIVE VOICE am / is / are + V 3 The package is mailed by Bob. Is the package be mailed by Bob? was / were + V 3 The package was mailed by Bob. Was the package mailed by Bob? am/is/are + being + V 3 Some letters are being written by the secretary. Are some letters being written by the secretary? Present Perfect (have / has + V 3 ) The children have eaten the cakes. Have the children eaten the cakes? Simple Future (will + V 1 ) Mr. Brown will teach English next year. Will Mr. Brown teach English next year? have / has + been + V 3 The cakes have been eaten by the children Have the cakes been eaten by the children? will + be + V 3 English will be taught by Mr. Brown next year. Will English be taught by Mr. Brown next year? 73

14 Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. A doctor has examined the sick child. (Active Voice) (Doktor hasta çocu u muayene etti.) The sick child has been examined by a doctor. (Passive Voice) (Hasta çocuk doktor taraf ndan muayene edildi.) Alarge number of people speak English. (Active Voice) (Çok say da insan ngilizce konuflur.) English is spoken by a large number of people. (Passive Voice) ( ngilizce çok say da insan taraf ndan konuflulur.) The news will shock Steve. (Active Voice) (Haberler Steve i flok edecek.) Steve will be shocked by the news. (Passive Voice) (Steve haberlerden flok olacak.) The news surprised John. (Active Voice) (Haberler John u flafl rtt.) John was surprised by the news. (Passive Voice) (John haberlerden dolay flafl rd.) Athief stole Ann s purse. (Active Voice) (H rs z Ann in cüzdan n çald.) Ann s purse was stolen by a thief. (Passive Voice) (Ann in cüzdan h rs z taraf ndan çal nd.) Jonny is repairing the wooden table. (Active Voice) (Jonny tahta masay tamir ediyor.) The wooden table is being repaired by Jonny. (Passive Voice) (Tahta masa Jonny taraf ndan tamir ediliyor.) Betty Midler has signed the contract. (Active Voice) (Betty sözleflmeyi imzalad.) The contract has been signed by Betty Midler. (Passive Voice) (Sözleflme Betty Midler taraf ndan imzaland.) 74

15 Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. Örneklerde etken soru ve olumsuz cümlelerin, edilgen yap ya nas l dönüfltürüldü üne dikkat ediniz. ACTIVE 1. a) The cat surprised the dog. b) The cat didn t surprise the dog. c) Did the cat surprise the dog? PASSIVE a) The dog was surprised by the cat. b) The dog wasn t surprised by the cat. c) Was the dog surprised by the cat? 2. a) The news shocks Jean. b) The news doesn t shock Jean. c) Does the news shock Jean? a) Jean is shocked by the news. b) Jean isn t shocked by the news. c) Is Jean shocked by the news? 3. a) A squirrel has eaten the nut. b) A squirrel hasn t eaten the nut. c) Has the squirrel eaten the nut? a) The nut has been eaten by a squirrel. b) The nut hasn t been eaten by a squirrel. c) Has the nut been eaten by a squirrel? 4. a) Liz will send the letter. b) Liz won t send the letter. c) Will Liz send the letter? a) The letter will be sent by Liz. b) The letter won t be sent by Liz. c) Will the letter be sent by Liz? 5. a) Bob is drawing the map of the island. a) The map of the island is being drawn by Bob. b) Bob isn t drawing the map of the island. b) The map of the island isn t being drawn by Bob. c) Is Bob drawing the map of the island? c) Is the map of the island being drawn by Bob? Yukar daki örneklerde de gördü ünüz gibi edilgen yap n n olumsuz bir cümleye dönüfltürülmesi de etken cümlelerin olumsuz cümleye dönüfltürülmesi ile ayn d r. Yard mc fiile "not" ekleyerek cümleleri olumsuz cümle yap s na dönüfltürebilirsiniz. Ancak Simple Present ve Simple Past cümlelerde kendini sadece soru ve olumsuz cümlelerde gösteren yard mc fiillere dikkat ediniz. Simple Present Tense ile "do/does", Simple Past ile "did" kullan m n unutmay n z. Bu tür cümlelerde "not" ekinin do/does/did yard mc fiillerine eklendi ini hat rlay n z. Edilgen cümlelerdeki soru cümleleri de yine sadece yard mc fiillerin cümlenin bafl na getirilmesi ile oluflturulur, yard mc fiili özne takip eder. 75

16 Afla daki örnekleri dikkatle okuyunuz. Cümleleri Türkçe ye çevirmeye çal fl n z. Bilmedi iniz kelimeler için Ünite sonundaki bilinmeyen kelimeler listesine bak n z. Mr. Jason built that house. That house was built by Mr. Jason. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. The architect Sinan built the Selimiye Mosque. The Selimiye mosque was built by the architect Sinan. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Monalisa. The Monalisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. William Shakespeare wrote Othello. Othello was written by William Shakespear. Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. A: My parents gave me a watch when I was twelve. (On iki yafl ndayken ailem bana bir saat verdi.) B: What were you given when you were twelve? (On iki yafl ndayken sana ne verilmiflti?) A: I was given a watch when I was twelve. (On iki yafl ndayken bana bir saat verildi.) A: My parents gave me a present when I got high marks in primary school. ( lkokulda yüksek notlar ald m zaman ailem bana bir hediye verdi.) B: What were you given when you got high marks in primary school? ( lkokulda yüksek notlar ald nda sana ne verildi.) A: I was given a present when I got high marks in primary school. ( lkokulda yüksek notlar ald m zaman bana bir hediye verildi.) A: My parents gave me a bicycle when I finished elementary school. (Ortaokulu bitirdi imde ailem bana bir bisiklet verdi.) B: What were you given when you finished elementary school? (Ortaokulu bitirdi inde sana ne verildi?) A: I was given a bicycle when I finished elementary school. (Ortaokulu bitirdi imde bana bisiklet verildi.) 76

17 Afla daki örnekleri inceleyiniz. Sorulara verilen cevaplar yüksek sesle okuyunuz. Simple Past Tense formundaki cümlelerin edilgen yap ya dönüfltürülmesi ile ilgili bilgilerinizi sayfa 71. sayfadan tazeleyiniz. A : Who painted that beautiful picture on the wall? (my daughter) (Duvardaki o güzel resmi kim çizdi?) B : It was painted by my daughter. (K z m taraf ndan çizildi.) A : Who sent the letters? (Peter) (Mektuplar kim gönderdi) B : They were sent by Peter. (Peter taraf ndan gönderildiler.) A : Who found her gold ring? (the bus driver) (Alt n yüzü ünü kim buldu?) B : It was found by the bus driver. (Otobüs floförü taraf ndan bulundu.) A : Who took that photograph? (my brother) (O resmi kim çekti.) B : It was taken by my brother. (Erkek kardeflim taraf ndan çekildi.) A : Who paid the ticket? (Michael) (Bileti kim ödedi?) B : It was paid by Michael. (Michael taraf ndan ödendi.) 77

18 Afla daki sorular dikkatle okuyunuz. Verilen cevaplarda kullan lan edilgen yap y inceleyiniz. A B A B A B A B A B A B : Will these questions be answered by Dr. Turner? (his secretary) (Bu sorular Bay Turner taraf ndan m cevaplanacak?) : No, they won t. They ll be answered by his secretary. (Hay r. Sekreteri taraf ndan cevaplanacak.) : Will this book be used by the primary school students? (primary school students) (Bu kitap ilkokul ö rencileri taraf ndan m kullan lacak?) : No it won t. It ll be used by the secondary school students. (Hay r. Ortaokul ö rencileri taraf ndan kullan lacak.) : Were these photographs taken by your father? (my brother) (Bu foto raflar baban taraf ndan m çekildi?) : No they weren t. They were taken by my brother. (Hay r. Erkek kardeflim taraf ndan çekildiler.) : Was the telephone invented by Thoman Edison? (Alexander Graham Bell) (Telefon Thoman Edison taraf ndan m icat edildi?) : No it wasn t. It was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. (Hay r. Alexander Graham Bell taraf ndan icat edildi.) : Have these carpets been made by machine? (machine) (Bu kilimler makine ile mi yap ld lar?) : No they haven t. They have been made by hand. (Hay r. Bu kilimler el yap m.) : Is the student trip being organized by the headmaster? (Geography teacher) (Ö renci gezisi okul müdürü taraf ndan m organize edildi?) : No it isn t. It is being organized by the geography teacher. (Hay r. Co rafya ö retmeni taraf ndan organize edildi.) 78

19 Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks in the table as in the example below. (Tablodaki boflluklar örnekteki gibi doldurunuz.) ACTIVE e.g a) Dr. White helps Tom. b) Dr. White doesn t help Tom. c) Does Dr. White help Tom? PASSIVE a) Tom is helped by Dr. White. b) Tom wasn t helped by Dr. White. c) Was Tom helped by Dr. White? 1 a) Dr. White is helping Tom. b) Dr. White isn t helping Tom. c) Is Dr. White. Tom? 2. a) Dr. White helped Tom. b) Dr. White didn t help Tom. c) Did Dr. White help Tom? 3. a) Dr. White has helped Tom. b) Dr. White hasn t helped Tom. c).. Dr. White Tom? 4. a) Dr. White will help Tom. b) Dr. White. c)? a) Tom. by Dr. White. b) Tom..by Dr. White. c) Tom. by Dr. White? a) Tom.. by Dr. White. b) Tom.. by Dr. White. c) Tom... by Dr. White? a) Tom by dr. White b) Tom... c). Tom? a) Tom by Dr. White. b) by Dr. White. c).? Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice as in the example below. (Afla daki örnekte oldu u gibi cümleleri edilgen yap ile yeniden yaz n z.) e.g Mr. Fox cleaned the windows. The windows were cleaned by Mr. Fox. 1. That company has hired Sue.. 2. Everbody likes Margaret.. 3. She will call her dog Karabafl The mechanic is repairing our refrigerator now. 5. She cleans the house everyday. 79

20 Exercise 3. Look at the example and then answer the questions in the same way. (Örne e bak n z ve sorulara afla daki flekilde cevap veriniz.) e.g A : Who saw the accident? (everybody) B : The accident was seen by everybody. 1. A : Who performed the operation? (a famous surgeon) B : 2. A : Who has sat on my hat? (Ayfle) B : 3. A : Who has brought some books? (George) B : 4. A : Who used this car? (Peter) B : 5. A : Who is preparing the food? (Asl and Elif)) B : Exercise 4. Look at the examples below. First write a question sentence and then a passive voice statement as in the example below. (Afla daki örneklere bak n z. Önce bir soru cümlesi yaz n z ve sonra da örnekteki gibi bir edilgen cümle kurunuz.) e.g A : My parents gave me a house when I got married. B : What were you given when you got married? A : I was given a house when I got married. 1. A : My parents gave me a camera when I finished high school. B :.? A :.. 2. A : My parents gave me a bracelet when I was graduated from university. B A :.? : A : My parents gave me their car when I first started to work. B :? A :...

21 Exercise 5. Answer the following questions as in the example below. (Sorulara afla daki örnekte oldu u gibi cevap veriniz.) e.g A B : Will those questions be answered by the student? (their parents) : No, they won t. They ll be answered by their parents. 1. A : Have you cooked the meal by yourself? (my mother) B :. 2. A : Were those vegetables planted by Mr. Jackson? (Mrs. Jackson) B :. 3. A : Are the patients being treated by the nurse? (the doctor) B :. 4. A : Will the examinations be taken by all the students? (two of the students) B :. 5. A : Has the bank lent him the money a month ago? (yesterday) B :. 81

22 ANSWER KEY FOR THE SECOND LESSON EXERCISE 1 1. a) a) is being helped b) b) isn t being helped c) c) Is / being helped 2. a) a) was helped b) b) wasn t helped. c) c) Was / helped 3. a) a) has been helped b) b) hasn t been helped by Dr. White. c) Has / helped c) Has / been helped by Dr. White? 4. a) a) will be helped b) won t help Tom. b) Tom won t be helped. c) Will Dr. White help Tom? c) Will Tom be helped by Dr. White? EXERCISE 2 1. Sue has been hired by that company. 2. Margaret is liked by everybody. 3. Her dog will be called Karabafl. 4. Our refrigerator is being repaired by the mechanic. 5. The house is cleaned by her everyday. EXERCISE 3 1. The operation was performed by a famous surgeon. 2. My hat has been sat on by Ayfle. 3. Some books have been brought by George. 4. This car was used by Peter. 5. The food is being prepared by Asl and Elif. EXERCISE 4 1. A: What were you given when you finished high school? B: I was given a camera when I finished high school. 2. A: What were you given when you were graduated from university? B: I was given a bracelet when I was graduated from university. 3. A: What were you given when you first started to work? B: I was given a car when I first started to work. EXERCISE 5 1. No, I haven t. It has been cooked by my mother. 2. No, they weren t. They were planted by Mrs. Jackson. 3. No, they aren t. They are being treated by the doctor. 4. No, it won t. It will be taken by two of the students. 5. No, it hasn t. The money has been lent him yesterday. 82

23 UNIT THREE SUMMARY Bu ünite; 1. fli kimin yapt ya da iflin yap lmas na neyin sebep oldu u önemli olmad zamanlarda edilgen yap kullan m n, We will solve this problem. (Bu problemi çözebiliriz.) This problem will be solved. (Bu problem çözülebilir.) 2. flin kim taraf ndan yap ld ya da ifle neyin sebep oldu unu ifade eden edilgen yap larda "by" kullan m n Has a dog ever bitten you? (Seni hiç bir köpek s rd m?) Have you ever been bitten by a dog? (Sen hiç bir köpek taraf ndan s r ld n m?) ö rendiniz. 83

24 VOCABULARY FOR UNIT THREE bite (v) blow(v) build (v) cancel (v) conversation (v) crop (n) dam (n) decorate (v) deliver (v) examine (v) fog (n) lend (v) machine (n) mechanic (n) nineteenth century (n) organize (v) patient (n) phonograph (n) plant (n) postpone ( v) record (n) record (v) repair (v) rob (v) ruin (v) shock (v) sick (n) solve (v) Suez Canal (n) surprise (v) treat (v) : s rmak : esmek, üflemek, uçurmak : infla etmek : iptal etmek : diyalog : bu day : baraj : dekore etmek : da tmak, da lmak : incelemek, gözden geçirmek : sis : ödünç vermek : makine : tamirci : 19. yüz y l : organize etmek, düzenlemek : hasta : fonograf, gramofon : dikmek : ertelemek : plak : kay t etmek : onarmak, tamir etmek : soyulmak : yok etmek, parçalamak : flok olmak : hasta : çözmek : Süveyfl Kanal : flafl rmak : davranmak, tedavi etmek 84

25 UNIT TEST THREE 1. Rewrite the following statements in passive voice. People speak English in England. a) English spoken in England. b) English is spoken in England. c) English has been spoken in England. d) English is speaking in England. 2. They ll teach English next year. a) English will be taught next year by them. b) English will be taught next year by the teacher. c) English will be taught next year. d) English will be teaching next year. 3. This house.. (build) in a) was built b) were building c) has been build d) has built 4. Answer the following question in passive voice. Who saw the car accident? a) The accident was seen by Asl. b) The accident seen by Asl. c) The accident has been seen by Asl. d) The accident is being seen by Asl. 5. Rewrite the following statement in active voice. Our TV is now being repaired by the mechanic. a) The mechanic has repaired our TV now. b) The mechanic repairs our TV every time. c) The mechanic always repaired our TV. d) The mechanic is repairing our TV now. 85

26 6. The Bosphorus Bridge was built in a) They are building the Bosphorus Bridge in b) They are built the Bosphorus Bridge in c) They are being building the Bosphorus Bridge in d) They built the Bosphorus Bridge in Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the words in brackets. This road.. (not / use) very often. a) hasn t used b) weren t use c) isn t used d) haven t used 8. A lot of rice... (eat) in China. a) eaten b) is eaten c) eat d) ate 9. Leonardo da Vinci (paint) the Monalisa. The Monalisa.. (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci. a) painted / was- painted b) painting / is painting c) painting / was paint d) paint / has been painted 10.. Tom. by Mr. White? a) Does / helping b) Is / helping c) Does / helped d) Has / been helped Yan tlar n z 88. sayfadan kontrol ediniz. 86

27 LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle be was,were been become became become begin began begun bite bit bitten blow blew blown break broke broken bring brought brought build built built buy bought bought catch caught caught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight fought fought find found found fly flew flown forbid forbade forbidden forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven get got gotten(got) give gave given go went gone grow grew grown hang hung hung have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid lead led led leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid put put put quit quit quit read read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run say said said see saw seen sell sold sold send sent sent set set set shake shook shaken shoot shot shot show showed shown shut shut shut sing sang sung sit sat sat sleep slept slept speak spoke spoken spend spent spent stand stood stood swim swam swum take took taken teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought throw threw thrown understand understood understood wake woke waked(woken) wear wore worn win won won write wrote written 87

İngilizce Düzenli ve Düzensiz Fiiller - Regular and İrregular Verbs

İngilizce Düzenli ve Düzensiz Fiiller - Regular and İrregular Verbs İngilizce Düzenli ve Düzensiz Fiiller - Regular and İrregular Verbs İngilizce Düzenli Fiiller İngilizce düzenli fiiler -ed takısı alan fiillerdir. Mastar Hali clean finish use Past Simple Past Participle


The Passive Voice (Edilgen Çatı) Çarşamba, 27 Nisan 2011 20:36

The Passive Voice (Edilgen Çatı) Çarşamba, 27 Nisan 2011 20:36 THE PASSIVE VOICE (Edilgen Çatı) Aktif cümlenin nesnesi me, you, him, her, it us, you, them ise; aşağıdaki yol izlenir. Ask, pay, offer, show, give, tell, send, teach gibi fiillerin pasif hali iki türlü


Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form

Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form Entry Grammar Lesson 52 Lesson 52 : Passive Voice and its negative form Ders 52 : Edilgen Çatı ve Olumsuz Hali Reading (Okuma) Reporters write news reports. (Haberciler haber metinlerini yazar.) News reports


1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend.

1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend. 1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is 1. This is girlfriend. a. hers b. to him c. of her d. his 1. There are people


a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.)

a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) He is having an exam on Wednesday. (Çarşamba günü sınav oluyor-olacak.) Mary is spending


The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year

The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year ! ÜN TE III KONULAR The Future Tense (Gelecek Zaman) will, be going to yap lar Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) tomorrow : yar n, next week: gelecek hafta, next year : gelecek y l, next month: gelecek


STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri)

STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) We use it to express a future decision, intention, or plan made before the moment of speaking (Konuşma anından daha önce düşünülmüş kararlar,


The Present Perfect Tense. Ali is looking for his key. He can t find it. He has lost his key. Finished. Done Been

The Present Perfect Tense. Ali is looking for his key. He can t find it. He has lost his key. Finished. Done Been The Present Perfect Tense Ali is looking for his key. He can t find it. He has lost his key. I / you / we / they have He / she / it / Ahmet / Esra has Finished Lost Done Been (Past Participle) When we


ÜNİTE 13 SIMPLE PAST TENSE TO DO YABANCI DİL I İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER. Geçmiş Zaman. Düzenli ve düzensiz fiillerin geçmiş zamanda kullanımı

ÜNİTE 13 SIMPLE PAST TENSE TO DO YABANCI DİL I İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER. Geçmiş Zaman. Düzenli ve düzensiz fiillerin geçmiş zamanda kullanımı SIMPLE PAST TENSE TO DO İÇİNDEKİLER Geçmiş Zaman BAYBURT ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ Düzenli ve düzensiz fiillerin geçmiş zamanda kullanımı HEDEFLER YABANCI DİL I Bu ünitede amaçlanan kazımlar;


5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Part 2 Ünite 12 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA PART 2 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 4 12.1.1. Review of verb forms...


Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice

Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice Entry Grammar Lesson 52 Lesson 53 : Passive Interrogative Form of Passive Voice Ders 53: Edilgen Çatının Sorgulama Formu Reading (Okuma) Is that letter written by him? (Bu mektup onun tarafından mı yazılmış?)


Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim

Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim Lesson 21: Who Ders 21: Kim Reading (Okuma) Who are your friends? (Arkadaşların kimler?) Who is your new boss? (Yeni patronun kim?) Who is your English teacher? (İngilizce öğretmenin kim?) Who was the



BASIC IRREGULAR VERBS 1-5 BASIC IRREGULAR VERBS 1-5 He was the best of us all. She was mine, and we were sweethearts. My travels to Afghanistan began many, many years ago. They drove at night or in the early morning to avoid air



İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ State Of The Art Part I Ünite 8 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ 1 Ünite 8 STATE OF THE ART PART I Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ İçindekiler 8.1. BE GOING TO... 3 8.1.1. FUNCTIONS


can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için

can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için Can, could, would like to, may. a) can: e bilir, a bilir. can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için kullanırız. Olumlu cümle (can olumlu) cümlede yetenek bildirir. I can speak


ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com

ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com ATA - AÖF AÇIK ÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ VİZE SORULARI YABANCI DİL l Sipariş ve Bilgi İçin : ZAFER FOTOKOPİ SINAVINIZDA BAŞARILAR DİLER. 0.332 353 78 75 Rampalı Çarşı 1 Kat No: 135 Meram/KONYA www.zaferfotokopi.com



İNGİLİZCE GRAMER SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Dİ Lİ GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN) GRAMER ANLATIMI ALIŞTIRMA. www.ekolayingilizce.com Simple Past Tense Verbs İNGİLİZCE GRAMER SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Dİ Lİ GEÇMİŞ ZAMAN) GRAMER ANLATIMI ALIŞTIRMA SIMPLE PAST TENSE (+) I went to school yesterday. She made the beds last night. They liked coffee. (?) Did you go to school?



8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 1., 2. ve 3. sorularda aşağıda verilen kelimelerden hangisi anlam bakımından diğerlerinden farklıdır? 1. A) rude B) trustworthy C) generous D) supportive TEST - 2 (2011-2012)


WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref

WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref WOULD FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be She hoped (that) we would com I thought that he would ref WILLINGNESS (gönüllülük) She would not The car would not POLITE


I WOULD come to the party but... You He,She,It We They

I WOULD come to the party but... You He,She,It We They İsteklilik (willingness), kararlılık (determination), istek (request) ikram - teklif (offer), red (refusal) ve geçmişte alışkanlık (habit in the past) ifade eder. A WILLINGNESS - DETERMINATION (isteklilik


Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought

Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought SBS PRACTICE TEST 6 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. I was shopping officer. What were you doing he stole your bag? 1. Mustafa Kemal


1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken:

1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken: Nerelerde Kullanılır: 1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken: My father is going to buy me a bike. (Babam bana bisiklet alacak.) The teachers are


a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır.

a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Olumlu cümle I must go: Gitmeliyim. (Ben böyle istemiyorum) He must


Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Lesson 63: Reported speech Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Reading (Okuma) He told me that he would come. (Bana geleceğini söyledi.) She said that she would be fine. (İyi olacağını söyledi.) He promised that


Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?)

Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?) Birinci tekil ve çoğul şahıs zamirleriyle (I-WE) kullanılır. Gelecek zamanın yardımcı fiili olmasının yanısıra, MODAL yardımcı olarak fikir sorma veya teklif ifade eder. Ayrıca kesin kararlılık, tehdit


The Past Tense (Was-Were To be yard mc fiilinin di li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün, last week : geçen hafta,

The Past Tense (Was-Were To be yard mc fiilinin di li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün, last week : geçen hafta, ! ÜN TE IV KONULAR The Past Tense (Was-Were To be yard mc fiilinin di li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün, last week : geçen hafta, last month : geçen ay last year : geçen


Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur.

Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur. Bu derste Past Continuous Tense zamamnını öğreneceksiniz. Past Continuous Tense geçmişte sürekli olarak gerçekleşen olayları anlatmak için kullanılan bir zamandır. Past Continuous Tense yardımcı fiil olarak


My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü

My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü EMTRAS [Turkish] My Headteacher is Okul müdürüm My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm My Form Tutor is Sınıf öğretmenim My Form is Sınıfım P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü I must bring in a T-shirt, shorts


(Bu örnekte görüldüğü gibi aktive cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin öznesi konumuna geçmektedir.)

(Bu örnekte görüldüğü gibi aktive cümlenin nesnesi, pasif cümlenin öznesi konumuna geçmektedir.) Passive voice "edilgen" anlamındadır. Bir cümlenin Active kullanımında yüklemi yapan bellidir ve özne olarak adlandırılır. Passive kullanımında ise özne yüklemden etkilenir. Eylemi yapanın, yani öznenin



8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 1., 2. ve 3. sorularda verilen kelimelerden hangisi anlam bakımından diğerlerinden farklıdır? TEST - 1 (2011-2012) 6., 7. ve 8. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen


İmran Ünal ER VOCABULARY. Haftaya başlamadan önce aşağıdaki kelimelerin ezberlenmesi çok önemli.

İmran Ünal ER VOCABULARY. Haftaya başlamadan önce aşağıdaki kelimelerin ezberlenmesi çok önemli. VOCABULARY Haftaya başlamadan önce aşağıdaki kelimelerin ezberlenmesi çok önemli. İNGİLİZCE OKUNUŞ TÜRKÇE About Ebavt Hakkında Painting Peynting Resim Artist Artist Sanatçı Painter Peyntır Ressam Sculptor



ÜNİTE İNGİLİZCE - I İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER THEY HAD LEFT BEFORE I WOKE UP THEY HAD LEFT BEFORE I WOKE UP İÇİNDEKİLER Dilbilgisi: Past Perfect Dinleme & Konuşma: Geçmiş Bir Zamandan Daha Önce Olan Bir Olay hakkında Konuşma Okuma: Üniversitede Zor Günler III İNGİLİZCE - I HEDEFLER


function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); }

function get_style114 () { return none; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } Wish sözcük anlamı olarak istemek, dilemek anlamı taşımaktadır.cümlenin


Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU

Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU Listmania Ünite 12 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 3 12.2. REVIEW OF VERB FORMS... 3 12.3. VOCABULARY


Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Türkçe anlamı. arise arose arisen ortaya çıkmak. awake awoke awoken uyanmak. bear bore borne katlanmak

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Türkçe anlamı. arise arose arisen ortaya çıkmak. awake awoke awoken uyanmak. bear bore borne katlanmak Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Türkçe anlamı V1 V2 V3 arise arose arisen ortaya çıkmak awake awoke awoken uyanmak be (am,is,are) was, were been olmak bear bore borne katlanmak beat beat beaten vurmak


Ünite 6. Hungry Planet II. Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE. Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN

Ünite 6. Hungry Planet II. Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE. Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN Hungry Planet II Ünite 6 Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN 1 Ünite 6 HUNGRY PLANET II Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN İçindekiler 6.1. QUANTIFIERS (MIKTAR BELIRTEN KELIMELER)... 3 6.1.1.



İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ Hungry Planet Part 2 Ünite 6 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ 1 Ünite 6 HUNGRY PLANET PART 2 Yrd. Doç. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ İçindekiler 6.1. QUANTIFIERS (MIKTAR BELIRTEN KELIMELER)...



GENİŞ ZAMAN SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE GENİŞ ZAMAN SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Does he go to the theater? O tiyatroya gider mi? ÖRNEK CÜMLELER VE KALIPLAR Yes, he goes to the theater. Evet, o tiyatroya gider. Do you like swimming? Yüzmeyi sever misin?


İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir:

İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: Informal Greetings (Gayri Resmi selamlaşmalar) - Hi. (Merhaba) -Hello. (Merhaba)



Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. We can t go out today it s raining


Grade 6 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

Grade 6 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. SBS PRACTICE TEST 6* 1. Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz. Hello. I am Cheng. I am from China.? Hello, Cheng. I am Nathalie. I am from France. A) Are you French? B)








1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around. 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d.

1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around. 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d. 1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d. for 1. I am taking some books. a. hers b. her c. to her d. she 1. bottle


Lesson 19: What. Ders 19: Ne

Lesson 19: What. Ders 19: Ne Lesson 19: What Ders 19: Ne Reading (Okuma) What is it? (O nedir?) What is your name? (İsmin nedir?) What is the answer? (Cevap nedir?) What was that? (O neydi?) What do you want? (Ne istersin?) What did



TEOG 1. MERKEZİ ORTAK SINAVLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ BENZER SORULARI TEOG SINAV SORUSU-1 UNIT 2 SINIF İÇİ TARAMA TESTİ Diyalogu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir? Henry: That's my money.i don t want to give it to you. Martin:...! Don t be so stingy. Diyalogda boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan


Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog)

Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog) Going Home 02: At a Duty-free Shop Hi! How are you today? Today s lesson is about At a Duty-free Shop. Let s make learning English fun! Eve Dönüş 02: Duty-free Satış Mağazasında Exercise 1 Vocabulary and


Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her

Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her Lesson 58 : everything, anything each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey Her biri, her Reading (Okuma) Is everything okay? (Her şey yolunda mı?) Don t worry, everything will be fine. (Endişelenme,


The Simple Past Tense (di-li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün last week : geçen hafta last month : geçen ay last

The Simple Past Tense (di-li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün last week : geçen hafta last month : geçen ay last ! ÜN TE V KONULAR The Simple Past Tense (di-li geçmifl zaman) Time Expressions (Zaman Sözcükleri) yesterday : dün last week : geçen hafta last month : geçen ay last year : geçen y l two hours ago : iki


SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz.

SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. SBS PRACTICE TEST 2 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. 3. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcükleri seçiniz I am your true friend Mehmet. A true friend


Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad):

Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad): Gelecek zamanın (Future Tense) yardımcı fiili olarak kullanılmasının yanısıra Modal Yardımcı olarak İSTEKLİLİK (WILLINGNESS), PROMISE (Vaad) POLITE REQUEST AND OFFER (Kibar istek ve ikram), STRONG DETERMINATION


- The Present Continuous Tense (fiimdiki Zaman) - Time Expressions (Zaman Deyimleri) - now : flimdi, - at the moment : fiu anda ÖZET TEST I

- The Present Continuous Tense (fiimdiki Zaman) - Time Expressions (Zaman Deyimleri) - now : flimdi, - at the moment : fiu anda ÖZET TEST I ! ÜN TE I KONULAR - The Present Continuous Tense (fiimdiki Zaman) - Time Expressions (Zaman Deyimleri) - now : flimdi, - at the moment : fiu anda ÖZET TEST I !NG!L!ZCE 7 BU ÜN!TEDE NELER Ö"RENECE"!Z? Bu


VOCABULARY LIST. late. leave. : ayrılmak, terk etmek call. listen. : dinlemek cartoon. live. : yaşamak chat. lunch. : öğle yemeği chess. marble.

VOCABULARY LIST. late. leave. : ayrılmak, terk etmek call. listen. : dinlemek cartoon. live. : yaşamak chat. lunch. : öğle yemeği chess. marble. Unıt 1 3 1 VOCABULARY LIST arrive : varmak, ulaşmak late : geç brush : fırçalamak leave : ayrılmak, terk etmek call : çağırmak, adlandırmak listen : dinlemek cartoon : çizgi film live : yaşamak chat :


Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Lesson 66: Indirect questions Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Reading (Okuma) Could you tell me where she went? (Bana nereye gittiğini söyler misiniz?) Do you know how I can get to the hospital? (Hastaneye nasıl


Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Reading (Okuma) Will it be sunny tomorrow? (Yarın güneşli mi olacak?) Will you lend her the car? (Arabayı ödünç verecek misin?)


1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of

1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of lots of a great deal of plenty of çok, bir çok many much çok, bir çok a little little az, biraz a few few az, birkaç 1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of ( en yaygın olanıdır ), lots of, plenty



A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION 1. Çeviri Metni - 9 Ekim 2014 A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION Why is English such an important language today? There are several reasons. Why: Neden, niçin Such: gibi Important: Önemli Language:


Lesson 20: Where, when. Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman

Lesson 20: Where, when. Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman Lesson 20: Where, when Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman Reading (Okuma) Where is the City Hall? (Belediye binası nerede?) Where are you now? (Şu an neredesin?) Where is he working? (Nerede çalışıyor?) Where did


Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Lesson 67: Tag Questions Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Reading (Okuma) You will come with us, won t you? (Sen bizimle geleceksin, değil mi? ) The water is cold, isn t it? (Su soğuk, değil mi?) You really like


Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden Lesson 22: Why Ders 22: Neden Reading (Okuma) Why are you tired? (Neden yorgunsun?) Why is your boss angry? (Patronun neden sinirli?) Why was he late? (Neden geç kaldı?) Why did she go there? (Neden oraya


Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım.

Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Let s, Shall we, why don t Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Yes, let s. Evet haydi oynayalım. No, let s not. Hayır, oynamayalım.



ÜNİTE 3 TO BE FORM YABANCI DİL I BATURAY ERDAL İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER TO BE FORM İÇİNDEKİLER To Be Form (am, is, are) Positive Statements (Olumlu Cümleler) Negative Statements (Olumsuz Cümleler) Question Form ( Soru Biçimi) Usage ( To Be Kullanımı) BAYBURT ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN


NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 1. A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5.

NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 1. A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5. UNIT 1 A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5 Yabancı Dil 1 WEEK 1 & WEEK 2 2015, Tekirdağ UNIT 1 A) SUBJECT PRONOUNS (KİŞİ ZAMİRLERİ) We use subject pronouns when the


Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple. Ders 72: Yakın Geçmiş Zaman

Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple. Ders 72: Yakın Geçmiş Zaman Lesson 72: Present Perfect Simple Ders 72: Yakın Geçmiş Zaman Reading (Okuma) I have been to that cinema before. (Daha önce o sinemaya gittim.) He has studied English. (İngilizce eğ itimi aldı.) They have


ÜNİTE 7 QUANTIFIERS (2) İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER YABANCI DİL I. Quantifiers: - lots of - a lot of - several - a bit - How many - How much

ÜNİTE 7 QUANTIFIERS (2) İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER YABANCI DİL I. Quantifiers: - lots of - a lot of - several - a bit - How many - How much QUANTIFIERS (2) BAYBURT ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ İÇİNDEKİLER Quantifiers: - lots of - a lot of - several - a bit - How many - How much HEDEFLER YABANCI DİL I Bu ünitede amaçlanan kazanımlar;


Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future Ders 33: Yakın gelecekten bahsederken be going to, be + verb~ing kalıplarının soru zamiri formları Reading (Okuma)


This tree was planted by my grandfather. : Bu ağaç büyükbabam tarafından dikilmişti.

This tree was planted by my grandfather. : Bu ağaç büyükbabam tarafından dikilmişti. PASSIVE VOICE (ETKEN EDİLGEN) Biçim A-Etken bir fiilin edilgen biçimi, to be fiilinin etken fiilin yapısına sokup buna, etken fiilin geçmiş zaman ortacını ekleyerek oluşturulur. Etken fiilin öznesi, edilgen





He eats meat. She eats meat. It eats meat.

He eats meat. She eats meat. It eats meat. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (GENİŞ ZAMAN) Simple Present Tense Türkçedeki Geniş Zaman a karşılık gelir. Simple Present Tense kullanımı olumlu, olumsuz cümlelerde ve soru cümlelerinde aşağıdaki gibidir: OLUMLU



İNGİLİZCE SORU CÜMLELERİ İNGİLİZCE SORU CÜMLELERİ What are you cooking, Fatma Hanım? What is it, Mrs. Miller? What do you want? What is his name? What have you in your basket? What can I do for you? What is the meaning of Topkapı


Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3. (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar)

Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3. (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar) Lesson 38: Infinitive 3 (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3 (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar) Reading (Okuma) He knows how to cook spaghetti. ( O spagettinin nasıl pişirileceğini


Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak

Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak Lesson 42: have to, don t have to Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak Reading (Okuma) We have to go to school tomorrow. ( Yarın okula gitmeliyiz. ) I have to get up at 5 am tomorrow. ( Yarın sabah 5


CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney CALUM SAILS AWAY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474 23


Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not

Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Reading (Okuma) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Umuyorum bir gün beni ziyaret edeceksin ) I think your sister will like that cellphone. ( Bence kız


Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde

Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde 52 Lesson 55 : imperative + and, or, otherwise Ders 55: Emir + ve, veya, aksi halde Reading (Okuma) Go straight on, and you will see the station. (Düz devam edin, istasyonu göreceksiniz.) Hurry up, and


Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Ders 60 : -de, Bende öyle (positif), Bende öyle (negative)

Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Ders 60 : -de, Bende öyle (positif), Bende öyle (negative) Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I Ders 60 : -de, Bende öyle (positif), Bende öyle (negative) Reading (Okuma) I often watch movies at the movie theater, and my cousin does too. (Sinemada sık


Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Reading (Okuma) I was born in 2000. ( 2000 de doğdum) We work in the garden in


Çimen biçtin mi? Ne kadar süre aldı? Ne kadar sıklıkla buzdolabınızı eritirsiniz? Ne zaman kardeşin hamster besledi?

Çimen biçtin mi? Ne kadar süre aldı? Ne kadar sıklıkla buzdolabınızı eritirsiniz? Ne zaman kardeşin hamster besledi? Portatif merdivene tırmanan adam tabelayı indirecek (sökmek / çıkaracak). Çimen biçtin mi? Ne kadar süre aldı? Ne kadar çöpü Michael dışarı attı. Çiftçi ahir baştan aşağıya süpürürdü mü? Ne kadar sıklıkla


Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden Lesson 22: Why Ders 22: Neden Reading (Okuma) Why are you tired? (Neden yorgunsun?) Why is your boss angry? (Patronun neden sinirli?) Why was he late? (Neden geç kaldı?) Why did she go there? (Neden oraya


Simple Past Tense Tekrar ve Alıştırmalar

Simple Past Tense Tekrar ve Alıştırmalar Detaylı bilgi ve Temel Seviye Eğitimlerimiz ya da Özgün Materyallerimiz İçin; https://www.facebook.com/groups/ydsonlinedershane 1 İçindekiler 1)Simple Past Tense Kısa Tekrar... 3 2)Geçmiş Zaman Cümle Örnekleri...


Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock.

Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. diyalogda boş bırakılan yere 1 uygun düşen seçeneği işaretleyiniz. seçeneklerden hangisi verilen 5 cümle ile aynı anlamı taşımaktadır? What time is it? =... A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. A)


Present continous tense

Present continous tense Present continous tense This tense is mainly used for talking about what is happening now. In English, the verb would be changed by adding the suffix ing, and using it in conjunction with the correct form


4. S n f. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla - dakilerden hangisidir? name is Engin. Konuflmay resme göre tamamlayan ifade afla dakilerden hangisidir?

4. S n f. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla - dakilerden hangisidir? name is Engin. Konuflmay resme göre tamamlayan ifade afla dakilerden hangisidir? NG L ZCE 4. S n f Adı - Soyadı:... Numarası:... Sınıfı:... TALKING ABOUT CLASSROOM RULES, GREETINGS, SUBJECT PRONOUNS Test 1 1. 5. Good night Ahmet. Good night Mehmet. Bu konuflman n geçti i resim afla


Geçmiş zamanda olumlu cümlede fiillerin 2. hâli (ed) takısı almış hâli kulanılır.

Geçmiş zamanda olumlu cümlede fiillerin 2. hâli (ed) takısı almış hâli kulanılır. Simple Past Tense (Di-li geçmii zaman) (PAST TENSE) yardımcı fiili ( Did) Geçmiş zamanda olumlu cümlede fiillerin 2. hâli (ed) takısı almış hâli kulanılır. Düzenli fiilleri 2. hale koymak için d, ed veya


Ünite 11. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

Ünite 11. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Ünite 11 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 11 LISTMANIA Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 11.1. DREAMS AND AMBITIONS (HAYALLER VE İSTEKLER)... 3 11.2. COMMON VERBS AND COLLOCATIONS


SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir?

SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir? SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir? 4. Düşünce balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcüğü seçiniz. You are not a hardworking student, Mike! Jeff is a/an friend.


A) Please come in. B) Quiet, please. C) Clean the board, please. D) Turn off the light, please. Sargın Test 4. Sınıf

A) Please come in. B) Quiet, please. C) Clean the board, please. D) Turn off the light, please. Sargın Test 4. Sınıf Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere 1 hangi seçenek gelmelidir? 5 Resimdeki öğretmen öğrencilerine ne söylemiş olabilir?... at the board!...! A) Read B) Write C) Sing D) Look A) Please come in. B) Quiet,


Simple Past Tense (Geçmiş Zaman)

Simple Past Tense (Geçmiş Zaman) Detaylı bilgi ve Temel Seviye Eğitimlerimiz ya da Özgün Materyallerimiz İçin; https://www.facebook.com/groups/ydsonlinedershane 1 İçindekiler 1.)Simple Past Tense in Cümle Yapısı... 3 A)Olumlu Cümleler...


İngilizce Türkçe Gramer 1

İngilizce Türkçe Gramer 1 İngilizce Türkçe Gramer 1 BASİT CÜMLE-1 İngilizcede en basit anlamı ile cümle, «bu» anlamına gelen this kelimesi ile «-dır» anlamına gelen is fiil eki, «bir» anlamına gelen a ve bir de isimden meydana


Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler

Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler Reading (Okuma) He can cook almost any dish. (Neredeyse her yemeği pişirebilir.) You must solve your problems. (Sorunlarını çözmen gerekir.) He could be


İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları

İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları 5. SINIF My Daily Routine 1. 3. UNIT-1 TEST-1 do you go to school? At 8.30 Sevgi Ýlhan Saati ifade eden seçenek aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Where B) Who C) What time D) What 4. A) It's one o'clock.



SBS PRACTICE TEST 3. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 3* SBS PRACTICE TEST 3 1. Konuşma balonunda sorulan soruya karşılık resme göre verilebilecek doğru yanıt hangi seçenektedir? What s Bob doing now? 3. Verilen cümledeki boşluğa tamamlayan ifadeyi seçeneklerden


1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read. 1. He will study.

1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read. 1. He will study. 1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read 1. He will study. a. until I will come back. b. when I came back. c. when I will come back. d. until I


Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not

Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not Lesson 41: may, might, might not Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not Reading (Okuma) You may have a seat. ( Oturabilirsin. ) May I borrow your book? ( Kitabını ödünç alabilir miyim?) The taxi fee may be


Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet

Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi Samimiyet Darüşşafaka Orta Okulu Mart Ayı değeri olan Samimiyet değeri kapsamında etkinlik ve paylaşımlar düzenlemiştir. Yabancı diller bölümü; Samimiyet konusuyla ilgili olarak


at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a

at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a at İngilizcede zaman edatı olarak saatlerle birlikte kullanılır. - I will see you at 4:15. Seninle saat 4:15'de görüşeceğim. - The plane leaves at six. Uçak saat 6'da



1) THE SİMPLE PRESENT TENSE TENSES IN ENGLISH 1) THE SİMPLE PRESENT TENSE * Türkçe anlamı geniş zamandır. * Özne + fiil [1] + obje şeklinde kullanılır. * Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde I,We,You,They = DO / He,She,It = DOES alır, fiil


One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık.

One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık. Lesson 12 One Crazy Story Turkish Tea Time turkishteatime.com Made with love. Ever have one of those nights? You know, the kind you can't wait to tell all your Turkish friends about the next day? Before


PERSONS in ENGLISH (İngilizcede Şahıslar)

PERSONS in ENGLISH (İngilizcede Şahıslar) 1.Personal Pronouns: (Şahıs Zamirleri) PERSONS in ENGLISH (İngilizcede Şahıslar) Şahıs zamirleri kişi zamirleridir ve cümle içinde daima özne olarak kullanılırlar. Bazı şahıs zamirlerinin yerine özel isimler


Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma

Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Reading (Okuma) Walk on this road. (Bu yoldan yürü.) Write an email to me. (Bana bir e-posta yaz.) Dance on the stage! (Sahnede dans et!) Good night,
