European Youth Championships(U26)

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1 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) TURKY vs GLAD TURKY GLAD GLAD TURKY RCA ATTHY BRO CICK GUDOGDU O MORRI OZTURK Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs IMPs TURKY GLAD This segment Penalty 0 0 Carryover 0 0 total References: BridgeBase online. dited by M.ugino

2 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : TURKY 1 1 : GLAD - 0 o 0 c J K J A J A AQ Q K Q K K Q J A : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 1 kit: it turns out the t makes with sades, hearts, 1 clubs, 1 diamond.... Q bigtrain: this will come down to icking the suit... although the oening lead may cuase the defense some communication roblems Q kit: needs something good in the heart suit.. A.... kareno: Hi all.. J #1 ::,,J, # ::,Q,, # ::,,Q,A # ::,,J,A # ::,,T,J # ::,Q,, Vugrahu: orry don t know T K.. T Q.. J.. A.... brolucius: Let s hoe for some exciting boards here, anyway. (Roland tells me that the margin was only around IMPs, so they fought back well) bigtrain: it was exactly :) kit: hi everybody..1.. brolucius: e saw some X-rated two-level overcalls yesterday. ill outh be temted? o... bigtrain: e/w lay recision..... brolucius: est could have raised the hearts, but by looking for a sade fit, he has the chance to... yes, lay the contract himself J brolucius: "I wanted to rotect my two aces from the oening lead, artner.".. - -

3 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : GLAD - 0 : TURKY 1 1 o 0 c J K J A J A AQ Q K Q K K Q J A : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI #1 ::,K,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,T,J # ::,J,Q, # ::,,J,A # ::,,T, # :: Q,,, # ::,,Q,J # :: A,,, # :: T,K,, #11 :: A,,, #1 ::,K, K, #1 :: T,, A, Jacki: The oen room has started, we ll have some commentators for you in here shortly. I am told the closed room starts maybe minutes after the oen secs.. A T.. J.... Q Jacki: Please let me know if you need to be ungaged MolvaM: hoˆ geldiniz... MolvaM: avrua genˆ ler ˆ amiyonasˆ. tur maˆ larˆ baˆ lˆ yor... MolvaM: bu maˆ ta kaalˆ oda tˆ rkˆ e yoruma ayrˆ ldˆ.. MolvaM: erdinˆ erbil bize yorumlarˆ ile ˆ ˆ ˆ k tutacak eerbil: herkese merhaba MolvaM: hoˆ geldin erdinˆ eerbil: hoˆ bulduk davidb: good afternoon all.. K.. MolvaM: ilerleyen dakikalarda birkaˆ usta yorumcu daha katˆ lacak bize Q T.. J MolvaM: levent ˆ zgˆ l hoˆ geldin.... J.. Q.. ozgull: herkese merhaba davidb: showed a good raise J MolvaM: ilk board sorunsuz.. A T.... Q Q.. J ozgull: kaalˆ odada oynayan millilerimiz erdem (aaˆ i) ve arda ankara da birˆ ok kez raki olarak oynadˆ m kamlardan da hatˆ rlˆ yorum ˆ zel deklereleri gelirse yardˆ mcˆ olmaya calˆ ˆ acaˆ ˆ m MolvaM: bu maˆ a girerken tˆ rkiye tk arasˆ nda 1. durumda ozgull: milliler ilk maˆ ˆ 1 ortalama oynam ˆ ˆ lar umarˆ m bu maˆ harekete geˆ me maˆ ˆ dˆ r MolvaM: milli sorcularˆ mˆ zdan yusuf sohtorik romanyadaki takˆ mˆ mˆ zˆ n katanˆ MolvaM: takˆ mˆ mˆ zˆ n genel klasmanda hedef yeri kaˆ ˆ ncˆ lˆ k civarˆ gibi? MolvaM: yorumcularˆ mˆ zdan gˆ rˆ ˆ alalˆ m MolvaM: ilk? MolvaM: ilk? eerbil: bana gˆ re - arasˆ ˆ ok iyi bir sonuˆ olacaktˆ r MolvaM: ilk 1? MolvaM: ilk? ozgull: her takˆ m bˆ yˆ k hedeflerle gider ancak bence ilk iyi olur MolvaM: birˆ ok seyircimiz yorum konusunda istek belirtiyor.. A T.. K.... MolvaM: bu maˆ taki yorumcular TBF yˆ netimince belirlendi.. A.. MolvaM: dolayˆ sˆ ile "rezervemiz doludur" ilginize teˆ ekkˆ r :)

4 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY : GLAD - 0 o c K J A J Q A Q J AK K J A Q K Q - : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 X that his side has trums. (ithout a side-suit singleton he might have bid only nevertheless.) kareno: I ve always been an overcaller with that sort of hand... #1 :: K,,,A # ::,,J,A # ::,,A, # ::,J,K, # :: J,,,T # ::,,, Q # :: A,,, # ::,,Q, # :: T,,, # ::,,, kareno: But most do not cover the first of two touching honors..... K.. K.... T.... A.. brolucius: o, that s right. kit: I think declarer judged that orth had the longer clubs, thus outh more likely to have the longer hearts brolucius: That is a dangerous argument to aly in no-trum contracts, of course, because the oening leader usually chooses his longest suit for the lead...1!.. brolucius: 1 is everyone s choice nowadays, on the orth cards, but double used to be oular..... kit: I think that making a takeout double with of one major and not of the other major is never right... K.. brolucius: outh bids because he can judge - -

5 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : GLAD - 0 : TURKY o c K J A J Q A Q J AK K J A Q K Q - : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 ::,,A, # ::,Q,, # :: J,K,, # ::,,Q, # ::,T,J, # ::,A,, # :: T,, T, # ::,,K, # ::,,Q,T # ::, K, A,J #11 ::,,, #1 :: K,A,, #1 ::,,Q,J davidb: we watch exerienced airs -I believe we will see good bridge.. A J.. A A J.. K.... J T Q.. A Q.... T Jacki: Does someone in here need to be ungagged to comment? MolvaM: bazˆ ellerde vugraf oeratˆ rleri oynanan kartlarˆ yanlˆ ˆ girebiliyorlar ama sonradan dˆ zeltiyorlar.. MolvaM: yani burada undo oldu diye masada da undo oldu diye dˆ ˆ ˆ nmeyiniz lˆ tfen ozgull: evet ˆ ok gˆ venmemek lazˆ m MolvaM: gerˆ ek hayatta undo yok biliyorsunuz ozgull: son el ik gelse batˆ yordu gibi gˆ zˆ ksede belkide ˆ yle olmadˆ MolvaM: vugraf oeratˆ rleri de son maˆ a yorgun girdiler :) eerbil: ik ataˆ ˆ normal ama Arda nˆ n trefllerine tek antresi maalesef yˆ kˆ lacak davidb: H =inv -.. ozgull: aˆ ˆ k odadan anladˆ ˆ ˆ mˆ z gibi ingilizler 1-1 T oynuyorlar davidb: - so H makable.. A MolvaM: belki de -1 dir?.. eerbil: tek ˆ ansˆ mˆ z oynayanˆ n trefl asˆ nˆ ilk turdan birinde almasˆ, ki ek olasˆ bir oyun deˆ il MolvaM: ingiltere takˆ mˆ da genel klasman Jacki: Please let me know if you need to be ungagged.... Q ozgull: ingiltere de beginnerlara 1T aˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 1-1 tˆ r diye gˆ sterildiˆ i iˆ in ˆ yle tahmin ettim.... MolvaM: vugrafta daha sˆ k yer alabilmemiz iˆ in takˆ mˆ mˆ zˆ n klasmanda yˆ kselmesi gerek oohbear: Hi everyone.. J.. K.... Jacki: and florin who is a vugrah oerator.. davidb: slam needs - in H & - in - % slam.. MolvaM: gene de belirtelim ki vugrafta hangi maˆ ˆ n yayˆ nlanacaˆ ˆ ˆ amiyona organizasyon komitesince belirleniyor.. Q T oohbear: e have now seen excellent saves taken by the Croatian air in this room.. J MolvaM: ve o gˆ n hangi maaˆ lar yayˆ nlanacaˆ ˆ nˆ nasˆ l bileceˆ iz derseniz A.. MolvaM: tek yamanˆ z gerek o gˆ nki gˆ nlˆ k bˆ lten in ilk sayfasˆ na bakmak MolvaM: bunun alternatifi ve genellikle herkesin yatˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ey ise "bugˆ n bizim maˆ var mˆ " diye bana sormak davidb: CR -H Im to eth... MolvaM: kim uˆ raˆ ˆ r bˆ lten okumakla :) eerbil: im daha aldˆ k bu elden.. T.... T K Q.. T.... K.. A.. J ozgull: biene razˆ olduˆ u iˆ in im daha geldi.. K.. A Q.. J MolvaM: aˆ ˆ k ara ˆ ndeyiz - -

6 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY - : GLAD - 0 o 0 c 0 0 Q J K Q J AK A K Q J K AQ A J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU #1 ::,A,, # :: K,,, Board : GLAD - 0 : TURKY - o 0 c 0 0 Q J K Q J AK A K Q J K AQ A J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI #1 ::,,, eerbil: kolay bir el, hata yamamˆ ˆ olmamˆ z gˆ zel A K MolvaM: ercan-gˆ ndoˆ du gˆ zelce oynamˆ ˆ lar ˆ lemi ama sanˆ rˆ m ek alˆ ˆ veriˆ olmaz bu elde..1!..1-1/1-1 bal or natural oohbear: Ok that was easy ozgull: juniors ta belli olmaz:)..1.. MolvaM: ilk fˆ rsatta key card sorulmasˆ gereken bir el ama asˆ l sorun grandˆ lem var ise onu kaˆ ˆ rmamak davidb: very conservative asses by..! MolvaM: kuzey aˆ ˆ sˆ ndan grandˆ lemin anahtarˆ minˆ r renklerdeki yan onˆ rler MolvaM: bu bakˆ mdan bir ˆ ekilde karo ˆ zerinden keycard sormayˆ denkleˆ tirmek iyi fikir olabilir... ozgull: karo k ik as olsa mesala 1 hc

7 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) eerbil: Ingiliz takˆ mˆ zon durumuna gˆ re de ˆ iˆ ken 1T aˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ kullanˆ yor gibiler, uygun zon durumu -1 olsa gerek MolvaM: bˆ ylece koz dam ˆ nˆ da ˆ ˆ renebilir ozgull: Burda T briaz karˆ ˆ ˆ k gibi ozgull: aˆ ˆ k odada ˆ ehmus h diyi sonra as sormuˆ ortak kantitatif anlamasˆ n diye... MolvaM: ortaˆ ˆ n aklˆ na yanlˆ ˆ ˆ eyler gelmesini engellemek her zaman iyi fikir.. Board : TURKY 1 1 : GLAD - 0 o 00 c Q Q K K J A K A Q J J A J K A Q - : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU #1 ::,,K, # ::,J,,A # ::,,A, # ::,,K,A # ::,Q,T, # ::,Q,, # ::,,, # ::,A,, # :: J,,,T # ::, K,T, #11 ::,,, #1 ::,T,J, #1 :: K, Q,J, Q - -

8 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : GLAD - 0 : TURKY 1 1 o 00 c Q Q K K J A K A Q J J A J K A Q - : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI #1 ::,,K, # ::,J,,A # ::,,J,K # :: T,,,Q # ::,,K,A # ::,,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,,A # :: J,,, T # :: A,,, #11 ::,, T, #1 ::,T,K, #1 :: J, Q,, Q oohbear: will need to get s going to beat game on this hand.....1! K J.... A A K.. A.... Q.. T Q A J T.... K.. T T.. J.... K.. Q.. J.. Q.. oohbear: s would make if the finesse was on... MolvaM: uanla nt. fena deˆ il..1 oohbear: not clear they get there...1 oohbear: without an early lay declarer can set u a itch in the suit...1 oohbear: now they get there MolvaM: undo.. davidb: should be a normal board..!...! oohbear: need a lead or a lead and a shift.. oohbear: for the defense to revail MolvaM: kˆ r ataˆ ˆ na zorlanˆ r mˆ?... davidb: same bidding same contract in OR... ozgull: direkt T birˆ eye tranfer olduˆ u iˆ in b ˆ yle yamak zorunda olsa gerek MolvaM: kˆ r, karo ve 1 trefl lˆ vesi? eerbil: kˆ r ataˆ ˆ gelse de defans trefl lˆ vesine yetiˆ emiyor MolvaM: sonuˆ olarak bu borddan kaybˆ mˆ z olmayacaˆ ˆ nˆ gˆ rmek iyi.. eerbil: oynayan kˆ r as alˆ nca yerden karo oynayˆ lu emasˆ yamasˆ gerek ozgull: en azˆ ndan karoyu bilmesi lazˆ m vugrahztr:. oohbear: of s is a discovery lay for the Q. Ruso trusts artner didnt underlead the ace.... K.. begse: slm lar MolvaM: sn nafiz zorlu ya hoˆ geldiniz diyelim MolvaM: selamlar eerbil: selam afiz abi oohbear: o no need to lay the King.... J ozgull: slm.... A begse: bu nt batabilir acˆ k kart yaˆ yor ama MolvaM: tˆ rk milli tk kadrosu iˆ in link vereyim MolvaM: millilerimiz htt:// cometitions/0brasov/as/ qteamid= J ozgull: artˆ k batar eerbil: artˆ k yaamaz.. K MolvaM: iyi g,d,yoruz begse: defans iˆ in en iyi hamleyi deklaran oynadˆ ) ozgull: bu elden 1 aldˆ ˆ ˆ mˆ z dˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ rsek. bord tanda sematik bir skor almˆ ˆ g ˆ ney ile ˆ ehmuz ozgull: iyi baˆ ladˆ k.. T begse: bir iyi elde ˆ bˆ r odada seyrettim MolvaM: fahir ˆ zˆ mcˆ hoˆ geldiniz oohbear: no way to avoid the finesse.. MolvaM: tbf baˆ kanˆ fahir ˆ zˆ mcˆ bize romanya dan katˆ lˆ yor.... Q.. MolvaM: kendisi takˆ mˆ mˆ z ile birlikte ˆ amiyonada.... K.. A.... fahir: herkese Brashov dan selamlar.... eerbil: selam Q.. MolvaM: nt nin yaˆ labilmesinin yolu K ya el vermeden lˆ ve saˆ lamak idi - -

9 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) vugrahztr: it was a way oohbear: ast should know that the cant go away. ozgull: selam MolvaM: deklaran ˆ n ilk iˆ i bu sorunumuzu ˆ ˆ zmek oldu.. A vugrahztm: sorry.. J.. vugrahztm: -1 vugrahztr:..... T.. A T.. MolvaM: bu masadaki oyuncularˆ mˆ z arda ˆ iˆ ek - erdem ˆ ztˆ rk Board : TURKY 11 : GLAD - 0 o -1 0 c 0 0 K Q A A J J J K A A Q J - K Q K Q 11 : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU #1 :: A,,, # :: A,,J, - -

10 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : GLAD - 0 : TURKY 11 o -1 0 c 0 0 K Q A A J J J K A A Q J - K Q K Q : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 11 ouths honors.. MolvaM: arda ve erdem bu elden 11 kazanacaklar ˆ nˆ dˆ ˆ ˆ nmˆ yordur herhalde J.. Q.. A #1 :: Q,A,, # ::,J,Q,A MolvaM: diˆ er masa ˆ ehmus ercan - mehmet gˆ ney gˆ ndoˆ du.... T.. K.... J.. Q.... Q...! A A.... J.. MolvaM: oldukˆ a iyi bir skor bizim iˆ in diˆ er odadan geldi.. eerbil: aˆ ˆ k odada Batˆ oyuncu as sormaya ˆ ˆ enmiˆ anlaˆ ˆ lan.. oohbear: i am not sure what T range are laying..1!..!..michaels MolvaM: anadolunun bazˆ bˆ lgelerinde elde ˆ ikan yokken keycard sormadan ˆ lem deklare eden oyuncularˆ kulˆ be almˆ yorlar oohbear: is a " mixed raise " - oints and trums... ozgull: 11 daha ˆ ok iyi baˆ ladˆ k... davidb: good lead.needs only to be a good one better than.. Q oohbear: Game is decent but would go down unless declarer could ferret out the offside singleton King.. A oohbear: not imossible if he finds out about - -

11 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY : GLAD - 0 o -1 0 c - 00 AQ Q K J AK Q J K A J Q K A J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 X 1 #1 :: A,,, # :: K,,, # :: Q,,, # ::,,T,Q # :: J,,,K # ::,,J,A # ::,,T,Q # :: A,,, # ::,,, # :: A,,, #11 ::,,, J #1 :: Q,, T, #1 :: K, K,J, T Board : GLAD - 0 : TURKY o -1 0 c - 00 AQ Q K J AK Q J K A J Q K A J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 X X #1 ::,,T,Q # ::,,K,A # :: K,,, # ::,,J,A # :: A,,, # :: K,,, # :: Q,T, T, # :: K,,, # :: Q,,, # :: Q,,, MolvaM: ˆ u anki genel klasman ve diˆ er maˆ lardaki durumu merak ederseniz A K Q T.. Q.. J K J.. A T.. Q.. A A J.. Q.... T.... K.. K.. J.. T MolvaM: htt:// /Runningcores/As/ qtournid=&qroundno=&qshowflag=1 mariner1: hi all, in from the Oen... davidb: great grand! but not easy to reach even.erfect fit. void vs o oints..1 mariner1: and makes with a few correct guesses

12 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) mariner1: Q and Q right, along with the Aces oohbear: I believe Ruso should bid to define her hand once artner resonds. I would bid..... vugrahztr: me too:).... ozgull: ˆ ehmus ile gˆ ney tahmin ediyorum ˆ u anda ˆ ok moralliler vugrahztr: but she lead a club.. mariner1: well must not have realized the was a game try here.. MolvaM: bazˆ ˆ iftler kontrdan sonraki koz tutuˆ larˆ nˆ gˆ stermek iˆ in transferli deklareler oynuyorlar eerbil: Arda nˆ n kontrdan sonra eˆ er transfer oynuyorlarsa iyi kˆ r yˆ kseltmesi anlamˆ nda demesi daha iyi olurdu raghavan: Hello, I am Ragavan from chennai of India.. mariner1: I would have bid over the,,, showing my minor cards vugrahztr:! MolvaM: muhtemelen arda ciˆ ek bu konv oynam ˆ yor mariner1: I wonder if thought they were showing a constructive raise of and missed... mariner1: it? mariner1: htt:// /Runningcores/As/ qtournid=&qroundno=&qshowflag=1 mariner1: - Running cores (refresh often) MolvaM: veya arda elini beˆ enmedi. demek arda ya daha iyi eller geliyormuˆ... eerbil: kuzey in deklaresini anlamak gerˆ ekten g ˆ ˆ,.kontr ile zaten gˆ cˆ nˆ belirtmiˆ ti MolvaM: evet ˆ zgˆ r bakanˆ n dediˆ i gibi belki de = iyisi dir raghavan: Tx.... T.. Q.. mariner1: right click my name JOI.... K davidb: do not have an easy bid. can be overboard... A.. K ozgull: ingilizler de bir ˆ nceki maˆ irlanda yˆ yendiˆ i iˆ in biraz rahatlˆ k var gibi:) MolvaM: her masada da ingilizlerin oynayˆ batmasˆ iyi midir sayˆ n yorumcular? :) raghavan: Declarer has to give a ade and a Diamond.. eerbil: im kadar iyi :).... J.. A.. A mariner1: elcome Mike Gold raghavan: will be 1 down.. K charles_l: hi rag mariner1: hi Mike lestergold: hi Rob hi secs hi all.... raghavan: Hi Charles How are u?.... Q.. T.. T.... K begse: rua kˆ rˆ neden ceker bizim evlat.. charles_l: :) Q babydolldk: Hi everyone

13 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY - : GLAD 1 1 o 0 c AQ Q AQ J A K J K K K Q A J J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 #1 ::,,J,K # ::,,A, # ::,,Q, # :: T,A,, Board : GLAD 1 1 : TURKY - o 0 c AQ Q AQ J A K J K K K Q A J J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 ::,,J,A # :: T,A,, # ::,J,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,A, # ::,J,K, charles_l: good day Q J.. K A Q.... T.. A.... lestergold: ell of course delighted for an oortunity to comment here young Mr. Jones Beejing meddalist I do believe oohbear: it is ossible that est might dbl but knowing artner is balanced that suggest otherwise mariner1: interesting cards breaks here..1.. charles_l: looks like some excitement.... raghavan: a slam hand - let us enjoy how they reach slam and make babydolldk: ice slam with A onside

14 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) mariner1: best sot.. mariner1: 1 is Polish..... lestergold: only making game for n/s s tho dims can be let thru MolvaM: maˆ lar 0 boardluk charles_l: maybe should bid over XX?.. babydolldk: Unless you lead a is only 10 v. :) raghavan: This is a forcing Pass by ozgull: bu arada girls romanya ya karˆ ˆ 0 - ˆ nde oohbear: I think C may be either natural or a balanced GF.. lestergold: well south having shown his sades first resumably this will be layed in sades now.. eerbil: sanˆ rsam bu elden kaybedeceˆ iz MolvaM: bu elde karo ozisyonu nedeni ile ˆ lem sorunsuz begse: sanslˆ bi slem begse: gitmemek hatta e cˆ kmamak lazˆ m.. lestergold: noe.. mariner1: oh well, also missed the, tough hand to land right mariner1: I guess can make too though lestergold: after d it wa surely correct for north to give reference to sades he had al reay bid the is off a card heart suit with oor intermediates mariner1: not sure that is ossible either lestergold: well a lost oortunity for a swing here unless north corrects to sades mariner1: in Oen Room bid twice and they still did not get to.. charles_l: its retty much 1+ with, what he has.. charles_l: (assuming olish ).. raghavan: ot much excitement - only they have not reached a makeable C slam mariner1: a none lead allows a make mariner1: non lestergold: now Jones ha to find the killing club lead oohbear: will not fare well\ lestergold: and he has.... oohbear: even with that lead not much declarer can do to avoid going off oohbear: Best to win in Dummy and lay a to try to negotiate a ruff oohbear: alternatively if you trust the lead you can draw trums and if - lay for tricks and then lead a off dummy vugrahztr: Mr. Brian enior is here vugrahztr: making ictures vugrahztr: :) oohbear: this is a jr event! oohbear: not a senior moment :) lestergold: well all the other uits have been bid naturally.... lestergold: falase card will not fool ed MolvaM: diˆ er masada keycard cevabˆ nˆ neden yetersiz gˆ rmˆ ˆ acaba gˆ ney?.. MolvaM: keycard soran adam, eˆ er eksik yoksa ˆ lemi sˆ ylemeli bence.. begse: ama nezaman soracagˆ nˆ da bilmeli).. MolvaM: evet :) cˆ mlenin devamˆ nda da... ya da hiˆ sormamalˆ demeliydim herhalde vugrahztr:. eerbil: Ingilizler ˆ ok yukardan konuˆ malarˆ nˆ n sonucunu bu elde artˆ olarak aldˆ lar MolvaM: iyi de bu elde ˆ leme gitmek ek " yukardan konuˆ ma" deˆ il bence lestergold: so aush.. davidb: needs a H to defeat it.. J.. A raghavan: Hello Anita - can u enkighten us as to what system they are laying here.. T.. A MolvaM: neyse. giden 1 im mariner1: htt:// /0Brasov/As/ - Teams.. J mariner1: (Click on ones with O x) ozgull: ilginˆ.. Q.. davidb: now the Q D is missing A.. MolvaM: tabii Q doˆ uda da olabilirdi ve bu elden biz uan kazanabilirdik.... J.. K.. MolvaM: ama KG olarak bu elde ne oynamak isterdiniz diye sorsalar herhalde ˆ lem derdik eerbil: oynayanˆ n karo damˆ na emas yamasˆ gerˆ ekmiydi? - 1 -

15 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY 1 : GLAD - 1 o c Q J A K Q A J Q K A K J - K A Q J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 X #1 :: T,A,, # ::,K,, # ::,,A, # ::,J,, # :: K,,,A # ::,,,Q # ::,,Q,J # :: J,Q,, # :: Q,,A, # :: T,,, #11 ::,K,, Board : GLAD - 1 : TURKY 1 o c Q J A K Q A J Q K A K J - K A Q J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 1 X X! #1 :: K,,,A # :: Q,A,, # :: T,A,, # :: J,,, # ::,,Q,A # :: Q,,, # ::,Q,, # :: K,,,J # :: T,,, # ::,J,, babydolldk: o:) I don t know, but looks like the D was enalty in of the majors and that ass denied it being in! stoers...just a guess..1!..!..! T.. A K A J K A Q Q.. J.. J.. Q Q.... A.... T K.... mariner1: make lots of oohbear: more to Russia when Croatia voluntarily bid on brd and went down hedyg: good afternoon :) MolvaM: yoksa demez miydik? sayˆ n yorumcular? mariner1: well did not fare well in Oen Room, seems that had a lay lestergold: well somehow managed to go off in h in oen - 1 -

16 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) raghavan: Tx Anitha.. davidb: Inv cl mariner1: a trum lead here is best vs.. eerbil: aˆ anˆ n karo kontrolˆ olmadˆ ˆ ˆ n ˆ ve dengeli eli olduˆ unu bilirken iyi bir ˆ lem deˆ il bence lestergold: clubs lie badly too many losers in the black s in east s hand to be dealt with bearing in mind a /1 rum break.. davidb: does not like XXX in ades... lestergold: and over ruff threats in dims oohbear: another cometitive battle at the game level here charles_l: normal to be in down here..! charles_l: es at ims raghavan: If they do not cash D - H makes = 1 ade loser+1h+1d( 1 Diamond goes in Clubs mariner1: well they should be warned about the breaks now MolvaM: bu kontr negatif sanˆ rˆ m ama tutulsa fena olmaz.. hedyg: getting to T.. davidb: the question if H shows shae as well or can be x H.. babydolldk: Yes, maybe difficult for w to lay a... vugrahztr: not hay with artner s bid lestergold: in oen east bid h in front of artner against dims artner may have found a different action mariner1: htt:// /0Brasov/As/ qroundno= mariner1: - Leaders oohbear: once again we see Ruso fail to bid at a chea level oohbear: not clear this Dbl will excite artner enuff raghavan: The final bid otimum and correct.. lestergold: on the bidding and lead best to set u dims after trums dawn lestergold: ten tricks easy on that route MolvaM: deklaran yeri gˆ rˆ nce ik vale sorunum var diye dˆ ˆ ˆ necek ama biz biliyoruz ki sorunu yok :) lestergold: this should give ngland about 11 ims.. K mariner1: no should have the timing mariner1: now lestergold: north ducking wont hel him hedyg: i dont know why doesnt bid it MolvaM: hmmmm bu da ilginˆ oohbear: in com with concentrated honors her hand is not a sub minimum.... vugrahztr: only H:) hedyg: maybe checking to see if has s oohbear: but still a victory for Russia since is touch and go.. A MolvaM: 1 sene kadar ˆ nce bu tˆ r ataklar yamayˆ seven bir arterim vardˆ... hala var :) eerbil: bu kadar agresif bir atak iˆ in bir sebe gˆ remiyorum bu elde MolvaM: aˆ ˆ ktan im veri ataˆ ˆ geri almak mˆ mkˆ n olabilmeli bence.. Q vugrahztr: signals?.. A.. vugrahztr: switch to clubs... lestergold: bad return the club.. T lestergold: defence are throwing tricks at declarer likethey were growing on terees lestergold: trees hedyg: cards in, only in, so laying on.. A J.... vugrahztr: Grosset is thinking... hedyg: hi Adrian.. vugrahztr: hi HedyG Q.. A lestergold: well cardlay here is a little sloy.. Q.. oohbear: declarer is still ok. can set u irtches.. vugrahztr: thinking... MolvaM: deklaran kˆ r vermemeyi becerebilirmiyim diye dˆ ˆ ˆ ndˆ bir an ama vazgeˆ i makul oynadˆ.. mariner1: critical lay here.. lestergold: but contract will roll in now.. Q.. oohbear: best is a back. as long as declarer withholds the q ok.. MolvaM: karo ˆ akasˆ ile ele geˆ i trefl ruaya kˆ r atma senaryosu bu ataktan sonra ek olmaz mariner1: well A wins it :).. K lestergold: nothing criticial he has ten tricks.... MolvaM: 1 im alacak gibiyiz.. J lestergold: he could have cashed the two trums in dummy etc.. T oohbear: i guess it all works out as he can ruff s.. hedyg: he can claim now - 1 -

17 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY 0 : GLAD - 1 o 00 c 1 0 Q J K Q J A K Q J K AK A Q J A - : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 1 #1 ::,A,, # :: K,A,, # :: Q,,, # :: J,K,, # ::,,K,A # :: T,,, # :: T,A,, # :: K,Q,, # ::,,J, # :: Q,,, #11 :: Q,,, #1 :: J,,, T #1 ::, T,,J Board : GLAD - 1 : TURKY 0 o 00 c 1 0 Q J K Q J A K Q J K AK A Q J A - : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 X #1 ::,K,, # :: K,,, # :: Q,,, # ::,,,J # ::,A,, # ::,T,K, # :: A,Q,, # ::,,, T # ::,,,A # :: K,,, T raghavan: ell bid and layed J..1! A K.. A Q J.. K K.. A.. T T.. A K.. Q J.... Q Q J T.... T.... J mariner1: well layed lestergold: i think it was badly defended im not sure it was well layed tho Rob raghavan: 1 vs 1 oints should be in a art score..1! babydolldk: both majors raghavan: Youths are wonderful - taking u newer bidding ideas.. mariner1: sure seems to have a lay here lestergold: it was laydown - 1 -

18 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) davidb: normal game in H...1 mariner1: so a chance for Greece to ull it back to close lestergold: this contract deends basically on which hand the hearts are layed from.. lestergold: the natural lay of a heart u to the KQ loses of course charles_l: well krens is not new.. hedyg: amazing silence by vugrahztr:! eerbil: onˆ r ile 1nt de kalmalarˆ ilginˆ MolvaM: ingiliz takˆ mˆ nˆ n balans ayarˆ bozuk lestergold: i mean who is going to lay a heart tghe other way then losing the chance of finessing against the tenof hearts if th hearts break /1 the other way.. oohbear: nt with lots of chances after the lead and the king wins vugrahztr: let s see.. K babydolldk: On board they bid.. raghavan: But if D is both Majors - the hand must be a real oening hand - or else difficult for resondaseer to judge - as in this c davidb: should misgueese all to go down hedyg: is cold on any lead.. oohbear: maybe best to win the and return a immediately.. K MolvaM: bu elde bizimkilerin ntye rahat gitmelerini bekliyoruz.... lestergold: i redict a ush.... Q.... raghavan: in this case.. MolvaM: bˆ ylece ˆ lemi telafi etmiˆ oluruz lestergold: now the losing heart lay J davidb: now.. MolvaM: zonda olmadˆ ˆ ˆ iˆ in sadece uan ama olsun.. A.. charles_l: both majors is usually layed weak.. MolvaM: im yani.... T.. K.. oohbear: ez game.. A MolvaM: ˆ zellikle takˆ m maˆ ˆ nda zondayken zon kaˆ ˆ rmamanˆ n ˆ nemini gˆ steren bir el bu bence.. Q T.. raghavan: As Anitha says - oen room bid C and made whereas here T IMP A.. K lestergold: and one off is sad but flat bridge.... mariner1: hand seems simler than it was MolvaM: deklaran 11 el alˆ nca im ye dˆ ˆ t ˆ kazanˆ.. T - 1 -

19 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board : TURKY - 0 : GLAD - 1 o c K A J Q Q Q J AQ K A K - J K J A - - : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 #1 ::,,A,Q # ::,,,K # ::,T,J,Q # ::,,A, # ::,,, # :: A,,,K # ::,,, # :: J,,K, # ::,,A, # :: J,,, #11 :: T,,, #1 :: T,Q,, T #1 :: Q,J,,K Board : GLAD - 1 : TURKY - 0 o c K A J Q Q Q J AQ K A K - J K J A - - : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 ::,,A, # :: K,,,A # ::,K,A, # ::,,J, # ::,,Q, # ::,,,T # ::,K,,T # ::,T,, # ::,A,Q, # :: Q,,,J charles_l: in this case was youthful exuberence A.. Q K.... T.. J.. Q A A K J.... K A.... J T T.. Q.... T.. Q.. J.... K lestergold: simly unlucky thats all mariner1: looks right here mariner1: has to be cared to not give u a ruff...1 mariner1: though it would robably be with the winning trick anyway oohbear: I think rest in on this one.. oohbear: can make though ritong: hello all hedyg: hi Henri :) vugrahztr: hi - 1 -

20 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) hedyg: difficult, double doesnt start to show the hand in hedyg: any other bid is an overbid though oohbear: but how do they get in?.. MolvaM: bu overcall unu beˆ enmedim MolvaM: kˆ tˆ daˆ ˆ lˆ m, az uan kˆ tˆ koz.. davidb: uet. shows - in M s.. davidb: exactly s &h oohbear: unless Ruso bravely balances here oohbear: I guess Osiov is thinking.. vugrahztr: yes... hedyg: just what Grosset did not want to hear MolvaM: sayˆ n yorumcular? yorumunuzu rica etsek? raghavan: Charles then here bidding game is not correct - ince oints are equal & both majors with, can ass.. davidb: duck is best oohbear: another cometitive victory for the Russians charles_l: of course should have icked.. A.. charles_l: will ull i think babydolldk: D could be fun... :) charles_l: his hand is quite useless excet for s eerbil: benim iˆ in uygun bi overcall deˆ il ozgull: aaˆ i yi tanˆ dˆ ˆ ˆ m kadarˆ yla iyi avercallarˆ ndan biri erdinˆ? eerbil: en iyilerinden biri :) begse: kˆ r degil zonda demiyebilirsin eerbil: ama gˆ rdˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ z gibi diˆ er odada da araya girilmiˆ vugrahztr:... MolvaM: yaˆ lar genˆ olduˆ u iˆ in yeteri kadar ˆ ok 10 vermemiˆ lerdir daha. normal yani begse: genclik durumu begse: bizimki de yaslˆ lˆ k raghavan: Here though oints with, there seems to be a misfit shouls lay in ades contract only -.. K.. charles_l: htt:// for BBO-TV. atch many vugrah rooms at the same time, even while laying or in the lobby. o download needed. ome need Flash Player, some don t,... charles_l: Oen one browser window er table. lestergold: well this hand will lay itself as the cards lie babydolldk: D must ask for other lead or what do you think?.. eerbil: ˆ imdi Rua oynansa ve yerden oynanan koza R girilse? davidb: now KH is ok for -,,,. if lays D =A & cl.. A.. hedyg: now lestergold: unless west triues a diamond now.. K mariner1: yes even if gets a ruff declarer will cash A next lestergold: absoutely mariner1: or should vugrahztr: signal.. A oohbear: There is a case for Ruso to balance since artner rob has some values and likely a stiff in that case vugrahztr: for diamonds vugrahztr: Mr Zeic is thinking charles_l: i think she was execting to defend J vugrahztr: taking a long time thinking... charles_l: Q and to kill the entry raghavan: ast asked his artner to transfer to ade. est should do so. He can bid t with a fit in ades AXX. davidb: now can declarer roblems MolvaM: ingiltere katanˆ maˆ tan sonra soyunma odasˆ nda baˆ ˆ racak. rua liden rua omuzlamak yasak diye MolvaM: ama vugrafta rua ikiliden atak ˆ ok cazi geliyor doˆ rusu.. ozgull: bir tane tuttursa yeter:) davidb: should not throw D! Q vugrahztr: club?.... vugrahztr: no... charles_l: now fairly clear A was single.... MolvaM: bbosunu yeni aˆ anlar iˆ in belirtelim. t ˆ rk milli tk katanˆ ise milli oyuncularˆ mˆ zdan yusuf sohtorik.. T MolvaM: kendisi ˆ u an romanyada hem U hem de Kˆ zlar takˆ mˆ mˆ zˆ n katanlˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ yaˆ yor davidb: will need a guess now.... K.... T.... T.. raghavan: another ade.. charles_l: after X, ass with and with is recommended.... A vugrahztr: ms Hoderova thinking now... Q.... Q vugrahztr: shes icked the K then the several times now raghavan: Play A and back a c MolvaM: U = yaˆ ˆ ndan daha genˆ olan - 0 -

21 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) sorcu demektir J Board 11 : TURKY - 0 : GLAD - 1 o 0 c A K AQ K K J AQ K J Q J J Q A : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU #1 ::,,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,T,Q # ::,,T,Q # :: K,,, # ::,,,A # :: T,K,A, - 1 -

22 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 11 : GLAD - 1 : TURKY - 0 o 0 c A K AQ K K J AQ K J Q J J Q A : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 1 X X #1 ::,Q,, # ::,,T,Q # :: J,,,Q # :: K,,,A # :: T,K,, # ::,, J, # :: J,K,A, # :: Q,,, mariner1: well layed Q T.. Q T.. Q.. K A.. T.. K.. A.. oohbear: orry was gone for a sec. didnt find their ruff to beat this vugrahztr: signals... mariner1: was too much is Oen Room here... oohbear: n the best signal oohbear: counting is often the best signal oohbear: ast should realize she cant beat this without the ace vugrahztr: they lay with oohbear: rob..1! MolvaM: iˆ te ingilterenin ˆ leme gitme ihtimali yˆ ksek bir el vugrahztr: noe..1 vugrahztr: oohbear: so what do they oen with ---1? vugrahztr: I dont know vugrahztr: do U want me to ask? :):) oohbear: ok I am told they oen 1D with that vugrahztr: I saw the croatian cc begse: molvacˆ m ansikloedi gibi adamsˆ n MolvaM: 1 aˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ndan sonra genellikle arˆ za yaˆ yorlar o bakˆ mdan dedim begse: ama onun kadˆ nˆ makbuldˆ galiba) oohbear: so 1D could be vugrahztr: maybe MolvaM: :) eerbil: umudumuz rakibin kˆ r oynamasˆ lestergold: ngland managed to disgrace themselves in the oen room.. mariner1: actually could make, not that you can bid it oohbear: on for here or T MolvaM: durun canˆ m varken neden ile yetinelim ozgull: ve kula batˆ rmak eerbil: rdem saldˆ rmaya devam ediyor MolvaM: ˆ imdi kuzeydeki oyuncu mutlu olmuˆ tur emasˆ geˆ iyor diye hedyg: otimistic.. ritong: very begse: bu deklarasyonu nerden aklˆ mˆ za geldi hedyg: both and were assed hands, unlikely to balance on the level.. hedyg: a wow lead by babydolldk: this should be down 1.. davidb: have a good save but can make many hearts () davidb: T was s slinter lestergold: sogreece more ro less get it all back on this deal oohbear: Declarer has to guess which black finesse to take in nt but both work. Likely takes the one thru the overcaller MolvaM: kuzey bu kontru ceza niyetine attˆ ama gˆ ney bunu ˆ ˆ zebilecek mi? raghavan: s have majority of oints = outh s 1T + oints with normally should go down -.. mariner1: this might be a erfect Roland slam, 1. % that makes :) mariner1: (that % is a true guesstimate) begse: bidding box da aslar eksik galiba... lestergold: Morris in oen room at equal vulnerabiklity - -

23 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) went for an advance save when he should have downgraded his ten count to seven oints with the osition of the KH known to be under the... lestergold: cosh mariner1: needs to be no worse than,,,, have to be with K on side...and mariner1: have to be right for only 1 loser eerbil: gˆ ney ˆ ˆ zemedi ama doˆ ru kontratˆ buldular bˆ ylece.. oohbear: s needs both finesses.. MolvaM: evet charles_l: even ruff rd to u doesn t work - trum romo for def.. Q raghavan: o useful discards from ast hand. charles_l: K seems wrong - where is loser going if not -? ritong: might have worked finding oener with say Jxx and no loser, but, as any very marginal shot, this unlikely, so costs on the long run oohbear: well not quite both but something extra T oohbear: which finesse taken?.. Q oohbear: Adrian? vugrahztr: he dont try oohbear: sorry tricks oohbear: cant count :P MolvaM: karoya devam? ozgull: ama boˆ lanˆ rsa yaar hedyg: definitely.. J eerbil: arda kˆ ˆ ˆ k karo oynarsa ve oynayan alˆ rsa :) MolvaM: ama gene de lˆ ve ˆ ˆ kmayacak defansta eerbil: Vale ik oynamanˆ n hiˆ bir getirisi olamaz Q.. K A.. T.. K.... MolvaM: ik defosu dˆ ˆ ˆ nmˆ yor herhalde? J.... J.. K.. A.... Q.... Board 1 : TURKY - 0 : GLAD 1 1 o 0 c J J AK J J A AK AK Q Q K Q Q : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU X XX! #1 ::,,T,A # :: K,,, # :: A,J,, # :: Q,T,, # ::,,, # ::,,, # :: A,,,Q # :: K,,, # :: J,,A, # :: K,,, #11 :: J,,, - -

24 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : GLAD 1 1 : TURKY - 0 o 0 c J J AK J J A AK AK Q Q K Q Q : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 X #1 ::,J,Q,A # :: A,,, # :: K,T,, # :: Q,J,, # ::,,, # ::,,, # ::,,,T # :: K,,, mariner1: so we have a 1 im match.....!....r! T.. A.. K A.. J Q.. T A Q.. K J.... A.... K J mariner1: htt:// /Runningcores/As/ qtournid=&qroundno=&qshowflag=1 mariner1: - Running cores (Refresh Often) vugrahztr: :) oohbear: You secs arent aying attn. usually 0 eole jum on me :P...1 davidb: sx is ar in this board.... oohbear: orth should bid only MolvaM: ˆ ˆ ˆ ncˆ den oyun aˆ anda 1 kart bulunmasˆ yeterlidir konvansiyonu bu oohbear: in my oinion.... oohbear: Lets see how they handle this oohbear: are they laying a Polish style system Adrian? oohbear: that would make the correct bid oohbear: since oener is limited by failure to oen 1C vugrahztr: sorry, the lay had... vugrahztr: gone on but i missed it. went down 1 charles_l: n, ty raghavan: Ty davidb: robably knows his artners agressive jums -if not s is ok nv.. davidb: A h & h looks safe vs - in trums oohbear: and that would also make T an easy bid by outh.. ritong: this hand seems to be a matter of undertrick (s) hedyg: a bit enthusiastic lestergold: Have to go nowm folks and leave u to this exciting encounter between these romising young bloods.. mariner1: ty Mike ritong: three down looks normal hedyg: Bessis bid a quiet in the OR and layed there MolvaM: ingiltere takˆ mˆ 1 aˆ ˆ bir sˆ rˆ ˆ lem buluruz diye hazˆ rlanmˆ ˆ ama rahat bˆ rakmˆ yor rakiler MolvaM: sizce nasˆ l kontrat? hedyg: Grosset needs to unblock.. J ritong: routinely.. Q hedyg: :) hedyg: is he really thinking? vugrahztr: ye ritong: can t hurt vugrahztr: again hedyg: i bet Lorenzini is hurting vugrahztr: noe hedyg: :) charles_l: find the Q for.. A raghavan: breather given by defense oohbear: T shouldnt be too difficult. Declarer rob just unblocks sades and ducks a oohbear: and falls back on the finesse if s dont break lestergold: and thx Rob cu all soon.. A ritong: why would he?:) charles_l: a friendly lead.. mariner1: in control now I think oohbear: ok declarer sees things differently than me :) K davidb: he is still ok.. T - -

25 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) oohbear: If the finesse had lost declarer might have had a sot of trouble.... vugrahztr: thinking.. Q.. J hedyg: because when he stos to think he either had a stiff K or is thinking to switch raghavan: He should have ducked first D.. raghavan: not good defense.. charles_l: looks like dbl says don t lead ritong: well, this is not really hurting.. mariner1: he has this made now hedyg: not when he finally lays back a ritong: situation will be the same other room, assuming contract is the same, not the case here, so no worry hedyg: but while you wait for him to lay a card.. begse: molva xx le fena bi kontrat.. mariner1: or could make it.. charles_l: but if has KQx it always makes.. hedyg: he wants a back.. hedyg: now -.. T.. K MolvaM: mustafa cem tokay hoˆ geldin tokay1: selam mariner1: well done Board 1 : TURKY 0 : GLAD - 1 o c 00 1 Q A Q K Q J A Q J A K J A K K J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU #1 :: Q,,,K # :: K,A,, # :: J,A,, # ::,,K,A # :: T,,, # ::,, K, # :: T,,J,A - -

26 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : GLAD - 1 : TURKY 0 o c 00 1 Q A Q K Q J A Q J A K J A K K J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 :: Q,,,K # :: K,A,, # :: T,A,, # ::,,J, # ::,,, # :: T,,, # :: Q,,, # ::,,K,A # :: J,,, # ::,,, raghavan: again 1 vs 1 oints hands Q K.. K.. A J.. A K.. A.. T K.... T.... J.. A raghavan: must be in a art score mariner1: good lay gets a im reward babydolldk: made on = 1 ims...1 davidb: good slam for mariner1: likelu need to stay low.. mariner1: elcome illiam Frisby oohbear: outh might have a hard rebid if there is no systemic agreement.. vugrahztr: Croatia need Davor uker, Zvonimir Boban & Robert Prosinecki:) oohbear: I guess the Russians are laying a Polish tye system otherwise orth really shouldnt ass 1H..... athene: hi good afternoon everyone... mariner1: we have a back and forth match going here.. mariner1: a very reasonable sot athene: = Precision style, = hearts, T natural i guess mariner1: in Oen Room are in a tough here athene: i would think this is the sort of game you stumble into more often than not athene: east oens and west just decides to force to game athene: with the good heart suit mariner1: yes and it would be tough to bring in I think vugrahztr: no vugrahztr: they lay natural oohbear: works out very nicely for them here hedyg: is Lorenzini/Grosset a new artnershi? i seem to rember Lorenzini used to lay with another artner MolvaM: bu kˆ r cevabu kˆ r ataˆ ˆ nˆ ˆ nlemek bakˆ mˆ ndan iyi ozgull: aaˆ i ye li renk geldi:).. MolvaM: ama deklaran as ˆ ˆ kartmak zorunda.. Q MolvaM: iˆ i zor begse: kˆ r oynanmazsa nt oluyor aslardan biri alˆ ndˆ gˆ nda MolvaM: her asˆ n da gˆ neyde olmasˆ iyi hedyg: i am told she is laying on the girls team.... MolvaM: gˆ ney zor bir karar vermek durumunda kalacak.. K babydolldk: unlucky lead... K MolvaM: eˆ er ael gelmezse.. A.. tokay1: h donusu mucize masada begse: defans as alˆ nca kˆ r oynamak zorunda.. MolvaM: li ael mi? MolvaM: ael ise ne aeli? ozgull: iki tur kˆ r alˆ nmayˆ nca karo dˆ nˆ lecek eerbil: smith echo gibi MolvaM: neden bu kararlar he bana gelir diye dˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ yor.. T begse: yok udca tek sayˆ dˆ r MolvaM: zonda nt swingi.. A.... charles_l: lead saves an undertrick but stll -0 likely J.. MolvaM:.m tokay1: ama yinede bu nt komik cok agresif - -

27 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) bidding nt diyen elde abartcak bisey yok defansin kartlari daha normal olsa hemen iceri gidicek MolvaM: im tokay1: he dahada dusuyor elin degeri.. MolvaM: acaba gˆ ney hemen baˆ ta zayˆ f k ˆ r filan mˆ aˆ saydˆ? MolvaM: kuzey ardon.. oohbear: Good technique by declarer.. vugrahztr: ye ritong: i am not comletely aware about that i just know that lorenzini lives in the east of france, where i have many friends, and they told me he is very romising hedyg: he is indeed, even if he misguessed the s here eerbil: Gˆ ney ilk trefli almasa defans biraz daha kolay olabilirdi.. davidb: good bidding by. lay should not be a roblem.. T oohbear: no reason to overruff when there is a loser to itch oohbear: needed totake the ace before lying the.. athene: Q lead in the other room solved a lot of roblems for declarer.. babydolldk: last chance.. raghavan: HK and a Heart may be a good defense vugrahztr: director calls for half time charles_l: but may decidwe to lay for Qxx? instead of? vugrahztr: ms Hoderova again ondering her next move charles_l: no- too much for 1 resonse i think raghavan: Probably they are laying - In VuGrah delayed resentation babydolldk: when is it wrong to lay s now? vugrahztr: wrong there vugrahztr: we are very much live raghavan: Ok Tx VuGrah O athene: and the nice club lie didn t hurt oohbear: then an uercut was available mariner1: yes that sure made a huge difference.. Q charles_l: i was wondering, Anita. i couldn t find an eg.... athene: diamond lead would have worked a lot better, but not at all easy K vugrahztr: and now? vugrahztr:... oohbear: safe to lay the sade now babydolldk: :).. A raghavan: I am hay heard me vugrahztr: the thinking ball is now in mr. iankowski s court vugrahztr: sade oohbear: anything else is risking the contract mariner1: I exected ngland to gain here and instead they will lose a big swing.. J hedyg: much needed ims to Italy.... ritong: right, heavy score til now athene: i think many eole do lead artner s suit too often - a lot of exerts avoid it and look for something unexected if os bid confidently to T.. athene: for examle there was a hand in the finals of the U trials a few weeks back athene: when rodwell overcalled 1 athene: and meckstroth led a heart from QJxx instead of a sade athene: and that gained a game swing MolvaM: evet en azˆ ndan kuzeyden gelecek aele bakabilirdi.. - -

28 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : TURKY - 0 : GLAD - 1 o 00 c A AK K Q K J Q J K J Q A Q A J : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 #1 ::,,K,T # ::,Q,,A # :: K,,, # :: Q,,J, # ::, J, A,T # ::, T,, # ::,, A, # ::,,Q, # :: A,J,, # ::,, K,J Board 1 : GLAD - 1 : TURKY - 0 o 00 c A AK K Q K J Q J K J Q A Q A J : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 ::,,K,T # ::,Q,,A vugrahztr: ye K.. T.... Q.... A.. K Q.... J J.. A.. T.... T A Q.... A.. J K.. J oohbear: this will likely be another Russian icku ritong: this is interesting about the overcall mariner1: of either major works here..1 oohbear: I wish I could say Croatian icku as all the Croatians are good friends of mine ritong: uh? ritong: zia like? ritong: ah no hedyg: :).. vugrahztr: srry ritong: n hedyg: so now + babydolldk: nice without at trum lead...! raghavan: Deal T 1 down here. Oen room = 1 IMP - -

29 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) mariner1: does lay a trick better likely ritong: hm hedyg: nice to lay unsual vs unusual and be able to bid a nf here ritong: wild shot id say hedyg: junior bid? hedyg: seems to be on vugrahztr: who s thinking?:) hedyg: even? hedyg: always Grosset :) vugrahztr: now is hard davidb: every card is ok for for 11 tricks in H... hedyg: with the lucky s he should be able to make 1 tricks.. hedyg: how about bidding instead of, showing force in and fit in 1 of the reds? oohbear: dbl now.. oohbear: get the s in charles_l: may sac in over.. oohbear: secially if can bid T scramble.. oohbear: is a game try oohbear: outh should reject ritong: declarer needs five tricks, he will find them whatever his choice so big hit vugrahztr:... hedyg: Montanari sees no defensive tricks vs... hedyg: so he might bid vugrahztr: noe eerbil: bu kadar ˆ ndeyken alˆ ˆ veriˆ ihtimali d ˆ ˆ ˆ k eller gelmesi hoˆ biˆ ey mariner1: sure has a lot to be assing.. ritong: yes, articularly when he holds AK, his ard very likely has an bagger raghavan: est will ass.. davidb: if is short in, hand is not so good. ok to ass v hedyg: would have been - hedyg: Grosset "the thinker" might take a while to lay this ritong: he has no real alternative charles_l: if Z rebid it might go...?.... vugrahztr: ms. Hoderova is laying the bartender now raghavan: should try sade ruffs before drawing trums vugrahztr: has left the table in order to rocure drinks vugrahztm: thinking... K.. T oohbear: is a counter Game try.. oohbear: erhas orth should accet that mariner1: lead hels declarer.. Q hedyg: that hels! mariner1: robably always makes though.. athene: south has bid north s hand for him here athene: north assed and then bid only over the second double athene: saying "I don t have anything, artner!" hedyg: htt:// 0Brasov/As/ qroundno= vugrahztr: I could claim but who knows..:) hedyg: LOL better not hedyg: no oerator claims :) vugrahztr: Mr. Grosset is... thinking:) hedyg: ofc ritong: sometimes they get bored and have fun trying to anticiate the matters not always a success:) MolvaM: bu elde ˆ nemi yok ama kuzeyin ik li dˆ nmesi iyi bir oyun.. A mariner1: htt:// /Runningcores/As/ qtournid=&qroundno=&qshowflag=1 mariner1: - Running cores (Refresh Often) vugrahztr: ice said Mr. Osiov - -

30 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : TURKY - 0 : GLAD - 1 o 0 c K J AQ Q J A AK J J A K Q Q K : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 #1 :: Q,A,, # ::,,J,A # :: T,,,A # ::,,K, # :: K,,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,, J # ::,,K, Board 1 : GLAD - 1 : TURKY - 0 o 0 c K J AQ Q J A AK J J A K Q Q K : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI X #1 :: T,,J, # :: A,,, # ::, J,, charles_l: tell her mine s a red wine :) Q.. A J.. A.. T A K.... K Q J K.. mariner1: or here ritong: well, realizing tricks with AKJxxx facing a singleton is no scandal MolvaM: claim etmeden ˆ nce karolar nasˆ l diye sormuˆ tur herhalde MolvaM: yoksa 1 lˆ ve sokaˆ a atˆ lmˆ ˆ olabilirdi mariner1: 1 Polish... oohbear: it was indeed to Russia on the 1 hand. layed in the other room. That was high hedyg: T? davidb: 1t oening 1-1 won the revoious board.... athene: erhas an underbid in the other room athene: five trums and an ace...maybe worth - 0 -

31 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) athene: wld be nicer with two sades and the stiff in hearts, admittedly athene: (or that s what north robably thought) :) mariner1: kibbers asking for here ritong: anyway, grosset is " cricri" on BBO and i can say that he is a suer nice guy.. hedyg: :) hedyg: T is on any lead.. hedyg: and now is the time to bid it charles_l: i think is a ractical bid - not dbl.. oohbear: Ruso should lie by dbling if she feels obligated to bid hedyg: i would have oened a 0-1 T with the s and.. vugrahztr:... MolvaM: sorunsuz mariner1: shows the bid hand with little hel as he has.. T vugrahztr:!! oohbear: he rebid? oohbear: would think she would be thrilled to raise T vugrahztr: and now Mr. Osiov... ass:) ritong: the fact that he takes his time laying this imortant event is rather a good thing, i add hedyg: sure it is ozgull: dˆ z bir el daha tokay1: bu elide cozduler astan gelen ortaga dbl muthis tokay1: kesinlikle as derdim ben alakam olmazdi charles_l: unless m=m+.. babydolldk: if you lay leaing michaels maybe... athene: nt showed the strong version of 1? what wld south do with the weak T? ass? babydolldk: :).. J raghavan: good decision by X goes down VUL -00 where as now only 0 charles_l: between dbl &, guys? babydolldk: D mariner1: Q comes down so this will not take long oohbear: This will not do well.... A.. MolvaM: demek sen de yaˆ lˆ sˆ n tokay.. tokay1: ole gozukuyo:)).. mariner1: yes he would have to as was not forcing.. hedyg: now claim tricks ritong: now you can shorten matters cricri tokay1: 0 sayi yazar giderdik biz.. J MolvaM: son borda giriyoruz - 1 -

32 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) Board 1 : TURKY - 0 : GLAD o 1 c Q J Q J A J K Q K A J AK Q AK : RCA : O Oen : ATTHY : GUDOGDU 1 1 #1 ::,T,K, # ::,,, # :: K,A,, # ::,T,, Q # :: Q,,, # :: J,T,, # ::,,A, # :: K,,, # ::,,, # ::,,J, #11 :: A,,,Q Board 1 : GLAD : TURKY - 0 o 1 c Q J Q J A J K Q K A J AK Q AK : BRO : OZTURK Closed : CICK : MORRI 1 #1 :: T,A,, # ::,,K,A # ::,,,Q # :: J,,K, # ::,,T,K # ::,,,J # :: Q,T,,K # ::,A,, # ::,,, # ::,,,J #11 ::,,, #1 :: T, Q, Q, #1 :: J,,, A babydolldk: well layed T.. K K.. A T.... Q.. Q J.. T A.... K J.... A Q raghavan: should be in H or T davidb: can find a way to tricks if not laying all sades ritong: are you undersaying that it used not to be?:)..1 mariner1: well did make in Oen Room, its not a lay down.. mariner1: shows a major suit here hedyg: i believe it better nowadays than it used be say 0 or 0 years ago - -

33 uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) ritong: mm.. hedyg: remembering your junior days Henri? vugrahztr: at this table they lay a very good and ATURAL bridge ritong: somewhat athene: it s all very well to double these artificial bids to show "cards"....transfer hedyg: :) athene: but the critical thing is what your subsequent actions mean.. MolvaM: nt? athene: i.e. what does double mean?.. athene: is a new suit forcing or non-forcing?.. athene: if you haven t discussed these things, you are often worse-off after the first double ritong: but internet is a gigantic booster, nowadays..! hedyg: XX showing Hx in? tokay1: gencler uyanik akarken dolduralim diyorlar vugrahztr: very good layers here... davidb: is very guite today V H is ok.. davidb: D is makable still (club - ) hedyg: yes it certainly is. Juniors are much more exosed to international bridge ritong: being able to watch almost all of the best lay on the lanet everyday or so is unvaluable for these youngsters MolvaM: bu el ek rahat deˆ il bence. deo doldurma oerayonu aˆ ˆ sˆ ndan raghavan: good lead for declarer..! ozgull: sistemlerinde li h dengesiz davet.. MolvaM: ik tek mi gˆ sterdi? tokay1: sanmam s davet edicem birazdan gibi biseydi MolvaM: dengesiz olduˆ unu gˆ rdˆ m de daveti geremedim daha. bakˆ yorum eerbil: bence nt kˆ salˆ k sordu, de ik kˆ sa demek ozgull: uan olunca zaten zon diyorlar:) hedyg: best lead.. raghavan: gets a OT.. mariner1: J coming down is key here... MolvaM: hayˆ rlˆ sˆ tokay1: koz cˆ kˆ sna h olmaz MolvaM: delikanlˆ adam koz ˆ ˆ kmaz eerbil: gˆ rdˆ ˆ ˆ mˆ z kadarˆ ile rua normal atak :) MolvaM: evet K ˆ ablon oohbear: nice sot for.. T tokay1: nt iyi aslˆ nda bati dusunebilir nt demeyi eerbil: herhalde benim tahminim gibi deˆ il anlaˆ malarˆ, ˆ ˆ nkˆ ˆ yle olsa erdem nt derdi begse: nt dˆ ˆ ˆ nmeli mutlaka tokay1: herhangi bi davete o el nt dusunebilir tokay1: cokda onemli diil ne daveti li h davette olsa charles_l: luckily only OTs at stake.. A.. begse: ne olsa nt demek ya kendi lˆ vem var ya kˆ r tutuyorum demek.... tokay1: evet.... K.. A.. tokay1: cevaci hala h der isterse oohbear: now declare will lay s Q tokay1: karo bi onor icerde slerde ar iyi yerde olunca defansda s 1cl 1dia alamiyor birazda sansli tokay1: ama ille zon oynicaksak bari iyisini oynayalˆ m oohbear: ruff a cross to a claim.. J hedyg: highest for begse: ama zaten uanlˆ k el as diyecek bi el.. MolvaM: bu her elde zona gitme sistemi seyir aˆ ˆ sˆ ndan fena olmuyor.. K hedyg: would back have romoted the J?.... MolvaM: ˆ imdi kˆ r oynuyor olsalardˆ herkes uyuklayacaktˆ raghavan: well layed young man.... T tokay1: abi ben bu elle davet etsem sizi bana ay bric oynamama cezasi gelirdi:=)))).. K begse: kolay gelsin genclerimize tebrikler eerbil: bu elden kaybedeceˆ iz ama bir sonraki el ˆ ok gˆ zel bi skor geliyor bizim iˆ in J tokay1: hayal gucumuzu zorlasak nasil davet edelim diye hadi dicem arx h olsun bari eldede hic bi ozellik yok oohbear: ok claim this way :).. Q.. T.... K tokay1: muhtemel diaya h diye biseyde oynuyolar.... A MolvaM: ˆ zelliˆ i olan elle herkes davet eder tokay :).... MolvaM: ˆ nemli olan bu tˆ r ellerdeki otansiyeli koklamak tokay1: buda dogru:) MolvaM: im gidici J

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Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Lesson 63: Reported speech Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Reading (Okuma) He told me that he would come. (Bana geleceğini söyledi.) She said that she would be fine. (İyi olacağını söyledi.) He promised that


5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Part 2 Ünite 12 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA PART 2 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 4 12.1.1. Review of verb forms...



ASSAEL INVITATIONAL CALCUTTA(Session 2) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(ession 2) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(ession 2) Team 1 vs Team 2 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 Team 1 ortel Bjornlund orth ast Ho inlair outh est Board Contrat By M D - - Contrat By M D - -


CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney CALUM SAILS AWAY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474 23


Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues

Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues TEOG Page 1 Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:30 PM Teog Sınavı için Cümle Kalıpları ve İfadeler Really? Gerçekten mi? That s a good idea! Bu güzel bir fikir! I am afraid


AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition)

AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) Hakan Cora Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri


Norwegian Premier League(1_1_11)

Norwegian Premier League(1_1_11) orwegian Premier League(1_1_11) Hordaland vs ord-trˆ ndelag 1 Hordaland ord-trˆ ndelag 1 ord-trˆ ndelag 1 Hordaland Rasmussen Brogeland Flˆ tt Charlsen Bentzen ybo Ringseth Hoftaniska Board Contract By


WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref

WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref WOULD FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be She hoped (that) we would com I thought that he would ref WILLINGNESS (gönüllülük) She would not The car would not POLITE



TEOG 1. MERKEZİ ORTAK SINAVLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ BENZER SORULARI TEOG SINAV SORUSU-1 UNIT 2 SINIF İÇİ TARAMA TESTİ Diyalogu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir? Henry: That's my money.i don t want to give it to you. Martin:...! Don t be so stingy. Diyalogda boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan


D-Link DSL 500G için ayarları

D-Link DSL 500G için ayarları Celotex 4016 YAZILIM 80-8080-8081 İLDVR HARDWARE YAZILIM 80-4500-4600 DVR2000 25 FPS YAZILIM 5050-5555-1999-80 EX-3004 YAZILIM 5555 DVR 8008--9808 YAZILIM 80-9000-9001-9002 TE-203 VE TE-20316 SVDVR YAZILIM


CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts: Pisti: A Turkish Card Game

CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts:  Pisti: A Turkish Card Game CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts: Pisti: A Turkish Card Game Turkish transcript: G: Ne oynuyorsunuz? (Inaudible speech) Z: Pişti. H: Pişti oynamaya çalışıyoruz. G:


function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); }

function get_style114 () { return none; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } Wish sözcük anlamı olarak istemek, dilemek anlamı taşımaktadır.cümlenin


Relative Clauses 1-3

Relative Clauses 1-3 Relative Clauses 1-3 a man who has powerful friends things I like the world which I created the kind of person we need a place that I know something you should know a place where life is simple somebody


a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.)

a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) He is having an exam on Wednesday. (Çarşamba günü sınav oluyor-olacak.) Mary is spending


Anatolian Spring Teams Championship(Final - Danish 2_2)

Anatolian Spring Teams Championship(Final - Danish 2_2) Anatolian pring Teams Championship(Final - Danish _) Anatolian pring Teams Championship(Final - Danish _) RKL vs KIRA RKL KIRA KIRA RKL Phantoma GOUL KIRA AKBULUT GURL BAKA ˆ M KORDˆ Board Contract By


Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final)

Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final) Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final) YILANKIRAN vs JR. YILANKIRAN YILANKIRAN JR. YILANKIRAN JR. YILANKIRAN YILANKIRAN N O. SAKRAK E F. KEPEKCI N O.Kanlˆ E O.Gur S Y. ATABEY W E. KAYA S ˆ Ayaz W G.Yˆ lmaz





Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Reading (Okuma) I was born in 2000. ( 2000 de doğdum) We work in the garden in


Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought

Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought SBS PRACTICE TEST 6 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. I was shopping officer. What were you doing he stole your bag? 1. Mustafa Kemal


BBC English in Daily Life

BBC English in Daily Life İçindekiler Lesson one - Ders 1:... 2... 2 Lesson Two - Ders 2:... 2... 3 Lesson Three - Ders 3:... 3... 3 Lesson Four - Ders 4:... 4... 4 Lesson Five - Ders 5:... 4... 4 Lesson Six - Ders 6:... 5... 5





DIPTEKI BEN. MERVE Efendim aşkım Yes darling! BORA Nerdesin bir tanem? Where are you darling?

DIPTEKI BEN. MERVE Efendim aşkım Yes darling! BORA Nerdesin bir tanem? Where are you darling? DIPTEKI BEN Efendim aşkım Yes darling! Nerdesin bir tanem? Where are you darling? On dakika sonra yanındayım I will be there ten minute later. Tamam hayatım Ok love! Hakancığım Herkes halinden memnun,


Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır?

Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Hüseyin Demirtaş Dersimiz: o Argumentative Essay o Format o Thesis o Örnek yazı Military service Outline Many countries have a professional army yet there is compulsory


«Sık kullanılan slang ifadeleri»

«Sık kullanılan slang ifadeleri» «Sık kullanılan slang ifadeleri» Slang, İngilizce de günlük hayatta kullanılan resmi olmayan ve kitaplarda bulamayacağın ifadeler. Slang ile ilgili en zor şey, kullanıldığı durumları iyi bilmek. Burada



A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION 1. Çeviri Metni - 9 Ekim 2014 A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION Why is English such an important language today? There are several reasons. Why: Neden, niçin Such: gibi Important: Önemli Language:





My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü

My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü EMTRAS [Turkish] My Headteacher is Okul müdürüm My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm My Form Tutor is Sınıf öğretmenim My Form is Sınıfım P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü I must bring in a T-shirt, shorts


«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek»

«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» «Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» Soru sormak için kullanılan kalıplar. Önemli soru kelimeleri. Sorulan sorulara cevap vermek için kullanabileceğin kalıplar. Anlık kararlar ve öneriler için sık kullanılan


Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Reading (Okuma) Will it be sunny tomorrow? (Yarın güneşli mi olacak?) Will you lend her the car? (Arabayı ödünç verecek misin?)


Merhabalar, Rahat İngilizce başlangıç seti, 2. Bölüm Extra Dersine hoş geldiniz. Bu dersimizde, mini hikayemizdeki cümlelerin Türkçe anlamlarını öğreneceğiz. Haydi başlayalım. There is a woman. Her name


1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the

1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the 1. Superlative lerden sonra gelen fiil infinitive olur. ( the latest species to join the rank of ) 2. for/in/during/over/within (fidow) : last/past time olduğunda bu prepositionlar gelir. 3. Now that;


Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır;

Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır; GAZİLLİ Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır; 5 5 Limit 5 5 Game Forcing 6-4 Limit 6-4 Game Forcing Mono (single suit) Limit Mono Game Forcing 5-4 Limit 5-4 Game Forcing NT (5332)


Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5)

Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5) Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5) Quantum vs Primabridge Quantum Primabridge Primabridge Quantum N Nanev E Popov N S.Skorchev E J.Stefanov S Mihov W Andonov S B.Popov W V.Aronov


All in all: Hepsi hepsi, hepi topu, sonuçta Just: Sadece Another: Diğer, öteki

All in all: Hepsi hepsi, hepi topu, sonuçta Just: Sadece Another: Diğer, öteki 8. DERS ÇEVİRİ METİNLERİ VE ÇEVİRİLERİ Another Brick in the Wall (Duvardaki Bir Başka Tuğla) Pink Floyd We don't need no education Need: İhtiyaç duymak Education: Eğitim İhtiyacımız yok, eğitime hayır


a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü

a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü Possessive Endings In English, the possession of an object is described by adding an s at the end of the possessor word separated by an apostrophe. If we are talking about a pen belonging to Hakan we would


Üyelerimizi; "anlıyorum konuşamıyorum", "konuşabiliyorum", "akıcı konuşabiliyorum" şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz.

Üyelerimizi; anlıyorum konuşamıyorum, konuşabiliyorum, akıcı konuşabiliyorum şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz. English Spoken Cafe sosyal bir ortamda, ana dilini konuşan yabancı ekip arkadaşlarımız eşliğinde konuşarak, İngilizcenizi yurt dışında yaşıyormuş gibi geliştirebileceğiniz ve İngilizce öğretmenleri tarafından


Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English - Essentials Can you help me, please? Asking for help Do you speak? Asking if a person speaks Do you speak _[language]_? Asking if a person speaks a certain language I don't speak_[language]_. Clarifying


Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English

Travel General. General - Essentials. General - Conversation. Asking for help. Asking if a person speaks English - Essentials Can you help me, please? Asking for help Do you speak? Asking if a person speaks Do you speak _[language]_? Asking if a person speaks a certain language I don't speak_[language]_. Clarifying


Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri.

Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri. Sevgili dostlar, Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri. Aşk tadında yaşamanız dileğimizle I love you! > Seni I love you more than





1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of

1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of lots of a great deal of plenty of çok, bir çok many much çok, bir çok a little little az, biraz a few few az, birkaç 1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of a lot of ( en yaygın olanıdır ), lots of, plenty


Turkish Open Teams(Swiss-1 4_Match)

Turkish Open Teams(Swiss-1 4_Match) Turkish Open Teams(wiss-1 _Match) Fox vs Tokay Fox Tokay Tokay Fox Kokten Ilgin LAURIA ADUT Aluf Tokay VRAC AKR Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs 1 20 x 00-2 1 0 2 10-00 x 0-0 00 2-1 2


18- UNİTE 1 1- 11- 12- 19- 13- 20- 21- 14- 15- 22- 16- 23- 24- 17- 10-

18- UNİTE 1 1- 11- 12- 19- 13- 20- 21- 14- 15- 22- 16- 23- 24- 17- 10- UNİTE 1 1-2- 3-4- 5-6- 7-8- 9-10- 11-12- 13-14- 15-16- 17-18- 19-20- 21-22- 23-24- 40-41- 42-43- 44-45- 46-25- 26-27- 28-29- 30-31- 32-33- 34-35- 36-37- 38-39- 47-48- 49-50- 51-52- 53-54- 55-56- 57-58-


Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?)

Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?) Birinci tekil ve çoğul şahıs zamirleriyle (I-WE) kullanılır. Gelecek zamanın yardımcı fiili olmasının yanısıra, MODAL yardımcı olarak fikir sorma veya teklif ifade eder. Ayrıca kesin kararlılık, tehdit


Izmir Teams Championship 2010(Round 14)

Izmir Teams Championship 2010(Round 14) Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Buyuksehir beyaz vs Zelal u Buyuksehir beyaz Zelal u Zelal u Buyuksehir beyaz M.Bilgen U.Aykal H Yildizog B Aslan H.Goksu U.Oztunc


Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B)

Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B) Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B) BTN vs Djarum BTN Djarum Djarum BTN N J BOJOH E OCTAVIAN N Anthony S E Franky K S L GONTHA W A HAITANI S Kamto W Piskanto Board Contract By M D N-S E-W Contract


Hafiflik (Yoga, pilates ve chi kung'un sentezi)

Hafiflik (Yoga, pilates ve chi kung'un sentezi) Hafiflik (Yoga, pilates ve chi kung'un sentezi) Ray Rizzo Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Hafiflik (Yoga, pilates ve chi kung'un sentezi) Ray Rizzo Hafiflik (Yoga, pilates ve chi


Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU

Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU Listmania Ünite 12 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 3 12.2. REVIEW OF VERB FORMS... 3 12.3. VOCABULARY


Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim

Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim Lesson 21: Who Ders 21: Kim Reading (Okuma) Who are your friends? (Arkadaşların kimler?) Who is your new boss? (Yeni patronun kim?) Who is your English teacher? (İngilizce öğretmenin kim?) Who was the


Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Lesson 66: Indirect questions Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Reading (Okuma) Could you tell me where she went? (Bana nereye gittiğini söyler misiniz?) Do you know how I can get to the hospital? (Hastaneye nasıl


Lesson 19: What. Ders 19: Ne

Lesson 19: What. Ders 19: Ne Lesson 19: What Ders 19: Ne Reading (Okuma) What is it? (O nedir?) What is your name? (İsmin nedir?) What is the answer? (Cevap nedir?) What was that? (O neydi?) What do you want? (Ne istersin?) What did


Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her

Lesson 58 : everything, anything. each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey. Her biri, her Lesson 58 : everything, anything each, every Ders 58: her şey, herhangi bir şey Her biri, her Reading (Okuma) Is everything okay? (Her şey yolunda mı?) Don t worry, everything will be fine. (Endişelenme,


Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet

Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi Samimiyet Darüşşafaka Orta Okulu Mart Ayı değeri olan Samimiyet değeri kapsamında etkinlik ve paylaşımlar düzenlemiştir. Yabancı diller bölümü; Samimiyet konusuyla ilgili olarak


Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(R16 segment 1)

Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(R16 segment 1) Turkish Club Team Championship 200(R1 segment 1) Adana B..K. vs Izmir B.B..K Adana B..K. Izmir B.B..K Izmir B.B..K Adana B..K. B.Koca M.C.Tokay. Assael T.Kose.Kubac.Zorlu A.Aksu Board Contract By


İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! 1 Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri 2 How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? 3 8.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı ve Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 4 TOO


Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock.

Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. diyalogda boş bırakılan yere 1 uygun düşen seçeneği işaretleyiniz. seçeneklerden hangisi verilen 5 cümle ile aynı anlamı taşımaktadır? What time is it? =... A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock. A)


Bağlaç 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet

Bağlaç 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet ÖNEMLİ BAĞLAÇLAR Bu liste YDS için Önemli özellikle seçilmiş bağlaçları içerir. 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet Bu doküman, YDS ye hazırlananlar için dinamik olarak oluşturulmuştur. 1. although


ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları

ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları ATA - AÖF AÇIK ÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ VİZE SORULARI YABANCI DİL l Sipariş ve Bilgi İçin : ZAFER FOTOKOPİ SINAVINIZDA BAŞARILAR DİLER. 0.332 353 78 75 Rampalı Çarşı 1 Kat No: 135 Meram/KONYA


Present continous tense

Present continous tense Present continous tense This tense is mainly used for talking about what is happening now. In English, the verb would be changed by adding the suffix ing, and using it in conjunction with the correct form


Şimdi de kesin bir zorunluluğun bulunmadığını ifade eden cümlelere örnekler verelim:

Şimdi de kesin bir zorunluluğun bulunmadığını ifade eden cümlelere örnekler verelim: 1 You mustn't smoke here. It's dangerous. (Burada sigara içmeniz yasaktır. Tehlikelidir.) 2 We mustn't park our car here. There's no-parking sign. (Arabanızı buraya park etmemiz yasak. Park edilmez işareti


Put on make-up: Makyaj yapmak Brush: Taramak Long: Uzun. Then: Sonra Ask: Sormak Look: Görünmek All right: İyi

Put on make-up: Makyaj yapmak Brush: Taramak Long: Uzun. Then: Sonra Ask: Sormak Look: Görünmek All right: İyi 7. DERS ÇEVİRİ METİNLERİ VE ÇEVİRİLERİ Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight (Bu Gece Harika(sın)) It's late in the evening; Late: Geç Evening: Akşam Akşamın geç bir vakti She's wondering what clothes to wear.



8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 8. SINIF YARIYIL ÇALIŞMA TESTİ 1., 2. ve 3. sorularda aşağıda verilen kelimelerden hangisi anlam bakımından diğerlerinden farklıdır? 1. A) rude B) trustworthy C) generous D) supportive TEST - 2 (2011-2012)


Mantik (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish Edition)

Mantik (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish Edition) Mantik (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish Edition) Nurettin Topcu Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Mantik (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish Edition) Nurettin Topcu Mantik (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish


İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları

İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları 5. SINIF My Daily Routine 1. 3. UNIT-1 TEST-1 do you go to school? At 8.30 Sevgi Ýlhan Saati ifade eden seçenek aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Where B) Who C) What time D) What 4. A) It's one o'clock.


Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Lesson 67: Tag Questions Ders 67: Etiket Soruları Reading (Okuma) You will come with us, won t you? (Sen bizimle geleceksin, değil mi? ) The water is cold, isn t it? (Su soğuk, değil mi?) You really like


Virtualmin'e Yeni Web Sitesi Host Etmek - Domain Eklemek

Virtualmin'e Yeni Web Sitesi Host Etmek - Domain Eklemek Yeni bir web sitesi tanımlamak, FTP ve Email ayarlarını ayarlamak için yapılması gerekenler Öncelikle Sol Menüden Create Virtual Server(Burdaki Virtual server ifadesi sizi yanıltmasın Reseller gibi düşünün


Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma

Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma Reading (Okuma) Walk on this road. (Bu yoldan yürü.) Write an email to me. (Bana bir e-posta yaz.) Dance on the stage! (Sahnede dans et!) Good night,


Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad):

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Learn how to get started with Dropbox: Take your stuff anywhere. Send large files. Keep your files safe. Work on files together. Welcome to Dropbox!

Learn how to get started with Dropbox: Take your stuff anywhere. Send large files. Keep your files safe. Work on files together. Welcome to Dropbox! Learn how to get started with Dropbox: 1 2 3 4 Keep your files safe Take your stuff anywhere Send large files Work on files together Welcome to Dropbox! 1 Keep your files safe Dropbox lets you save photos,



TEST RESULTS UFED, XRY and SIMCON TEST RESULTS UFED, XRY and SIMCON Test material : SIM card Tested software : UFED 3.6, XRY 6.5, SIMcon v1.2 Expected results : Proper extraction of SMS messages Date of the test : 02.04.2013 Note : The


Cases in the Turkish Language

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Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım.

Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Let s, Shall we, why don t Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım. Yes, let s. Evet haydi oynayalım. No, let s not. Hayır, oynamayalım.


Do not open the exam until you are told that you may begin.

Do not open the exam until you are told that you may begin. ÖRNEKTİR ÖRNEKTİR ÖRNEKTİR ÖRNEKTİR ÖRNEKTİR OKAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ MATEMATİK BÖLÜMÜ 03.11.2011 MAT 461 Fonksiyonel Analiz I Ara Sınav N. Course ADI SOYADI ÖĞRENCİ NO İMZA Do not open

Detaylı Cümle Kalıpları: Kişisel Dilekler İngilizce-İngilizce Cümle Kalıpları: Kişisel Dilekler İngilizce-İngilizce Dilekler : Evlilik Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world. Congratulations. Wishing the both of you all the happiness in the world. Yeni evli bir çifti Congratulations


Turkish Open Teams Championships 2009(Swiss 3 Round 4)

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Sick at school. (Okulda hasta) Turkish. List of characters. (Karakter listesi) Leila, the sick girl. Sick girl s friend. Class teacher.

Sick at school. (Okulda hasta) Turkish. List of characters. (Karakter listesi) Leila, the sick girl. Sick girl s friend. Class teacher. (Okulda hasta) List of characters (Karakter listesi) Leila, the sick girl Sick girl s friend Class teacher Nurse (Leyla, hasta kız) (Hasta kızın arkadaşı) (Sınıf öğretmeni) (Hemşire) Girl with bike rider


SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir?

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Choreography Notes for: Usta-Çırak 2014 Schadia, all rights reserved

Choreography Notes for: Usta-Çırak 2014 Schadia, all rights reserved 5 4 Usta-Çırak Usta sen ol bu sefer çırağın ben. Yaklaşa yaklaşa mesafe kalmadı. Dünden hazırız ama cesaret olmalı Sen bana aşık ben sana aşık Ne duruyoruz ki başlasak artık? Seni çözmek için alt yazı


ˆ tanbul Championship 2010 (Segment 3)

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Islington da Pratisyen Hekimliğinizi ziyaret ettiğinizde bir tercüman istemek. Getting an interpreter when you visit your GP practice in Islington

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DENEME SINAVLARI. DENEME SINAVLARI Tüm hakkı saklıdır. 5846 ve 2936 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasası Hükümleri gereğince yayıncının yazılı izni olmaksızın bu kitabın tamamı veya bir kısmı elektronik ortam dahil kopya


2. Masada düzgün şartlar ve yöntemin sağlanmasından Kuzey de oturan oyuncu öncelikle sorumludur. O Doğru O Yanlış ( Madde =...

2. Masada düzgün şartlar ve yöntemin sağlanmasından Kuzey de oturan oyuncu öncelikle sorumludur. O Doğru O Yanlış ( Madde =... 1 Adı : Soyadı : PUAN: ( ) 1. Kuzey 1 açar ve hemen 1 SA ile değiştirir. Bunun üzerine Doğu ben 1 i kabul ediyorum diyerek 1 deklaresini masaya koyar. 1SA deklaresi cezasız olarak kalkar. 2. Masada düzgün


Lesson 20: Where, when. Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman

Lesson 20: Where, when. Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman Lesson 20: Where, when Ders 20: Nerede, ne zaman Reading (Okuma) Where is the City Hall? (Belediye binası nerede?) Where are you now? (Şu an neredesin?) Where is he working? (Nerede çalışıyor?) Where did



Y KUŞAĞI ARAŞTIRMASI. TÜRKİYE BULGULARI: 17 Ocak 2014 Y KUŞAĞI ARAŞTIRMASI TÜRKİYE BULGULARI: 17 Ocak 2014 Yönetici Özeti Bu araştırma, 2025 yılında iş dünyasının yüzde 25 ini oluşturacak olan Y Kuşağı nın iş dünyasından, hükümetten ve geleceğin iş ortamından
