Benzer belgeler

5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları


1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend.


Unit 1. My Daily Routine. A) How old are you? B) What s your name? C) Where are you from? D) What s the time? A:... time is it? B: It s three o clock.


I WOULD come to the party but... You He,She,It We They

He eats meat. She eats meat. It eats meat.

a) Must: meli malı. Bir eylemin yapılmasının zorunluluğunu belirten must ile ifade edilen kişinin kendi isteğinden kaynaklanmaktadır.


WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref

Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU

a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.)

Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not

1. She traveled the world. a. over b. across c. on d. around. 1. There s a park across the street the hospital. a. of b. to c. from d.

İNGİLİZCE. My Daily Routine. A) It's one o'clock. It s on Monday. Zeka Küpü Yayınları

SBS PRACTICE EXAM 4. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 4* 1. Aşağıdaki cümleyi tamamlayan sözcük hangi seçenektedir?

Example: 1 Shall I give the baby some tea? (Bebeğe biraz çay vereyim mi?)

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma

SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz.

at Kullanımı: de, da, ye, ya, e, a





Lesson 23: How. Ders 23: Nasıl

Lesson 33: Interrogative forms of be going to, be + verb~ing for expressing near future

Kısaltılmış biçimi: Olumlu cümlelerde ('ll) Olumsuz cümlelerde: (Won't) A WILLINGNESS (İsteklilik) PROMISE (Vaad):



Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak

1. A lot of; lots of; plenty of

STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri)

Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought

can herhangi bir şeyi yapabilmeye yetenekli olduğumuzu belirtmek için

Past Continnons Tense ile sormak için Was veya were sözcükleri soru cümlesinin başında kullanılır. Cevabında mutlaka Yes / No bulunur.


1. Ne zaman yapılacağı kesin belli olan veya gelecekte yapmaya niyet ettiğimiz işleri anlatırken:

ÜNİTE 9 USAGE OF SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE YABANCI DİL I İÇİNDEKİLER HEDEFLER. Present Simple Tense Usage. Time Adverbials in Simple Present Tense


5. Sınıf İngilizce 4. Ünite My Daily Routines Kelime Listesi ve Konu Anlatımı

MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1

function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); }

Lesson 42: have to, don t have to. Ders 42: -meli/-malı, zorunda olmamak

NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 7. A Prepositions of Place 1 B Present Simple (+ / - /?) 3 C Adverbs of Frequency 8




İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir:


Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog)

Lesson 21: Who. Ders 21: Kim


Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney


Let s, Shall we, why don t. Let s, let us: Öneri cümlesi başlatır. Let s elim anlamına gelir. Let s play basketball. Haydi basketball oynayalım.

Üyelerimizi; "anlıyorum konuşamıyorum", "konuşabiliyorum", "akıcı konuşabiliyorum" şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz.


Meryem Yılmaz - Elvan Şentürk - Arzu Turkay


Lesson 64: Modal verbs Ders 64: Yardımcı fiiler

Teen Life. Sargın Test 8. Sınıf. A) Where B) How often. C) What D) What time

UNIT 21. After. Live. sonra. yerleşmek, oturmak Always. Monday. her zaman. Pazartesi Arrive. Neighborhood. mahalle Before. varmak. Never.

Lesson 22: Why. Ders 22: Neden

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi


VOCABULARY LIST. late. leave. : ayrılmak, terk etmek call. listen. : dinlemek cartoon. live. : yaşamak chat. lunch. : öğle yemeği chess. marble.

NAMIK KEMAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ UZAKTAN EĞİTİM MERKEZİ UNIT 1. A Subject Pronouns 1 B The Verb To Be (+, -,?) 2 C Introducing Yourself 5.

Grade 6 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number Konuşma balonunda boş bırakılan yere uygun olan ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.





Present continous tense


İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

1. The Browns are coming bus. a. by b. with c. in d. on. 1. She doesn t have money. a. many b. much c. no d. very. 1. George enjoys in the sea.


Lesson 18 : Do..., Don t do... Ders 18: yap, yapma


A) Please come in. B) Quiet, please. C) Clean the board, please. D) Turn off the light, please. Sargın Test 4. Sınıf

«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek»

Lesson 67: Tag Questions. Ders 67: Etiket Soruları


Sargın Test 8. Sınıf


Ünite 6. Hungry Planet II. Kampüsiçi Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE. Okutman Hayrettin AYDIN

BBC English in Daily Life

Sports. A Real Achievement

Lesson 29: "It" in Various Usages. Ders 29: "It" Zamirinin Farklı Kullanımları

Lesson 41: may, might, might not. Ders 41: -ebilmek, might, might not

Lesson 60 : Too/Either, So do I, Neither do I. Ders 60 : -de, Bende öyle (positif), Bende öyle (negative)

1. Did you read this book? No, I didn t. I wish I it. a. read b. can read c. had read d. will read. 1. He will study.


My Year Manager is Sınıf Müdürüm. P.E. is on Beden eğitimi dersimin günü

Lesson 07: Verb + not, Verb +? Ders 07: Fiil + olumsuzluk eki, Fiil +?

1. Sınıf - 5. Ünite Anadolu Üniversitesi



MEB HAYAT BOYU ÖĞRENME GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ YAYINLARI AÇIK ÖĞRETİM OKULLARI DERS NOTLARI DİZİSİ Copyright MEB Her hakkı saklıdır ve Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına aittir. Tümü ya da bölümleri izin alınmadan hiçbir şekilde çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz ve dağıtılamaz. Yazar Grafik : İrfan BAYGÜL / Gürsel YEŞİLOĞLU : Hatice DEMİRER Resimleme : Sevgi MERT Kapak : Güler ALTUNÖZ

ATATÜRK'ÜN GENÇL E H TABES Ey Türk gençli i! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk cumhuriyetini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en k ymetli hazinendir. stikbalde dahi, seni, bu hazineden, mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî, bedhahlar n olacakt r. Bir gün, istiklâl ve cumhuriyeti müdafaa mecburiyetine düflersen, vazifeye at lmak için, içinde bulunaca n vaziyetin imkân ve fleraitini düflünmeyeceksin! Bu imkân ve flerait, çok nâmüsait bir mahiyette tezahür edebilir. stiklâl ve cumhuriyetine kastedecek düflmanlar, bütün dünyada emsali görülmemifl bir galibiyetin mümessili olabilirler. Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatan n, bütün kaleleri zapt edilmifl, bütün tersanelerine girilmifl, bütün ordular da t lm fl ve memleketin her köflesi bilfiil iflgal edilmifl olabilir. Bütün bu fleraitten daha elîm ve daha vahim olmak üzere, memleketin dahilinde, iktidara sahip olanlar gaflet ve dalâlet ve hattâ h yanet içinde bulunabilirler. Hattâ bu iktidar sahipleri flahsî menfaatlerini, müstevlilerin siyasî emelleriyle tevhit edebilirler. Millet, fakr u zaruret içinde harap ve bîtap düflmüfl olabilir. Ey Türk istikbalinin evlâd! flte, bu ahval ve flerait içinde dahi, vazifen; Türk istiklâl ve cumhuriyetini kurtarmakt r! Muhtaç oldu un kudret, damarlar ndaki asîl kanda, mevcuttur!


İÇİNDEKİLER UNIT ONE IMAGINATION AND PLANS Scout Camp 11 Part Two Present Perfect Continuous Tense 14 Part There Future Continuous Tense 18 Modals For Requests 22 TEST 25 UNIT TWO PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER Cihan s Hobbies and Interests 33 Adverbs 36 Adverbs of time 36 Adverbs of Place 43 Adverbs of Manner 45 Intensifiers 47 TEST 50 UNIT THREE COMMUNICATION Lazy Bernard 57 Conditional Clauses 61 TEST 70



NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. Doğa ve çevre ile ilgili bir okuma parçasını okuyup anlayabilecek, konu ile ilgili soruları cevaplandırabilecek, 2. Geçmişte başlamış ve konuşma anına kadar devam eden bir eylemi anlatabilecek, 3. Gelecekte belli bir süre yapıyor olacağınız bir olayı anlatabilecek, 4. Birine nasıl ricada bulunabileceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konuyu dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Konuda geçen yeni kelimeleri öğreniniz. ūū Konu içinde karşılaştığınız yeni kavramları öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. ūū Alıştırmaları ve testleri çözdükten sonra kontrol edip yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmaların ve testlerin konularına tekrar çalışınız. 10

Part One Scout Camp (İzci Kampı) Hello, Peter! I am very happy because I am going to a scout camp for two weeks. Guess where? To Antalya. Antalya is a beautiful city in the south of Turkey. It is the tourism center of Turkey. It s population is over 700.000. Our camp will be in the forest by the sea. It is 7 kilometres far from the city center. So I will have the opportunuity to visit the city at the same time. I have been preparing my clothes since the morning. It is difficult for me to choose what to take with me. You know I can only take 30 kilos to the plane. The flight is on Monday. I have to buy some new things for the camp. I need a sleeping bag because we are going to stay in tents. Nights will be cold in the forest. 11

I also need a pair of waterproof shoes, and a big sports bag to put my scout equipments. You know I can t eat every kind of food and I will definetely miss my mother s meals. So my mother has been cooking my favorite meals since morning. The smell coming from the kitcken is delicious. I am looking forward to eat them all before I go to Turkey. I think the camp will be great. I will be having great time for two weeks. I will be lying on the beach. I will be swimming in the sea. I will be having lots of adventure in the forest. You know I like adventure very much. Turkish scouts are very hospitable. I got in contact with one of them. His name is Emre. He told me about the campsite. He said we will stay in tents. There will be 200 scouts all over the world. It will be an international camp. We will be having lessons in the morning and in the afternoon we will be having free time. I hope I will meet nice friends. I am so sorry that you can t come to the camp with me. I will write you from Antalya. With love Tom 1. Parçaya göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Tom is very happy / unhappy. 2. He is going to a scout / youth camp. 3. His mother is cooking / eating in the kitchen now. 4. The scouts will stay in hotels / tents during the camp. 5. There will / won t be 200 scouts at the camp. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve sorular cevaplandırınız. 1. Who is going to Antalya for a scout camp? 2. Why is Tom so happy? 3. Is Antalya in the north of Turkey? 4. Where will be the camp? 5. When will Tom fly to Turkey? 12

6. What will he buy for the camp? 7. What will he be doing during the camp? 8. Does Tom like adventure very much? 9. Are Turkish scouts very hospitable? 10. Is it a national camp? 13

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Part Two Türkçede karşılığı olmayan bu zaman geçmişte başlamış ve konuşma anına kadar süregelen olayları anlatmak için kullanılır. Eylem konuşma anında henüz bitmiş ve hâlâ etkileri açıkça görülebilir ya da eylem konuşma anında da devam ediyor olabilir. I have been cleaning the house for three hours and haven t finished it yet. (Üç saattir evi temizliyorum ve hâlâ bitiremedim.) Ali : You are out of breath, what happened? (Nefes nefesesin, ne oldu?) Ahmet : I have been running. (Koşmaktaydım.) Ali : Why? (Niçin?) Ahmet : A dog was cashing me. (Bir köpek beni kovalıyordu.) I have been learning English for five months. (Beş aydır İngilizce öğreniyorum.) 14

He has been driving for six hours. (O, altı saattir araba sürüyor.) My mother has been cleaning the house all week long. (Annem bütün hafta boyunca evi temizlemekte.) Present Perfect Continuous Tense te yapı S+ have/has been Ving + O I/we /you / they have he / she / it has şeklinde kullanılır. Bu zamanda fiil Olumlu cümlede I / we / you / they have been he / she / it has been Olumsuz cümlede I / we / you / they haven t been he / she / it is hasn t been Soru cümlesinde Have I / we / you / they been Has he / she / it been S + have / has been Ving + O I have been studying lesson. (Ders çalışmaktayım.) She has been studying lesson. (O ders çalışmakta.) S + haven t / hasn t been Ving + O I haven t been studying lesson. (Ders çalışmıyorum.) She hasn t been studying lesson. (O ders çalışmıyor.) Have / Has + S + been + Ving + O Have you been studying lesson? (Ders çalışıyor musun?) Has she been studying lesson? (O ders çalışıyor mu?) 15

Present Perfect Continuous Tense kullanılan zaman zarfları aşağıdaki tabloda verilmiştir. since (-den beri) for (-dır, dir) all day (gün boyu) all week (hafta boyu) lately (son zamanlarda) recently (son zamanlarda) We have been watching the match for more than an hour. (Bir saatten fazla bir süredir maçı seyrediyoruz.) The president has been speaking for two hours. (Başkan iki saattir konuşuyor.) The prime minister has been visiting the Asian countries for six days. (Başbakan altı gündür Asya ülkelerini ziyaret etmekte.) I have been teaching English for 15 years. (Onbeş yıldır İnglizce öğretemkteyim.) It hasn t been snowing in Antalya for a long time. (Uzun zamandır Antalya ya kar yağmamakta.) 3. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları parantez içindeki fiillerin Present Perfect Continuous halini kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. She... (live) in this city since 1986. 2. The taxi... (wait) for you since one o clock. 3. Ali... (live) in Germany since 2001. 4. Emre... (play) football for two hours. 16

5. I... (learn) English for two years. 6. We... (watch) the film for more than two hours. 7. They... (live) without electricity for years in some parts of Africa. 8. The water... (run) for two minutes, can you turn off the tap? 9. I... (work) in the garden since morning. 10. She... (wait) in the queue for more than an hour. 4. Aşağıda verilen kelimeleri kullanarak anlamlı cümleler yazınız. 1. I / working / been / company / at the same / ten / for / have / years. 2. Turan / teaching / been / at / university / the/for / months. / five / has 3. We / waiting / have / for / been / you / day. / all 4. It / been / all / has / raining / morning / day. 5. The / sleeping / baby / been / since / has / five / o clock. 6. I / the / have / car. / been / repairing 7. Her / living / here / sister / has / for / been / years. / two 8. She / been / since / walking / woke / she / up. / has 9. She / been / has / on / speaking / phone / the / ten / for / minutes. 10. Ayşe / cleaning / has / room / her / been / morning / since 17

Part There Future Continuous Tense Gelecekte belli bir zamanda devam edecek olan eylemleri ifade ederken kullanılır. This time next week we will be flying to Antalya. (Gelecek hafta bu zamanlar Antalya ya uçuyor olacağız.) Don t call me at 9.00. I will be watching the match between Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe. The baby will be sleeping all afternoon. (Bebek tüm öğleden sonra uyuyor olacak.) Don t call me after 10.00. I will be sleeping. (Beni saat 10.00 dan sonra arama, uyuyor olacağım.) 18

Bu zamanda fiil tüm şahıslarda (I / you / we / they / he/ she / it) will be Ving şeklinde kullanılır. Olumlu cümlede I / he / she / it / we / you / they will be Ving Olumsuz cümlede I / he / she / it / we / you / they won t be Ving Soru cümlesinde Will I / he / she / it / we / you / they be Ving S + will be Ving + O I will be studying lesson. (Ders çalışıyor olacağım.) S + will not (won t) be Ving + O I won t be studying lesson. (Ders çalışmıyor olacağım.) Will + S + be Ving + O Will you be studying lesson? (Ders çalışıyor olacak mısın?) Future Continuous Tense kullanılan zaman zarfları aşağıdaki tabloda verilmiştir: by tomorrow (yarın) at 8 o clock(saat 8 de) this time next week/month (gelecek hafta/ay bu zamanlar) By this time tomorrow, Aylin will be having dinner with her fiance. (Yarın bu zamanlar Aylin nişanlısı ile akşam yemeği yiyor olacak.) 19

I will be flying to Germany at 8.00 o clock tomorrow morning. (Yarın sabah saat 8.00 da Almanya ya uçuyor olacağım.) What will you be doing this time next year? (Gelecek sene bu zamanlarda ne yapıyor olacaksın?) 5. Aşağıdaki boşlukları Future Continuous Tense kullanarak doldurunuz. 1. This time next weekend I... (have) a holiday in a luxury hotel near the sea. 2. Next week we... (study) chapter 5 in literature lesson. 3.... you... (use) your computer this afternoon? 4. The film about The Otoman Empire... (play) at the city theatre next week. 5. The symphony orchestra... (play) the Turkish March tonight. 6. I can t answer your calls tomorrow morning. I... (have) an important meeting. 7. I am sorry but I... (attend) the next meeting. 8. We... (ride) our bicycles at the weekend. 9. We... (have) a picnic on Sunday with our friends. 10. I... (wait) for you in the afternoon. 6. Aşağıda verilen kelimeleri kullanarak anlamlı cümleler yazınız. 1. I / riding / be / will / a white horse. 2. We / be / having / will / diner / at / a restaurant. 3. They / be / shopping / will / afternoon. / all 4. I / be / studying / will / lesson. 20

5. The children / be / in / will / paying / garden. / the 6. We / be / will / over the Alps / an / hour. / for / flying 7. I / waiting / be / will / you. / for 8. I / be / will / running / all / afternoon. 9. My father / working / be / will / weekend. / at / the 10. I / be / won t / using / my car / tomorrow. 21

Part Four Modals For Requests (Rica Bildiren Kipler) Modal lar İngilizce cümle kuruluşlarında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Modal yardımcı fiilleri cümlede gereklilik, yetenek, izin, olasılık, tavsiye, tercih, rica ve öneri gibi anlamlara gelebilmektedir. Modal yardımcı fiillerinin bir ya da daha çok anlamı ve kullanım alanı olabilir. Bu ünitede rica ifade eden modal fiilleri ele alacağız. Can I, Could I, Would I, Will you, Could you, Can you ve Would you ricada bulunmak için kullanılan modalardır. May I / Could I Kibar bir şekilde bir şey istemek için kullanılır. Resmî ve oldukça kibar ortamlarda kullanılmaktadır. May I sit here? (Buraya oturabilir miyim?) May I sit here? May I use your dictionary? May I borrow your dictionary? (Sözlüğünüzü ödünç alabilirmiyim?) Could I sit here? (Buraya oturabilir miyim?) Could I use your phone? (Telefonunuzu kullanabilir miyim?) 22

Can I/Can you Daha samimi ortamlarda kullanılmaktadır. İNGİLİZCE SIX (İNGİLİZCE 6) Can I use your mobile phone? (Cep telefonunuzu kullanabilir miyim?) Can I come with you? (Seninle gelebilir miyim?) Can you help me? (Bana yardım edebilir misin?) Can you close the door please? (Kapıyı kapatabilir misin, lütfen?) Could you / Would you Oldukça kibar bir rica şeklidir. Genellikle resmî ve çok nazik olunması gereken ortamlarda kullanılmaktadır. Could you close the window? (Pencereyi kapatabilir misiniz?) Could you close the window? Could you give me that pen? (O kalemi bana verebilir misiniz?) Would you open the door? (Kapıyı açabilir misiniz?) Would you lend me some money? (Bana biraz borç para verebilir misiniz?) Would you send the letters, please? (Mektupları gönderebilir misin, lütfen?) Would you like some tea? (Biraz çay ister misin?) Could you repeat your sentence, please? (Cümleni tekrar edebilir misin, lütfen?) Could I have the bill? (Hesabı alabilir miyim?) 23

7. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları modal yardımcı fiilleri kullanarak doldurunuz. (Bazı cümlelerde birden çok modal yardımcı fiil kullanılabilmektedir.) 1. Tom,... you bring me a glass of water? 2. Excuse me sir,... you tell me the way to the post office? 3. Mum... you help me with my homework? 4. Dad,... I go out and play with my friends? 5.... you please e-mail that document, Mr Andrson? 6. Teacher: Mike,... clean the blackboard? Mike : Of course, sir. 7. Student:... you explain the exercise. I couldn t understand. Teacher: Of course. 8. Mother: Ali,... you tell me what you are doing? Ali: I am trying to study, mum. 9. Boss:... you clean the window? Worker: Of course. 10. Patient to the doctor:... you tell what my illness is? 24

UNIT ONE (TEST) 1.... I speak to Linda, please? A) Can B) Would you mind C) Is D) Are 2.... you open the window? A) Would you mind B) Could C) Does D) Are 3.... you lend me five thousand dollars, I will give it back next month? A) Do B) Should C) Can D) Are 4. Linda,... you help me with the housework, darling? A) Can B) Must C) Do you will D) Were 5. My father... coke when he was young. A) used to drink B) use to drink C) used to drank D) uses to drink 25

6.... you... stay alone at nights? A) Did / use to B) Did / used to C) Are / used to D) Was / used to 7. I... horror films when I was young. A) use to watched B) used to drink C) used to eat D) used to watch 8. She... long hair but she s had it all cut off. A) use to has B) used to have C) did use to have D) usen t to have 9. There.... a cinema in the town but now there isn t. A) used to been B) did used to be C) uses to be D) used to be 10. I... to work, but now I walk. A) used to drove B) used to driven C) used to drive D) use to drive 26

11.... I get your car? A) Do B) Could C) Does D) Is 12. Woud you close the window please? It is... in here. A) study B) comfortable C) easy D) cold 13.... help me with my homework please? A) Would B) Could I C) Could you D) Do 14. Postaneye gitmek istiyorsunuz. Tanımadığınız birine postanenin yerini hangi seçenekteki soruyu kullanarak sorarsınız? A) Tell me the way to the post office? B) Could you tell me the way to the post-office? C) Do you know the post-office? D) Is the post office in this city. 15. Annenizden harçlık isteyeceksiniz. Hangi şıkkı kullanırsınız? A) Mum, will you give me some money? B) Give me money, mum? C) Mum, could you give me some money, please? D) Do you need money? 27

16. Babanızdan ödevinize yardım etmesini istiyorsunuz. Hangi seçeneği kullanırsınız. A) Could you help me to do my homework? B) Will you correct my exercise? C) I can t correct the exercise, can you do it? D) Could you give permission to go out? 17. Arkadaşınızdan borç para isteyeceksiniz. Hangi seçeneği kullanırsınız? A) Give me 100 liras! B) Could you lend me 100 liras, please? C) Have you 100 liras? D) Do you have 100 liras? 18. Öğretmeninizden yaptığınız alıştırmayı kontrol etmesini istiyorsunuz. Hangi seçeneği kullanırsınız. A) Could you help me to correct my exercise, please? B) Will you do my exercise? C) I can t correct the exercise, do you do it? D) Could you help me to go out? 19. Arkadaşınızdan sözlüğünü isteyeceksiniz. Hangi seçeneği kullanırsınız? A) Give me a book B) Can you give me your dictionary? C) Have you a dictionary D) Do you have a dictionary? 20. Çocuğunuzdan arabayı yıkamasını istiyorsunuz hangi seçeneği kullanırsınız? A) Can you go to school? B) Can you wash the dishes? C) Could you solve the problem? D) Can you wash the car? 28

21. Konuyu anlamadınız. Öğretmeninizden tekrar etmesini istiyorsunuz. A) Could you go out? B) Could you explain it again? C) Do you know it? D) Will you come in? 22. Arkadaşınızdan size yardım etmesini istiyorsunuz. A) Do you know the book? B) Can you help me? C) Are you young? D) Where are you now? 23. Yabancı birisine postanenin yerini soruyorsunuz. A) Could you tell me the time? B) Can you go out? C) Do you know me? D) Could you tell me where the post office is? 24. Arkadaşınızdan silgisini istiyorsunuz. A) Can you give me your pencil? B) Can you give me your dictionary? C) Will you help me? D) Are you all right? 25. Arkadaşınızın telefonunu kullanmak istiyorsunuz. A) Can I use your car? B) Can I use your mobile phone? C) Can I use your car? D) Do you study lesson? 29


NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. Günlük alışkanlıklar ve hobilerle ilgili bir okuma parçasını okuyup anlayabilecek, konu ile ilgili soruları cevaplandırabilecek, 2. Zaman, sıklık, yer ve durum zarflarını ve bunların cümledeki kullanılışlarını öğrenecek, 3. İngilizcedeki pekiştireçleri öğreneceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konuyu dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Konuda geçen yeni kelimeleri öğreniniz. ūū Konu içinde karşılaştığınız yeni kavramları öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. ūū Alıştırmaları ve testleri çözdükten sonra kontrol edip yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmaları ve testlerin konularına tekrar çalışınız. 32

Part One Cihan s Hobbies and Interests (Cihan ın Hobileri ve İlgi Alanları) Cihan has a lot of hobbies and interests. He always gets up early so he can do his morning sport before work. He doesn t have time to watch the news during the week time, but at the weekends he has a long breakfast with his family and he never misses the news while having breakfast. In summers he goes swimming. He 33

likes swimming in the sea. So he goes to the sea at the weekends to Karamürsel every week. Cihan also rides a horse at a farm near İstanbul. He sometimes goes after work, but he usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. He prefers swimming on Saturdays. He loves playing the guitar very much. He always goes to the music course to practice on Tuesday. He plays and sings there with his teacher. He doesn t have much free time. So he can t go another day to practise playing his guitar. He rarely goes to the cinema or theatre in the city. He hardly ever watches TV because goes to bed very early. He seldom goes to the gym when the weather is cold or rainy. He often has guests at his home. He has got a lot of friends. They often come to visit him. He plays them his guitar. They say Cihan will be a good musician one day. He occasionally does something alone, but he generally does her activities with his friends. He likes his friend very much. He says without friends you are nothing! 1. Metne göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. Cihan has / hasn t got a lot of hobbies and interests. 2. He never / always gets up early. 3. He has got a long breakfast at the weekend with his friends / family. 4. Cihan rides a motorbike / horse at a farm near İstanbul.. 5. Cihan has / hasn t got a lot of friends. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. Has Cihan a lot of hobbies and interests? 2. Does he have time to watch television during the week? 3. Where does he go in summers? 4. Does he like swimmig in the pool? 34

5. Does Cihan ride a horse? 6. When does he go horseback riding? 7. Does he have a lot of friends? 8. Does he love playing the guitar very much? 9. When does he go to the gym? 10. Does Cihan like his friends very much. 35

Part Two Adverbs (Zarflar) Zarflar; (adverb) fiileri, sıfatları, diğer zarfları ve bazen de cümleyi niteleyebilen kelimelerdir. Zarflar cümledeki konumlarına ve işlevlerine göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Aşağıdaki tablolarda en yaygın kullanılan zarflar verilmiştir: Adverbs of time (Zaman Zarfları) Bir eylemin ne zaman yapıldığını belirten zarflardır. Bu zarflar eylemin hangi zamanda yapıldığını belirtir. Sınavlarda fiilin hangi zamanda yazılması gerektiğini bu zaman zarflarına bakarak belirleriz. now ( şimdi ) at the moment (şu anda) at (the) present (şu anda ) today (bugün ) tomorrow (yarın ) this morning/afternoon (bugün sabah/öğleden sonra ) tonight (bu gece ) yesterday (dün) last night ( dün gece ) two days /weeks ago (üç gün /hafta önce ) in 1999 (1999 da ) Bu zarflar genellikle cümlenin sonunda kullanılır, bazen de cümle başına gelebilir. 36

I am writing a letter at the moment. (Şu an bir mektup yazıyorum.) Today, we will do something different. (Bugün farklı bir şey yapacağız.) We are going to watch a horror film tonight. (Bu gece bir korku filmi izleyeceğiz.) We are going to leave the ship on Monday. (Gemiyi pazartesi günü terk edeceğiz.) I am studying lesson now. (Şu an ders çalışıyorum.) She went to İstanbul yesterday. (O dün İstanbul a gitti.) I am free today. (Bugün boşum.) 37

3. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. come / He / soon. / will 2. study / They / lesson / weekends. / the / at 3. good / I / feel / today. / very 4. wonderfull. / good / Last week / the / was / weather 5. smoking / gave up / I / ago. / years / three 6. closed / The shops / Sunday. / are / on 7. go / on / We / will / holiday / next Friday 8. went / I / year. / last / England / to 9. Kübra / yesterday. / saw / old / her / friend 10. ten / at / I / bed / to / o clock / everyday. / go Adverbs of frequency (Sıklık Zarfları) Bir işin ne kadar arayla, ne kadar sıklıkla yapıldığını belirten zarflara adverbs of frequency denir. 38

Sıklık zarfları şunlardır: now (şimdi ) always (daima, her zaman) usually (genellikle, çoğunlukla) generally (genellikle, çoğunlukla ) normally (normalde) frequently (sık sık, sıklıkla ) sometimes (bazen ) occasionally (ara sıra ) seldom (nadiren) rarely (nadiren) scarcely (nadiren) ever (hiç ) never (asla; hiç) Bu zarflar cümlede genellikle fiilden hemen önce gelir. I always go to school on time. (Her zaman okula zamanında giderim.) My sister never helps me with my homework. (Kız kardeşim ev ödevlerime asla yardım etmez.) Kübra sometimes plays her guitar. (Kübra bazen gitarını çalar.) 39

I always brush my teeth after the meals. (Her zaman yemeklerden sonra dişlerimi fırçalarım.) He seldom drives to work. (O nadiren işe arabayla gider.) I never eat junk food. (Asla abur cubur yemem.) Eğer cümlede yardımcı fiil varsa bu zarflar yardımcı fiilden sonra gelir. My father is always punctual. (Babam her zaman dakiktir.) They were always helpful. (Onlar her zaman yardımseverdi.) Aşağıdaki sıklık zarfları ise genellikle cümlenin sonunda kullanılır. once a week (haftada bir kere ) two times a day (günde iki kez ) every day/ month (her gün/ay ) He goes to the cinema once a week. (O, haftada bir kez sinemaya gider.) Ali goes to the gym everyday. (Ali her gün spor salonuna gider.) 40

You have to brush your teeth two times a day. (Günde iki kez dişini fırçalamalısın.) 4. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri kullanarak cümle kurunuz. 1. haven t / I / recently. / him / seen 2. He / never / needs / help. 3. you / What / do / everyday? / do 4. you / every week? / go / somewhere / Do 5. Esra / always / cleans / room. / her 6. won / lately. / football team / Our / hasn t 7. always / My mother / meals. / cooks / delicious 8. flies / İrem / every / England / to / month. 9. My / doesn t / father / Sundays. / work / on 10. The / on / banks / are / Sundays. / closed 41

5. Aşağıdaki cümleleri sıklık zarflarını kullanarak yeniden yazınız. 1. My parents go walking. (in the mornings.) 2. We go to the theatre (twice a month) 3. I visit my uncle. (once a week) 4. I go to the opera. (never) 5. I ll love my country. (always) 6. We go walking on the beach. (always) 7. Ayşe cooks the meal. (seldom) 8. Mr. Anderson visits his relatives. (usually) 9. I brush my teeth. (twice a day.) 10. We eat out at a restaurant. (sometimes) 42

Adverbs of Place (Yer Zarfları) İNGİLİZCE SIX (İNGİLİZCE 6) Bu zarflar, bir eylemin nerede yapıldığını gösterir. Yer zarfları genellikle cümlede fiilden sonra yer alır. above abroad away behind below everywhere nowhere here there upstairs downstairs (yukarıda) (yurt dışında) (uzağa) (arkaya) (aşağıda) (her yerde) (hiçbir yere) (burada) (orada) (üst katta) (alt katta) There are bees everywhere. Be carefull. (Her yerde arı var, Dikkat et!) My brother is working abroad. (Erkek kardeşim yurt dışında çalışıyor.) What are you doing here? (Burada ne yapıyorsun?) The children s room is upstairs. (Çocukların odası üst katta.) 43

Someone is hiding behind the door. (Birisi kapı arkasına gizlenmekte.) In winter children can t play outside. (Kışın çocuklar dışarıda oynayamazlar.) 6. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri kullanarak anlamlı cümleler yazınız. 1. wall. / The / is / dog / behind / the 2. children / The / playing / are / upstairs. 3. outside / bin / The / is / the garden. 4. abroad / My / work. / to / father / went 5. sleeping / is / She /downstairs. 6. can t / I / find /anywhere. / keys / the 7. here / They / were. 8. behind / There / wall. / is / something / the 9. go / Don t / there. 10. rooms / There / are / two / house. / the / in 44

Adverbs of Manner (Durum Zarfları) Bu zarflar, bir eylemin nasıl yapıldığını gösterir. Durum zarfları genellikle cümlenin sonuna gelir. carefully quickly excelently simply easily fast (dikkatlice,dikkatli bir şekilde) (çabukça, çabuk bir şekilde) (mükemmelce, mükemmel bir şekilde) (basitçe, basit bir şekilde) (kolayca, kolay bir şekilde) (hızlıca, hızlı bir şekilde) The driver was driving too fast. (Sürücü çok hızlı sürüyordu.) He is an excellent person. (O, mükemmel bir insandır.) You can find his house very easily. (Onun evini çok kolay bulursun.) Drive the car carefully. (Arabayı dikkatli sür.) The bird sang prettily. (Kuş güzel ötüyordu.) 45

They played the music loudly. (Onlar müziği sesli çaldılar.) The teacher shouted angrily. (Öğretmen öfkeli bir şekilde bağırdı.) 7. Aşağıdaki kelimeleri kullanarak anlamlı cümleler kurunuz. 1. She / work / her / does / carefully. 2. Carry / carefully. / it 3. He / finished / homework / his / quickly. 4. excellently / The / new / teacher / excelllently. 5. He / simply. / it / explained 6. the problem / I / solved / easily. 7. excellently. / My / drives / father 8. quickly. / run / The / little / boy 9. drive / Ladies / carefully. 10. passed / I / class / easily. 46

Part There Intensifiers (Pekiştiriciler) Pekiştiriciler cümlenin anlamını güçlendirir. Niteledikleri kelimenin önüne gelirler. Very(çok), quite (oldukça) so (öyle), such (öyle) yaygın olarak kullanılan pekiştiricilerdir. Pekiştiriciler cümlede anlamı pekiştirmek için kullanılır. Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyiniz: Your pronounciation is good. (Telaffuzun iyi.) Your pronounciation is very good. (Telaffuzun çok iyi.) Your pronounciation is quite good. (Telaffuzun oldukça iyi.) Very: He is a polite person. (O, kibar bir insandır.) He is a very polite person. (O, çok kibar bir kişidir.) He is not a very polite person. (O, çok kibar bir kişi değildir.) She can not learn very quickly. (O çok hızlı öğrenemez.) The last news has very much interested us. (Son haberler bizi çok ilgilendirdi.) 47

Much / So / Such : I enjoyed your handbag very/so much. I enjoyed your handbag very/so much. El çantanı çok beğendim.) Do you know that I love you very/so much. (Seni çok sevdiğimi biliyor musun?) He is such a nice person that everybody likes him. (O kadar iyi bir insan ki herkes onu sever.) I am so young and you are so old. (Ben çok gencim ve sen çok yaşlısın.) 8. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. hot / today. / It / is / quite 2. these days. / I / am / quite / busy 3. It / hot / extremelly / hot / outside. 48

4. hungry. / I / so / am 5. kind / He / person. / is / very / a 6. was / such / a beautiful idea / it. / that I liked 7. so boring / The film / that / I / was / didn t watch / it. 8. quite / here. / It / is / cold 9. liked / I / the / f ilm / much. / very 10. played / They / so good / that / they won. bir ç kadı yor - I en very 49

UNIT TWO (TEST) 1. Peter is a hardworking student. He... goes to school. A) never B) always C) seldom D) rarely 2. I hate coke. I... drink coke. A) always B) sometimes C) never D) yesterday 3. I usually walk to work. I... drive to work. A) usually B) last week C) now D) rarely 4. You can lend him money. He... gives it back on time. A) always B) once a week C) two D) now 5. It is... cold today. A) quite B) many C) where D) what 50

6. I did it... good that everybody thanked. A) to B) at C) so D) no 7. She cooked... a delicious meal that I ate it at once. A) too B) such C) every D) at 8. There were... many people in the room that I couldn t enter. A) at B) in C) so D) much 9. The picture looks... beautiful. A) to B) it C) at D) very 10. The children played... well. A) very B) too C) no D) to 11. He is coming back.... A) last month B) next week C) ago D) two minutes ago 51

12. She will arrive.... A) yesterday B) ago C) in five minutes D) to 13. We visit our relatives.... A) for B) yesterday C) never D) at the weekends 14. I haven t gone to cinema.... A) now B) no C) recently D) to 15. I eat... a day. A) every B) twice C) no D) to 16. I solved the problem.... A) easily B) very C) too D) in 17. There is no school.... A) on Sundays B) yeterday C) never D) ago 52

18. My father went.... A) outside B) where C) to D) to 19. My sister is studying lesson.... A) to B) upstairs C) in D) out 20. My father went... last year. A) go B) to C) no D) abroad 21. There is a strange man... the door. A) to B) where C) outside D) tomorrow 22. I can t find my book.... A) here B) no C) tomorrow D) yesterday 23. My father gave up smoking.... A) tomorrow B) always C) ago D) two years ago 53

24. I go to the theatre.... A) every B) on Sundays C) ago D) to 25. I passed the enterance exam.... A) easily B) so C) to D) at 54


NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda: 1. İki kişi arasında geçen bir diyaloğu okuyup anlayabilecek, 2. Diyalog ile ilgili soruları cevaplandırabilecek, 3. Şart cümleciklerini öğrenecek, 4. Şart cümlecikleri ile ilgili cümle kurabileceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konuyu dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Konu içinde yeni karşılaştığınız kavramları öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. ūū Alıştırmaları ve testleri çözdükten sonra kontrol edip yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmaları ve testlerin konularına tekrar çalışınız. 56

Part One Lazy Bernard (Tembel Bernard) Tom : Good morning Bernard, it is ten o clock, wake up! Wake up! Look for a job! Bernard : Good morning, Dad, what happend, isn t it too early? Why do you wake me up? Tom : It is too late. First, wash your face, get dressed. Don t you know you must wake up early every morning? Bernard : What for Dad? Tom : Well, if you wake up early, you can buy all the newspapers. Bernard : Do you mean this is the job you ve got for me? Tom : Don t be silly. I mean. You must read all the adverts as quickly as possible to find ajob. Bernard : Is that all? Tom : No, that s not all, then, you must phone the companies and send your curriculum vitae. 57

Bernard : What will happen if I phone all the companies and send my curriculum vitae? Tom : Don t you know? If you send your curriculum vitae you can get a job and earn your life. Bernard : I understand. So, I must prepare it immediatelly. Tom : If you had done this before, you would have got a good job now. But you always slept until midday and missed the jobs. You are a lazy boy Bernard. Bernard : Okey, Dad don t be angry. I ll do it after the breakfast. Tom : If you do it after the breakfast, others will get the jobs. Bernard : Do I have to go and buy the newspapers now? Tom : Of course, you should. If you follow my advice, you will certainly find a good job soon. But if you don t listen to me, you will be miserable. Bernard : If I find a good job, I will take you to a dinner out. Words: Kelimeler wake up : uyan look for a job : iş bakmak late : geç happen : olmak wash : yıkamak face : yüz get dressed : giyinmek newspaper : gazete mean : demek istemek silly : aptalca companies : şirketler curriculum vitae : özgeçmiş get a job : iş bulmak earn your life : hayatını kazanmak 58

understand prepare immediatelly slept (V3) midday missed advice certainly miserable diner : anlamak : hazırlamak : derhal,hemen : uyumak : gün ortası : kaçırmak : tavsiye : elbette : sefil : akşam yemeği 1. Metne göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. The father / Bernard a lazy person. 2. Tom wants Bernard to sell / buy newspapers. 3. Bernard wakes up early / late. 4. Bernard doesn t have / has a curriculum vitae. 5. Bernard should / shouldn t go and buy newspapers. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız. 1. Who must get a job?... 2. Why must Bernard wake up early?... 3. Why must he buy newspaper for?... 4. Why is his father angry with him?... 5. Will Bernard sell newspapers?... 59

6. Does Bernard wake up early?... 7. What will happen if Bernard gets up early?... 8. Is Bernard a lazy boy?... 9. Will Bernard write a curriculum vitae?... 10. Will Bernard take his father out for a dinner if he gets a job?... 60

Part Two Conditional Clauses (Şart Cümlecikleri) Bir olayın olmasının başka bir olaya bağlı olduğu durumlarda Conditional Clauslar ı kullanırız. İngilizcede şart cümlecikleri iki cümle veya cümlecikten oluşmaktadır. Bunlardan birisi If ile başlar, bu şart cümleciğidir. Diğeri ise şart cümleciği sonucunda ortaya çıkacak olan sonuç cümleciğidir. Bu cümleye de main clause ana cümlecik denir. If clause cümle başında ya da cümle ortasında kullanılabilir. If clause cümle başında kullanılırsa diğer cümlenin başında virgül kullanılmalıdır. Eğer If clause cümle ortasında(yani ikinci cümlecik) olarak kullanılırsa virgül getirilmez. If clauslarda was yerine were kullanılmaktadır. If Clause lar 4 grupta inceleyebiliriz: Type 0,Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 If Clause Type 0 verb 1 v1 Type 1 verb 1 will v1 Main Clause Type 2 verb 2 would v1 Type 3 had v3 would have v3 TYPE 0 Genel gerçekleri ve doğruları ifade eden şart cümleciğidir. Şart cümleciği gerçekleştiği taktirde işin gerçekleşmesi kesindir. If + simple present tense, simple present tense (If + V1, V1) If the temperature is below 0, water becomes ice. (Eğer sıcaklık sıfırın in altında ise su donar.) Bu cümleyi aşağıdaki şekilde de yazabiliriz. Anlam bakımından herhangi bir şey fark etmemektedir. Ancak virgül ün kullanılmadığına dikkat ediniz. Water becomes ice if the temperature is below 0. (Su sıfır derecenin altında buz hâline gelir.) 61

If you multiply two by two, you get four. (İki ile ikiyi çarparsan dört elde edersin.) If you go to west, you will reach to the same point. (Eğer batıya doğru gidersen aynı noktaya ulaşırsın.) If you boil water, it becomes steam. (Suyu kaynatırsan su buhar olur.) If it rains the grounds get wet. (Eğer yağmur yağarsa yerler ıslanır.) If you mix red and yellow, you get orange. (Eğer sarı ile kırmızıyı karıştırırsan portakal rengi elde edersin.) 3. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If caluse type 0 ile doldurunuz. 1. If you... (heat) snow, it melts. 2. If it never... (rain), life finishes. 3. If you... (drop) sugar into water, it melts. 4. Flowers... (die), if you don t water them. 5. If you... (mix) blue and yellow, you get green. 6. If glass... (fell) down, it breaks. 7. If you... (freeze) water, it becomes ice. 8. If you... (heat) metal, it gets larger. 62

9. If it... (rain), the gorund gets wet. 10. If you... (heat) plastic, it melts. 4. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If chuse type 0 ile doldurunuz. 1. If you... (put) water in the freezer, it... (turn) into ice. 2. If you... (put) your hand into fire,it... (burn). 3. If you... (walk) round the world, you... (reach) to the same point. 4. If you... (heat) water, it... (boil). 5. If you... (put) oil in water, it... (not sink). 6. If you... ( mix) red and white, you... (get) pink. 7. If you... (heat) metal, it... (expand). 8. If you... (divide) one by one, you... (get) one. 9. If you... (throw) a stone into water, it... (sink). 10. If you... (drink) poison, you... (die). TYPE 1 Olması muhtemel olayları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Bu yapıyla ifade edilen cümlenin olma olasılığı oldukça yüksektir. If + simple present tense, simple future tense (If + V1, will V1) If you finish your homework, I will take you out. (Ödevini bitirirsen seni dışarı götürürüm.) If it doesn t rain, we can go on a picnic. (Yağmur yağmazsa pikniğe gidebiliriz.) 63

NOT! Cümle eğer ihtimal bildiriyorsa main clause da will yerine can kullanılabilir. If I earn a lot of money, I will buy a new car. (Eğer çok para kazanırsam yeni bir araba satın alacağım.) I will have a holiday if I finish my work. (Eğer işimi bitirirsem tatil yapacağım.) If you do exercises, you can lose weight. (Eğer egzersiz yaparsan kilo verebilirsin.) 5. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If type 1 ile doldurunuz. 1. If I see him, I... (call) you. 2. I will go to Germany if I... (find) a cheap flight. 3. If he doesn t give it back to me, I... (say) it to his parents. 4. I won t water the flowers if it... (rain). 5. If you study harder, you... (pass) the class. 6. If you... (not help) me, I can t f inish painting the room. 7. If you... (eat) less, you won t put on weight. 8. If they go to Antalya, they... (visit) the Düden waterfalls. 9. If you... (give) up smoking, you will have a healthier life. 10. You can go out if you... (do) your homework. 64

6. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If type 1 ile doldurunuz. 1. If you... (read) books, you... (improve) understanging skills. 2. If you... (move) here, you... (be) happier. 3. If I... (pass) this test, I... (get) a schoolarship. 4. If it... (snow), we... (play) snowball. 5. If the sun... (shine), we... (go) to the seaside. 6. Your teacher... (get) angry if you... (not do) your homework. 7. If she... (earn) a lot of money, she... (buy) a car. 8. If you... (wait) for a few minutes, he... (come). 9. If you... (wear) trainers, you... (not slip) in the mountains. 10. If my relatives... (come), I... (be) very happy. TYPE 2 Olma olasılığı oldukça düşük olan olayları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Bu yapıyla ifade edilen cümlenin olma olasılığı oldukça düşüktür. If + simple past tense, would V1 (If + V2, would V1) If I were rich, I would buy a new car. (Eğer zengin olsam yeni bir araba alırım.) Yukarıdaki cümlede kişi zengin değil ama zengin olmayı hayal ediyor. Ancak zengin olma olasılığı çok az da olsa vardır. If I were rich, I would help you. (Zengin olsam sana yardım ederim.) 65

NOT! If clause type 2 yerinde olsaydım anlamında bahsi geçen kişiye öğüt vermek amacıyla da kullanılabilir. Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyiniz: If I were you, I would give up smoking. (Yerinde olsam sigara içmeyi bırakırım.) If I were you, I would visit him. (Yerinde olsam onu ziyaret ederim.) If I were you, I would study more. (Yerinde olsam daha çok çalışırım.) If I were you, I would eat less. If I were you, I would eat less. (Yerinde olsam az yerim.) 7. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If type 2 ile doldurunuz. 1. If you... (be) the president, what would you do? 2. If I... (have) a car, I would travel all parts of Turkey. 3. If I... (have) more time, I would learn Arabic. 4. If I... (live) on an island, I would swim all day long. 66

5. My brother would buy a horse if he... (move) on a farm. 6. If you... (go) walking regularly, you would n t get so fat. 7. If I... (feel) better, so fat I would go out. 8. If your father... (know), he would be angry with you. 9. If I... (buy) a kite, I would fly it. 10. If I... (be) you, I would help him. 8. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If type 2 ile doldurunuz. 1. If I... (not be) ill, I... (come) with you to the theatre. 2. I... (buy) the car if I... ( have) enough money. 3. If my house... (be) near to my work, I... (not be) late to work. 4. If I... (be) an engineer, I... (earn) a lot of money. 5. If I... (be) you, I... (overcome) my fears. 6. I... (run) faster, if I... (not be) so fat. 7. If you... (go) out in this weather, you... (get) cold. 8. If I... (know) the answer, I... (say) you. 9. If I... (be) were you, I... (go) to his wedding. 10. If I... (be) rich, I... (study) more. TYPE 3 Olma olasılığı olmayan geçmişte kalmış durumları ifade etmek için kullanılır. If + past perfect tense, would have v3 (If + had V3, would have V3) 67

If Ali had known that Ahmet were ill, he would have visited him. (Ali, Ahmet in hasta olduğunu bilseydi onu ziyaret ederdi.) If Ali had known that Ahmet were ill, he would have visited him. If you had said, I would have helped you. (Deseydin sana yardım ederdim.) 9. Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları If type 3 ile doldurunuz. 1. If the weather... (be) nice, we would have gone on a picnic. 2. If he... (go) there earlier, he wouldn t have missed the train. 3. If I... (study) more, I would have got a better mark. 4. If I had... (go) there earlier, I could have found a better place. 5. If you... (ask) me for help, I would have helped you. 6. If you... (buy) the vegetables from the bazaar, they would have tasted better. 7. If I... (go) to school yesterday, I would have understood the topic better. 8. If I... (win) a million, I would have had my own business. 9. If I... (see) her, I would have told about you. 10. If we... (save) money, we could have bought that house. 68

10. Aşağıdaki boşlukları if clause type 3 ile doldurunuz. İNGİLİZCE SIX (İNGİLİZCE 6) 1. If you... (forget) your raincoat, you... (get) wet. 2. If he... (close) the door, the cat...(run) away. 3. You... (pass) the class, if you... (study). 4. If you... (do) your homework, your teacher...not got) angry to you. 5. If you... (earn) more money, we... (buy) that car. 6. I... (warn) you, if I... (see) you. 7. If we... (go) to the cinema earlier, we... (not miss) the start of the film. 8. I... (not marry) her, If I... (know) that she was a liar. 9. If you... (ask) me, I... (lend) you my bicycle. 10. If I... (win) the university enterance exam, I... live) in İstanbul. 69

UNIT THREE TEST 1. If my friend..., I... be very happy. A) comes / would be B) comes / will been C) comes / will be D) come / is been 2. If you... for a few minutes, I... my parents. A) waits / ask B) waited / ask C) will wait / will ask D) wait / will ask 3. If I... you, I... there. A) was / will go B) is / are go C) are / go D) were / wouldn t go 4. If you... to do your homework, the teacher...... you a bad mark. A) will forget / give B) study / pass C) forget / will give D) had forgot / would give 5. If you..., we... dinner together. A) stays / will have B) stay / will have C) is stay / had D) stayed / will have 70

6. If I... a lot of money, I... to Paris. A) earns / will fly B) earn / will fly C) will earn / fly D) had earned / would fly 7. If you... the key, we... the door. A) had forgotten / couldn t have opened B) forgets / had opened C) is forgetting / opening D) will forget / opened 8. If I... money, I... it to the police. A) find / gives B) will find / giving C) found / would give D) had found / had given 9. If I... you, I... smoking. A) are / will give up B) am / gives up C) be / give up D) were / would give up 10. If I... off the television, It... on until morning. A) hadn t switched / would have been B) switch / have C) switched / are D) switching / will be 71

11. If the children... more fruit, they... cold so often. A) eats / catches B) eat / has cought C) had eaten / wouldn t have caught D) will eat / will catch 12. If it... yesterday, we... out. A) rains / go B) rained / will go C) hadn t rained / would have gone D) rained / would have gone 13. If you... in the exam, you... the class. A) cheat / passed B) cheated / would have passed C) are cheat / will pass D) hadn t cheated / could have passed 14. If you... the documents, I... it. A) didn t print / wouldn t see B) printed / see C) are printing / seeing D) will print / will see 15. If you... me, I... that. A) asks / do B) asked / wouldn t do C) will ask / does D) would asked / had done 72

16. If you... to bed earlier, you... all day. A) goes / yawn B) went / yawn C) would yawn / go D) had gone / wouldn t have yawned 17. If they... before the tournament, they.... A) practice / win B) will practice / wins C) practiced / could win D) are practices / winned 18. If I... the money, I... that sports car. A) has / buy B) had / would buy C) have / will buy D) were / would buy 19. If you... after the children, I... shopping. A) will look / go B) looked / had gone C) look / will go D) looks / goes 20. If you... water, I... the car. A) brought / washed B) brings / will wash C) had brought / would wash D) bring / will wash 73

21. If you... ice, it... to melt. A) heat / starts B) are heat / start C) were heat / will start D) heats / stars 22. If you... water into the freezer, it... ice. A) puts / become B) will put / will become C) putted / are becoming D) put / becomes 23. If I... one more ticket, she... with me to the cinema? A) found / came B) find / will come C) was found / came D) will find / comes 24. If you... snow, it.... A) heats / melts B) heated / melted C) heat / melts D) had heated / will melt 25. If I... my work, I... out. A) am finishing / will go B) is finish / would go C) finish / will go D) finished / went 74


NELER ÖĞRENECEĞİZ? Bu ünitenin sonunda; 1. Edebi bir hikayeyi okuyup, hikaye ile ilgili soruları cevaplandırabilecek, 2. İlgi zamirlerini cümlede nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenecek, 3. İlgi zamirlerini kullanarak cümle kurabilecek, 4. Yan bağlaçları kullanarak cümleleri birleştirebileceksiniz. NASIL ÇALIŞMALIYIZ ūū Konuyu dikkatle okuyunuz. ūū Konuda geçen yeni kelimeleri öğreniniz. ūū Konu içinde karşılaştığınız yeni kavramları öğreniniz. ūū Alıştırmaları yapmadan önce örnekleri dikkatle inceleyiniz. ūū Alıştırmaları ve testleri çözdükten sonra kontrol edip yanlış yaptığınız alıştırmaları ve testlerin konularına tekrar çalışınız. 76

Part One The Princes and The Frog Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had a golden ball. She lived in a palace which had a beautiful garden. Every day she played with her ball in the garden of the palace. 77

At the end of the garden there was a lake which was very deep. The princess liked playing near the lake. One day while she was playing, she dropped her golden ball into the lake. She looked into the lake which was very deep. She was very unhappy and she sat near the lake. She started to cry. Suddenly, she heard a voice which was coming from the lake Don t cry, princess, I ll help you said a voice from the lake. She looked into the lake and saw a large green frog which could speak. Oh please help me! I am a prince. A witch who had magic powers changed me to a frog. If you take me out of the lake and kiss me I will be again a prince. Yes, yes, of course. I promise, said the princess. Throw the ball and I will take you out said the princess. So the frog threw the ball to the princess. The princess laughed and took the ball. She ran quickly back to the palace and forgot all about the frog. The frog was very angry. He went to the palace and told his story to the King. A promise is a promise said the frog. Yes, said the king and called his daughter: A promise is a promise, my daughter. You are a princess and have to keep your promise. The princess cried but there was no escape, she promised to do it. She closed her eyes and kissed him. Immediately, the frog turned into a handsome prince. Of course, he and the princess fell in love. They got married and they lived happily ever after in the palace. 1. Parçaya göre doğru olan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz. 1. The princess had a silver / golden ball. 2. At the end of the garden there was a lake / well. 3. Everyday she played in the forest / garden. 4. I will / won t help you said a voice from the lake. 5. The princess kissed / didn t kiss the frog. 6. 5. The princess and the prince didn t marry / married. 2. Metni okuyunuz ve soruları cevaplandırınız 1. Where did the princess live?... 78

2. What did the princess do in the garden of the palace?... 3. Was there a lake at the end of the garden?... 4. What did she drop into the lake?... 5. Was the lakel very deep?... 6. Could the frog speak?... 7. What did she see when she looked into the lake?... 8. Who changed the prince into a frog?... 9. Did the princess keep her promise?... 10. What happened when the princess kissed the frog?... 79