Benzer belgeler

1. Adı Soyadı : Arif Hepbaşlı 2. Doğum Tarihi : Unvanı : Prof. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu: Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl



Araş. Gör. Makina Mühendisliği Gaziantep Üniversitesi


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü Osmaniye/Türkiye Telefon : /3688 Faks :

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Teknik Eğitim Fakültesi, Makina Eğitimi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makina Eğitimi A.B.

Lisans Programına Öğrenci Alımı (Gıda Mühendisliği) EK-4 ÖZGEÇMİŞ


CURRICULUM VITAE. : : Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Biosystems Engineering.

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Görev Yeri. Ar. Gör. Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Yardımcı Doçent Makine Mühendisliği Çukurova Üniversitesi Doçent Makine Mühendisliği Çukurova Üniversitesi



ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Geothermal Utilization. Environmental and Applied Department Fluid Dynamics Department

Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans Hidrodinamik, Gemi Model İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 2. Doğum Yeri/Tarihi : KİLİS Merkez / Unvanı : Doktor Araştırma Görevlisi

Ö Z G E Ç M İ Ş. 1. Adı Soyadı: Mustafa GÖÇKEN. 2. Doğum Tarihi: 12 Haziran Unvanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu: Ph.D.


Temel Alan : Mühendislik Temel Alanı. Bilim Alanı : Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite Yıl. Lisans Makine Mühendisliği Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi





Doç.Dr. Suha Orçun Mert


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Eğitim: Ayşeabla Lisesi ANKARA, Lise birinciliği, 1997


Energy Technologies, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency, Solar Energy



FATMA KANCA. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Doktora Matematik Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Matematik Kocaeli Üniversitesi 2004

Yrd. Doç. Dr.Yiğit Aksoy

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite Yıl Lisans Tarım Makinaları Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi 2001


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl

EK-3 ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 7. Yayınlar 7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

Predictions of Wind Speed and Wind Power Potential Using Artificial Neural Networks Prof.Dr. Beşir Şahin. Görev Unvanı Görev Yeri Yıl


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı : TUNA AYDOĞMUŞ. 2. Doğum Tarihi : Unvanı : ÖĞRETİM GÖREVLİSİ. 4. Öğrenim Durumu : YÜKSEK LİSANS

ÖZGEÇMİŞ VE ESERLER LİSTESİ. Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite Yıl Lisans Maden Mühendisliği Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi 2000 Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü/


Öğr.Gör. H. Zeki DİRİL

Arş. Gör. Dr. Mücahit KÖSE

Arş. Gör Mehmet AYVAZ

Uzmanlık Alanları : Kimyasal reaksiyon mühendisliği, katalizörler, oksidasyon reaksiyonları, biyogaz üretimi ve modellemesi, yenilenebilir enerji.

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tolga DEMİRCAN. Akışkanlar dinamiğinde deneysel yöntemler


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Doktora Okul Öncesi Eğitimi Hacettepe Üniversitesi Devam ediyor.

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Makine Dinamiği A.B.D. Ferrara Üniversitesi / İtalya 2012

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı: Bahaddin SİNSOYSAL 2. Doğum Tarihi: Ünvanı: Doç. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu:

FOTO İŞ TECRÜBELERİ. Görev tanımı. Yrd.Doç.Dr. ESOGÜ Eskişehir Meslek Yüksekokulu, Mekatronik Programı, devam ediyor.

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Üniversite Alanı Yılı Bütünleşik Doktora Ege Üniversitesi Matematik (Cebirsel Lisans Ege Üniversitesi Matematik 2009

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı : Mehmet DEMĠRALP. 2. Doğum Tarihi : 02/01/ Unvanı : Yrd. Doç. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu :

Endüstri Mühendisliği - 1. yarıyıl. Academic and Social Orientation Fizik I Physics I TR



Enerjide Çözüm: Enerjinin Etkin Kullanımı ve %100 Yenilenebilir Enerji



ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Y. Lisans Matematik Eğitimi University of Warwick 2010 Y. Lisans Matematik Eğitimi University of Cambridge 2012

Yrd.Doç. Dr. Tülin ÇETİN


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Eğitim Yıl Bölüm Üniversite Lisans 1992 Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü Anadolu Üniversitesi Y.Lisans Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makina


ÖZGEÇM 1. Adı Soyadı: 2. Do um Tarihi: 3. Ünvanı: 4. Ö renim Durumu: Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans Y. Lisans Doktora 5. Akademik Ünvanlar:

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl. Diş Hekimliği. Protetik Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Atatürk Üniversitesi 1988 Y. Lisans Tarım Makinaları Bölümü Anabilim Dalı



Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Üniversitesi


ÇALIŞTIĞI KURUMLAR Kurum Adı Görev Unvanı Yıllar Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Turgutlu Meslek Yüksekokulu

7. Yayınlar 7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans Fizik Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Y. Lisans Yöneylem Araştırması Orta Doğu Teknik

Derece Alan Üniversite Ana Bilim Dalı. Doktora Makina Mühendisliği Marmara Üniversitesi Enerji/Isı Tekniği. Gedik Üniversitesi.

Ankara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi

Lisans 3,41 Endüstri Mühendisliği İstanbul Üniversitesi 2004 Yükseklisans 3,69 İşletme Mühendisliği İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 2008

Öğr. Gör. Dr. Demet SARIYER

Business Intelligence and Analytics Principles and Practices: Charting the Course to BI and Analytic Success

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 7. Yayınlar 7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı : Kamile ŞANLI KULA İletişim Bilgileri : Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Adres Matematik Bölümü, KIRŞEHİR

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı: Kemal SARICA 2. Doğum Tarihi: 01 Kasım Unvanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu: Doktora

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite Yıl. Lisans İSTATİSTİK ANADOLU Yüksek Lisans İŞLETME / SAYISAL YÖNTEMLER ANADOLU 1999

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Doğum yeri, Tarihi: , ANKARA. E- posta: Eğitim: Ayşeabla Lisesi ANKARA, Lise birinciliği, 1997

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite Yıl Lisans. Görev Ünvanı Alan Görev Yeri Yıl Arş. Gör.


ÖZGEÇMİŞ. 1. Adı Soyadı : Emre Çelebi. 2. Doğum Tarihi : Unvanı : Yard. Doç. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu : Doktora

Kişilik, enerjiyi yönetebilme ve verimli kullanabilme kabiliyetinin bir göstergesidir. (A. Midilli)

Dr. Işılay Talay Değirmenci Dr. Öğr. Üyesi, İşletme Bölümü Bölüm Başkanı

ÖZGEÇMĐŞ. Yardımcı Doçentlik Tarihi: 1987 Doçentlik Tarihi: 1987 Profesörlük Tarihi: Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri

ÖZGEÇMİŞ. Yardımcı Doçent Ekonomi Bölümü Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi




ARIF HEPBASLI WITH SOME ESSENTIAL SCIENTIFIC INDICATORS (As of January 21, 2013) URL: ResearcherID: I-5733-2012 WEB OF SCIENCE 1&cr_pqid=1&viewType=summary 1

Açıklama: Özgeçmişim, Türkçe ve İngilizce olarak burada kapsanmıştır. Güncelleme Tarihi: 21.01.2013 Description: Please note that my CV has been included here in both Turkish and English languages (Please see page 41 for its English version). Updated on January 21, 2013 ÖZGEÇMİŞ 1. Adı Soyadı : Arif Hepbaşlı 2. Doğum Tarihi : 27.6.1958 3. Unvanı : Prof. Dr. 4. Öğrenim Durumu: Derece Alan Üniversite Yıl Lisans Makina Mühendisliği Selçuk Üniversitesi 1980 (Bölüm Birincisi, 3.55/4.00) Y. Lisans Makina Mühendisliği (Enerji) İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi İTÜ, Yabancı Diller Y.O. (Hazırlık 1985 1982 Sınıfı) Doktora Makina Mühendisliği Selçuk Üniversitesi (Aynı 1990 (Termodinamik) zamanda sanayide çalışarak) Lise Motor (Lise Birincisi) İzmir Motor Teknik Lisesi 1976 5. Akademik Unvanlar: Görev Unvanı Görev Yeri Görev Tarihi Yardımcı Doçent Ege Üniversitesi, Güneş Enerjisi Enstitüsü, Enerji Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı; aynı zamanda, 13 b-4 maddesince, Mühendislik Fakültesi Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü`nde görevli olarak çalıştı. 2.9.1996 Doçent Profesör Profesör Profesör Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü, Termodinamik Anabilim Dalı Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü, Termodinamik Anabilim Dalı ( Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University ( Yaşar Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Enerji Sistemleri Mühendisliği Bölümü ( 2.11.1999 (YÖK) 14.6.2000 (Kadro) 17.5.2005 2010 21.02.2012 2

6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri 6.1. Yüksek Lisans Tezleri (Biten: 23 adet) 1) Elektrik Enerjisi Üretiminde Kullanılan Alternatif Enerji Kaynaklı Sistemler ve Bileşik Isı-Güç Santrallarıyla Karşılaştırılması. Öğrenci: Cüneyt Yalçın, E.Ü-F.B.E. Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 1999. 2) Toprak Kaynaklı Isı Pompası İle Bir Hacmin Soğutulması. Öğrenci: İbrahim Ersöz, E.Ü.- F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2000. 3) Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Toprak Kaynaklı Isı Pompası İle Bir Hacmin Isıtılması. Öğrenci: Ebru Hancıoğlu, E.Ü-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı, 2000. 4) Ülkemizde Enerji Verimliliği ve Yönetimi Çalışmalarının Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği. Öğrenci: Emrah Erçen, E.Ü-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı, 2001. 5) Türkiye'nin Enerji Kaynaklarının İncelenmesi ve Geleceğe Yönelik (2020 Yılına Kadar) Projeksiyonlar. Öğrenci: Erkan Ergin, E.Ü-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı, 2001. 6) Ülkemizde Jeotermal Enerjinin Kullanımı: Kızıldere Örneği. Öğrenci: M. Ali Yılmaz, E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2001. 7) Endüstriyel Çelik Bacaların Optimum Tasarımı Üzerine Bilgisayar Destekli Bir Araştırma. Öğrenci: Tarık Efe Kendir, E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Müh. Anabilim Dalı, İki Danışmanlı (1. Danışman: Doç. Dr. Aydoğan Özdamar), 2002. 8) Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Toprak Kaynaklı Hibrit Isı Pompası Tesisinin Enerji ve Ekserji Analizinin Teorik ve Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi. Öğrenci: Tolga Erbil, E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2003. 9) Jeotermal Bölge Isıtma Sistemleri: Balçova Örneği. Öğrenci: Cihan Çanakçı, E.Ü.-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr.Macit Toksoy, İYTE), 2003. 10) Optimization of HVAC Control Strategies by Building Management Systems. Case Study: Ozdilek Shopping Center. Öğrenci: Çağlar Selçuk Canbay - IYTE, F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Yard. Doc. Dr. Gülden Gökçen), 2003 (İngilizce). 11) Bir Kojenerasyon Tesisinin Termo-ekonomik Optimizasyonu. Öğrenci: Aytaç Atlan Karakuş - E.Ü- F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Günerhan), 2004. 12) Toprak Isı Pompaları Düşey Isı Değiştiricilerinde Gerçekleşen Isı Transferinin Sayısal Analizi. Öğrenci: Mehmet Erkek - E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Günerhan), 2005. 13) Bir Kojenerasyon Tesisinin Termo-ekonomik Optimizasyonu. Öğrenci: Aytaç Atlan Karakuş - E.Ü- F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Günerhan), 2004. 14) Ekserji Analizi Yöntemi Kullanarak Bir Tekstil Fabrikasındaki İşletme Hattının Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Koray Kısmet- E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2005. 15) Çimento Fabrikasında Enerji Taraması ve Üretim Hattı Isı Proseslerinde Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Ziya Söğüt Balıkesir Üniversitesi F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Zuhal Oktay), 2005. 16) Bir Akışkan Yataklı Yakma Sisteminin Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Melih Soner Çeliktaş - E.Ü- F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Günerhan), 2005. 17) Güneş Enerji Sistemlerin İstatiksel Olarak Karşılaştırılması ve Bir Güneş Enerjili Sistemin Ekonomik Analizi. Öğrenci: Cenk Hüner - E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Günerhan), 2005. 18) R134a ve R600a Soğutucu Akışkanlı Ev Tipi Buzdolaplarında Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Sefa Gürler- E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2006. 19) Bir Zeytinyağı Rafinerasyon Tesisinin Enerji ve Ekserji Analiz Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Performansının Değerlendirilmesi.Öğrenci: Elif Bozoğlan- E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2008. 20) Endüstriyel Kurutucunun Performansının Enerji ve Ekserji Yöntemleri Kullanarak Belirlenmesi. Öğrenci: Muharrem Turan- E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Dr. Zafer Utlu), 2009. 21) İçten Yanmalı Motorlarda Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Hakan Çalışkan- Osmangazi Üniversitesi F.B.E. 3

Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Yard. Doç. Dr. Ertunç Tat), 2009. 22) Gaz Motoru Tahrikli Isı Pompalı Bantlı Bir Kurutma Sisteminin Performansının Ekserjetik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Ayşegül Güngör- E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2010. 23) Eergetic and Eergoeconomic Assessment of a Hybrid Wind-PV System with Hydrogen Storage. Öğrenci: Muhammad Abid Akbar Khan. King Saud University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Co-Advisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khalid N. Al Ammar), 2012. 6.2. Doktora Tezleri (Biten: 14 adet ve Süren: 4 adet) 1) Türkiye nin 2023 Yılında Sektörel Bazda Enerji ve Ekserji Kullanım Verimliliğinin Analizi. Öğrenci: Zafer Utlu. E.Ü. F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi ABD, 2003. 2) Jeotermal Bölgesel Isıtma Sistemlerinin Ekserjik ve Ekonomik Analizi. Öğrenci: Leyla Özgener. E.Ü- F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dinçer, UOIT, Kanada), 2005. 3) Doğal Klinoptilolitlerin Türkiye'deki Kullanım Olanakları ve Gördes Klinoptilolitlerinin Isıl Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Öğrenci: Serpil Özaydın. E.Ü-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Doç. Dr. Günnur Koçar), 2005. 4) Sera Isıtması İçin Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Toprak Kaynaklı Bir Isı Pompası Sisteminin Tasarımı ile Enerji, Ekserji ve Eksergoekonomik Analiz Yöntemleri Kullanarak Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Önder Özgener. E.Ü.-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı, 2005. 5) Güneş Enerjisi Destekli Isı Toprak Kaynaklı (Jeotermal) Isı Pompalı Bir Kurutucunun Enerji ve Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Ebru Hancıoğlu. E.Ü.-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı, 2006. 6) Uçaklarda Kullanılan Gaz Türbinli Motorların Eksergoekonomik Analizi. Öğrenci: Enis T. Turgut. Anadolu Üniversitesi-F.B.E. Sivil Havacılık Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. Hikmet Karakoç), 2007. 7) Kojenerasyon Sistemlerinde Yapay Sinir Ağları Uygulaması ve Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Yılmaz Yörü. Osmangazi Üniversitesi-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. Hikmet Karakoç), 2008. 8) Enerji, Ekserji ve Eksergoekonomik Analiz Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Kojenerasyon Sistemlerinin Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Özgür Ballı. Osmangazi Üniversitesi-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Doç. Dr. Haydar Aras), 2008. 9) Tekstil Terbiye İşletmelerinin Enerji, Ekserji ve Eksergoekonomik Analiz Yöntemlerinin Uygulanmasıyla Performansının Belirlenmesi. Öğrenci: Ahmet Çay. E.Ü-F.B.E. Tekstil Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. Işık Tarakçıoğlu), 2009. 10) Gıda Kurutma Sistemlerinin Ekserji Analizi. Öğrenci: Neslihan Çolak. E.Ü-F.B.E. Güneş Enerjisi Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. Günnur Koçar), 2009. 11) Jeotermal Esaslı Hidrojen Üretim Sistemlerinin Ekserji ve Eksergoekonomik Analizi. Öğrenci: Mustafa Tolga Balta. E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dinçer), 2010. 12) Biyokütle Esaslı Hidrojen Üretim Sistemlerinin Eksergoekonomik Analizi ve Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Yıldız Kalıncı. E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dinçer), 2011. 13) Piston-prop Uçak Motorlarında Ekserjoekonomik Çevresel Optimizasyon. Öğrenci: Önder Altuntaş. Anadolu Üniversitesi-F.B.E. Sivil Havacılık Anabilim Dalı (Birinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. Hikmet Karakoç), 2011. 14) Özgün Isıl Enerji Depolama Sistemlerinin ve Uygulamalarının Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Öğrenci: Hakan Çalışkan. E.Ü-F.B.E. Makina Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı (İkinci Danışman: Prof. Dr. İbrahim Dinçer), 2012. 7. Yayınlar 7.1. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (ISI-SCI kapsamında: 220 adet basılan + 2 adet Article in Perss olarak baskıda = 222 adet) 1) HEPBASLI, A.: Investigation of the Bubble Behaviour at the Free Surface of a Large Three- 4

Dimensional Gas-Fluidised Bed, International Journal of Energy Research 22(10):885-909 (1998). 2) HEPBASLI, A.: Estimation of Bed Epansions in a Freely-Bubbling Three-Dimensional Gas-Fluidised Bed, International Journal of Energy Research 22(15):1365-1380 (1998). 3) GUNERHAN, G. G.; KOCAR, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: Geothermal Energy Utilization in Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 25(9):769-784 (2001). 4) HEPBASLI, A.; OZDAMAR, A.; OZALP, N.: Present Status and Potential of Renewable Energy Sources in Turkey, Energy Sources 23(7):631-648 (2001). 5) HEPBASLI, A.; OZALP, N.: Present Status of Cogeneration Applications in Turkey, Energy Sources 24(2):169-177 (2002). 6) HEPBASLI, A; OZALP, N.: Development of Cogeneration in Turkey, Energy Sources 24(3):193-202 (2002). 7) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Comparison of Solar Radiation Correlations for Izmir, Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 26(5):413-430 (2002). 8) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Determination of Weibull Parameters for Wind Energy Analysis of Izmir, Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 26(6):495-506 (2002). 9) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Estimation of Solar Radiation Parameters for Izmir, Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 26(7):807-823 (2002). 10) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Prediction of Solar Radiation Parameters through Clearness Inde for Izmir, Turkey, Energy Sources 24(8):773-785 (2002). 11) HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Evaluation of a Vertical Ground Source Heat Pump System in Izmir, Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 26(13):1121-1139 (2002). 12) HEPBASLI, A.; OTURANC, G.; ERGIN, E.; GENC, A.; KURNAZ, A.; IYIT, N.: Simple Correlations for Estimating the Energy Production of Turkey, Energy Sources 24(9):855-867 (2002). 13) HEPBASLI, A.; OZALP, N.: Co-generation Studies in Turkey: An Application of a Ceramic Factory in Izmir, Turkey, Applied Thermal Engineering 22:679-691 (2002). 14) AKDENIZ, R.C.; VARDAR-SUKAN, F.; HEPBASLI, A.: Evaluation of Aegean Region Agro-industrial Wastes as a Potential Energy Source, Energy Sources 24(10):949-960 (2002). 15) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Current Status and Future Directions of Wind Energy Applications in Turkey, Energy Sources 24(12):1117-1129 (2002). 16) HEPBASLI, A.; OZALP, N.: Development of Energy Efficiency and Management Implementations in the Turkish Industrial Sector, Energy Conversion and Management 44(2):231-249 (2003). 17) HEPBASLI, A.; AKDEMIR, O.; HANCIOGLU, E.: Eperimental Study of a Closed-Loop Vertical Ground-Source Heat Pump System, Energy Conversion and Management 44(4):527-548 (2003). 18) OKTAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Evaluation of a Heat Pump Assisted Mechanical Opener Dryer, Energy Conversion and Management 44:1193-1207 (2003). 19) HEPBASLI, A.; CANAKCI, C.: Geothermal District Heating Applications in Turkey: A Case Study of Izmir-Balcova, Energy Conversion and Management 44:1285-1301 (2003). 20) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Study on Estimating Power Generation of Solar-Wind Hybrid Systems in Izmir, Turkey, Energy Sources 25(3):241-252 (2003). 21) OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.: The Place of Natural Gas in Turkey s Energy Sources and Future Perspectives, Energy Sources 25(4):293-307 (2003). 22) HEPBASLI, A.; KARAKUS, A.A.; ERKEK, M.: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as an Energy Source in Turkey, Energy Sources 25(5):373-382 (2003). 23) HEPBASLI, A.; AKDENIZ, R.C.; VARDAR-SUKAN, F.; OKTAY, Z.: Utilization of Olive Cake as a Potential Energy Source in Turkey, Energy Sources 25(5):405-417 (2003). 24) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Comparison of the Diffuse Fraction of Daily and Monthly Global 5

Radiation for Izmir, Turkey, Energy Sources 25(7):637-649 (2003). 25) HEPBASLI, A.: Current Status of Geothermal Energy Applications in Turkey, Energy Sources 25(7):667-677 (2003). 26) OTURANC, G.; HEPBASLI, A.; GENC, A.: Statistical Analysis of Solar Radiation Data, Energy Sources 25(11):1089-1097 (2003). 27) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Study on the Evaluation of Energy Utilization Efficiency in the Turkish Residential-Commercial Sector Using Energy and Eergy Analysis, Energy and Buildings 35(11):1145-1153 (2003). 28) GOKCEN, G.; OZTURK, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Overview of Kizildere Geothermal Power Plant in Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management 45(1):83-98 (2004). 29) HEPBASLI, A.; AKDEMIR, O.: Energy and Eergy Analysis of a Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump System, Energy Conversion and Management 45(5):737-753 (2004). 30) AKDENIZ, R.C.; ACAROGLU, M.; HEPBASLI, A.: Cotton Stalk as a Potential Energy Source, Energy Sources 26(1):65-75(2004). 31) HEPBASLI, A.: Coal as an Energy Source in Turkey, Energy Sources 26(1):55-63 (2004). 32) OZTURK, H.K.; CANYURT, O. E.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Residential-Commercial Energy Input Estimation Based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) Approaches: An Application of Turkey, Energy and Buildings 36(2):175-183 (2004). 33) HEPBASLI, A.: Oil Shale as an Alternative Energy Source in Turkey, Energy Sources 26(2):107-118 (2004). 34) OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Natural Gas Implementation in Turkey: Part 1: Turkey s Natural Gas Demand and Supplies, Energy Sources 26(3):277-286 (2004). 35) OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Natural Gas Implementation in Turkey: Part 2: Natural Gas Pipeline Projects, Energy Sources 26(3):287-297 (2004). 36) OZTURK, H. K.; CEYLAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Estimating Petroleum Eergy Production and Consumption using Vehicle Ownership and GDP based on Genetic Algorithm Approach, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 8(3):289-302 (2004). 37) HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Evaluating the Energy Utilization Efficiency of Turkey s Renewable Energy Sources during 2001, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 8(3):237-255 (2004). 38) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, O.: A Review on the Development of Wind Energy in Turkey, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 8(3):257-276 (2004). 39) GOKCEN, G.; OZTURK, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Geothermal Fields Suitable for Power Generation, Energy Sources 26(5):441-451 (2004). 40) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Solar Radiation Models: Part 1. A Review, Energy Sources 26(5):507-520 (2004). 41) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Solar Radiation Models: Part 2. Comparison and Developing New Models, Energy Sources 26(5):521-530 (2004). 42) HEPBASLI, A.; ULGEN, K.; EKE, R.: Solar Energy Applications in Turkey, Energy Sources 26(6):551-561 (2004). 43) OZGENER, O.; ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Wind and Wave Potential, Energy Sources 26(9)891-901 (2004). 44) CANBAY, C.S.; HEPBASLI, A.; GOKCEN, G.: Evaluating Performance Indices of a Shopping Centre and Implementing HVAC Control Principles to Minimize Energy Usage, Energy and Buildings 36(6):587-598 (2004). 45) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, L.: Development of Geothermal Energy Utilization in Turkey: A Review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 8(5):433-460 (2004). 6

46) OZTURK, H.K.; CANYURT, O. E.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Three Different Genetic Algorithm Approaches to the Estimation of Residential Eergy Input/Output Values, Building and Environment 39(7):807-816 (2004). 47) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, O.: Turkey s Renewable Energy Sources: Part 1. Historical Development, Energy Sources 26(10):961-969 (2004). 48) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, O.: Turkey s Renewable Energy Sources: Part 2. Potential and Utilization, Energy Sources 26(10):971-982 (2004). 49) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Turkey s Sectoral Energy and Eergy Analysis between 1999 and 2000, International Journal of Energy Research 28(13): 1177-1196 (2004). 50) ULGEN, K.; GENC, A.; HEPBASLI, A.; OTURANC, G.: Assessment of Wind Characteristics for Energy Generation, Energy Sources 26(13):1227-1237 (2004). 51) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Comparison of Turkey s Sectoral Energy Utilization Efficiencies between 1990 and 2000: Part 1. Utility and Industrial Sectors, Energy Sources 26(14):1331-1344 (2004). 52) HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Comparison of Turkey s Sectoral Energy Utilization Efficiencies between 1990 and 2000: Part 2. Residential-Commercial and Transportation Sectors, Energy Sources 26(14):1345-1355 (2004). 53) CANYURT, O. E.; CEYLAN, H.; OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy Demand Estimation Based on Two-Different Genetic Algorithm Approaches: An Application of Turkey, Energy Sources 26(14):1313-1320 (2004). 54) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Thermo-mechanical Eergy Analysis of Balcova Geothermal District Heating System in Izmir, Turkey, ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 126(4):293-301 (2004). 55) GENC, A.; ERISOGLU, M.; PEKGOR, A.; OTURANC, G.; HEPBASLI, A.; ULGEN, K.: Estimation of Wind Power Potential Using Weibull Distribution, Energy Sources 27(9):809-822 (2005). 56) ACAROGLU, M.; KOCAR, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: The Potential of Biogas Energy, Energy Sources 27(3):251-259 (2005). 57) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eperimental Performance Analysis of a Solar Assisted Groundsource Heat Pump Greenhouse Heating System, Energy and Buildings 37(1):101-110 (2005). 58) HEPBASLI, A.: Development and Restructuring of Turkey's Electricity Sector: A Review, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 9:311-343 (2005). 59) CANYURT, O. E.; OZTURK, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Estimating the Turkish Residential- Commercial Energy Output Estimation Based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) Approaches, Energy Policy 33:1011-1019 (2005). 60) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eperimental Investigation of the Performance of a Solar Assisted Ground-source Heat Pump System for Greenhouse Heating, International Journal of Energy Research 29(2):217-231 (2005). 61) CEYLAN, H.; OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Estimating Energy and Eergy Production and Consumption Values using Three Different Genetic Algorithm Approaches. Part 1: Model Development, Energy Sources 27:621-627 (2005). 62) CEYLAN, H.; OZTURK, H. K.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Estimating Energy and Eergy Production and Consumption Values using Three Different Genetic Algorithm Approaches. Part 2: Application and Scenarios, Energy Sources 27:629 639 (2005). 63) HEPBASLI, A.: Modeling of Sectoral Energy and Eergy Utilization, Energy Sources 27:903-912 (2005). 64) GUNERHAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Utilization of Basalt Stone as a Sensible Heat Storage Material, Energy Sources 27:1357-1366 (2005). 65) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Analysis of Energy and Eergy Use of the Turkish Residential-Commercial Sector, Building and Environment 40(5):641-655 (2005). 7

66) OZTURK, H.K.; CEYLAN, H.; CANYURT, O. E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Electricity Estimation Using Genetic Algorithm Approach: A Case Study of Turkey, Energy 30:1003-1012 (2005). 67) BALKAN, F.; COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Evaluation of a Triple Effect Evaporator with Forward Feed using Eergy Analysis, International Journal of Energy Research 29:455-470 (2005). 68) GUNHAN, T.; DEMIR, V.; HANCIOGLU, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Mathematical Modelling of Drying of Bay Leaves, Energy Conversion and Management 46 (11-12):1667-1679 (2005). 69) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergy Analysis of Salihli Geothermal District Heating System in Manisa, Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 29(5):398-408 (2005). 70) HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic Analysis of a Ground-source Heat Pump System for District Heating, International Journal of Energy Research 7:671-687 (2005). 71) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Analysis of a Solar Assisted Ground-source Heat Pump System for Greenhouse Heating: An Eperimental Study, Building and Environment 40(8):1040-1050 (2005). 72) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of a Solar Assisted Ground-source Heat Pump Greenhouse Heating System, Applied Thermal Engineering 25(10):1459-1471 (2005). 73) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Energy and Eergy Analysis of Geothermal District Heating Systems: An Application, Building and Environment 40:1309 1322 (2005). 74) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Energy and Eergy Analysis of the Gonen Geothermal District Heating System, Turkey, Geothermics 34:632-645 (2005). 75) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: An Economical Analysis on a Solar Greenhouse Integrated Solar Assisted Ground Coupled Heat Pump System, Transactions of the ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology 128:28-34 (2006). 76) OZTURK, H.K.; CANYURT, O. E.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: An Application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) Search Techniques to the Future Total Eergy Input/Output Estimation, Energy Sources, Part A 28(8):715-725 (2006). 77) OZTOP, H. F.; HEPBASLI, A.: Cogeneration and Trigeneration Applications. Energy Sources, Part A 28(8):743-750 (2006). 78) ESKIN, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: Development and Applications of Clean Coal Fluidized Bed Technology, Energy Sources, Part A 28(12):1085-1097 (2006). 79) BABA, A.; OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.: Environmental and Eergetic Aspects of Geothermal Energy, Energy Sources, Part A 28(7):597-609 (2006). 80) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Estimating the Energy and Eergy Utilization Efficiencies for the Residential-Commercial Sector: An Application, Energy Policy 34:1097-1105 (2006). 81) CANYURT, O. E.; OZTURK, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Genetic Algorithm (GA) Approaches for the Transport Energy Demand Estimation: Model Development and Application, Energy Sources, Part A 28(15):1405-1413 (2006). 82) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Assessment of the Energy Utilization Efficiency in the Turkish Transportation Sector between 2000 and 2020 using Energy and Eergy Analysis Method, Energy Policy 34(13):1611 1618 (2006). 83) OZTURK, H. K.; ATALAY, O.; YILANCI, A.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analysis of Kızıldere Geothermal Power Plant, Turkey, Energy Sources, Part A 28(15):1415-1424 (2006). 84) OZAYDIN, S.; KOCER, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: Natural Zeolites in Energy Applications, Energy Sources, Part A 28(15):1425-1431 (2006). 85) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Effect of Reference State on the Performance of Energy and Eergy Evaluation of Geothermal District Heating Systems: Balcova Eample, Building and Environment 41(6):699-709 (2006). 86) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Performance Investigation of Two Geothermal District Heating Systems for Building Applications: Energy Analysis, Energy and Buildings 38(4):286-292 8

(2006). 87) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Assessment of the Energy and Eergy Utilization Efficiencies in the Turkish Agricultural Sector, International Journal of Energy Research 30:659-670 (2006). 88) UTLU, Z.; SOGUT, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.; OKTAY, Z.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of a Raw Mill in a Cement Production, Applied Thermal Engineering 26:2479-2489 (2006). 89) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Investigation of the Energetic and Eergetic Performance of the Gonen Geothermal District Heating System, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A, Journal of Power and Energy 220(7):671-679 (2006). 90) ARAS, H.; BALLI, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Estimating the Horizontal Diffuse Solar Radiation over the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey, Energy Conversion and Management 47(15-16):2240-2249 (2006). 91) OZCELIK, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.: Estimating Petroleum Eergy Production and Consumption Values using Simulated Annealing Approach, Energy Sources, Part B, 1(3):255-266 (2006). 92) HEPBASLI, A.: Reforming the Energy Market and Utilization of Electrical Energy, Energy Sources, Part B 1(2):171-179 (2006). 93) ARAS, H.; BALLI, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Global Solar Potential. Part 1: Model Development, Energy Sources, Part B, 1(3):303-315 (2006). 94) ARAS, H.; BALLI, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Global Solar Potential. Part 2: Statistical Analysis, Energy Sources Part B, 1(3):317-326 (2006). 95) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Analyzing the Energy Utilization Efficiency of Renewable Energy Resources. Part 1: Energy Analysis Method, Energy Sources, Part B 1(4):341-353 (2006). 96) HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Analyzing the Energy Utilization Efficiency of Renewable Energy Resources. Part 2: Eergy Analysis Method, Energy Sources, Part B 1(4):355-366 (2006). 97) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Review on Analyzing and Evaluating the Energy Utilization Efficiency of Countries, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(1):1-29 (2007). 98) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Review on the Energy and Eergy Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump Systems, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(3):482-496 (2007). 99) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Parametrical Investigation of the Effect of Dead (Reference) State on Energy and Eergy Utilization Efficiencies of Residential-Commercial Sectors: A Review and an Application, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(4):603-634 (2007). 100) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Parametrical Study on the Energetic and Eergetic Assessment of a Solar Assisted Vertical Ground-source Heat Pump System used for Heating a Greenhouse, Building and Environment 42(1):11-24 (2007). 101) GUNERHAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Determination of the Optimum Tilt Angle of Solar Collectors for Building Applications, Building and Environment 42(2):779-783 (2007). 102) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, L.: A Parametric Study on the Eergoeconomic Assessment of a Vertical Ground Coupled (Geothermal) Heat Pump System, Building and Environment 42(3):1509-1515 (2007). 103) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump Systems, Energy and Buildings 39(1):89-98 (2007). 104) KAVAK AKKPINAR, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Comparative Study on Eergetic Assessment of Two Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump Systems for Residential Applications, Building and Environment 42(5):2004-2013 (2007). 105) COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Analysis of Drying of Green Olive in a Tray Dryer, Journal of Food Engineering 80(4):1188-1193 (2007). 106) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.; ROSEN, MA.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of Geothermal District Heating Systems: A Case Study, Applied Thermal Engineering 27(8-9):1303-1310 (2007). 9

107) HANCIOGLU KUZGUNKAYA, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Evaluation of Drying of Laurel Leaves in a Vertical Ground-source Heat Pump Drying Cabinet, International Journal of Energy Research 31(3):219-328 (2007). 108) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergy Analysis of Two Geothermal District Heating Systems for Building Applications, Energy Conversion and Management 48(4):1185-1192 (2007). 109) GUNERHAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Solar Water Heating Systems for Building Applications, Energy and Buildings 39(5):509-516 (2007). 110) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Review and Assessment of the Energy Utilization Efficiency in the Turkish Industrial Sector using Energy and Eergy Analysis Method, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(7):1438-1459 (2007). 111) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.; AKDENIZ, C.: Energetic and Eergetic Aspects of Cotton Stalk Production in Establishing Energy Policies", Energy Policy 35(5):3015-3024 (2007). 112) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Parametric Study of the Effect of Reference State on Energy and Eergy Efficiencies of Geothermal District Heating Systems (GDHSs): An Application of the Salihli GDHS in Turkey, Heat Transfer Engineering 28(4):357-364 (2007). 113) HEPBASLI, A.; BALTA, M.T.: A Study on Modeling and Performance Assessment of a Heat Pump System for Utilizing Low Temperature Geothermal Resources in Buildings, Building and Environment 42(10):3747-3756 (2007). 114) HANCIOGLU KUZGUNKAYA, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Performance Assessment of a Ground Source Heat Pump Drying System, International Journal of Energy Research 31(8):760-777 (2007). 115) BALLI, O.; ARAS, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Performance Evaluation of a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System in Turkey, International Journal of Energy Research 31(9):849-866 (2007). 116) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: A Key Review on Performance Improvement Aspects of Geothermal District Heating Systems and Applications, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 11(8):1675-1697 (2007). 117) CANYURT, O.E.; OZTURK, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: Modelling and Application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) Approach to Estimating the Future Total Energy Input Values, Energy Sources, Part A 29(10):861-871 (2007). 118) HEPBASLI, A.: Thermoeconomic Analysis of Household Refrigerators, International Journal of Energy Research 31(10):947-959 (2007). 119) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Assessment of the Turkish Utility Sector through Energy and Eergy Analyses, Energy Policy 35(10):5012-5020 (2007). 120) CAY, A.; TARAKÇIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Performance Assessment of a Stenter System in a Tetile Finishing Mill, International Journal of Energy Research 31(13):1251-1265 (2007). 121) BALLI, O.; ARAS, H.; ARAS, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: Estimating and Statistical Analyzing the Global Solar Radiation Potential over Big Cities in Turkey, Energy Eploration and Eploitation 25(4):301-311 (2007). 122) HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Modeling and Assessment of Solar Assisted Domestic Hot Water Tank Integrated Ground-source Heat Pump Systems for Residences, Energy and Buildings 39(12):1211-1217 (2007). 123) TURGUT, E.; KARAKOC, E.T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Analysis of an Aircraft Turbofan Engine, International Journal of Energy Research 31(14):1383-1397 (2007). 124) HEPBASLI, A.: A Study on Estimating the Energetic and Eergetic Prices of Various Residential Energy Sources, Energy and Buildings 40(3):308-315 (2008). 125) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Thermo-economic Analysis of Energy Utilization in the Residential-commercial Sector: An Application, Building and Environment 43(5):896-904 (2008). 126) KALINCI. Y.; HEPBASLI. A.; TAVMAN. I.: Determination of Optimum Pipe Diameter along with 10

Energetic and Eergetic Evaluation of Geothermal District Heating Systems: Modeling and Application, Energy and Buildings 40(5):742-755 (2008). 127) HEPBASLI, A.: A Key Review on Eergetic Analysis and Assessment of Renewable Energy Resources for a Sustainable Future, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 12(3):593-661 (2008). 128) BALLI, O.; ARAS, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System, International Journal of Energy Research 32(4):273-289 (2008). 129) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energetic and Eergetic Assessment of the Industrial Sector at Varying Dead (Reference) State Temperatures: A Review with an Illustrative Eample, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 12(5):1277-1301 (2008). 130) KARA, O.; ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Assessment of Direct Epansion Solar Assisted Heat Pump Systems: Review and Modeling, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12(5):1383-1401 (2008). 131) COLAK, N.; HANCIOGLU KUZGUNKAYA, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Assessment of Drying of Mint Leaves in a Heat Pump Dryer, Journal of Food Process Engineering 31(3):281-298 (2008). 132) KARADELI, C.; ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Assessment of Transmission Concentrated Solar Energy Systems via Optical Fibres for Building Applications, Energy and Buildings 40(8):1502-1512 (2008). 133) BALLI, O.; ARAS, H.; ARAS, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic and Eergoeconomic Analysis of an Aircraft Jet Engine (AJE). International Journal of Eergy 5(5-6):567-581 (2008). 134) BALTA, M.T.; KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.: Evaluating a Low Eergy Heating System from the Power Plant through the Heat Pump to the Building Envelope, Energy and Buildings 40(10):1799-1804 (2008). 135) GUNERHAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.; GIRESUNLU, U.: Environmental Impacts from the Solar Energy Systems, Energy Sources Part A 31(2):131-138 (2009). 136) HEPBASLI, A.; ERBAY, Z.; ICIER, F.: COLAK, N.; HANCIOGLU. E.: A Review of Gas Engine Driven Heat Pumps (GEHPs) for Residential and Industrial Applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 13:85-99 (2009). 137) ULGEN, K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Diffuse Solar Radiation Estimation Models: A Review with an Illustrative Eample, Energy Conversion and Management 50:149-156 (2009). 138) HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Modeling of Oil Shale-fired Circulating Fluidized Bed Systems, Energy Sources, Part A 31(4):325 337 (2009) 139) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Aspects of Sectoral Energy Utilization for Turkish Industrial Sector and their Impact on Energy Policy, Energy Policy 37:577-587 (2009). 140) KALINCI, Y.; BALTA, T.M.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Assessment of a Geothermally Heated Building, Energy Policy 37(4):1502-1508 (2009). 141) TURGUT, E.; KARAKOC, E.T.; HEPBASLI, A.; ROSEN, M.A.: Eergy Analysis of an Aircraft Turbofan Engine:CF6-80, International Journal of Eergy 6(2):181-199 (2009). 142) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I:, HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic Assessment of Geothermal Energy Use in Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(7):2922-2936 (2009). 143) HEPBASLI, A.; KALINCI, Y.: A Review of Heat Pump Water Heating Systems, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 13(6-7):1211-1229 (2009). 144) CAY, A.; TARAKÇIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Assessment of Finishing Processes by Ehaustion Principle for Tetile Fabrics: An Eergetic Approach, Applied Thermal Engineering 29(11-12):2554-2561 (2009). 145) CAY, A.; TARAKÇIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Study on the Eergetic Analysis of Continuous Tetile Dryers, International Journal of Eergy 6(3):422-439 (2009). 11

146) TURGUT, E.; KARAKOC, E.T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of an Aircraft Turbofan Engine, International Journal of Eergy 6(3):277-294 (2009). 147) BALTA, T.M.; HEPBASLI, A.; HANCIOGLU, E.; OZCANLI, C.; YILMAZER, E.; YURDAKUL, I., DISBUDAK, I.: Eergetic Analysis of a Continuous Bi-aially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Film Unit in a Plastics Processing Plant, International Journal of Eergy 6(3):440-456 (2009). 148) COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Review of Heat Pump Drying: Part 1 Systems, Models and Studies, Energy Conversion and Management 50(9): 2180-2186 (2009). 149) COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Review of Heat Pump Drying (HPD): Part 2 Applications and Performance Assessments, Energy Conversion and Management 50(9): 2187-2199 (2009). 150) SOGUT, Z.; OKTAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energetic and Eergetic Assessment of a Trass Mill Process in a Cement Plant, Energy Conversion and Management 50(9): 2316-2323 (2009). 151) CALISKAN, H.; TAT, M.E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Assessment of an Internal Combustion Engine at Varying Dead (Reference) State Temperatures, Applied Thermal Engineering 29(16):3431-3436 (2009). 152) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Biomass-based Hydrogen Production: A Review and Analysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34(21):8799-8817 (2009). 153) SOGUT, Z.; OKTAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Investigation of Effect of Varying Dead-state Temperatures on Energy and Eergy Analyses of a Raw Mill Process in a Cement Plant, International Journal of Eergy 6(5):655-670 (2009). 154) BALTA, M. T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Geothermal-Based Hydrogen Production Using Thermochemical and Hybrid Cycles: A Review and Analysis, International Journal of Energy Research 34(9):757 775 (2009). 155) CALISKAN, H.; TAT, M.E., HEPBASLI, A.; VAN GERPEN, J. H.: Eergy Analysis of Engines Fueled with Biodiesel from High-oleic Soybeans based on Eperimental Values, International Journal of Eergy 7(1):20-36 (2010). 156) YORU, Y.; KARAKOC, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergy Analysis of a Cogeneration System through Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Method, International Journal of Eergy 7(2):178-191 (2010). 157) HANCIOGLU. E.; HEPBASLI, A.; ICIER, F.; COLAK, N.; ERBAY, Z.: Performance Investigation of the Drying of Parsley in a Tray Dryer System, Int. Journal of Eergy 7(2):193-210 (2010). 158) YORU, Y.; KARAKOC, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Dynamic Energy and Eergy Analyses of an Industrial Cogeneration System, Int. J. Energy Research 34(4):345-356 (2010). 159) ERBAY, Z.; ICIER, F.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Performance Assessment of a Pilot Scale Heat Pump Belt Conveyor Dryer, International Journal of Energy Research 34(4):249-264 (2010). 160) CALISKAN, H.; TAT, M.E:, HEPBASLI, A.: A Review on Eergetic Analysis and Assessment of Various Types of Engines, International Journal of Eergy 7(3):287-310 (2010). 161) HEPBASLI, A.; ERBAY, Z.; COLAK, N.; KUZGUNKAYA, E.; ICIER, Z.: Eergetic Performance Assessment of Three Different Food Driers, Proceedings of the Institute of the Mechanical Engineers Part A, Journal of Power and Energy 224(1):1-12. (2010). 162) ICIER, Z.; ERBAY, Z.; KUZGUNKAYA, E.; COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Comparative Study on Eergetic Performance Assessment for Drying of Broccoli Florets in Three Different Drying Systems, Drying Technology 28(2):193-204 (2010). 163) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Assessment of Industrial Furnaces, Journal of Energy Resources Technology 132(1):1-7 (2010). 164) BOZOGLAN, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Improvements for Olive Oil Refining Plants, Int. J. Energy Research 34(6):476-493 (2010). 165) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Efficiency Assessment of an Integrated Gasifier/Boiler System for Hydrogen Production with Different Biomass Types, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35(10): 4991-5000 (2010). 12

166) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Potential Methods for Geothermal-Based Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35(10):4949-4961 (2010). 167) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Prices of Various Energy Sources along with their CO 2 Equivalents, Energy Policy 38(7):3468-3481 (2010). 168) HEPBASLI, A.: A Review on Energetic, Eergetic and Eergoeconomic Aspects of Geothermal District Heating Systems (GDHSs)", Energy Conversion and Management 51(10):2041-2061 (2010). 169) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Performance and Sustainability Assessment of Energy Options for Building HVAC Applications, Energy and Buildings 42(8):1320-1328 (2010) 170) OZDEMIR, K.; HEPBASLI, A.; ESKIN, N.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of a Fluidized Bed Coal Combustor (FBCC) Steam Power Plant, Applied Thermal Engineering 30(13): 1621-1631 (2010). 171) BALLI, O.: ARAS, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic and Thermoeconomic Analyses of a Trigeneration (TRIGEN) System with a Gas-diesel Engine, Part I: Methodology, Energy Conversion and Management 51(11):2252-2259 (2010). 172) BALLI, O.: ARAS, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic and Thermoeconomic Analyses of a Trigeneration (TRIGEN) System with a Gas-diesel Engine, Part II: An Application, Energy Conversion and Management 51(11):2260-2271 (2010). 173) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of Ice Rink Buildings at Varying Reference Temperatures, Energy and Buildings 42(9):1418-1425 (2010). 174) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of a New 4-Step Copper Chlorine Cycle for Geothermal-Based Hydrogen Production, Energy 35(8):3263-3272 (2010). 175) EZAN, M.A.; OZDOGAN, M.; GUNERHAN, H.; EREK, A.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energetic and Eergetic Analysis and Assessment of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Unit for Building Applications, Energy and Buildings 42(10):1896-1901 (2010). 176) HURDOGAN, E.; BUYUKALACA, O.; YILMAZ, T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eperimental Investigation of a Novel Desiccant Cooling System, Energy and Buildings 42(11):2049-2060 (2010). 177) CAY, A.; TARAKCIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Analysis of Tetile Convective Drying with Stenters by Sub-system models: Part 1- Eergetic Modeling and Evaluation, Drying Technology 28(12):1359-1367 (2010). 178) CAY, A.; TARAKCIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Analysis of Tetile Convective Drying with Stenters by Sub-system Models: Part 2- Parametric Study on Eergy Analysis, Drying Technology 28(12):1368-1376 (2010). 179) HEPBASLI, A.; HANCIOGLU, E.; ICIER, F.; ERBAY, Z.; COLAK, N.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of Plum Drying in a Heat Pump Conveyor Dryer, Drying Technology 28(12):1385-1395 (2010). 180) GUNGOR, AYSEGUL; ERBAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Analysis and Evaluation of a New Application of Gas Engine Heat Pumps (GEHPs) for Food Drying Processes, Applied Energy 88(3):882-891 (2011). 181) KALINCI, Y., HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergetic Performance Assessment of Gasification and Pyrolysis Processes of Pre-treated Wood Board Wastes, International Journal of Eergy 8(1):99-112 (2011). 182) YUCER, C.T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic Analysis of a Building using Eergy Analysis Method, Energy and Buildings 43(2-3):542-548 (2011). 183) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergy Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of a Solar-Ground based Heat Pump with Thermal Energy Storage, ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 133:1-8 (2011). 184) GUNGOR, AYSEGUL; ERBAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analyses of a Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump Drier and Food Drying Process, Applied Energy 88(8):2677-2684 (2011). 185) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic Cost Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of an Internal Combustion Engine``, International Journal of Eergy 8(3):310-324 (2011). 13

186) BOZOGLAN, E.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of an Olive Oil Refining Plant, International Journal of Eergy 8(3):359-377 (2011). 187) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergetic and Sustainability Performance Comparison of Novel and Conventional Air Cooling Systems for Building Applications, Energy and Buildings 43(6):1461-1472 (2011). 188) HURDOGAN, E.; BUYUKALACA, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, T.: Eergetic Modeling and Eperimental Performance Assessment of a Novel Desiccant Cooling System, Energy and Buildings 43(6):1489-1498 (2011). 189) CALISKAN, H.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.; MAISOTSENKO, V.: Thermodynamic Performance Assessment of a Novel Cooling Cycle: Maisotsenko Cycle, International Journal of Refrigeration 34(4):980-990(2011). 190) HEPBASLI, A.; ALSUHAIBANI, Z.: Eergetic and Eergoeconomic Aspects of Wind Energy Systems in Achieving Sustainable Development, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(6):2810-2825 (2011). 191) BEKTAS, G.; BALKAN, F.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of a Sulfation Unit in a Powder Detergent Plant, International Journal of Eergy 8(4):447-459 (2011). 192) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of a Hybrid Copper Chlorine Cycle Driven by Geothermal Energy for Hydrogen Production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36:11300-11308 (2011). 193) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Comparative Eergetic Performance Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Oil Palm Wastes and Some Other Biomasses, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36:11399-11407 (2011). 194) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Plasma Gasification of Sewage Sludge using Specific Eergy Cost (SPECO) Method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36:11408-11417 (2011). 195) HEPBASLI, A.: A Comparative Investigation of Various Greenhouse Heating Options using Eergy Analysis Method, Applied Energy 88:4411-4423 (2011). 196) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.; TURAN, M.: Performance Analysis and Assessment of an Industrial Dryer in a Ceramic Production, Drying Technology 29(15):1792-1813 (2011). 197) DEMIR, B; UTLU, Z; KOCAR, G; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergy Assessment of a Biodiesel Production Process: An Application, Journal of the Energy Institute 84(4):236-245 (2011). 198) HEPBASLI, A.; ALSUHAIBANI, Z.: A Key Review on Present Status and Future Directions of Solar Energy Studies and Applications in Saudi Arabia, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 15(9):5021-5050 (2011). 199) HEPBASLI, A.: Low Eergy (LowE) Heating and Cooling Systems for Sustainable Buildings and Societies, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 16(1):5297-5328 (2012). 200) GUNGOR, A.; ERBAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic (Thermoeconomic) Analysis and Performance Assessment of a Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump Drying System Based on the Eperimental Data, Drying Technology 30(1):52-62 (2012). 201) CALISKAN, H.; DINCER, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Comparative Study on Energetic, Eergetic and Environmental Performance Assessments of Novel M-cycle Based Air Coolers for Buildings, Energy Conversion and Management 56:69-79 (2012). 202) YUCER, C.T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of a Central Heating System from the Generation Stage to the Building Envelope, Energy and Buildings 47:592-599 (2012). 203) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of Magnesium-Chlorine (Mg- Cl) Thermochemical Cycle, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(6):4855-4862 (2012). 204) CALISKAN, H.; DINCER, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of Combined Thermochemical and Sensible Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Building Heating Applications, Energy and Buildings 48:103-111 (2012). 14

205) ALTUNTAS, O.; KARAKOC, T.H.; HEPBASLI, A.: "Eergoenvironmental Analysis of Piston-prop Aircrafts", International Journal of Eergy 10(3):290-298 (2012). 206) CAY, A.; TARAKCIOĞLU, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: A Comparative Study on the Eergoeconomic Analysis of Tetile Dryers Using SPECO Method, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon 2:125-131 (2012). 207) CALISKAN, H.; DINCER, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: Thermodynamic Analyses and Assessments of Various Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Buildings, Energy Conversion and Management 62:109-122 (2012). 208) EL-LEATHY, A.; RAMADAN, M.H.M.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergy Analysis of Combustion Characteristics and NO Emissions of a Dual Fuel Engine, International Journal of Eergy. International Journal of Eergy 10(4):417-441 (2012). 209) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: "Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production from Biomass Gasification Systems", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(19):14026-14039 (2012). 210) KALINCI, Y., HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergoeconomic Analysis and Performance Assessment of Hydrogen and Power Production Using Different Gasification Systems, Fuel 102:187-198 (2012). 211) KALINCI, Y.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Eergoeconomic Analysis of Hydrogen Production from Biomass Gasification, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37(21):16402-16411 (2012). 212) BOZOGLAN, E.; MIDILLI, A.; HEPBASLI, A.: "Sustainable Assessment of Solar Hydrogen Production Techniques", Energy 46:85-93 (2012). 213) SOGUT, Z.; OKTAY, Z.; KARAKOC, T.H.; HEPBASLI, A.: "Investigation of Environmental and Eergetic Performance for a Cool-preparing Unit in Cement Processes", Energy 46:72-77 (2012). 214) ALSUHAIBANI, Z.; ERSOY, H.K.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic and Sustainability Performance Assessment of Geothermal (Ground Source) Ejector Heat Pumps, International Journal of Eergy 11(3): 371-386 (2012). 215) ALTUNTAS, O.; KARAKOC, H.T.; HEPBASLI, A.: Eergetic, Eergoeconomic and Sustainability Assessments of Piston-prop Aircraft Engines, Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi, J.of Thermal Science and Technology 32(2):133-143 (2012). 216) HURDOGAN, E.; BUYUKALACA, O.; YILMAZ, T.; HEPBASLI, A.: UCKAN, I.: "Investigation of Solar Energy Utilization in a Novel Desiccant Based Air Conditioning System", Energy and Buildings 55:757-764 (2012). 217) CALISKAN, H.; DINCER, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: "Eergoeconomic, Enviroeconomic and Sustainability Analyses of a Novel Air Cooler", Energy and Buildings 55:747-756 (2012). 218) BOYAR, S.; AKDENIZ R.C.; HEPBASLI, A.: Performance Evaluation of An Etruder System in a Mied Factory, Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10(3-4):524-527 (2012). 219) BOYAR, S.; HEPBASLI, A.; AKDENIZ R.C.: Energy Utilization Needs in Turkish Mied Feed Industry, Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment 10(3-4):528-533 (2012). 220) BAYRAK, F.; OZTOP, H.F.; HEPBASLI, A.: Energy and Eergy Analyses of Porous Baffles Inserted Solar Air Heaters for Building Applications, Energy and Buildings 67:338-345 (2013). 7.2.1. ``Article in Press`` Olarak Online Gözüken Makaleler (2 Adet) 221) COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2012. "Performance Assessment and Optimization of Industrial Drying", International Journal of Energy Research, doi: 10.1002/er.2895. 222) CALISKAN, H.; DINCER, I.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2012. Energy, Eergy and Sustainability Analyses of Hybrid Renewable Energy Based Hydrogen and Electricity Production and Storage Systems: Modeling and Case Study, Applied Thermal Engineering, doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.04.026. 15

7.2.2. Uluslararası diğer hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (9 adet) 1) GUNERHAN, G. G.; KOCAR, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: Geothermal Turkey: Year-End Development Status, 1999, Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Bulletin 29(5):179-183 (2000). 2) HEPBASLI, A.: Energy Conservation Studies on Residential Heating Systems: An Application for Izmir, Turkey, Int. J. Global Energy Issues 15(3-4):247-263 (2001). 3) HEPBASLI, A.; ELTEZ, M.; DURAN, H.: Current Status and Future Directions of Geothermal Heat Pumps in Turkey, Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin 22(1):13-15 (2001). 4) HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, H.; EROGLU, S.: Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps Installations in the Turkish Buildings: An Energy Efficiency Outlook, Turkish Society of HVAC Sanitary Engineers. 5) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: Thermodynamic Analysis of a Geothermal District Heating System, Int. J. Eergy 2(3): 231-245 (2005). 6) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: Evaluating the Energy Utilization Efficiency of the Turkish Residential- Commercial Sector by 2023, Journal of Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers 3:9-19 (2006). 7) HEPBASLI, A.: Assessing the Energy Utilization Performance in Buildings, TTMD Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers Journal 51:12-18 (2007). 8) BALTA, M.T.; DINCER, I, HEPBASLI, A.: Development of Sustainable Energy Options for Buildings in a Sustainable Building, Sustainable Cities and Society 1/2:72-80 (2011). (Bu yıl yayın hayatına geçen ELSEVIER yayın evinin dergilerinden biri). 9) HEPBASLI, A.; BALTA, M.T.; ALSUHAIBANI, A.: Comparing the Energetic and Eergetic Performances of a Building Heated by Solar Energy and Ground-source (Geothermal) Heat Pump, Advanced Materials Research 347-353:1801-1805 (2011). 7.3. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan (özet/tam) bildiriler (Basılan: 109 adet, Basılmayan: 1 adet ve Toplam: 110 adet) 1) DAGSOZ, A.K.; HEPBASLI, A.; POLAT, L.: 1986. Heizen eines Einfamilienhauses in Istanbul mit dem Konventionellen System und der Waermepumpeanlage, First Turkish German Joint Symposium on Heat Pumps, p.105, Istanbul. 2) HEPBASLI, A.: 1996. Project for Improving Burning Systems of Stoves and Boilers to Prevent Air Pollution in Cities and Its Application, Habitat II NGO Forum 96, Istanbul. 3) HEPBASLI, A.; ELTEZ, M.: 1998. A Survey on Building Energy Management Systems at Turkish Universities, TIEES 98, Energy and the Environment Proceedings of the Second Trabzon International Energy and Environment Symposium, Begell House, Inc., pp. 213-215. 4) HEPBASLI, A.; GUNERHAN, H.: 2000. A Study on the Utilization of Geothermal Heat Pumps in Turkey, Proceedings of WGC 2000, pp. 3433-3438, Japan. 5) HEPBASLI, A.; 2000.: Energy Balance Methodology : An Application for Industrial Furnaces, ISTP- 12, Proceedings of The Twelfth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 821-826. 6) HEPBASLI, A.; OZALP, N.: 2000. Industrial Energy Efficiency and Management Studies in Turkey, ISTP-12, Proceedings of The Twelfth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 815-820. 7) HEPBASLI, A.; ELTEZ, M.; DURAN, H.: 2001. Current Status and Future Directions of Geothermal Heat Pumps in Turkey, Proceedings of Twenty-Sith Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, pp. 398-405. 8) ELTEZ, M.; DOGAN, M.A.; DURUKAN, M.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2001. Diyadin Integrated Geothermal Application, Proceedings of Twenty-Sith Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, pp.406-412. 9) HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, H.; EROGLU, S.: 2001. Geothermal Heat Pumps Applications in Turkey, IEA ECES IA ANNEX 14 Cooling in All Climates with Thermal Energy Storage Fourth Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey. 16

10) HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, H.; EROGLU, S.: 2001. Three Case Studies of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems Design and Economic Feasibility, IEA ECES IA ANNEX 14 Cooling in All Climates with Thermal Energy Storage Fourth Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey. 11) HEPBASLI, A.: 2001. Performance Evaluation Criteria for Cogeneration Systems and Industrial Energy Efficiency Regulations in Turkey, Proceedings of 7 th International Cogeneration and Environment Conference (ICCI 2001),141-151, Istanbul, Turkey. 12) HEPBASLI, A.; ELTEZ, A.; HANCIOGLU, E.: 2001. A Feasibility Study on Geothermal Heat Pumps in Aegean Region of Turkey, Proceedings of 4 th International Thermal Energy Congress (ITEC2001), 44-48, Izmir, Turkey. 13) HEPBASLI, A.: 2001. Energy Conservation Studies on Residential Heating Systems: A Case Study of Izmir, Turkey, 15-18 September, 7 th World Congress, CLIMA 2000, Napoli, Italy. 14) AKDENIZ, R.C.; SUKAN, F.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2001. A Study on the Potential of Agro-industrial Wastes in the Aegean Region, Turkey and their Usage as Energy Source, 28-31 August, CIRERD01, Godollo, Hungary. 15) HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, H.: 2001. Geothermal (Ground-Source) Heat Pumps in Turkey: Past, Present and Future, 7 th World Congress, CLIMA 2000, Napoli, Italy. 16) HEPBASLI, A.; AKDENIZ, R.C.; ULGEN, K.: 2002. Wind Energy Utilization in Turkey and Future Perspectives, 15-16 June, XXVI. HAS-ATC Research & Development Conference, Godollo, Hungary. 17) AKDENIZ, R.C.; HEPBASLI, A.; BOYAR, S.: 2002. Energy Utilization in the Turkish Feed Industry: An application of Pinar Feed Inc., Izmir, 15-16 June, XXVI. HAS-ATC Research & Development Conference, Godollo, Hungary. 18) UZUN, B.B.; HEPBASLI, A.; PUTUN, E.: 2002. Present Status and Future Directions of Biomass in Turkey, 29 June-5 July, CD-Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress-VII COLOGNE, Germany. 19) KARAKUS, A.A.; BOYAR, S.; AKDENIZ, R.C.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2002. An Eergy Analysis in a Mied Feed Factory: Evaluation of An Etruder Pellet Line, 4-6 April, ERA 2002, Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering International Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria. 20) AKDEMIR, O.; AKDENIZ, R.C.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2002. An Approach to the Installation of an Energy Management System in a Mied Feed Factory, 4-6 April, ERA 2002, Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering International Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria. 21) HEPBASLI, A.: 2002. Comparison of Three Eperimental Studies on Geothermal Heat Pumps at the Turkish Universities, 12-14 June, Proceedings of First International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Porto, Portugal. 22) HEPBAŞLI, A.: 2002. Design Criteria for Distributor Plates in Bubbling Fluidized Beds, School on Porous and Comple Flow Structures in Modern Technologies. Evora University, 17-21 June, Evora, Portugal, 2002 23) HEPBASLI, A.; YILMAZ, H.; EROGLU, S.: 2002. Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps Installations in the Turkish Buildings: An Energy Efficiency Outlook, 29 April-2 May, CD-Proceedings of Fifth International HVAC and Refrigeration Technology Symposium. Turkish Society of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning & Sanitary Engineers, Istanbul, Turkey. 24) HEPBASLI, A.; AKDEMIR, O.: 2002. The Necessity of Eergy Analysis in Cogeneration: An Application of a Ceramic Factory in Turkey, 23-24 May, 8 th International Cogeneration and Environment Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. 25) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2003. Evaluating the Energy Utilization Efficiency in the Turkish Transportation Sector during 2020, CD-Proceedings of the First International Eergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, 13-17 July, pp.533-538. 26) OZGENER, O.; KOCER, G.; HEPBASLI, A.; ELTEZ, A.: 2003. A Feasibility Study about Greenhouse Heating by using Ground Source Heat Pumps and Economical Analysis, CD-Proceedings of the First International Eergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, 13-17 July, pp. 887-890. 27) HEPBASLI, A.; HANCIOGLU, E.: 2003. Eergy Analysis of Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps, 3-5 December, Proceedings of 34th Congress on Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, 17

71-79, Belgrad, Serbia. 28) GOKCEN, G.; KOCAR, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2003. Year-End Geothermal Development Status of Turkey, 2002, Proceedings of International Geothermal Conference (IGC-2003), 14 17 September, Reykjavik, Island. 29) AKDENİZ, R. C.; BOYAR, S.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Application of Electric Energy Monitoring and Controlling System in Mied Feed Industry, 28th Conference on R&D in Agricultural Engineering. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Agrár-Müszaki Bizottság. Kutatási és Fejlesztési Tánácskozás 20-21 January (Abstract), p. 79 Nr. 28, Gödöllö-Hungary (Poster). 30) HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Estimating Energy Utilization Efficiency in Agricultural Sector Using Energy and Eergy Analysis, CD-Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of CIGR Section 4th: Electricity and Energy in Agriculture, in Rural Development and in Habitation Management, 17-22 May, Budapest, Hungary. 31) AKDENIZ, R.C.; BOYAR, S.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Energy Conservation Opportunities in the Turkish Mied Feed Industry: A Case Study of Turkey, CD-Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of CIGR Section 4th: Electricity and Energy in Agriculture, in Rural Development and in Habitation Management, 17-22 May, Budapest, Hungary. 32) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Evaluating the Energy Utilization Efficiency of the Turkish Residential-Commercial Sector by 2023 Proceedings of the Sith International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, 3-5 May, pp.391-408. 33) GURSOY, O.; AKDEMIR, O.; KINIK, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Recent Situation of Energy Consumption in the Turkish Dairy Industry, CD-Proceedings of International Dairy Symposium, 24-28 May, pp.10-16. 34) OZTURK, S.; KOCER, G.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Utilization Opportunities of Natural Zeolites in Turkey and Evaluation of Gördes Clinoptilolite as Heat Storage Material, CD-Proceedings of the First Cappadocia Mechanical Engineering Symposium, Nigde, 14-16 July, pp. 191-194. 35) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2004. Analyzing Energy Utilization Efficiency of Turkey s Renewable Energy Resources during 2002, Proceedings of the First Cappadocia Mechanical Engineering Symposium, Nigde, 14-16 July, pp. 218-225. 36) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2005. Eergy Analysis of a Solar Assisted Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump Greenhouse Heating System, CD-Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April. 37) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Energy and Eergy Assessment of Salihli Geothermal District Heating System, CD-Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April. 38) OKTAY, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2005. Energy Analysis of a Coal-Fired Power Plant in Turkey, CD- Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (Thermo), 22-24 June, Budapest, Hungary. 39) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Comparison of Energy and Eergy Efficiencies of the Turkish Geothermal District Heating Systems (GDHSs), Second International Conference on Applied Thermodynamics (ATE 2005), 18-20 May, Istanbul, Turkey,, pp. 293-298. 40) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Thermodynamic Investigation of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems (GSHPSs) for Residential Applications, Second International Conference on Applied Thermodynamics (ATE 2005), 18-20 May, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 293-298. 41) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Investigation of Thermodynamic Parameters of the Turkish Geothermal District Heating Systems, CD-Proceedings of Second International Eergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-2), 3-7 July, Kos, Greece. 42) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Performance Improvement of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems (GSHPSs) for Residential Applications, CD-Proceedings of Second International Eergy, Energy and Environent Symposium (IEEES-2), 3-7 July, Kos, Greece. 43) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Performance Investigation of the Turkish Geothermal District Heating Systems (GDHSs), CD-Proceedings of the International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-1), 12-16 June, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 18

44) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Energy and Eergy Efficiencies of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems (GSHPs) for Residential Applications, CD-Proceedings of the International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-1), 12-16 June, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 45) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.; ROSEN, M.A.: 2005. Modelling and Assessment of Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems using Eergoeconomic Analysis, Conference on Ninth International Building Simulation 2005, August 15-18, Montreal, Canada, pp. 915-920. 46) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.; ROSEN, M.A.: 2005. Eergoeconomic Modelling of Geothermal District Heating Systems for Building Applications, Conference on Ninth International Building Simulation 2005, August 15-18, Montreal, Canada, pp. 907-914. 47) OZGENER, O.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Thermoeconomic Analysis of a Ground-Source Heat Pump Residential Heating System, CD-Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium and Ehibition on Environment-Friendly Energy Sources and Technologies, 5-7 September, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 146-148. 48) OZGENER, L.; HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.: 2005. Thermoeconomic Analysis of the Balcova Geothermal District Heating System, CD-Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium and Ehibition on Environment-Friendly Energy Sources and Technologies, 5-7 September, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 108-111. 49) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, O.: 2005. Performance Evaluation of Ground-Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump Systems using Eergy Analysis Method, CD-Proceedings of CLIMA-2005 Conference, 9-12 October, Lousanne, Switzerland. 50) HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: 2005. Effect of Reference State on the Energy Utilization Efficiency of the Residential-Commercial Sector, CD-Proceedings of CLIMA-2005 Conference, 9-12 October, Lousanne, Switzerland. 51) COLAK, N.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2005. Eergy Analysis of Drying of Apple in a Heat Pump Dryer, Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Food Science and Nutrition, National Research Center, 27-29 December, Cairo, Egypt. 52) UTLU, Z.; HEPBASLI, A.; AKDENIZ, R.C.: 2005. Eergetic Assessment of Cotton Stalk Production in the Turkish Agricultural Sector, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture & 27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity and Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture, Sep.27-29, Izmir, Turkey. 53) DINCER, I.; ROSEN, M.A.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2006. Technical Aspects of the Innovative Borehole Thermal Storage System at University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Proceedings of the Conference of CSME 2006, May 21-23 Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 54) BOYAR, S.; AKDENIZ, R.C.; HEPBASLI, A.: 2006. Performance Evaluation of an Etruder System in a Mied Feed Factory, 30 th Conference on R&D in Agricultural Engineering. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Agrár-Müszaki Bizottsága, 24 January (Summary) Nr.66, Gödöllö-Hungary (Poster). 55) HEPBASLI, A.; DINCER, I.; ROSEN, M.A.: 2006. Eergy Analysis of Heat Pump Systems for Residential Applications, CD-Proceedings of the Seventh International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 May. 56) HEPBASLI, A.; OZGENER, L.; OZGENER, O.: 2006. Comparison of Energy and Eergy Prices of Various Energy Sources for the Residential Use, CD-Proceedings of the Seventh International HVAC+R Technology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10 May. 57) HEPBASLI, A.: 2006. Eergetic Modeling of Oil Shale-Fired Circulating Fluidizd Bed Systems, CD- Proceedings of International Oil Shale Conference: Recent Trends in Oil Shale, Paper no. rtos-a105, Amman, Jordan, 7-9 November. 58) HEPBASLI, A.: 2007. Eergetic Performance Assessment of Gas Engine Heat Pumps. CD- Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors. 10-14 June 2007 in Helsinki, Finland. Paper no. D01I1025. 59) HEPBASLI, A.; UTLU, Z.: 2007. Investigating the Thermodynamic Parameters of the Residential- Commercial Sector: An Application of Turkey. CD-Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors. 10-14 June 2007 in Helsinki, Finland. Paper no. B04F1724. 19