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University (Yüksek Lisans) Selcuk University 75 / Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Mechanical Engineering




We convert our experiencess and knowledge about aluminum into qualified products.

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Design & Project. Construction & Fabrication. Revision & Maintenance. Consulting & Operation

Yeni Yüzümüz ve Projelerimizle Yükselmeye Devam Ediyoruz

UGC, aile şirketinde 2. kuşak olarak 19 yıl görev yapan Uğur GÜRBÜZ tarafından 2001 yılında kurulmuştur.







Difference in Technology.

nareks is an Electrical Contracting and Automation Engineering company. nareks Elektrik Taahhüt ve Otomasyon Mühendislik firmasıdır.

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nareks is an Electrical/Mechanical Contracting and Automation Engineering company.

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Food Engineering, University of Gaziantep, Faculty of Engineering, Gaziantep, Turkey Graduation date: July 2000.

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Hakkımızda / About Us... Tunç Makina 1980'den günümüze imal ettiği Eksantrik Presler de kullanmış olduğu,kaliteli malzemelerle imalatını uygulayarak,k


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20new Products 1 new year 7 agem T E C H L O L O G Y P A R T N E R


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Table of Contents / Ýçindekiler At a Glance / Bir Bakýþta...3 Mission & Vision / Misyon & Vizyon...4 From 1945 to Present Day / 1945'ten Günümüze...5 Today Vastas / Bugün Vastaþ...6 Improvement Report / Ýlerleme Raporu...7 Board of Directors / Yönetim Kurulu...9 Organization Chart / Organizasyon Þemasý...10 Products / Ürünler...11 Services / Servisler...12 Related Industries / Ýlgili Endüstriler...13 Manufacturing Standards / Üretim Standartlarý...13 Marking / Markalama...13 Health & Social Factors / Saðlýk & Sosyal Faktörler...14 Environmental Permissions / Çevre Ýzinleri...14 Equipment / Ekipmanlar...15 System Certificates / Sistem Sertifikalarý...19 Process Certificates / Proses Sertifikalarý...19 Product Certificates / Ürün Sertifikalarý...19 Personnel Certificates / Personel Sertifikalarý...20 Certification / Sertifikalar...21 This is not a product catalogue. The product catalogues are at our website. This catalogue contains information about our company structure, experience and capacity; which covers the 'vendor evaluation documents'. Bu bir ürün kataloðu deðildir. Ürün kataloglarýmýzý websitemizde bulabilirsiniz. Bu katalog, firmamýzýn yapýsý, deneyimi, kapasitesi hakkýnda bilgiler içerir. Tedarikçi onay dökümaný kapsamýndadýr. 2

At a Glance / Bir Bakýþta VALVES & ACTUATORS VALF & AKTÜATÖR Vastas is a Turkish company that designs, manufactures and repairs valves and actuators. It is mostly active in Gulf Countries & Turkic Republics. As one of the leading valve companies in Oil & Gas Pipelines, it is accepted as one of the top 5 in Valve & Actuator Combined System manufacturer Europe and around. Vastaþ valf ve aktüatör tasarým, üretim ve tamiri yapan bir Türk firmasýdýr. Özellikle Körfez Ülkeleri ve Türki Cumhuriyetler'de faaliyet göstermektedir. Doðal gaz ve petrol boru hattý alanýnda öncü vana firmalarýndan biri olarak Avrupa ve çevresinde Valf ve Aktüatör Kombine Sistem üreticisi olarak ilk 5 içerisinde kabul edilmektedir. Establishment / Kuruluþ 1945 Location / Lokasyon Turkey Primary Industries / Ana Sanayi Oil & Gas / Petrol & Gaz Refining & Petrochemicals / Rafineri & Petrokimya Energy / Enerji High Pressure Water / Yüksek Basýnçlý Su Capacity / Kapasite 9.250 ton / year Personnel / Personel 163 Focus / Odak Pipeline Valves / Boru Hattý Valfleri Product Line / Ürün Grubu Gate, Ball, Check, Globe, Plug Valves & Actuators Quality / Kalite ISO 9001 (since 1997) ISO 14001 (since 2003) OHSAS 18001 (since 2003) CE (since 2002) API 6D (since 2003) API 600 (since 2006) API 6A (since 2012) API 602 (since 2012) GOST-R (since 2010) NACE (since 2010) ATEX (since 2010) 3

Mission & Vision / Misyon & Vizyon we respect our nature, we conserve the future... çevreye deðer veriyor, geleceði koruyoruz... Our Vision / Vizyonumuz We aim to become one of the leading global brands, manufacturing industrial valve & actuators. Hedefimiz, endüstriyel valf ve aktüatör üreticisi olarak lider dünya markalarýndan biri olmaktýr. Our Mission / Misyonumuz With our commitment to future generations; our mission is to ensure a sustainable environment for all living kinds and update our values for the society. Gelecek nesillere baðlýlýðýmýz ile; misyonumuz, tüm canlýlar için sürdürülebilir bir çevre saðlamak, toplum için deðerlerimizi arttýrmaktýr. Our Policy / Politikamýz Vastas s Policy is to create optimum value from what is spend. To reward the time and men-power spent. To ensure the sustainability of the natural sources spent, to invest in the future of the community and environment. Vastaþ ýn politikasý, harcanandan üstün deðer yaratmaktýr. Yani harcanan zamanýn & insan gücünün karþýlýðýný vermek, doðal kaynaklarýn sürdürülebilirliðini saðlamak, bulunduðumuz çevre ve toplumun geleceðine yatýrým yapmaktýr. There are five major rings of the chain that will carry us to the future: Bizi geleceðe taþýyacak 5 ana zincir halkasý bulunmaktadýr: - Quality / Kalite - Health / Saðlýk - Safety / Güvenlik - Environment / Çevre - Social Responsibility / Sosyal Sorumluluk SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY QUALITY HEALTH Since 2000 Vastas is working to create an integrated management system that is acceptable as a life-style, a company culture. As one of the first integrated management system builder in Turkey, Vastas was awarded with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 certificates. Now we aim to comply with SA 8000's requirements and bring this standard to valve industry and its subcontractors in Turkey. 2000 yýlýndan bu yana Vastaþ, entegre yönetim sisteminin sadece iþyerinde deðil hayatýn her alanýnda kullanýlabilecek bir firma kültürü olmasýna çalýþmaktadýr. Türkiye'deki ilk entegre yönetim sistem kurucularýndan olan Vastaþ, 1997'den günümüze ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 sertifikalarý almýþ, þimdi ise dünya çapýnda kabul gören sosyal sorumluluk standardý SA8000 gerekliliklerine uyum saðlamak, Türkiye de vana endüstrisine ve taþeron firmalara bu standardý getirmek için çalýþmalar baþlatmýþtýr. Our Values / Deðerlerimiz - Sustainable Life for All Herkes için sürdürülebilir bir yaþam - Transparency Þeffaflýk - To bear yesterdays responsibility Geçmiþin sorumluluðunu üstlenmek - Be the best of today Bugünün en iyisi olmak - Serve the product of tomorrow Yarýnýn ürününü sunmak - Continuous development of quality Kalitede devamlý geliþim göstermek - Customer-focused services Müþteri odaklý hizmet sunmak ENVIRONMENT SAFETY 4

From 1945 to Present Day / 1945 ten Günümüze Establishment / Kuruluþ Masters Ali and Ziya had establish a small workshop of lathes at Karaköy which would be foundation of Vastas. They had been involved with establishment of pumping and generator system, including maintenance, repair and field services. Karaköy'de Ali ve Ziya ustalarýn kurduklarý torna atölyesi ile ilk temeller atýlýr. Bu atölyede pompa ve jeneratör kurulum, bakým ve saha montajý yaparlar. Small workshop would have been enlarged under various brand names such as (Ergin Makina, Ali Sözen, DSO) at various locations Kasýmpaþa, Hasköy, Sütlüce and Ayvansaray. They manufacture capstans & mobile cranes (excavator) until the end of nineteen sixties. Kasýmpaþa, Hasköy, Sütlüce ve Ayvansaray olmak üzere farklý isimlerde (Ergin Makina, Ali Sözen, DSO) büyürler. Önce ýrgat, sonra mobil vinç (ekskavatör) imalatý 60'lý yýllarýn sonuna kadar sürecektir. Corporate Status / Kurumlaþma A new form of company has been found in order to provide quality products & expert sevices under clean environment for pipelines, so called Vastas was born. Valf Armatür Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Þirketi açýlýmý ile, boru hatlarý için, kaliteli ürün, uzman hizmet ve temiz çevreyi temsil eden Vastaþ markasý doðar. R&D, Type Approval & Licences AR-GE, Tip Onaylarý & Lisanslar Vastas was the first Turkish valve manufacturer who owned API6D, ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001 & CE certificates, and moreover being a Turkish company realizes another first by building a QHSE Integrated Corporate Management System. API 6D, ISO 9001 & 14001, OHSAS 18001 ve CE sertifikasýna sahip ilk valf üreticisi Vastaþ, bir ilke daha imza atar ve QHSE (Kalite, Saðlýk, Güvenlik ve Çevre) Entegre Yönetim Sistemi'ni kuran ve uygulayan ilk Türk firmasý olur. Product Development / Ürün Geliþtirme API600 monogram license and type approval certificates have been received for related products. R&D works were initiated for the pipeline valves which are currently preferred at the first rank by Turkish and Middle East companies. API 600 monogramý ve çeþitli valfler için tip onaylarý alýr. Bugün,Türkiye ve Ortadoðu'da ilk sýrada tercih edilen ürünümüz olan Boru Hattý Valfi Aktüatörleri için AR-GE çalýþmalarý baþlatýlýr. Vastas has developed more than 7000 valve project and supplied products and services to more than 60 countries in 6 continents of the world. Vastaþ, 7000'den fazla valf projesine imzasýný atmýþ, 6 kýtada 60 tan fazla ülkeye ürün ve hizmet vermiþ bir firma olarak adýný duyurmuþtur. 1945 1967 1971 1979 1986 1994 2003 2004 2006 2011 Today Bugün First Valve Production / Ýlk Valf Ýmalatý First plug and diaphragm type valves have been realized upon request of a multinational company Unilever and a long journey, already a half century today, has been initrated at Ayvansaray Workshop. Çok uluslu bir firma olan Unilever in isteði üzerine ilk valf üretimi gerçekleþtirilir ve bugün yarým yüzyýla yaklaþmýþ olan yolculuk baþlar. Ýlk valfler plug ve diyafram tiptir, DSO adý altýnda Ayvansaray daki atölyede üretilir. ERGAT A collective type company, so called ERGAT, has been established in order to focus production of industrial valves. As a result of R&D works, between 1967-1973, they start to produce gate, check, globe, ball valve types in addition to plug, diaphragm valves. ERGAT Kollektif Þirketi kurulur ve sadece valf üretimine geçilir. 67-73 yýllarý arasýndaki ar-ge çalýþmalarý sonucu valf çeþidi Gate, Check, Globe, Küre, Plug ve Diyafram olmak üzere 6 ya çýkartýlýr. First Investment / Yatýrým Baþlangýcý New plant was build at Çerkezköy OSB, Tekirdað with 4500m2 covered area on a land of 27000 m2, which enlarged the company s capacity by 500% Tekirdað, Çerkezköy OSB de yeni fabrika kurulur. 4500m2 kapalý alan, 27000 m2 toplam alan ile %500 kapasite artýþý gerçekleþir. Crisis & Downsizing / Kriz & Küçülme Economical crisis hit Vastas seriously and resulted a 75% reduction of the company. At the mean time however, Vastas laid the foundation of the existing plant it owns now. Ekonomik kriz sebebiyle %75 küçülmek zorunda kalýnýr. Halen daha aktif olan bugünkü fabrikanýn temelleri atýlýr. Re-enlargement and Improvement / Büyüme After receipt of the leading manufacturer status for the pipeline valves, Vastas increased it s capacity by 110% and it s overall sales by 250% within 6 years through hard working and enlargement investments. Boru hattý valflerinde liderlik konumunu yakalayan Vastaþ, geniþleme çalýþmalarý ve yatýrýmlarý ile 6 sene içerisinde kapasitesini %110, cirosunu %250 arttýrýr. Sustainable Development Sürdürülebilir Kalkýnma Vastas continued to invest during last 5 years and increased it s personnel and capacity by 250%. 60% of total production within this period was realized as export. Son 5 yýlda toplam satýþlarýn %60 ý ihracat olarak gerçekleþtirilir. Sadece ürünler deðil, tesis de sürekli geliþtirilerek kapasite ve personel %250 oranýnda arttýrýlýr. 5

Today Vastas / Bugün Vastaþ Today, Vastas became a trusted trademark as a pipeline valve & actuator designer, manufacturer and service provider Bugün Vastaþ, boru hattý valf ve aktüatör tasarým, üretim ve servis hizmetleri için güvenilir bir marka olarak kendini kanýtlamýþtýr... 68 years 60countries 7000projects Vastas, achieved over 7000 valve projects and countless services, imported over 60 countries worldwide, since 1945... 60+ ülkede ürünleri kullanýlmakta olan Vastaþ, 1945'ten bu yana sayýsýz servis hizmeti vermiþ, 7000'den fazla valf projesi gerçekleþtirmiþtir. Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Canary Islands, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Venezuela... 6

Improvement Report / Ýlerleme Raporu In-House Big Size Heat Treatment Added 3500x3500x2500mm Heat Treatment Furnace is built and will be active by 2014. Tesise Büyük Ölçekli Isýl Ýþlem Fýrýný Eklendi Yeni 3500x3500x2500mm Isýl Ýþlem Fýrýný kurulmuþ olup 2014 e kadar aktif kullanýma geçilecektir. Machine Park Expands Continuously 3 new (1 is renovation) CNC machines are added to our machine park in 2013. Makine Parký Sürekli Geliþtirilmekte 2013 de (1 i renovasyon) 3 yeni CNC tezgahý makine parkýmýza eklenmiþtir. Coating Improvements Coating machine (Rhino), ENP Process-Baths renewed. Kaplamada Geliþim Kaplama teçhizatý (Rhino), ENP proses ve banyolarý yenilenmiþtir. Pure Water Distilled water system is added to the test and coating department for quality improvement. Saf Su Testte ve kaplamada saf su sistemi ilave edilerek kalitede iyileþtirmeye gidilmiþtir. Better Recycling Waste disposal is diversified and closed disposal areas are increased. Daha Çok Geri Dönüþüm Bertaraf çeþitleri ve kapalý saklama alanlarý arttýrýlmýþtýr. Investing on Environment, Investment on Nature & Future One of our social responsibility goal is to plant 10.000 trees. We have assigned land for this project and 3.000 trees will be planted to the area in October 2013. Çevre ye Yatýrým, Doða ya ve Geleceðe Yatýrým Sosyal sorumluluk hedeflerimizden biri olan 10.000 aðaç hedefimizin bir bölümünü gerçekleþtirmek üzere arazi tahsis ettik. Ekim 2013 de 3.000 aðaç dikimi için hazýrlýklarýmýzý tamamlýyoruz. More Traceability with ERP Our ERP software is improved but also our staff is improved and ERP system is now used in every step of purchase, sales and production. ERP ile daha çok izlenebilirlik ERP yazýlýmýmýzý geliþtirdik, ekibimizi yetiþtirdik ve bugün satýn alma, satýþ ve üretimin her aþamasýný ERP sistemi ile yürütmekteyiz. Cerkezkoy Manufacturing Plant, September 2013 Çerkezköy Üretim Tesisi, Eylül 2013 7

Improvement Report / Ýlerleme Raporu Capacity Per Year / Yýllýk Kapasite (Tons) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 (1998) (2001) (2004) (2006) (2008) (2009) (2010) (2011) (2012) (2013) Turnover Per Year / Yýllýk Ciro (Million $) 60 48 24 16 8 4 2 0 (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009) (2010) (2011) (2012) (2013) Capacity Records / Kapasite Kayýtlarý Start / Baþlangýç Validity / Geçerlilik Land / Arazi Indoor Area / Kapalý Alan Personnel / Personel 21.10.1998 21.10.2001 8.129 m2 2.052 m2 42 21.10.2001 22.10.2004 8.129 m2 3.200 m2 49 29.06.2004 12.11.2006 8.129 m2 3.200 m2 64 19.12.2006 16.04.2008 8.129 m2 4.775 m2 79 06.05.2008 06.05.2009 21.159 m2 8.000 m2 98 29.04.2009 07.09.2010 21.159 m2 12.346 m2 120 01.09.2010 01.09.2013 21.159 m2 12.346 m2 148 23.08.2013 26.08. 21.159 m2 17.000 m2 163 8

Board of Directors / Yönetim Kurulu Akýn Yýlmaz Member of the Board Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Nedim Ergin President Yönetim Kurulu Baþkaný Ahmet Saraoðlu Vice President Yönetim Kurulu Baþkan Yardýmcýsý He was born in Mudanya, in 1938. After his Mining Engineering education in Istanbul Technical University, he take a master education in Nuclear Energy Institute. He worked in Çekmece Nuclear Research & Training Center and finished a master degree in North Dakota University Metalurgy Engineering, afterwards. He has been working in Vastas, since 1977. He is a member of the board and foreign trade consultant of the company. His hobbies are including, classical music, carpentry, chimney construction and traveling. 1938 Mudanya doðumludur. Ý.T.Ü. Maden Mühendisliði eðitiminin ardýndan, Nükleer Enerji Enstitüsünde Master eðitimi almýþ, Çekmece Nükleer Araþtýrma Merkezinde çalýþtýktan sonra, Kuzey Dakota Üniversitesi Metalurji Mühendisliðinde yüksek lisans öðrenimini tamamlamýþtýr. 1977 yýlýndan beri Vastaþ ta çalýþmaktadýr. Firmanýn Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Dýþ Ticaret danýþmanýdýr. Klasik müzik dinlemek, marangozluk, þömine yapýmý ve seyahat etmek hobileri arasýndadýr. He was born in Istanbul, in 1948. Second child of Ergin family, from Blacksea. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University Mechanical Engineering. His professional life which started at his father Ziya Ergin s workshop, which was founded in 1945, continued with the valve factory he established with his partners. This company, which is currently called as Vastas A.S., takes place in the first fifty at the world valve producers list, with its productions and projects; Nedim Ergin is the president, CEO and head engineer of design of the company. His hobbies are including, working, marine and land hunting. 1948 Ýstanbul doðumlu. Karadenizli, Ergin ailesinin 2. çocuðu. Kabataþ Lisesi ve Ý.T.Ü Makine mühendisliðinden mezun oldu. Baba Ziya Ergin in 1945 yýlýnda kurduðu torna atölyesinde baþladýðý meslek hayatýna, ortaklarýyla kurduðu vana fabrikasý ile devam etmektedir. Þu anda, Vastaþ A.Þ. olarak anýlan bu firma, Dünya valf üreticileri sýralamasýnda ilk 50'de yer almaktadýr, Nedim Ergin firmanýn Yönetim Kurulu Baþkaný, CEO'su ve tasarým baþ mühendisidir. Hobileri arasýnda çalýþmak, denizcilik ve kara avcýlýðý vardýr. He was born in Gediz, in 1944. Saraoðlu, who is Istanbul University Faculty of Economics graduate, worked in organizations such as Turkey Sugar Factories, Ereðli Iron & Steel Factory, MAN Trucks & Ministry of Labor and Social Security, for 20 years. He has been working in Vastas, since 1983. He is the vice president and director of finance. His hobbies are including, reading and research about history, philosophy and Economics. 1944 Gediz Doðumludur. Ýstanbul Üniversitesi Ýktisat Fakültesi mezunu olan Saraoðlu, 20 yýl boyunca Türkiye Þeker Fabrikalarý, Ereðli Demir Çelik Fabrikasý, MAN Kamyon, Çalýþma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlýðý gibi kuruluþlarda çalýþmýþtýr. 1983 ten beri Vastaþ'ta çalýþmaktadýr. Firmanýn yönetim kurulu baþkan yardýmcýsý ve finans müdürüdür. Tarih, Felsefe ve Ýktisat konularýnda okuma ve araþtýrma hobileri arasýndadýr. 9

Organization Chart / Organizasyon Þemasý Law Consultant Hukuk Danýþmaný Board of Directors Yönetim Kurulu Foreign Trade Consultant Dýþ Ticaret Danýþmaný President (General Manager) Baþkan (Genel Müdür) Project Development Proje Geliþtirme Corporate Communications Kurumsal Ýletiþim Quality Control Manager Kalite Kontrol Müdürü HSE Manager HSE Müdürü Plant Manager Fabrika Müdürü Project & Design Manager Proje & Tasarým Müdürü Financial Manager Finansman Müdürü Sales Manager Satýþ Müdürü Media & Advertising Medya & Tanýtým Quality Control Kalite Kontrol Administration Ýþletme Design Tasarým Accounting & Staff Manager Muhasebe & Personel Müdürü International Sales Manager Dýþ Satýþ Müdürü Test Test HSE Expert HSE Uzmaný Technic Teknik Financial Consultants Finans Danýþmanlarý Local Sales Assistant Manager Ýç Satýþ Müdür Yardýmcýsý Research & Development Araþtýrma & Geliþtirme Valve Assembly Assistant Manager Valf Montaj Müdür Yardýmcýsý Automation Manager Otomasyon Müdürü Production Assistant Manager Ýmalat Müdür Yardýmcýsý Service Manager Servis Müdürü Production Planning Üretim Planlama Foreign Supply Dýþ Tedarik Domestic Supply Ýç Tedarik Warehouse Manager Maðaza Müdürü Assembly-1 Montaj-1 Assembly-2 Montaj-2 Welding Kaynak Painting&Coating Boyama&Kaplama Actuator Assembly Aktüatör Montaj Electrical Maintenance Elektrik Bakým Mechanical Maintenance Mekanik Bakým Cutting & Sand Blasting Konfeksiyon CNC-1 CNC-1 CNC-2 CNC-2 CNC-3 CNC-3 Plant Service Fabrika Servis Field Service Saha Servis Total Number of Employees Toplam Çalýþan Sayýsý...163 Management Yönetim...6 Finance & Accounting Department Finans & Muhasebe Departmaný...5 Corporate Communication Dept. Kurumsal Ýletiþim Dept....3 HSE & Administration HSE & Ýþletme...7 Assembly Departments Montaj Departmanlarý...16 CNC Departments CNC Departmanlarý...26 Lapping Department Lepleme Departmaný...3 Machining Departments Mekanik Departmanlarý...16 Mechanic-1 Mekanik-1 Design and R&D Department Tasarým ve AR-GE Departmaný...13 Maintenance Department Bakým / Onarým Departmaný...3 Mechanic-2 Mekanik-2 Planning & Purchasing Dept. Planlama & Satýn Alma Dept....11 Foreign Trade Department Dýþ Ticaret Departmaný...5 Painting & Coating Department Boyama & Kaplama Departmaný...7 QC & Test Department Kalite & Test Departmaný...10 Mechanic-3 Mekanik-3 Sales Department Satýþ Departmaný...2 Store & Warehouse Department Maðaza & Depo Departmaný...8 Service Department Servis Departmaný...7 Welding Department Kaynak Departmaný...8 Automation Department Otomasyon Departmaný...7 10

Products / Ürünler Vastas Pipeline Valves can be listed in 6 main groups Vastaþ Boru Hattý Valfleri 6 ana grup olarak listelenebilir ESDV SSOV LBV MOV RCV Emergency Shutdown Valves Safety Shutoff Valves Line Break Valves Motor Operated Valves Remote Control Valves Products by Type / Ürün Tipleri Vastas valve and actuators have been figured as below, since 1979. Valves, other than Natural Gas & Crude Oil Pipeline Valves are not in our production plan. 1979 dan bu yana Vastaþ valf ve aktüatörleri aþaðýdaki gibi figürlendirilmiþtir. Doðal gaz ve Petrol Boruhattý Valfleri dýþýndaki tipler üretim programýndan çýkarýlmýþtýr. E6 Ball Valves Full Welded Ball Valves, Up to 56 Class 1500 Split Body Ball Valves, Up to 56 Class 1500 MAN Manuel Operated Valves E5 Gate Valves Expanding Gate Valves, Up to 72 Class 600 Parallel Slab Gate Valves, Up to 72 Class 2500 Wedge Gate Valves, Up to 72 Class 2500 Api 6A Gate Valves, Up to 7 API 10000 E1 Plug Valves, Up to 30 Class 600 E4 Check Valves, Up to 48 Class 1500 E3 Globe Valves, Up to 48 Class 600 E8 Google Valves, Up to 120 Class 150 G Quarter Turn Actuators A Linear Actuators 11

Services / Servisler Vastas history is based on maintenance works, and has a valuable knowledge and experience on service works. Our site service manager has over 10 years of experience in the company, also the team is equipped with Vastas s 68 years of knowledge. Our field supervisor and foremen are Level 1 qualified personnel. Other foreman are Level 2 Qualified Operators and the assistant workers are Level 3 Qualified Operators. All workers that serves on-site are perfectly educated on safety regulations. Vastaþ, geçmiþi tamir bakým hizmetlerine dayanan bir firmadýr, bu sayede servis konusunda kayda deðer deneyime sahiptir.vastaþ saha servis müdürü 10 yýlý aþkýn firma deneyimine sahiptir, ayrýca 68 yýllýk Vastaþ deneyimi ile tüm ekip desteklenmektedir. Saha süpervizörümüz ve ustabaþýlar 1. Seviye personel, diðer ustalar 2. Seviye operatör ve asistan iþçiler 3. Seviye operatörlerdir. Tüm ekip saha ve iþçi güvenliði konusunda eðitimlidir. On-Site Services / Saha Servisleri - Assembly of the product to the line / Hatta Montaj - Calibration & Adjustment / Kalibrasyon & Ayar - Certification / Sertifikasyon - Cleaning & Painting / Temizleme & Boyama - Control, Inspection & Adjustment Services of Actuators / Aktüatörlerin Kontrol, Muayene & Ayar Ýþlemleri - Emergency Support Service / Acil Durum Destek Hizmeti - Hydrostatic Test Services (1/2" - 100", 150# - 2500#) / Hidrostatik Test Hizmetleri - Renewal & Rehabilitation / Yenileme & Ýyileþtirme - Periodic Maintenance for Natural Gas & Crude Oil Valves / Doðal gaz ve Ham Petrol Valfleri için Periyodik Bakým - Preventive Maintenance / Önleyici Bakým - Repair / Tamir - Safety Valve Maintenance & Calibration / Emniyet Valfi Bakým & Kalibrasyon - Sealants & Consumables for Maintenance & Operation / Bakým & Operasyon için Sýzdýrmazlýk & Dolgu Malzemeleri - Spare Part Supply & Replacement / Yedek Parça Temini & Deðiþimi - Test & Inspection / Test ve Muayene - Wall Thickness Measurement & Reporting / Et Kalýnlýðý Ölçüm & Raporlama - Welding and NDT Services / Kaynak ve Tahribatsýz Muayene Hizmetleri At Plant Services / Fabrika Servisleri - Calibration & Adjustment / Kalibrasyon & Ayar - Certification / Sertifikasyon - Cleaning, Sandblasting, Coating, Painting / Temizleme, Kumlama, Kaplama, Boyama - Emergency Support Service / Acil Durum Destek Hizmeti - Equipment Analysis and Reporting / Malzeme Analizleri ve Raporlama - Inspection Measure Control, Damage Assessment & Reporting / Muayene Ölçü Kontrol, Hasar Tespit & Raporlama - Periodic Maintenance (Flushing & Lubricating) for Natural Gas & Crude Oil Valves / Doðal gaz ve Ham Petrol Valfleri için Periyodik Bakým (Temizleme & Yaðlama) - Preventive Maintenance / Önleyici Bakým - Renewal & Rehabilitation / Yenileme & Rehabilitasyon - Repair / Tamir - Safety Valve Maintenance & Calibration / Emniyet Valfi Bakým & Kalibrasyon - Sealants and Consumables for Maintenance & Operation / Bakým & Operasyon için Sýzdýrmazlýk ve Dolgu Malzemeleri - Spare Part Supply & Replacement / Yedek Parça Temini & Deðiþimi - Test and Inspection / Test ve Muayene - Vastas Warehouse Sources (Configuration & Upgrade) / Vastaþ Ambar Kaynaklarý (Konfigürasyon & Geliþtirme) - Wall Thickness Measurement & Reporting / Et Kalýnlýðý Ölçüm & Raporlama - Welding and NDT Services / Kaynak ve Tahribatsýz Muayene Hizmetleri 12

Related Industries / Ýlgili Endüstriler Oil, Gas and Fuel / Petrol, Gaz ve Akaryakýt - Transportation / Taþýma - Distribution / Daðýtým - Storage / Depolama Power / Enerji - RMS / RMS - Energy / Enerji - Co-generation Power Plant / Ko-jenerasyon Güç Santrali - Hydropower Plant / Hidrogüç Santrali Water Plant & Pipelines / Su Tesis & Boruhatlarý - Waste Water / Atýk Su - Sea Water / Deniz Suyu - Hot Water / Sýcak Su - Geothermal Water / Jeotermal Su Manufacturing Standards / Üretim Standartlarý Vastas valves and actuators are produces in accordance with the standards listed below: Vastaþ valfleri ve iþleticileri aþaðýda listelenen standartlara uygun olarak üretilmektedir: API 6D, 600, 598, 591, 602, 6FA, 594, 6A, 607 ISO 14313, 10497, 5752, 7259, 5996, 7005, 5210, 5211, 5208, 15156, 15848, 15614 ANSI-ASME B16.34, B16.10, B16.20, B16.25, B16.5, B16.47, B16.42, B1.1, B16.1, B12.01 AWWA C500, C501, C508, C509, C515, C507 AWS 5.9, AWS 5.1, AWS 5.4, AWS 5.5, AWS 5.13, AWS 5.14, AWS 5.15 MSS SP45, SP6, SP9, SP25, SP41, SP55, SP82, SP85, SP70, SP71, SP101, SP102, SP44 ASTM A105, A126, A182, A193, A194, A216, A217, A320, A350, A351, A352, A395, A488, A536 BS 1414, 1873, 1868, 5146, 1560, 5152, 5153, 5159, 5352, 6755 NACE MR0175 Marking / Markalama T.C.T.P.E. Brand Registration Licence / Marka Kayýt Lisansý, 200023214 (2020) Vastas valves are marked appropriate to MSS SP-25 standard. The materials are mentioned with the following symbols. Vastaþ valfleri, MSS SP-25 standardýna uygun olarak markalanmýþtýr. Malzemeler aþaðýdaki semboller ile belirtilmiþtir. - Body materials / Gövde Malz: A105, LCB, WCB, WC1, WC9, C5, CF8, CF8M, LF2, LCC. - Trim Materials / Ýç aksam Malz: Cr13, Cr13-STL, 304, 316,316-STL, M, Cr3C2; A105+ENP25-75, LF2+ENP25 Lubring trademark and Triple Seating System Triple Seat patent & trademark registered to Vastas. Lubring markasý ve 3 lü sýzdýrmazlýk sistemi Triple Seat patent ve markasý Vastaþ a tescil edilmiþtir. 13

Health & Social Factors / Saðlýk & Sosyal Faktörler T.C. CSGB Works Identification Number Given by Social Security Organization T.C. CSGB Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Ýþyeri Sicili 23411 01 0027229 5902 Compulsory financial liability insurance for hazardous substances and hazardous waste Tehlikeli maddeler ve tehlikeli atýk zorunlu mali sorumluluk sigortasý P-005199149001 Employer Financial Liability Insurance Iþveren Mali Sorumluluk, Kaza Sigortasý AVIVA No.101000013272682/1 Environmental Permissions / Çevre Ýzinleri T.C. Tekirdag Governorship Provincial Env. Management Environment Approval - 2004/2730 (Unlimited) T.C. Tekirdað Valiliði Ýl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüðü ÇED Görüþü - 2004/2730 (Süresiz) T.C. Local Management Construction Usage Permission License - 1998/4317, 2006/35, 2008/56, 2008/57, 2009/43, 2009/45 (Unlimited) T.C. Yerel Yönetim Yapý Kullaným Ýzin Belgesi - 1998/4317, 2006/35, 2008/56, 2008/57, 2009/43, 2009/45 (Süresiz) T.C. Local Management Business Establishment & Working License (Unlimited) T.C. Yerel Yönetim Ýþyeri Açma ve Çalýþtýrma Ruhsatý - 2007/1123 (Süresiz) T.C. Local Management Working Permission at Holidays T.C. Yerel Yönetim Tatil Günleri Çalýþma Ruhsatý (2010) T.C. Prosperity Ministry Underground Water Usage Permission (Unlimited) T.C. Bayýndýrlýk Bakanlýðý Yer Altý Suyu Kullanma Ýzni Te.02-82/1997 (Süresiz) T.C. Local Management Fire Brigade Commandership - 1997/1091, 2006/4197, 2007/1653 (Unlimited) T.C. Yerel Yönetim Ýtfaiye Amirliði Ýzni - 1997/1091, 2006/4197, 2007/1653 Süresiz) T.C. State Hydraulic Works of 11th Regional Directorate (Unlimited) T.C. DSÝ Genel Müdürlüðü 11. Bölge Müdürlüðü Te. 02-82 13.06.2012 (Süresiz) T.C. Tekirdag Governorship Provincial Enviroment and Urbanisation Management Permission of Hazerdous Waste Storage* T.C. Tekirdað Valiliði Ýl Çevre ve Þehircilik Müdürlüðü Tehlikeli Atýk Geçici Depolama Ýzni*, 03.07.2014 T.C. Tekirdað Governorship Provincial Enviroment and Urbanisation Management Permission of Enviroment* T.C. Tekirdað Valiliði Çevre ve Þehircilik Ýl Müdürlüðü Çevre Ýzni*, 03.07.2014 C.O.S.B Waste Water Channel Connection Permit Ç.O.S.B Atýk Su Kanal Baðlantý Ýzni ÇOSB-AKB-12-029 03.12.2012/15 * Temporary Operating Certificate / Geçici Faaliyet Belgesi, B.18.4.ÝÇO.4.59 Vastas has temporary operating certificate for environment permission and license. The procedures are ongoing for permanent permission and it will be completed before 03.07.2014. Vastaþ ýn çevre izin ve lisansý geçici faaliyet belgesi vardýr. Lisans iþlemleri 03.07.2014 tarhine kadar tamamlanacaktýr. 14

Equipment / Ekipmanlar Machining, Lathe, Lapping Machines / Ýþleme, Torna, Lepleme Makineleri Radial Drilling Machining...32mm x 10mm...2 piece Radial Drilling Machining...50mm x 16mm... Radial Drilling Machining...150mm x 2500mm x 2500mm... Automatic Drilling Machine...16mm x 25mm...3 pieces Pillar Drilling Machine...32mm... Heavy Lathe...2600mm x 1000mm... Lathe...500mm x 2000mm... Lathe...420mm x 2000mm... Lathe...750mm x 2000mm... Lathe...750mm x 3000mm... Lathe...600mm x 600mm... Lathe...1600mm x 1350mm... Lathe...470mm x 600mm... Lapping Machine...2150mm x600mm... Spherical Grinding & Lapping Machine...56mmx600mmx600mm... Spherical Grinding & Lapping Machine...90mmx1100mmx1500mm... Automatic Lapping Machine...600mm x 150mm... Hydraulic Press...80 ton... Saw Machine...330mm... Saw Machine...600mm... Vertical Spot Machine...330mm... Welding Machines / Kaynak Makineleri Welding Machine...SMAW...350 A... Welding Machine...SMAW...600 A... Welding Machine...SMAW...1000 A...2 pieces Welding Machine...MIG...420 A...2 pieces Welding Machine...MIG...500 A...4 pieces Welding Machine...MIG...505 A...2 pieces Welding Machine...MIG...450 A... Welding Machine...TIG...400 A...3 pieces Welding Machine...TIG...200 A...2 pieces Welding Machine...ARC...250 A... Heat Treatment Furnace...3500x3500x2500...Max 1000 C... 15

Equipment / Ekipmanlar CNC Machines / CNC Makineleri CNC Horizontal Boring Machine...1100mmx1100mmx1100mm CNC Horizontal Boring Machine...500mmx1000mmx1800mm CNC Horizontal Boring Machine...2400mmx2100mmx1500mm CNC Horizontal Boring Machine...2000mmx2100mmx1500mm CNC Vertical Boring Machine...1600mmx1290mm CNC Vertical Boring Machine...1760mmx700mm CNC Vertical Lathe...2600mmx2500mmx1800mm CNC Work Center...762mmx508mmx607mm CNC Work Center...524mmx762mmx762mm CNC Work Center...508mmx406mmx355mm CNC Lathe...700mmx1500mm CNC Lathe...750mmx600mm CNC Lathe...1000mmx700mm CNC Lathe...300mmx1000mm CNC Lathe...350mmx610mm CNC Lathe...950mmx2000mm CNC Grinding Machine...1200mmx750mmx650mm 2 pieces 16

Equipment / Ekipmanlar Cranes & Forklifts / Vinçler & Forkliftler Crane...0,5 Ton...3mt x 3mt...19 pieces Crane...1 Ton...3mt x 3mt...2 pieces Crane...5 Ton...6mt x 7mt...6 pieces Crane...5 Ton...10mt x 60mt...3 pieces Crane...10 Ton...6mt x 7mt...5 pieces Crane...15 Ton...6mt x 7mt... Crane...20 Ton...21.145mt x 60mt x 7mt...2 pieces Crane...32 Ton...10mt x 60mt x 6,75 mt...3 pieces Crane...50 Ton...10m x 60m x6.75m... Air Crane...0,5 Ton...3mt x 3mt...5 pieces Air Crane...1 Ton...3mt x 3mt...5 pieces Forklift...3 Ton...2 pieces Forklift...7 Ton...2 pieces Service Equipment / Servis Ekipmanlarý Electrical Saw Motored Spherical Lapping Machine Grinding Motors Vacuum Pump Exproof Pumps Safety Relief Test Equipments Electrical Threader Electrical grind diesinker Nut tightners with air 1 Grind diesinker with air Wrench tools Wireless Video Inspection System Paint Test Device cross cut, adhesive type Tightner with air...½ Tightner with air...¾ Gate-Check Valve Lapping Machines...DN100-DN500 Gate-Check Valve Lapping Machines...DN40-DN150 Gate-Check Valve Lapping Machines...EDV800 Gate-Check Valve Lapping Machines...DN25-DN200 Gate-Check Valve Lapping Machines...DN500-DN1000 Globe Valve Lapping Machines...R-Min 1530 Lubrication & Maintenance Pump Non-motorized Pump Valtex Viper Pump Flange Detacher... Metal Microscobe... Metallographic Sample Preparation... Metal Impact Test Device... Spectrometer... Holiday Test Dedector...2 pieces Laser Marking... Coating & Painting Equipment / Kaplama & Boyama Ekipmanlarý Airless Painting Machine - 2 ton/h 500µ...2 pieces FBE Electrostatic Coating Machine - 5 ton/h 1000µ... Graco Airmix Gun - 1 ton/h 250µ... Shot Blasting Cleaning Plant (small)...3 pieces Shot Blasting Cleaning Plant (big)... Polieurotan Coating Rhino... Stainless pump Aqua Flu 110... Coating Tank - 1200x1200x1300... Coating Tank - 1280x320x1300... Circulation Pump... Polipropilen Portable Tank... Polipropilen Tank... Polipropilen Tank - 1500x1500x1500, 10 mm...6 pieces Polipropilen Tank - 1500x1500x1500, 15 mm...5 pieces Polipropilen Tank - 1500x1500x1500, 20 mm...2 pieces Acid Tank... Microprocessor... Filter Pump Group... Polipropilen Tank (steel skeleton)... Tank Conveyor Line 1 Ton...8 pieces Painting Spraying Machine... Paintin Gun... Electrical Pump... Aqua Pura Unit... Painting Machine... Screw Type Air Compressor... 17

Equipment / Ekipmanlar Inspection Equipments / Test & Muayene Ekipmanlarý Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge...0-250 mm Coating Thickness Gauge...0-999 µ Digital Temperature Gauge...-32 / +500 C Microscope & Grain Size Gauge...1 x 1250 Ultrasonic Hardness Gauge...HrC, HB, HS, HV Manometers (Pressure gauge)...25-600 bar MSS SP-112 Surface Comparator...T1-T10 RA Surface Comparator...Ra. 0.5 - Ra 12.5 Optic Surface Comparator Spark Testers...1-30 kv + 0.5-5kV Roughness Tester...Rz, Rz, Rg Hardness Tester...HB, HrC, HV Shore Durometer A...0-100 Shore Durometer D...0-100 Sound Meter...30-130 db Ultrasonic Flaw Detector...USM35 DAC Magnetic Particles & Ultraviolet Light...20W Liquid Penetrant & Ultraviolet Light PLC Pressure Test Devices & Recorder Universal Material Testing Machine...50 kn Charpy Impact Tester...0-300 Joules Spectrometers...20 element X-Ray Spectrometers...26 element Calipers...150-2000mm Micrometers...25-800 mm Helium Detector...min 2ppm Arm Quantum...1.4m, 7 axis 360 measurement Optical flat...1/4 5.5, 0.001 sensivity Test Bend...F600 Flange End Max. 24"... Test Bend...F300 Flange End Max. 12"... 2 pieces Test Bend...F200 Flange End Max. 8"... Test Bend...S100 Socket / Flange End Max. 4"... Test Bend...W3000 Welding End Max. 60"...2 pieces Test Bend...W1150 Welding End Max. 46"... Test Bend...W200 Welding End Max. 8"... Test Bend...W800 Welding End Max. 32"... Test Bend...W400 Welding End Max. 16"... Test Bend...Max. 16-150 Class...4 pieces Torque Meter...30-810 Nm Torque Meter...5-30 Nm Torque Meter...40-200 Nm Torque Meter...28-210 Nm Torque Meter...50-350 Nm Torque Meter...20-100 Nm Torque Bend...0-1.500.000 Nm Flange detacher... Metal microscobe... Metallographic specimen preparation... Metal impact test device... Spectrometer... Holiday Test Detector Droeger X-AM 2000...2 pieces Laser marking... 18

System Certificates / Sistem Sertifikalarý Certificate Name & No / Sertifika Adý & Numarasý ISO 9001 Quality Management System, 01 150 032841 ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, 01 150 032841 ISO 18001 Health & Safety Management System, 01 150 032841 Validity / Geçerlilik 2015 2015 2015 Process Certificates / Proses Sertifikalarý Certificate Name & No / Sertifika Adý & Numarasý Welding Approval, WPS & PQR Welding Capability, AD 2000-Merkblatt HP 0 and EN ISO 3834-2 / 0036 NACE Conformity, NACE MR0175 / TGK 10-B-00383 Test Lab. Conformity, ISO 17025 / 11-B-00422 Validity / Geçerlilik Unlimited 2015 2014 Product Certificates / Ürün Sertifikalarý Certificate Name / Sertifika Adý Fire Test Certificates, Ball Valves Fire Test Certificates, Gate Valves Fire Test Certificates, Check Valves Fire Test Certificates, Plug Valves Fire Test Certificates, Compact Valves Fire Test Certificates, API6A Valves Fire Test Certificates, Conduit Gate Valves Low Temperature Test Certificate, Gate Valve Performance Test Certificates Conformance Certificates Cycle Performance Test Certificates, Plug Valves Conformance Type Certificate, Double Exp. Gate Valves Low Emission (Fugitive) Certificates, Ball Valves 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive Certificates API 6D Monogram Certificate 6D-0449 API 600 Monogram Certificate 600-0043 API 602 Monogram Certificate 602-0035 API 6A Monogram Certificate 6A-1301 Conformity Certificate 14.31.34/TSE-7396 ATEX Certificates 94/9/EC Description / Açýklama 150# to 900#, 2 and above 150# to 600#, 2 and above 150# to 900#, 6 and above 150# to 600#, 2 and above 150# to 1500#, 6 and above 150# to 900#, 2 to 8 600# to 900#, 8 and above 800# to 1500#, 1/2 to 2 API 5000 & API 10000, 2 1/16 and above 150# to 300#, 8 and above 300#, 2 Gas Over Oil Actuators Shut-Off Actuator & Control Box 600# to 900#, 2 and above 150# to 600#, 2 to 36 150# to 600#, 3/4 & 8 For All Valves & Actuators, 150# to 2500#, 1 and above Pipeline Valves (Gate, Ball, Plug, Check) 150# to 2500#, 2 and above Steel Gate Valves 150# to 2500#, 1 to 4 Steel Gate, Globe, Check Valves 150# to 1500#, 1/4 to 4 Wellhead Equipment Valves PSL 1, 2, 3 and 3G Pipeline Valves (Gate, Ball, Plug, Check) 150# to 2500#, 2 and above Junction Box Validity / Geçerlilik 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2017 2018 2018 Unlimited 2020 2018 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Unlimited 19