Kullanım kılavuzunuz HOTPOINT AVXD 10 http://tr.yourpdfguides.com/dref/5761841

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a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü

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Delphi. Description / Tan m. : Offset (right) / Ofset (sağ) Size / Ebat (cm) : 150x90/75. Height / Yükseklik (cm) : 56. Weight / A rl k (kg) : 22

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user manual kullanma kılavuzu


Bu kullanım kılavuzunda önerileri okuyabilir, teknik kılavuz veya için kurulum kılavuzu. Bu kılavuzdaki tüm sorularınızı (bilgi, özellikler, güvenlik danışma, boyut, aksesuarlar, vb) cevaplarını bulacaksınız. Detaylı kullanım talimatları kullanım kılavuzunun içindedir. Kullanım kılavuzu Kullanma kılavuzu Kullanma talimati Kullanıcı kılavuzu Kullanıcı el kitabı

Manuel özet: Su ve elektrik baðlantýsý Su giriþ hortumunun takýlmasý Ambalajdan çýkartma ve yerleþtirilmesi Ambalajdan çýkartýlmasý 1. Çamaþýr makinesinin ambalajdan çýkartýlmasý 2. Çamaþýr makinesinin taþýma esnasýnda hasar görmemiþ olduðunu kontrol ediniz. Hasar görmüþ ise monte etmeyiniz ve yetkili satýcýyla temas kurunuz. 3. @@@@5. @@6. @@Hortumu, 3/4 ölçülerinde vidalý bir gaz baþlýðý kullanmak suretiyle, makinenin ambalajýnda bulunan filtre ve contayý da ilave ederek, hortumun musluða sabit bir þekilde tesbit edildiðinden emin olarak takýnýz. C harfiyle iþaretlenmiþ olan su hortumunun soðuk su musluðuna, H harfiyle iþaretlenmiþ olanýn da sýcak su musluðuna takýlmasý gerekmektedir. Her iki hortum da, makineyle beraber teslim edilen Y þeklindeki öok baþlý ara ünite kullanýlmak suretiyle soðuk su musluðuna takýlabilir (resime bkz. ). Baðlantýyý yapmadan önce, suyu berraklaþana kadar akýtýnýz. Uyarý: Filtreleri düzenli olarak, suyun altýna tutarak temizleyiniz. 2.Su giriþ hortumunu çamaþýr makinesinin arka kýsmýnda üst sað köþedeki su giriþine takýnýz (resime bkz. ).! Ambalajlar çocuklar için oyuncak deðildir. Yerleþtirilmesi 1. Çamaþýr makinesini düz ve sert bir zemine yerleþtiriniz, duvar veya mobilyalara dayamayýnýz. 2. Yerleþtirilecek zemin tam düz deðilse çamaþýr makinesinin vidalý ön ayaklarýný sýkarak veya gevþeterek dengeyi saðlayýnýz (resime bkz.); eðim açýsý 2 den fazla olmamalýdýr. 3. Hortumda katlanma ve ezilme olmamasýna dikkat ediniz.! Musluðun su basýncýnýn teknik veriler tablosunda belirtildiði gibi olmasý gerekir (yan sayfaya bkz.).! Su giriþ hortumunun boyu yetersiz ise Ariston Yetkili Servisine baþvurunuz. 2 Boþaltma hortumunun takýlmasý! Uzatma kablosu ve çoklu prizler kullanmayýnýz.! Kablonun ezilmemesi ve katlanmamasý gerekir.! Su giriþ kablosu yalnýzca Ariston Yetkili Servis teknisyenler tarafýndan deðiþtirilmelidir. Dikkat! Bu þartlara uyulmamasý halinde firma hiçbir sorumluluk kabul etmez. Boþaltma hortumunu, katlanmasýný önleyerek, yerden 65 ile 100 cm yükseklik arasýndaki bir duvar tahliyesine takýnýz; TR Montaj 65-100 cm Ýlk yýkama veya, ambalajda bulacaðýnýz plastik y ö n l e n d i r i c i y i kullanarak, bir küvet veya lavabo kenarýna asýnýz (resime bkz.). Boþaltma hortumunun serbest ucunun suya girmemesi gerekir. Montajdan sonra, çamaþýr koymaksýzýn ve ön yýkama programýný uygulamaksýzýn, deterjanla 90ºC programýnda yýkama yapýnýz. Taným Programlar Deterjanlar! Boþaltma hortumu için uzatma kullanýlmamasý tavsiye olunur; bu mümkün deðilse, uzatma hortumunun çapýnýn ayný olmasý ve 150 cm. den uzun olmamasý gerekir. Teknik bilgiler Model AVXD 10 Elektrik baðlantýsý Önlemler Fiþi prize takmadan önce aþaðýdaki hususlara dikkat ediniz: prizin topraklý ve standartlara uygun olmasýna; prizin, makinenin teknik veriler tablosunda belirtilen, azami gücünü taþýyabilecek olmasýna (yandaki tabloya bkz.); priz hattýnýn akým ve voltajýnýn, teknik veriler tablosunda belirtilen deðerlere uygun olmasýna (yandaki tabloya bkz.); prizin çamaþýr makinesinin fiþiyle uyumlu olmasýna. Aksi takdirde prizi uyumlu olaný ile deðiþtiriniz. Ölçüler g e n iþlik 5 9,5 cm yü ks e k lik 8 5 c m d e rin lik 6 0 cm 1-6 kg g e rilim 2 2 0 /2 3 0 V o lt 5 0 H z a za m i g ü ç 1 8 5 0 W K apasite Elektrik baðlantýlarý Bakým Su baðlantýlarý m a x. s u b a s ýn c ý 1 M P a (1 0 b a r) m in. s u b a sýn c ý 0,0 5 M P a (0,5 b a r) ta m b u r ka p a site si 5 2 litre m a ks im u m d a k ik a d a 1 0 0 0 d e v ire ka d a r p ro g ra m 3 ; 6 0 C s ýca klýkta ; 6 kg ça m a þýrla. B u m a k in a a þ a ð ýd a b e lirtile n A B n o rm la rýn a u y g u n d u r: - 1 9 /0 2 /7 3 ta rih li 7 3 /2 3 /C E E (D ü þü k v o lta j) ve d a h a so n ra ya p ýla n d ü ze n le m e le r - 0 3 /0 5 /8 9 ta rih li 8 9 /3 3 6 /C E E (E le k tro m a n y e tik U y u m ) ve d a h a so n ra y a p ýla n d ü ze n le m e le r TS 2004 EN 60335-2-7 Sýkma hýzý IEC 456 standartlarý uyarýnca kontrol programlarý Arýzalar! Çamaþýr makinesi, muhafazalý olsa bile açýk alanda monte edilemez, rüzgara ve yaðmura maruz kalmasý çok tehlikelidir.! Monte edilen çamaþýr makinesinin fiþinin kolaylýkla eriþilebilir olmasý gerekir. Servis 3 Çamaþýr makinesini tanýyalým TR Kontrol paneli Kolay kullaným kartý SICAKLIK ayar tuþu MOD tuþu AÇMA/KAPAMA tuþu Deterjan Bölmesi Likit kristal ekran SIKMA tuþu Program düðmesi BAÞLAT/TEKRAR BAÞLAT tuþu SEÇÝM tuþu Deterjan ve diðer katký maddeleri için Deterjan Bölmesi (bkz. sayfa 8). Programlar konusundaki önemli hususlarýn daima el altýnda olmasý ve okunabilmesi için Kolay Kullaným Kartý: gri ucun çekilmesi ile açýlýr. Yýkama suyu sýcaklýðýný ayarlamak için SICAKLIK ayar tuþu (bkz. sayfa 7). Sýkma hýzýný ayarlayabilmek veya sýkmayý devre dýþý býrakmak için SIKMA tuþu (bkz. sayfa 7). Çamaþýr makinesini programlamak ve yürütülen iþlemi izleyebilmek için Likit kristal ekran (bkz.

yandaki sayfa). Seçenekler için MOD tuþu; kiþisel ayarlar (bkz. sayfa 7). Opsiyonlarýn seçimi için SEÇIM tuþu; kiþisel ayarlar (bkz. sayfa 7). Çamaþýr makinesini çalýþtýrýp, durdurmak için AÇMA/KAPAMA tuþu. Programlamak veya yanlýþ programlarý iptal için BAÞLAT/TEKRAR BAÞLAT tuþu. Program seçmek için Program Düðmesi. Düðme gömme tiptir: çýkartmak için, ortasýna hafifçe basýnýz. Program esnasýnda düðme sabit kalýr. 4 Likit Kristal Ekran Makineyi kolayca programlamayý saðlayan likit kristal ekran (bkz. sayfa 7), yýkama iþlemi hakkýnda bilgi verir ve yürütülmekte olan iþlemi gösterir. TR Montaj Programý devreye sokmak için BAÞLAT/TEKRAR BAÞLAT tuþuna bastýktan sonra, programýn sonuna kalan süre ekranda belirir. Yýkama programýnýn baþlangýç saatini erteleme programlanmýþ olmasý halinde (Zaman ayarý, bkz. sayfa 7), bu ekranda görülecektir. Taným Yýkama iþlemi esnasýnda þunlar görüntülenir: Programlar Yýkama aþamalarý: Ön yýkama Yýkama Durulama Seçilen kumaþ cinsi: Pamuk Renkli Sentetik Yün Ýpek Boþ sembol. Sýkma Deterjanlar Önlemler Fonksiyon seçenekleri: Aktif olan seçenekler çerçevelenmiºtir. Opsiyonlarýn seçimi için bkz. sayfa. 7. Boþ sembol. Bakým Arýzalar Elektronik kapý kilidi: Iþýklý göstergenin yanýyor olmasý kapaðýn, istenmeyen açýlmalara karþý kilitli olduðunu gösterir. Herhangi bir arýzaya yol açmamak için ýþýklý göstergenin sönmesini beklemek gerekir. Bu modelde, yýkamanýn bazý aþamalarýnda kapaðýn açýlmasýna olanak saðlayan bir sistem mevcuttur. Bu, ýþýklý gösterge yanýl olmadýðý zamanlarda kapaðý açmak mümkündür. Servis Program bitiminde END ibaresi belirir.! Arýza halinde, arýza kodlarýna bakýnýz, örneðin: Ariston Yetkili Servisine bildirilecek ol Hassas 50 45 Sýkma Hassas sýkma Boþaltma ve kuvvetli sýkma Su boþaltma Su boþaltma Notlar Kýrýþýk önleme iþlemi için: Kolay ütü fonksiyonuna bakýnýz, yan sayfada. Tabloda belirtilen veriler yaklaþýk deðerlerdir. Özel programlar 40º C'de A Sýnýfý yýkama: Çamaþýr makinesinin düþük sýcaklýklarda bile en iyi sonuçlarý elde ettiði özel bir yýkama programýdýr. (Diðer çamaþýr makinelerinde 60º C'de alacaðýnýz yýkama performansýný, program 4'ü 40º C'ye ayarladýðýnýzda elde edebilirsiniz; Bu program örneðin 60º C'de yýkamaya cesaret edemediðiniz renkli giysilerinizi 40º C'de ayný kalitede yýkamanýzý saðlar. Günlük yýkama 30' (sentetikler için program 9) az kirli çamaþýrlarý kýsa sürede yýkamak üzere hazýrlanmýþtýr: sadece 30 dakika sürer, böylece zaman ve enerji tasarrufu saðlar. Programýn (9), 30 C ye ayarlanmasýyla, azami 3 kg. olmak üzere çeþitli türdeki (yün ve ipek hariç) çamaþýrlarý yýkamak mümkündür. Sývý deterjan kullanýlmasý tavsiye olunur. 6 Kiþisel ayarlar Sýcaklýk ayarý Düðmeye basýldýðý zaman, seçilmiþ olan program için öngörülen maksimum sýcaklýk görüntülenir. Düðmeye basmak suretiyle sýcaklýðý azaltmak mümkündür. OFF soðuk suyla yýkama iþaretidir. Sýcaklýk ayarý tüm yýkama programlarýyla kullanýlabilir. TR Montaj emi ile birlikte uygulanamaz. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 7 Deterjanlar ve çamaþýr TR Deterjan bölmesi Yýkamanýn iyi sonuç vermesi doðru miktarda deterjan kullanýlmasýna da baðlýdýr: aþýrý deterjan kullanarak daha temiz çamaþýrlar elde edilemeyeceði gibi makinenin aksamýna zarar verilir, çevre kirliliðine neden olunur. Deterjan bölmesini açýnýz ve deterjan ile katký maddelerini aþaðýdaki þekilde koyunuz. 4 numaralý ilave haznenin kullanýmý ön yýkama iþlemini devre dýþý býrakýr. Ayrýca, beyazlatma iþlemi 11 numaralý (ipek) ve Günlük yýkama 30 programlarýyla birlikte uygulanamaz (bkz. sayfa 6). Çamaþýrýn hazýrlanmasý MAX 4 1 2 3 Çamaþýrlarý aþaðýdaki gibi ayýrýnýz: - kumaþ tipi / etiketteki iþaret - renkler: renkli çamaþýrlarý beyazlardan ayýrýnýz Ceplerini boþaltýn ve düðmeleri kontrol ediniz. Çamaþýrýn kuru aðýrlýðýný esas alan deðerlerin dýþýna çýkmayýnýz: Dayanýklý kumaþlar: max 6 kg Sentetik kumaþlar: max 2,5 kg Hassas kumaþlar: max 2 kg Yün: max 1,5 kg Çamaþýrlarýn aðýrlýðý nedir? 1 çarþaf 400-500 gr. 1 yastýk kýlýfý 150-200 gr. 1 masa örtüsü 400-500 gr. 1 bornoz 900-1.200 gr. 1 havlu 150-250 gr. hazne 1: ön yýkama için deterjan (toz) Deterjaný koymadan önce 4 numaralý ilave haznenin takýlý olmadýðýný kontrol edin.

hazne 2: Yýkama için deterjan (toz veya sývý) Sývý deterjan, yalnýzca, makine çalýþtýrýlmadan konulabilir. hazne 3: Katký maddeleri (yumuþatýcý, vs.) Yumuþatýcý ýzgara seviyesini aþmamalýdýr. ilave hazne 4: Çamaþýr suyu! Elde yýkama deterjanlarýný kullanmayýnýz, çünkü aþýrý köpüðe neden olur. Özel çamaþýrlar! Normal çamaþýr suyu dayanýklý beyaz çamaþýrlar için, hassas olaný ise renkliler, sentetikler ve yünlüler için kullanýlýr. 4 numaralý ilave hazneyi 1 numaralý hazneye yerleþtiriniz. Çamaþýr suyu miktarýný ayarlarken orta mildeki max iþaretini geçmeyiniz (resime bkz.). Beyazlatma iþlemi MAX Perdeler: Katlayarak bir yastýk kýlýfý veya file içerisine yerleþtiriniz. Yarým dolumu geçmeksizin tek baþlarýna yýkayýnýz. Sýkmayý otomatik olarak devre dýþý býrakan 11 numaralý programý kullanýnýz. Mont ve anoraklar: Dolgu maddeleri kaz veya ördek tüyü ise çamaþýr makinesinde yýkanabilirler. Mont veya anoraklarý ters yüz ederek, azami 2-3 kg. olarak ve bir iki defa durulamak suretiyle, hassas sýkma kullanarak yýkayýnýz. Tenis ayakkabýlarý: Çamurunu temizleyiniz. Kot pantolon ve dayanýklý çamaþýrlarla birlikte yýkayabilirsiniz, ancak kesinlikle, beyazlarla beraber yýkamayýnýz. Yün: En iyi neticeyi elde edebilmek için, azami 1,5 kg. yýkanmalý ve özel deterjan kullanýlmalýdýr. MAX Kaþmir Platinum Elde yýkama gibi hassas. Ariston, Woolmark Company tarafýndan da onaylanan Woolmark Platinum Care standardýný uygulamaya koymuþtur. Çamaþýr makinesinin üzerinde Woolmark Platinum Care sembolü varsa, etiketinde elde yýkayýnýz iþareti olan yün giysilerinizi mükemmel bir þekilde yýkayabilirsiniz (M.00221): Elde yýkayýnýz etiketli tüm çamaþýrlar için 10 numaralý programý kullanýnýz. Yalnýzca beyazlatma iþlemi için, çamaþýr suyunu 4 (pamuklu numaralý hazneye koyun ve durulama programýný kumaþlar için) veya hassas durulama (sentetikler için) seçiniz. Yýkama esnasýnda beyazlatmak için, deterjan ve katký maddelerini koyunuz, arzu ettiðiniz programý seçiniz ve leke çýkarma opsiyonuna ayarlayýnýz (bkz. sayfa 7). 8 Önlem ve tavsiyeler! Çamaþýr makinesi uluslar arasý güvenlik Eski çamaþýr makinesinin elden çýkarýlmasý: hurdaya çýkartýlmadan önce, elektrik kablosunun kesilip, çýkartýlmasý suretiyle faydalanýlamaz hale getiriniz. standartlarýna uygun olarak üretilmiþtir. Bu uyarýlar güvenlik açýsýndan önemli olup, dikkatlice okunmalýdýrlar. TR Montaj Genel güvenlik Bu cihaz profesyonel olmayan, ev tipi kullaným için dizayn edilmiþtir ve kullaným amacý deðiþtirilmemelidir. Çamaþýr makinesi yalnýzca yetiþkin kiþiler tarafýndan ve kullanma talimatýna uygun olarak kullanýlmalýdýr. Makineye yalýnayak, ýslak ya da nemli el ve ayakla dokunmayýnýz. Fiþi çýkarýrken, kablodan çekerek deðil, fiþi tutarak çýkartýnýz. Makine çalýþýrken deterjan bölmesini açmayýnýz. Boþaltma suyuna el sürmeyiniz, yüksek sýcaklýkda olabilir. Kapaðý, hiçbir þekilde zorlamayýnýz: istenmeyen açýlmalara karþý olan güvenlik mekanizmasý arýza yapabilir. Arýza halinde, kesinlikle mekanik aksama müdahale ederek tamire çalýþmayýnýz. Çocuklarýn çalýþýr vaziyetteki makineye yaklaþmalarýna engel olunuz. Çalýþma esnasýnda kapak ýsýnabilir. Taþýnmasý gerektiðinde, bu iþlemin, iki veya üç kiþi tarafýndan, azami dikkatle yapýlmasý gerekir. Kesinlikle tek baþýnýza yapmayýnýz, çünkü makine çok aðýrdýr. Çamaþýrlarý yerleþtirmeden önce, tamburun boþ olduðundan emin olunuz. Tasarruf ve çevrenin korunmasý Teknoloji çevre hizmetinde Kapak camýndan az su görülüyorsa, bunun nedeni, yeni Ariston teknolojisi sayesinde az suyla azami temizliðe ulaþýlabilmesidir: çevre korunmasý için ulaþýlan mükemmel bir noktadýr. Deterjan, su, enerji ve zaman tasarrufu Kaynaklardan tasarruf saðlayabilmek için çamaþýr makinesini azami yükte çalýþtýrmak gerekir. Ýki yarým yerine bir tam yük uygulanmasý sayesinde %50 enerji tasarrufu saðlanýr. Ön yýkama sadece çok kirli çamaþýrlar için gereklidir. Ön yýkamanýn uygulanmamasý deterjan, zaman, su ve % 5 ile 15 arasýnda enerji tasarrufu saðlar. Çamaþýrlarý, makinede yýkamadan önce, suda býrakmak veya lekeler üzerinde leke çýkartýcý kullanmak, yüksek ýsýlarda yýkama gereðini ortadan kaldýrýr. 90 C yerine 60 C veya 60 C yerine 40 Clik bir program, %50ye varan oranda enerji tasarrufu saðlar. Suyun sertlik derecesi, yýkanacak çamaþýrýn kirliliði ve miktarý gözönüne alýnarak ayarlanan deterjan dozajý, israfý önleyeceði gibi çevreyi de korur: deterjanlar, her ne kadar doðada çözülebilir olsalar da, doða yapýsýna zarar veren maddeler içerirler.

@@@@Zaman ayarý özelliði (bkz. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Kapaðý saatin aksi istikametine çevirerek çýkartýnýz (resme bkz.) : bir miktar su gelmesi normaldir. Kapak ve tambur bakýmý Kötü kokularýn oluþmasýný engellemek için kapaðý daima aralýk býrakýnýz. 3. Ýçini dikkatlice temizleyiniz 4. Kapaðý takýnýz 5. Paneli takarken, tam yerleþtirmeden evvel, kancalarýn yuvalara gelip gelmediðini kontrol ediniz. Su giriþ hortumunun kontrolü Su giriþ hortumunu, en azýndan senede bir defa kontrol ediniz. Yarýk veya çatlaklar varsa deðiþtiriniz: yýkama esnasýndaki yüksek basýnçlar ani delinmelere yol açabilirler.! Kesinlikle daha önceden kullanýlmýþ hortum kullanmayýnýz. 10 Sorunlar ve çözümleri Çamaþýr makinesi çalýþmýyor olabilir. Servisi aramadan önce (bkz. sayfa 12), aþaðýdaki liste yardýmýyla kolayca çözümlenecek bir sorun olup olmadýðýna bakýnýz. TR Sorunlar: Çamaþýr makinesi çalýþmýyor. @@ Evde elektrik yok. @@basýlmadý. @@ Su musluðu açýk deðil. @@sayfa 7). @@Hortum bükülmüþ. Su musluðu açýk deðil. Evde su kesik. Basýnç yetersiz. @@@@sayfa 3). Boþaltma hortumu suya girmiþ (bkz. sayfa 3). Duvardaki tahliyenin hava boþluðu yok. @@@@@@sayfa 6). @@sayfa 7). Boþaltma hortumu bükülmüþ (bkz. sayfa 3). Boþaltma kanalý týkalý. @@sayfa 2). @@sayfa 2). @@sayfa 2). @@sayfa 2). @@sayfa 10). Boþaltma hortumu iyi sabitlenmemiþ (bkz. sayfa 3). @@@@@@! Kesinlikle, yetkili olmayan tamircilere müracaat etmeyiniz. @@@@Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference. @@! Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital information on installation, use and safety. Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting during operation. If it is placed on a fitted or loose carpet, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow enough room for ventilation beneath the washing machine. Unpacking and levelling Unpacking Electric and water connections Connecting the water inlet hose 1. Unpack the washing machine. 2. Check whether the washing machine has been damaged during transport. If this is the case, do not install it and contact your retailer. 3. Remove the four protective screws and the rubber washer with the respective spacer, situated on the rear of the appliance (see figure). 4. Seal the gaps using the plastic plugs provided. 5. Use the plug provided to seal the three holes where the plug was housed, situated on the lower right-hand side on the rear of your appliance. 6. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the washing machine needs to be moved to another location. 1. Connect the supply pipe to the water mains using a gas 3/4 attachment, fitting the rubber gasket and the filter supplied with the appliance and ensuring that they are fimly tightened to the taps. The water supply marked C must be connected to the cold water tap; the pipe marked H must be connected to the hot water tap. Both pipes may be connected to the cold water tap using the special Y connection with multiple attachments, supplied with the appliance (see figure). Before making the connection, allow the water to run freely until it is perfectly clear. Warning: clean the filters regularly by rinsing it under running water. 2. Connect the other end of the water inlet hose to the washing machine, screwing it onto the appliance's cold water inlet, situated on the top right-hand side on the rear of the appliance (see figure). 3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the hose.! Packaging materials are not children's toys. Levelling 1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor, without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets or other. 2. If the floor is not perfectly level, compensate for any unevenness by tightening or loosening the adjustable front feet (see figure); the angle of inclination, measured according to the worktop, must not exceed 2.! The water pressure at the tap must be within the values indicated in the Technical details table (on the next page).! If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact a specialist store or an authorised serviceman. 14 Connecting the drain hose! Do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a draining duct or a wall drain situated between 65 and 100 cm from the floor; GB Installation! The power supply cable must never be bent or dangerously compressed.! The power supply cable must only be replaced by an authorised serviceman. Warning! @@The free end of the hose should not be underwater. @@@@@@@@@@! @@@@TEMPERATURE button to adjust the wash temperature (see page 19). @@@@@@START/STOP button to turn the washing machine on and off. START/RESET button to start the programmes or cancel any incorrect settings. Control knob to select the wash programmes. The retractable control knob: press the centre of the knob for it to pop out. The knob stays still during the cycle. 16 Display In addition to being a practical tool to programme your appliance (see page 19), the display provides useful information concerning the wash cycle and status. Once you have pressed the START/RESET button to start the programme, the display will indicate the amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle. If a delayed start has been set (using the Delay Timer, see page 19), the delay time will be indicated on the display. The following information is displayed during the wash cycle: Cycle phase under way: Pre-wash Wash cycle Rinse Fabric selected: Cotton Colours Synthetics Personalisation options: The enabled options are bordered by a frame. To choose the options, see page 19. Disabled symbol. Wool Silk Disabled symbol. Spin cycle GB Installation Description Programmes Detergents Precautions Care Troubleshooting Door lock: If the symbol is on, the washing machine door is locked to prevent it from being opened accidentally. To avoid any damages, wait for the symbol to switch itself off before you open the appliance door. This model is fitted with a device that allows you to open the appliance door during some of the programme phases. This is possible when the symbol is not on. At the end of the programme, the word END is displayed. Service! In the event of an anomaly, an error code will appear, such as: F-01, which should be communicated to the Service Centre (see page 24). 17 Starting and Programmes GB Briefly: starting a programme 1.

Turn the washing machine on by pressing button. 2. Load your laundry into the washing machine and shut the appliance door. 3. Set the knob to the desired programme. The estimated duration of the selected programme is displayed. The temperature and spin speed are automatically set according to the programme (to change them, see page 19). Programme table Type of fabric and degree of Program- Wash soil mes temp. Detergent Prewash Wash 4. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 20). 5. Start he programme by pressing the START/RESET button. To cancel it, keep the START/RESET button pressed for at least 2 seconds. 6. When the programme has ended, the word END is displayed. Take out your laundry and leave the appliance door ajar to allow the drum to dry thoroughly. 7. Turn the washing machine off by pressing button. Fabric softener Bleaching Cycle option/ length Description of wash cycle bleach (minutes) Cotton Extremely soiled whites (sheets, tablecloths, etc.) Extremely soiled whites (sheets, tablecloths, etc.) Heavily soiled whites and fast colours Heavily soiled whites and fast colours Slightly soiled whites and delicate colours (shirts, jumpers, etc.) 1 2 3 4 5 90 C 90 C 60 C 40 C 40 C Delicate/ Traditional Delicate Delicate Delicate Delicate Delicate/ Traditional Delicate/ Traditional 147 130 115 130 82 Pre-wash, wash cycle, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle, rinse crease or delicate Wash cycle, rinse crease or delicate Wash cycle, rinse crease or delicate Wash cycle, rinse crease or delicate Wash cycle, rinse delicate spin cycl cycles, antispin cycle cycles, antispin cycle cycles, antispin cycle cycles, antispin cycle cycles and Synthetics Heavily soiled fast colours (baby linen, etc.) Fast colours (all types of slightly soiled garments) Heavily soiled fast colours (baby linen, etc.) Delicate colours (all types of slightly soiled garments) Delicate colours (all types of slightly soiled garments) 6 6 7 8 9 60 C 40 C 50 C 40 C 30 C 87 72 83 68 30 Delicate Wool Very delicate fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose, etc.) PARTIAL PROGRAMMES Rinse Delicate rinse cycle Spin cycle Delicate spin cycle Draining Rinse cycles and spin cycle Rinse cycles, anti-crease or draining Draining and heavy duty spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle Draining 10 11 40 C 30 C Delicate 50 45 Wash cycle, rinse cycles and delicate spin cycle Wash cycle, rinse cycles, anticrease or draining cycle Notes For the anti-crease function: see Easy iron, opposite page. The information contained in the table is purely indicative. Special programmes A wash performance The washing nachine has a special programme to allow you to obtain optimum results even at low temperatures. By setting programme 4 at a temperature of 40 C, the results you will obtain will be the same as you would normally obtain at 60 C thanks to the washing machines action and the length of the wash cycle. Daily 30' (programme 9 for Synthetics) is designed to wash lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time: it only lasts 30 minutes and allows you to save on both time and energy. By setting this programme (9 at 30 C), you can wash different fabrics together (except for woollen and silk items), with a maximum load of 3 kg. We recommend the use of liquid detergent. 18 Personalisations Setting the temperature GB Installation Press button and the maximum temperature allowed for the programme set will be displayed. Press the same button to lower this temperature. OFF indicates a cold wash. The temperature adjustment is enabled with all wash programmes. Press button and the maximum spin speed allowed for the programme set will be displayed. Press the same button to lower the value down to OFF, which indicates that the spin cycle has been excluded altogether (press it again to go back to the maximum value).. The spin cycle exclusion is indicated by symbol The spin cycle setting is enabled with all the programmes except for 11 and the Draining cycle. Setting the spin cycle Description Options The various wash options available with this washing machine will make for the desired results, every time. To select the various options, the following procedure should be followed at all times: 1. Press the MODE button to scroll through the various options available; the enabled symbol will flash. 2. To select it, press the SELECT button, until the word ON is displayed (for the Delay Timer, the time will be displayed: see table below). 3. Confirm your setting by pressing the MODE button again: the symbol for the option will stop flashing on the display. The selected options can be seen on the display, as they are bordered by a frame. Programmes Detergents Precautions Option Effect Comments Press (SELECT button) repeatedly until the desired delay is displayed. OFF indicates no delay has been set. Enabled with programmes: All 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, Rinse cycles. All programmes except for 1, 2, 4, 9, 10 and Draining. Delays the start of the wash by Delay Timer up to 24 hours. Bleaching Bleaching cycle Please remember to pour the bleach into extra compartment 4 designed to (see page 20). This option is incompatible with the EASY IRON remove the toughest stains. option. This option reduces the amount of creasing on fabrics, making them easier to iron. If you set this option, programmes 6, 7, 8, 11 and Delicate Rinse will be suspended, leaving the laundry to soak (Anti-crease) and icon will flash: - to conclude the cycle, press the START/RESET button; - to run the draining cycle alone, set the knob to the relative symbol and press the START/RESET button. This option is incompatible with the BLEACHING option. Care Easy iron Troubleshooting Super Wash Allows for an impeccable wash, visibly whiter than This option is incompatible with the RAPID option. a standard Class A wash. Cuts the duration of the wash cycle This option is incompatible with the SUPER WASH option. by 30%. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. Service Rapid 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 19 Detergents and laundry GB Detergent dispenser Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won't necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the interior of your appliance and even pollute the environment. Open up the detergent dispenser and pour in the detergent and fabric softener, as follows. 2 3 The use of extra compartment 4 excludes the possibility of using the pre-wash cycle. In addition, the bleach cycle cannot be run with programmes 11 (Silk) and Daily 30' (see page 18). Preparing your laundry Divide your laundry according to: - the type of fabric/the symbol on the label.

- the colours: separate coloured garments from whites. Empty all pockets and check for loose buttons. Do not exceed the weight limits stated below, which refer to the weight when dry: Sturdy fabrics: max 6 kg Synthetic fabrics: max 2.5 kg Delicate fabrics: max 2 kg Wool: max 1,5 kg How much does your laundry weigh? MAX 4 1 compartment 1: Detergent for pre-wash (powder) Before pouring in the detergent, make sure that extra compartment 4 has been removed. compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle (powder or liquid) Liquid detergent should only be poured in immediately prior to the wash cycle start. compartment 3: Additives (fabric softeners, etc.) The fabric softener should not overflow from the grid. extra compartment 4: Bleach 1 1 1 1 1 sheet 400-500 g pillow case 150-200 g tablecloth 400-500 g bathrobe 900-1,200 g towel 150-250 g Special items Curtains: fold curtains and place them in a pillow case or mesh bag. Wash them separately without exceeding half the appliance load. Use programme 11 which excludes the spin cycle automatically. Quilted coats and windbreakers: if they are padded with goose or duck down, they can be machine-washed. Turn the garments inside out and load a maximum of 2-3 kg, repeating the rinse cycle once or twice and using the delicate spin cycle. Trainers: remove any mud. They can be washed together with jeans and other tough garments, but not with whites. Wool: for best results, use a specific detergent, taking care not to exceed a load of 1,5 kg.! Do not use hand wash detergent because it may form too much foam. Bleach cycle! Traditional bleach should be used on sturdy white fabrics, and delicate bleach for coloured fabrics, synthetics and for wool. Place extra compartment 4, provided, into compartment 1. When pouring in the bleach, be careful not to exceed the "max" level indicated on the central pivot (see figure). MAX Cashmere Platinum As gentle as a hand wash. Ariston sets a new standard of superior performance that has been endorsed by The Woolmark Company with the prestigious Woolmark Platinum Care brand. Look for the Woolmark Platinum Care logo on the washing machine to ensure you can safely and effectively wash wool garments labelled as "hand wash" (M.00221): Set programme 10 for all "Hand wash" garments, using the appropriate detergent. MAX To run the bleach cycle alone, pour the bleach into extra compartment 4 and set the Rinse programme (for Cotton fabrics) or delicate Rinse (for Synthetic fabrics). To bleach during a wash cycle, pour in the detergent and fabric softener, set the desired programme and enable the Bleaching option (see page 19). 20 Precautions and advice! The washing machine was designed and built in compliance with the applicable international safety regulations. The following information is provided for your safety and should consequently be read carefully. Disposal Disposing of the packaging material: observe local regulations, so the packaging can be re-used. Disposing of an old washing machine: before scrapping your appliance, cut the power supply cable and remove the appliance door. GB Installation General safety This appliance has been designed for non-professional, household use and its functions must not be changed. This washing machine should only be used by adults and in accordance with the instructions provided in this manual. Never touch the washing machine when barefoot or with wet or damp hands or feet. Do not pull on the power supply cable to unplug the appliance from the electricity socket. Pull the plug out yourself. Do not open the detergent dispenser while the appliance is in operation. Do not touch the drain water as it could reach very high temperatures. Never force the washing machine door: this could damage the safety lock mechanism designed to prevent any accidental openings. In the event of a malfunction, do not under any circumstances touch internal parts in order to attempt repairs. Always keep children well away from the appliance while in operation. The appliance door tends to get quite hot during the wash cycle. Should it have to be moved, proceed with the help of two or three people and handle it with the utmost care. Never try to do this alone, because the appliance is very heavy. Before loading your laundry into the washing machine, make sure the drum is empty. Description Saving energy and respecting the environment Environmentally-friendly technology If you only see a little water through your appliance door, this is because thanks to the latest Ariston technology, your washing machine only needs less than half the amount of water to get the best results: an objective reached to respect the environment. @@@@ The pre-wash cycle is only necessary on extremely soiled garments. @@@@A programme at 60 C instead of 90 C or one at 40 C instead of 60 C will save up to 50% on energy. Use the correct quantity of detergent depending on the water hardness, how soiled the garments are and the amount of laundry you have, to avoid wastage and to protect the environment: despite being biodegradable, detergents do contain ingredients that alter the natural balance of the environment. In addition, avoid using fabric softener as much as possible. Programmes Detergents Precautions Care Troubleshooting Service 21 Care and maintenance GB Cutting off the water or electricity supply Turn off the water tap after every wash. This will limit the wear of your appliance's water system and also prevent leaks. @@@@@@@@Do not use solvents or abrasives. Cleaning the detergent dispenser 1 Remove the dispenser by raising it and pulling it out (see figure). Wash it under running water; this operation should be repeated frequently. 2 2. unscrew the lid rotating it anticlockwise (see figure): a little water may trickle out. This is perfectly normal; Caring for your appliance door and drum Always leave the appliance door ajar to prevent unpleasant odours from forming. 3. clean the interior thoroughly; 4. screw the lid back on; 5. reposition the panel, making sure the hooks are securely in place before you push it onto the appliance. Checking the water inlet hose Check the water inlet hose at least once a year. If you see any cracks, replace it immediately: during the wash cycles, water pressure is very strong and a cracked hose could easily split open.! Never use hoses that have already been used. 22 Troubleshooting Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 24), make sure the problem can't easily be solved by consulting the following list. GB Installation Problem The washing machine won't start. The wash cycle won't start. Possible causes/solution: The appliance is not plugged into the socket, or not enough to make contact. There has been a power failure. The appliance door is not shut properly (the word DOOR is displayed). button has not been pressed. The The START/RESET button has not been pressed.

Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) The water tap is not turned on. A delayed start has been set (using the Delay Timer, see page 19). The water inlet hose is not connected to the tap. The hose is bent. The water tap is not turned on. There is a water shortage. The water pressure is insufficient. The START/RESET button has not been pressed. Description The washing machine fails to load water (The wording H2O is displayed). Programmes The washing machine continuously loads and unloads water. The drain hose is not fitted between 65 and 100 cm from the floor (see page 15). The free end of the hose is underwater (see page 15). The wall drainage system doesn't have a breather pipe. If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap, switch the appliance off and call for Assistance. If the dwelling is on one of the upper floors of a building, there may be drain trap problems causing the washing machine to load and unload water continuously. In order to avoid such an inconvenience, special anti-drain trap valves are available in shops. Detergents Precautions The washing machine does not drain or spin. The programme does not foresee the draining: some programmes require enabling the draining manually (see page 18). The Easy iron option is enabled: to complete the programme, press the START/RESET button (see page 19). The drain hose is bent (see page 15). The drain duct is clogged. The drum was not unblocked correctly during installation (see page 14). The washing machine is not level (see page 14). The washing machine is closed in between furniture cabinets and the wall (see page 14). The water inlet hose is not screwed on correctly (see page 14). The detergent dispenser is obstructed (to clean it, see page 22). The drain hose is not secured properly (see page 15). The detergent is not suitable for machine washing (it should bear the definition "for washing machines" or "hand and machine wash", or the like). You used too much detergent. Care The washing machine vibrates too much during the spin cycle. Troubleshooting The washing machine leaks. There is too much foam. Service 23 Service GB 195039136.02 07/2003 - Xerox Business Services Before calling for Assistance: Check whether you can solve the problem on your own (see page 23); Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved; If this is not the case, contact an authorised Technical Service Centre on the telephone number provided on the guarantee certificate.! Always request the assistance of authorised servicemen. Notify the operator of: the type of problem; the appliance model (Mod.); the serial number (S/N); This information can be found on the data plate situated on the rear of the washing machine. Service 24.