A review of investigations on diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in Turkish inland waters

Benzer belgeler
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Nova Hedwigia, Beiheft 141, 431 462 Stuttgart, März 2012 Article A review of investigations on diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in Turkish inland waters Cüneyt Nadir Solak 1 *, Luc Ector 2, Agata Z. Wojtal 3, Éva Ács 4 and Eduardo A. Morales 5, 6 1 Dumlupınar University, Department of Biology, Art & Science Faculty, Kütahya, 43100 Turkey 2 Department of Environment and Agro-Biotechnologies (EVA), Public Research Centre Gabriel Lippmann, Rue du Brill 41, 4422 Belvaux, Grand-duchy of Luxembourg 3 Department of Phycology, W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lubicz 46, 31-512, Kraków, Poland 4 Danube Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Göd, Jávorka S. u. 14, 2131, Hungary 5 Herbario Criptogámico, Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Av. Gral. Galindo s/n., P. O. Box 5381, Cochabamba, Bolivia 6 Patrick Center for Environmental Research, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1195, USA * Corresponding author: cnsolak@gmail.com With 3 figures and 2 tables Abstract: A compilation/discussion of data published on diatoms in aquatic systems from Turkey is provided based on data ordered according to type of study, type of water body, and river basins within the conterminous Turkish territory. The majority of phycological studies in Turkey focus on phytoplankton seasonal changes in lakes and reservoirs located in lowlands, while only a few studies related to high mountain lakes and lotic systems have been published. Palaeolimnological work is also restricted to some basins, while others have been completely neglected from this perspective. Several studies performed during last decade focus on the application of diatoms to water quality monitoring, a topic that is rapidly gaining popularity among local scientists. The main shortcoming in all the studies is the pervasive use of publications based on European material as identification sources, which may have resulted in force-fitting of Turkish taxa into European-based concepts, thus giving a skewed impression of diversity and an imprecise estimation of the ecological requirements of the different taxa. Additionally, because of current research practices, chiefly by native researchers, the vast majority of publications only contain reports of the most common taxa. Even for these common diatoms, there is a severe lack of supporting information in the form of descriptions, argumentation or illustrations, which makes the elaboration of a catalogue a difficult if not impossible task. The aim of this manuscript is to provide a background for further investigations; it includes an identification of neglected geographical and research areas. Key words: Bacillariophyta, diatoms, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, Turkey 2012 J. Cramer in Gebr. Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany www.borntraeger-cramer.de 1438-9134/2012/0141-0431 $ 1.25

432 C. N. Solak et al. Introduction Diatoms are an important photosynthetic component of aquatic communities in marine, brackish and freshwater systems, where they are often the basis of food webs due to the high and quick production of organic carbon compounds (Armbrust 2009). Globally, diatoms also play an important role in the colonisation of submerged substrata and provide microhabitats for invertebrate animals (Stevenson et al. 1996). Applied research uses diatoms as model organisms for studies designed to solve ecological, palaeolimnological and monitoring problems (Stoermer & Smol 1999). Ehrenberg already published the first studies on Turkish diatoms in 1844 based on material collected from the Murat (Euphrates) and Aras basins (Ehrenberg 1844). Numerous phycological investigations have been performed in the different Turkish river and lake basins (Fig. 2). Nonetheless more studies have concentrated mainly on plankton diatoms (Şen 1988b, Çetin 2000) (Fig. 3), while riverine systems have received less attention (Şen et al. 1999, Yavuz & Çetin 2000, Çetin & Şen 2004). Recently published diatom lists (Gönülol et al. 1996, Aysel 2005, Baykal et al. 2009, Ongun Sevindik et al. 2010, Solak & Wojtal 2010) report only 631 diatom taxa, showing that available literature is insufficient to characterize this biological group in the diverse Turkish aquatic systems. Biogeographically, Turkey is very heterogeneous due to the high variability in geologic and climatic conditions throughout its territory. The country is surrounded by the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas, with a total coastal length of 10 765 km (Akbulut et al. 2009a) (Fig. 1). The Mediterranean Sea is located at mid-latitudes half way between the subtropical and the temperate zones and surrounded by large continents (Eurasia and Africa), it has climatic and ecological characteristics typical of these latitudes, partly maritime and partly continental. The climatology of the Mediterranean is characterised by generally warm temperatures, winterdominated rainfall, dry summers and a profusion of microclimates due to local environmental conditions. More than 25 000 species, i.e. more than 10 % of the world s flowering plants, occur in the Mediterranean area amounting to only 1.5 % of the earth s surface. About half of these species are endemic to the Mediterranean area, which are distributed in a variety of regions throughout the entire basin. Regarding rivers and available data for them, in general, data coverage of the north-european rivers is fair, whereas data on south-mediterranean rivers are less abundant; especially Turkish rivers are underrepresented (Anonymous 2003, Ludwig et al. 2009). Despite its connection with the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea has different characteristics. As a result of eutrophication during the last few decades, caused by increased nutrient input via major northwestern rivers, the Black Sea ecosystem has been subjected to extreme changes in recent years, which has resulted in alterations of the biological communities (Bat et al. 2007). There are seven climate zones in Turkey, namely Marmara region (Temperature mean: 13.7 C; Precipitation mean: 686.2 mm), Aegean-Western Mediterranean region (15.4 C; 682.0 mm), Black Sea region (13.7 C; 1175.8 mm), Central Anatolian region (10.9 C; 429.7 mm), Eastern Anatolian region (7.2 C; 417.5 mm), South-eastern Anatolian region (15.2 C; 620.6 mm), and Eastern Mediterranean region (18.7 C; 797.2 mm) (Ünal et al. 2003). The diversity of climatic conditions has its origin in the parallel orientation of mountain chains with respect to the coasts of the Black and Mediterranean seas and the perpendicular position of this mountain system with respect to the coast of the Aegean Sea. Altitudinal shifts from sea level to more than 1 000 m are Fig. 1. River basins in Turkey. 1: Meriç-Ergene; 2: Marmara; 3: Susurluk; 4: North Egean; 5: Gediz; 6: Küçük Menderes; 7: Büyük Menderes; 8: West Mediterranean; 9: Antalya; 10: Burdur; 11: Akarçay; 12: Sakarya; 13: West Black Sea; 14: Yeşilırmak; 15: Kızılırmak; 16: Konya; 17: East Mediterranean; 18: Seyhan; 19: Asi; 20: Ceyhan; 21: Fırat; 22: East Black Sea; 23: Çoruh; 24: Aras; 25: Van; 26: Dicle (according to Anonymous 2007).

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 433

434 C. N. Solak et al. also responsible for these climatic shifts. The consequences are abrupt changes in annual precipitation volume and regimes from just above 300 mm to more than 2 000 mm in different parts of the country and the equally differing temperatures with average minima ranging from 13 to 4 C and average maxima from 17 to 29 C (Anonymous 2004). These wide shifts in temperature and precipitation translate into marked differences in water availability in the different basins related to seasons (Akın & Akın 2007). Excessive pollution of surface and ground waters in several basins is mainly related to rapid population growth, industrial development, increased use of fertilizers and herbicides in agriculture, and lack of well-founded programs related to environmental education. Özdemir (1987) conducted a study in the cities of Antalya, Giresun and Istanbul and found that people who received environmental education are more sensitive to environmental matters than those not subjected to this type of education. Despite this evidence, the national or local governments have not developed pertinent programs. Additionally, severe pollution by nitrogen, phosphorous, organic matter, lead, zinc, and chromium in rivers and lakes in the Akarçay (Afyon), Burdur, Büyük Menderes, Gediz, Küçük Menderes, Marmara, Meriç-Ergene, and Sakarya basins has been reported by the Turkey Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Anonymous 2004). So, the water quality of Turkish rivers shows a wide variability, being influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Natural factors affecting the water quality of these rivers include precipitation to evapotranspiration ratio, annual distribution and type of precipitation, and topography that determines water residence time and erosion rate, and land use that affects vegetation type and cover. Anthropogenic influences have become more evident since the 1970s, particularly in regions where agricultural and industrial water use have increased. Anthropogenic pollution of Turkish rivers is caused mainly by domestic (sewage) and industrial wastewaters, and from irrigation return waters. While in large cities administrated by metropolitan municipal authorities domestic wastewater is treated before being released into nearby streams, water treatment facilities are not installed or are out of use in many smaller towns. Despite sewage treatment facilities, domestic pollution seems to be increasing in rivers that flow near large cities, such as Ankara, Eskişehir (belonging to the Sakarya river basin, Atıcı & Ahıska 2005, Solak et al. 2009, Solak 2011), İzmir (in the Gediz and Küçük Menderes river basins, Akyıl et al. 2009, Minareci et al. 2009) and Erzurum (in the Fırat river basin, Gürbüz & Kıvrak 2002, Yıldız et al. 2008). In the Mediterranean part, the Seyhan River is considered a heavily polluted river, because of effluent influence from large urban development. On the other hand, rivers with almost no or only weak pollutions are Manavgat and Goksu rivers according to BOD and COD values (Anonymous 2003). Water of the perennial rivers Efrenk, Göksu, Lamas, Seyhan and Tarsus, discharging into the Cilician Basin, has been reported by Turkish National Water Pollution Control Regulations as unpolluted with respect to nitrate, chloride, sulphate and sodium ion contents, while they all could be considered as slightly polluted with respect to phosphate contents. In contrast to nitrate and phosphate, ammonium exceeded the maximum permissible limits of water quality criteria in almost all samples from these rivers. Among the sampled rivers, the Tarsus River had better water quality and the lowest electrical conductivity, alkalinity, total hardness and nutrient concentration values (Özsoy et al. 2008). Among physical changes of Turkish lakes in the last century, the most significant is the decrease in area of large, but shallow lakes, i.e., Tuz, Akşehir, Çavuşçu, Acıgöl, Beyşehir Lakes. Small and shallow lakes have gradually been disappearing in dry periods, that usually last 3 4 years, but are reborn later. Relatively fewer changes have been observed in Burdur, Eğirdir and Van Lakes, which are deeper water bodies. İznik, Manyas, Sapanca, and Uluabat Lakes have had similar water level fluctuations in the last half-century, most probably dependent on inflow from melt water. Amik, Çavuşçu, Seyfe and Sultansazlığı Lakes have been drained recently in order to gain land for different uses. Kazancı et al. (2009) state that in general the reason of lake level falls in last years in Turkey are due to poor anthropogenic land use. It has been estimated that if water

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 435 pollution in Turkey continues at the present rate, the country will face irreversible loss of much of its water supply in lakes and rivers in the next 25 30 years (Akın & Akın 2007). Although strict laws to protect water resources have been in place for decades, monitoring networks have not been established to enforce the operation of water treatment plants (Akbulut et al. 2009a). The purpose of the present manuscript is to synthesize available publications related to diatoms occurring in Turkish freshwaters. Much of the body of work analyzed for this article appears in the grey literature, so its exposure in more widely distributed publications and the analysis of this information become important as background for further investigations. A discussion of neglected topics in Turkish diatom research and geographic areas for which information is scarce and incomplete is also presented herein. Materials and methods Literature appearing in foreign journals, online Turkish journals (Turkish Journal of Botany, Turkish Journal of Biology, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Ekoloji), and institute journals (Dumlupınar, Ege, Fırat, Gazi, Hacettepe, Istanbul, Ondokuz Mayıs, and Süleyman Demirel Universities) were compiled by direct visits to public and private libraries or by electronic downloads. Information was then classified by type of publication (journals, a few theses and technical reports) and percentages for each category were calculated. The content of all publications was examined to determine the type of study (taxonomic, ecological, etc.), the community and habitat of the diatoms on which they concentrated, and the taxonomic information reported in each of the manuscripts. A list of taxa reported in these publications was compiled in a table denoting whether the dominant taxa occurred in rivers, lakes or reservoirs. Tables and figures were produced using Microsoft Word and EXCEL 2007. Results and discussion The number of publications compiled amounted to 328. Most publications related to Turkish diatoms appeared in peer-reviewed journals (99 %), and only 1 % of the information originates from other sources, including theses and technical reports. Considering publications by topic and place of publication, the entire paleolimnological and biomonitoring studies were published in international journals while about 1/3 of the taxonomical articles was published in international journals. Information was difficult to compile and there is no single library public or private containing all references. Table 1 and Fig. 2 showed that there was an uneven distribution in the number of studies done in the different river basins leading to the uneven distribution of knowledge about the diatoms of those rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Turkey is drained by 107 major rivers, each with a catchment larger than 1 500 km 2. Kızılırmak is the longest river (1 355 km), followed by the Euphrates (Fırat; 1 263 km in Turkey), Tigris (Dicle; 523 km in Turkey), Seyhan (560 km), Aras (548 km in Turkey), Yeşilırmak (519 km), Ceyhan (509 km), Çoruh (442 km in Turkey), Gediz (400 km), Susurluk (321 km), Greater Meander (Büyük Menderes; 307 km) and Smaller Meander (Küçük Menderes; 174 km). Of these, the Euphrates, Tigris, Meriç, Çoruh, Aras, and Asi are transboundary rivers (Akbulut et al. 2009b). Based on the number of publications, the Fırat, Konya, Sakarya, Kızılırmak, and East Black Sea river basins are the best studied (Fig. 1) (Akbulut 2010, Akbulut et al. 2010, Aksın et al. 1999, Altuner 1988, Altuner & Gürbüz 1989, Atıcı et al. 2003, Elmacı & Obalı 1992, 1998, Kolaylı et al. 1998, Obalı & Atıcı 2000, Pala-Toprak 2007, Pala-Toprak & Çağlar 2006, 2008, Solak et al. 2009, Şahin 1998b, Yıldız 1987a, b). Especially the Fırat and East Black Sea river basins

436 C. N. Solak et al. Table 1. List of literature comprising diatom data for rivers, lakes and reservoirs in the different river basins of Turkey. River Basin/Size Akarçay (0.49 billion m 3 ) Antalya (11.06 billion m 3 ) Aras (4.63 billion m 3 ) Asi (1.17 billion m 3 ) Burdur (0.50 billion m 3 ) Büyük Menderes (3.03 billion m 3 ) Çoruh (6.30 billion m 3 ) Dicle (21.33 billion m 3 ) / (References) Kurtboğazı Dam Reservoir (Aykulu & Obalı 1981), Karamık Lake (Gönülol & Obalı 1986, Şen et al. 1994) Manavgat River (Vardar & Güner 1972), Köprüçay River (Morkoyunlu & Ertan 1995), Konne Spring (Morkoyunlu et al. 1996), Pınarpazarı Springs (Morkoyunlu et al. 1997a), Aksu River (Ertan & Morkoyunlu 1997, 1998, Kalyoncu et al. 2008), Büyük Gökçeli (Morkoyunlu et al. 1997b), Cire Spring (Ertan et al. 1997), Kovada Canal (Yüce & Ertan 1998), Ağlasun River (Kalyoncu et al. 2004), Düden River (Solak et al. 2007a), Darıören & Isparta (Kalyoncu et al. 2009, Çiçek et al. 2010) Eğirdir Lake (Conk & Cirik 1991, Savaş & Cirik 1997, Turna et al. 1998), Karacaören- I Dam Reservoir (Ertan et al. 2000) Aras River (Ehrenberg 1844, Altuner 1988, Collins et al. 2005) Çıldır Lake (Akbulut & Yıldız 2002), Porsuk Pond (Gürbüz et al. 2002a, b), Demirdöven Dam Reservoir (Kıvrak & Gürbüz 2005a, b, Kılıç et al. 2006) Asi River (Şen et al. 1997) Gölbaşı Lake (Naz & Türkmen 2005) Gölhisar Lake (Eastwood et al. 2002), Burdur Lake (Karabıyıkoğlu et al. 2003) Pamukkale Thermal & Travertine (Güner 1966, Pentecost et al. 1997), Sarıçay (Barlas et al. 2001), Akçapınar and Kadın Azmağı River (Barlas et al. 2002), Akçay (Solak 2003, Solak et al. 2005, 2007b, Solak & Barlas 2006), Dipsiz-Çine River (Mumcu et al. 2009) Bafa Lake (Cirik et al. 1989, Demir 2007), Karine Dalyan Lake (Gökpınar et al. 1996), Topçam Dam Reservoir (Sömek et al. 2005), Kemer Dam Reservoir (Özyalın & Ustaoğlu 2008) Çoruh River (Atıcı & Obalı 1999b), Tortum River (Kıvrak & Gürbüz 2010) Tortum Gölü (Altuner 1984a, b, Altuner & Aykulu 1987, Kıvrak 2006, Kıvrak & Gürbüz 2006) Kırkgözeler (Şen & Aksakal 1988) Devegeçidi Dam Lake (Baykal et al. 2004), Dicle River Basin Wetlands (Açıkgöz et al. 2007)

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 437 Table 1 (continued). River Basin/Size East Black Sea (14.90 billion m 3 ) East Mediterranean (11.07 billion m 3 ) Fırat (31.61 billion m 3 ) Gediz (1.95 billion m 3 ) Kızılırmak (6.48 billion m 3 ) / (References) Şana River (Kolaylı et al. 1998), Değirmendere River (Pabuçcu 2000, Kara & Şahin 2001), Yanbolu River (Şahin 2003a), İyidere River (Türkmen et al. 2008) Uzungöl Lake (Şahin & Gönülol 1997, Şahin 1998b), Aygır & Balıklı Lakes (Şahin 2000), Dağbaşı Lake (Şahin 2001), Yedigöller Lake (Şahin 2002), High mountain lakes in Eastern Black Sea (Şahin 2003b), Çatal Lake (Şahin 2004), Küçükgöl Lake (Şahin & Akar 2005), Karanlık Lake (Akar & Şahin 2006), Karagöl Lake (Kolaylı & Şahin 2008), Limni Lake (Şahin 2008), Balıklı Dam Lake (Kolaylı & Şahin 2009), Balık Lake (Şahin et al. 2010) Cennet Cave (Şen 1988a), Sera River (Şahin 1998a) Karasu River (Ehrenberg 1844, Altuner & Gürbüz 1988, 1989, 1990a, 1991, Gürbüz & Kıvrak 2002, Gürbüz & Ertuğrul 2003), Selli River (Şen et al. 1995), Keban River (Aksın et al. 1999), Cip River (Yavuz & Çetin 2000, 2001), Kürk River (Yıldırım et al. 2003), Peri River (Pala-Toprak & Çağlar 2008, Yıldırım & Çetin 2009), Kemaliye (Akbulut et al. 2009b) Hazar Lake (Şen 1988b, Şen et al. 1999), Tercan Dam Reservoir (Altuner & Gürbüz 1990b, 1994, 1996), Keban Dam Reservoir (Akbay et al. 1999, Çetin & Şen 1998, 2006, Pala-Toprak & Çağlar 2006, Pala-Toprak 2007), Deli Çermik Termal Pond (Altuner & Pabuçcu 1993, 1994), Palandöken Pond (Gürbüz 2000, Gürbüz & Altuner 2000), Sürgü Dam Reservoir (Çetin & Yıldırım 2000, 2003), Tadım Pond (Şen et al. 2001), Kuzgun Dam Reservoir (Gürbüz & Kıvrak 2003), Orduzu Dam Reservoir (Çetin & Şen 2004), Özlüce Dam Reservoir (Şen et al. 2005), Suluçayır Pond (Özer & Pala-Toprak 2009) Gürle River (Yurterin & Öztürk 2001) Karagöl Lake (Güner 1969), Marmara Lake (Cirik 1983, 1994), Demirköprü Dam Reservoir (Gezerler-Şipal et al. 1999) Kızılırmak River (Yıldız & Özkıran 1991, Dere & Sıvacı 1995, Akbulut et al. 2010), İncesu River (Gönülol & Arslan 1992), Tecer River (Kılınç 1998a), Delice River (Atıcı et al. 2003) Sultan Sazlığı Marshes (Özesmi 1987, Akbulut 2003a, b, Akbulut & Akbulut 2004), Balık & Uzun Lagoon (Gönülol & Çomak 1990, 1992, Gönülol 1993, Gönülol et al. 2009), Seyfe Lake (Elmacı & Obalı 1992), Hafik & Tödürge Lakes (Kılınç & Dere 1988, Kılınç 1998b, Kılınç & Sıvacı 2001, Sıvacı et al. 2007), Sarımsaklı Dam Reservoir (Pabuçcu & Altuner 1999), Cernek Lake (İşbakan-Tas et al. 2002, Taş & Gönülol 2007a), Hirfanlı Dam Reservoir (Baykal & Açıkgöz 2004, Baykal et al. 2006), Kuzgun Dam Reservoir (Gürbüz et al. 2004), Akgöl Lake (Ersanlı et al. 2006), Gıcı Lake (Soylu & Gönülol 2006), Karaboğaz Lake (Baytut et al. 2006), Derbent Dam Reservoir (Taş & Gönülol 2007b), Ladik Lake (Maraşlıoğlu et al. 2007, 2009), Great Lota Lake (Sıvacı et al. 2008a), O. M. Univ. Pond (Maraşlıoğlu et al. 2010), Liman Lake (Soylu & Gönülol 2010)

438 C. N. Solak et al. Table 1 (continued). River Basin/Size Konya (4.52 billion m 3 ) Küçük Menderes (1.19 billion m 3 ) Marmara (1.33 billion m 3 ) Meriç (1.33 billion m 3 ) Sakarya (6.40 billion m 3 ) / (References) Meram River (Yıldız 1984a, b, 1985a), Melendiz River (Sıvacı & Dere 2006, 2007) Salt Lakes Basins (Tchihatcheff 1869, Roberts 1983, Servant-Vildary et al. 1986, Kashima 1996, 2002, 2003, Kashima et al. 1997, 1999, Kuzucuoğlu et al. 1999, Reed et al. 1999, Atıcı et al. 2001, Leng et al. 2001, Roberts et al. 2001, Spaulding et al. 2003, Akbulut & Gündüz 2004, Gürel & Yıldız 2007, Jones et al. 2007, Akbulut & Dügel 2008, England et al. 2008, Asouti 2009, Akbulut 2010, Woodbridge & Roberts 2010, Woodbridge et al. 2010), Altınapa Dam Reservoir (Yıldız 1984c, 1985b, 1986a, b, 1987b), Beyşehir Lake (Cirik et al. 1991), Akşehir Lake (Yıldız et al. 1994, Elmacı & Obalı 1998), Beşgöz Lake (Akköz & Obalı 1998, Akköz 2000), Hotamış Lake (Yıldız et al. 1998), Susuz Pond (Obalı & Atıcı 1998, Atıcı & Obalı 1999a), Topçu Pond (Akköz & Güler 2004), Karagöl Lake (Açıkgöz & Baykal 2005) Laka River (Aysel et al. 2001) Gölcük Lake (Cirik & Cirik 1989), Tahtalı Dam Reservoir (Balık & Gezerler-Şipal 1995), İkizgöl (Gezerler-Şipal et al. 1996), Gebekirse Lake (Aysel et al. 1997), Kazangöl (Aysel et al. 1998b), Oglananası Lake (Aysel et al. 1998a), Barutçu Lake (Aysel et al. 2002), Göksu River (Albay & Aykulu 1994a, b, Temel 2001, 2004), Riva River (Temel 1994, 2003, 2006a) Küçükçekmece Lagoon (Güner 1974, Polge et al. 2010), Büyükçekmece Lake (Temel 1996a, 1999, 2002, Aktan et al. 2007), İznik Lake (Albay & Aykulu 2002, Franz et al. 2006), Ömerli Dam Reservoir (Albay & Akçaalan 2003b, Temel 2005b, 2006b, c, Gürevin et al. 2006, Morkoç et al. 2009), Terkos Lake (Temel 2005a) Tunca River (Öterler et al. 2003, 2004) Porsuk River (Yıldız 1987a, Bingöl et al. 2007, Solak 2011), Çubuk River (Yıldız & Özkıran 1994), Sığırcı River (Gezerler-Şipal et al. 1994), Ankara River (Yıldız & Atıcı 1996, Atıcı & Ahıska 2005), Sakarya River (Atıcı 1997, Atıcı & Yıldız 1996), Ova River (Akbulut & Akbulut 2006), Felent River (Solak 2009, Solak et al. 2009), Türkmen Mt. Springs (Solak & Wojtal 2010) Mogan Lake (Tanyolaç & Karabatak 1974, Obalı 1984, Obalı et al. 1989, Akbulut & Yıldız 2001, Akbulut & Akbulut 2002), Beytepe & Alap Puddles (Ünal 1984, 1985, Dere-Ünal 1989), Bayındır Dam Reservoir (Gönülol 1985a, 1987, Atıcı et al. 2005a), Çubuk-I Dam Reservoir (Gönülol 1985b, Gönülol & Aykulu 1984), Sapanca Lake (Temel 1992, 1996b, Aykulu et al. 2006, Akçaalan et al. 2007, Albay & Akçaalan 2008, Yılmaz 2007, Yılmaz & Aykulu 2010), Taskısı & Poyrazlar Lakes (Aykulu et al. 1999, Yardımcı & Temel 2000, Temel & Yardımcı 2004), Sarıyar Dam Reservoir (Atıcı 2002, Atıcı & Obalı 2006, Dokcan et al. 2010), Eymir Lake (Beklioğlu et al. 2003), Yeniçağa Lake (Kılınç 2003), Sakaryabaşı Pond (Demir & Kırkağaç 2005, Záray et al. 2005), Gölköy Lake (Çelekli 2006)

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 439 Table 1 (continued). River Basin/Size Seyhan (8.01 billion m 3 ) Susurluk (5.43 billion m 3 ) Van (2.39 billion m 3 ) West Black Sea (9.93 billion m 3 ) Yeşilırmak (5.80 billion m 3 ) / (References) Yedigöze (Çevik et al. 1999a), Seyhan River (Çevik et al. 1999b), Göksu River (Çetin & Yıldırım 2007, Çetin 2008) Akyatan & Tuzla Lagoons (Polat 1994, Çevik et al. 2007), Gölbaşı Lake (Çetin 2000, Çetin et al. 2002, Yıldırım & Çetin 2006), Seyhan Dam Reservoir (Çevik & Göksu 2003) Akındere River (Aysel et al. 1995), Nilüfer River (Dere et al. 2002, 2003a, b, 2006), Emet River (Karacaoğlu et al. 2008), Orhaneli River (Dalkıran et al. 2008), Mezitler River (Solak et al. 2008) Kuş Lake (Güner et al. 1987), Manyas Lake (Akbulut & Akbulut 2000, Albay & Akçaalan 2003a, Çelik & Ongan 2006, 2007, 2008, Karafistan & Arık-Çolakoğlu 2005, Albay & Akçaalan 2008), Uluabat Lake (Karacaoğlu et al. 2004, Akbulut et al. 2007, Reed et al. 2008) Van & Nemrut Lakes (Gessner 1957, Öztığ 1957, Kempe & Kazmiercźak 2001, Budakoğlu 2009) Ilısı Thermal (Aysel et al. 1992), Çepni Spring (Çelekli & Külköylüoğlu 2009) Sarıkum Lake (Öztürk 1994, Sıvacı et al. 2008b), Abant & Yedigöller Lakes (Cirik 1997, Obalı & Atıcı 2000, Atıcı & Obalı 2002a, b, Obalı et al. 2002, Atıcı et al. 2005b, 2008, Çelekli & Külköylüoğlu 2006), Nisi Pond (Sıvacı et al. 2010a), Karagöl-Aksaz Marshes (Sıvacı et al. 2010b) Yeşilırmak River (Pabuçcu & Altuner 1998, Soylu & Gönülol 2003), Ballıca Cave (Selvi & Altuner 2007) Suat Uğurlu Dam Reservoir (Yazıcı & Gönülol 1994, Gönülol & Obalı 1998a), Hasan Uğurlu Dam Reservoir (Gönülol & Obalı 1998b), Simenit Lake (Ersanlı & Gönülol 2003, 2006), Kaz Lake (Zaim 2007) have concentrated more attention because they are very important water supplies with the largest volumes of freshwater in the country. On the other hand, the algae of the Dicle river basin are only represented by a single study in the Devegeçidi reservoir (Baykal et al. 2004) and some nearby wetlands (Açıkgöz et al. 2007). Because of active tectonic activity, Turkey has numerous hydrothermal springs throughout the country (Akbulut et al. 2009a). Some of these springs were studied by Güner (1966), Aysel et al. (1992), Altuner & Pabuçcu (1993, 1994) and Pentecost et al. (1997). Regarding the study of specific diatom communities, diatoms from lakes have received more attention and phytoplankton studies are significantly more numerous (Fig. 3). On the other hand, epilithic, epipelic and epiphytic communities are represented with similar number of references each. In the case of rivers, epilithic and epipelic communities received more attention, while the number of references for epiphytic communities were fewer. There were also studies on riverine plankton among the compiled literature (e.g., Yıldız 1987a, Atıcı & Obalı 1999b, Soylu

440 C. N. Solak et al. Fig. 2. Characterization of Turkish diatom literature based on watershed. Fig. 3. Characterization of Turkish diatom literature based on habitat (EPL: epilithic, EPP: epipelic, EPF: epiphytic and PL: planktic). & Gönülol 2003), but the taxa found in these studies deserve revision since floating algae in rivers are often not truly planktonic and usually have their origin in habitats from which they are removed by scouring. Historically, the first studies on freshwater diatoms from Turkey were done by Ehrenberg (1844). Further investigations were carried out by Kolbe & Krieger (1942), Gessner (1957),

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 441 Öztığ (1957), Güner (1966), Tanyolaç & Karabatak (1974). In the last two decades the number of taxonomic investigations has increased for lotic systems (Yıldız 1987a, Altuner 1988, Şen 1988a, Altuner & Gürbüz 1989, Elmacı & Obalı 1992, 1998, Kolaylı et al. 1998, Şahin 1998b, Aksın et al. 1999, Obalı & Atıcı 2000, Atıcı et al. 2003, Pala-Toprak & Çağlar 2006, 2008, Solak et al. 2009, Akbulut 2010, Akbulut et al. 2010). Many of the latter studies also contain information related to water quality assessment by using diatom indices, a topic that has gained attention in Turkey only in recent years due to the severe impairment produced by the development of urban areas and uncontrolled agricultural practices. Lists of diatoms found in Turkish waters were published in the comprehensive works of Gönülol et al. (1996) and Aysel (2005), who provided taxonomical information for 617 diatom taxa. As a result of more recent studies (Baykal et al. 2009, Ongun Sevindik et al. 2010, Solak & Wojtal 2010), the number of reported taxa has increased to 631. Among these taxa, the genera Navicula (16 species), Nitzschia (13), Cymbella (8), and Surirella (8) are the most common and abundant (Table 2). The list of taxa presented in Table 2 corresponds to an account of diatoms that actually appear in published studies; it does not include the rare taxa that were probably present in collected samples, but that as a common practice among Turkish scientists are not reported in the results of the different publications. This practice of not reporting rare taxa is seriously detrimental to biodiversity assessments and certainly disregards the potential value that rare taxa have in bioindication studies (Potapova & Charles 2004). Because the common taxa reported (Table 2) are also common in many Eurasian aquatic ecosystems, it is possible that identifications of these diatoms are correct, although it is known that names such as Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W. Smith have often been applied to complexes of cryptic species. Therefore, the taxonomy of taxa reported for Turkish waters merits closer attention. The literature published until now contains very little supporting information such as taxonomic discussions and micrographs. This problem coupled with the difficulty in the access to voucher material, makes taxonomic revision a very difficult task, impossible in most cases. Regarding new taxa described from Turkey, the following were found during our literature search: Amphora veneta f. globulosa Foged, Navicula accommoda f. robusta Foged, N. asklepieionensis Foged, N. pergamonensis Foged, N. pergamonensis f. acuminata Foged and Nitzschia dakariensis f. egyptica Foged found in the Bergama-Pargemon, Gediz river basin (Foged 1982), Aneumastus aksaraiensis Spaulding, Akbulut & Kociolek from Esmekaya Lake, Konya river basin (Spaulding et al. 2003), and Clipeoparvus anatolicus Woodbridge, Roberts & Cox from Cappadocia, Konya river basin (Woodbridge et al. 2010). Diatoms in running waters have been less studied than those found in lakes and reservoirs (Table 1, Fig. 2) (Şen et al. 1999, Yavuz & Çetin 2000, Çetin & Şen 2004). Turkey has ca. 900 natural lakes and ponds covering an area of over 10 000 km 2. Many of these lakes have a high level of endemism among animals and plants owing to habitat and climate diversity and lack of major disturbances (Beklioğlu 2010). Intriguingly and despite the fact that phytoplankton studies dominate the Turkish diatom literature, pennate diatoms are the most frequently reported group (Solak 2003, 2009, Taş & Gönülol 2007b, Yılmaz & Aykulu 2010), while reports of centrics and araphids are fewer (Yıldız 1987a, Gönülol & Arslan 1992, Soylu & Gönülol 2003). For the different river basins, the numbers of publications are also given in Figure 2. Among the dominant species reported from Turkish rivers are Denticula tenuis Kützing, Diatoma elongatum (Lyngbye) C. Agardh, D. vulgaris Bory, Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs, N. lanceolata Ehrenberg, Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch, Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Round & Bukhtiyarova, and Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg. Regarding taxa with potential indicator value, diatoms reflecting alkaline waters were Planothidium lanceolatum in unpolluted stations, while Nitzschia palea has been found in polluted localities in Aksu (Kalyoncu et al. 2008). Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek and Navicula lanceolata were reported from polluted stations in Felent by Solak et al. (2009). According to Van Dam et al. (1994), Lobo

442 C. N. Solak et al. Table 2. List of diatoms most commonly reported from rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Turkey. Lakes Reservoirs Achnanthes brevipes var. intermedia (Kützing) Cleve + Achnanthes microcephala (Kützing) Grunow + + Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki + + + Amphora coffeaeformis (C. Agardh) Kützing + Amphora commutata Grunow + Amphora ovalis (Kützing) Kützing + + + Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow ex A. W. F. Schmidt + + Asterionella formosa Hassall + + Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen + + + Aulacoseira granulata var. angustissima (O. Müller) Simonsen + Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen + Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Cleve + Caloneis clevei (Lagerstedt) Cleve + Campylodiscus clypeus Ehrenberg + Cocconeis pediculus Ehrenberg + + Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg + + + Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Cleve + + Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck + Craticula cuspidata (Kützing) D. G. Mann + Cyclotella bodanica Eulenstein + + Cyclotella comta (Ehrenberg) Kützing + + + Cyclotella krammeri Håkansson + + + Cyclotella kuetzingiana Thwaites + + + Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing + + Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek + + + Cyclotella planctonica Brunnthaler + Cyclotella praetermissa J. W. G. Lund + Cymatopleura elliptica (Brébisson) W. Smith + Cymatopleura solea (Brébisson) W. Smith + Cymbella affi nis Kützing + + + Cymbella cistula (Hemprich in Hemprich & Ehrenberg) Kirchner + + Cymbella cymbiformis C. Agardh + Cymbella helvetica Kützing + Cymbella lanceolata (C. Agardh) Van Heurck + + Cymbella leptoceros (Ehrenberg) Kützing + Cymbella obtusiuscula (Kützing) Grunow + Cymbella tumida (Brébisson in Kützing) Van Heurck + Cymbella ventricosa C. Agardh + + + Cymbopleura amphicephala (Nägeli) Krammer + + Denticula tenuis Kützing + Diatoma elongatum (Lyngbye) C. Agardh + Diatoma mesodon (Ehrenberg) Kützing + Diatoma vulgaris Bory + Didymosphenia geminata (Lyngbye) M. Schmidt + + Discostella stelligera (Cleve & Grunow) Houk & Klee + + Encyonema minutum (Hilse) D. G. Mann + +

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 443 Table 2 (continued). Lakes Reservoirs Encyonema muelleri (Hustedt) D. G. Mann + Encyonema prostratum Kützing + Encyonema silesiacum (Bleisch) D. G. Mann + Epithemia sorex Kützing + Eunotia valida Hustedt + Fragilaria capucina Desmazières + Fragilaria capucina subsp. rumpens (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot + Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot + + Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton + + Gomphonema angustum C. Agardh + Gomphonema constrictum Ehrenberg ex Kützing + + Gomphonema olivaceum (Hornemann) Brébisson + + + Gomphonema pala E. Reichardt + Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Van Heurck + + + Gyrosigma attenatum (Kützing) Cleve + Hannaea arcus (Ehrenberg) R. M. Patrick + + Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow + + Hippodonta hungarica (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot, Metzeltin & Witkowski + Mastogloia lacustris (Grunow) Grunow + Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Smith + Melosira varians C. Agardh + + Navicula bicephala Hustedt + Navicula cincta (Ehrenberg) Ralfs + Navicula cryptocephala Kützing + + + Navicula dicephala Ehrenberg + Navicula gottlandica Grunow + Navicula lanceolata Ehrenberg + Navicula menisculus Schumann + Navicula obtusa W. Smith + Navicula phyllepta Kützing + + Navicula radiosa Kützing + + Navicula reichardtii (Grunow) Grunow + Navicula rhynchocephala Kützing + + + Navicula salinarum Grunow + + Navicula tripunctata (O. Müller) Bory + + Navicula trivialis Lange-Bertalot + Navicula veneta Kützing + + Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) W. Smith + Nitzschia amphibia Grunow + + Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow + + Nitzschia fonticola (Grunow) Grunow + + Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow + Nitzschia gracilis Hantzsch + Nitzschia hungarica Grunow + Nitzschia linearis (C. Agardh) W. Smith + + + Nitzschia microcephala Grunow +

444 C. N. Solak et al. Table 2 (continued). Lakes Reservoirs Nitzschia palea (Kützing) W. Smith + + + Nitzschia parvula W. Smith + Nitzschia sigmoidea (Nitzsch) W. Smith + + Nitzschia sublinearis Hustedt + Nitzschia vermicularis (Kützing) Hantzsch + Pinnularia appendiculata (C. Agardh) Schaarschmidt + Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg + + + Pinnularia interrupta W. Smith + Pinnularia major (Kützing) Rabenhorst + Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve + + Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg + Planothidium lanceolatum (Brébisson ex Kützing) Round & Bukhtiyarova + Pseudostaurosira brevistriata (Grunow) D. M. Williams & Round + + + Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (C. Agardh) Lange-Bertalot + + Rhopalodia gibba (Ehrenberg) O. Müller + Rhopalodia gibberula (Ehrenberg) O. Müller + Sellaphora pupula (Kützing) Mereschkovsky + + Stauroneis anceps Ehrenberg + Staurosira construens Ehrenberg + Staurosirella pinnata (Ehrenberg) D. M. Williams & Round + Stephanodiscus astraea (Kützing) Grunow + + Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow + Surirella angusta Kützing + Surirella biseriata Brébisson + Surirella brebissonii Krammer & Lange-Bertalot + Surirella ovalis Brébisson + + Surirella peisonis Pantocsek + Surirella robusta Ehrenberg + Surirella splendida (Ehrenberg) Kützing + Surirella tenera W. Gregory + Synedra delicatissima W. Smith + Synedra demerarae Grunow + Tryblionella hungarica (Grunow) Frenguelli + Ulnaria acus (Kützing) Aboal + Ulnaria biceps (Kützing) Compère + Ulnaria capitata (Ehrenberg) Compère + Ulnaria ulna (Nitzsch) Compère + + + et al. (2002) and Szabó et al. (2004), these species are tolerant to high eutrophic conditions. Cyclotella ocellata and Navicula cryptocephala Kützing were reported from polluted stations in the Yeşilırmak (Soylu & Gönülol 2003) and Felent River (Solak et al. 2009). Also, N. cryptocephala was a characteristic species of sites affected by sewage inputs and eutrophic waters (Albay & Aykulu 1994a). Geographically, a high proportion of the studies compiled herein focused on seasonal changes of phytoplankton in natural lakes (Şen 1988b, Çetin 2000) and reservoirs (Şen & Çetin 1988,

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 445 Çetin & Yıldırım 2000) from lowlands. Only few of these studies have been carried out on high mountain lakes (Şahin & Akar 2005). Cyclotella ocellata and C. meneghiniana Kützing were found as important components of phytoplankton communities in Hafik, Beytepe, Mogan, Kurtboğazı, Altınapa, Liman, Gölbaşı and Sapanca Lakes (Kılınç 1998b, Çetin et al. 2002, Yılmaz 2007, Soylu & Gönülol 2010), while Ellerbeckia arenaria (Moore ex Ralfs) Crawford and other centrics were rare in Turkish lakes (Açıkgöz & Baykal 2005). According to Sıvacı et al. (2008a) calcium concentration and temperature in lake water could be used to recognize two groups of taxa in studied lakes. The first group included Mastogloia smithii Thwaites ex W. Smith and Nitzschia amphibia Grunow, which were relatively abundant in cold waters with high calcium concentration. The second group was formed by Campylodiscus clypeus Ehrenberg, Caloneis amphisbaena (Bory) Cleve, Cymbella affi nis Kützing, Nitzschia parvula W. Smith, Rhopalodia gibberula (Ehrenberg) O. Müller that were characteristic for higher temperature and lower calcium concentration. Ulnaria ulna (Nitzsch) Compère was reported as a characteristic diatom for eutrophic lakes (Cirik et al. 1991), but it was recorded also as a dominant diatom in oligotrophic lakes, namely Hafik, Sapanca and Derbent Dam Lake (Kılınç & Sıvacı 2001, Yılmaz & Aykulu 2010). The name Ulnaria ulna has been applied to a complex of species (as revealed by the myriad of different illustrations presented under this name in the general diatom literature), thus its taxonomy in Turkish waters (and elsewhere) needs further study. There are also a number of palaeolimnological studies carried out on different river basins (Fig. 2). The Konya river basin presents 17 references (Tchihatcheff 1869, Roberts 1983, Servant-Vildary et al. 1986, Kashima 1996, 2002, 2003, Kashima et al. 1997, 1999, Kuzucuoğlu et al. 1999, Reed et al. 1999, Leng et al. 2001, Roberts et al. 2001, Gürel & Yıldız 2007, Jones et al. 2007, England et al. 2008, Asouti 2009, Woodbridge & Roberts 2010). While two studies were published for the Burdur river basin (Eastwood et al. 2002, Karabıyıkoğlu et al. 2003) and the Van basin (Kempe & Kazmıerczak 2001, Budakoğlu 2009), one study was published for the Aras basin (Collins et al. 2005), the Marmara basin (Franz et al. 2006) and the Susurluk basin (Reed et al. 2008). The rest of the basins have not been studied from this perspective showing a tremendous lack of historical information inferred from biological remains for the majority of the aquatic systems in Turkey, a major shortcoming in the study of, for example, climate-related changes in these systems. Diatoms provide a powerful tool to infer past lake hydrological conditions quantitatively and they have frequently been used to reconstruct palaeo-salinity and climate (Reed et al. 1999, Kashima 2003). The fossil lacustrine beds of the Konya plain were first described during the last century notably by Tchihatcheff (1869) who reported calcareous sands and silts containing molluscs and diatoms mixed with volcanic ash and tuff. Roberts (1983) reported that Lake Akgöl was saline and shallow based on diatom communities found in the sediments. According to Servant-Vildary et al. (1986), Beş Konak was a typical freshwater low water level lake developing in a warm temperate to sub-tropical climate. The diatom assemblages from this lake were dominated by small Melosira sp. and Miosira jouseana (Moisseeva) Krammer, Lange-Bertalot & Schiller. The second basin contains a variable Actinocyclus sp. The diatom assemblages were typical for freshwater in low-level lakes in a warm-temperate to a sub-tropical climate. Kashima s studies (1996) confirmed a strong relationship between diatom composition and salinity. Kashima et al. (1997) defined the diatom-based transfer functions for salinity reconstruction, and then applied them to Late Quaternary sediments in Turkey. The drilling surveys were done at Kaman Kalehöyük, Lake Tuz, Konya Basin and Akgöl Marsh and surrounding areas and the results showed that there were a number of alternations between fresh and saline conditions during the Late Quaternary. The results of Reed et al. (1999) corresponded to an inverse relationship between salinity and lake levels which is regarded as characteristic for closed systems. Also, the low abundance of planktonic species throughout the sequence indicates that the system had always been relatively shallow (Gasse et al. 1987). Roberts et al. (2001) investigated in the

446 C. N. Solak et al. Acıgöl Lake the Holocene climate changes in the eastern Mediterranean region. According to the investigation of Franz et al. (2006) in İznik Lake, diatom assemblages were dominated by Cyclotella meneghiniana, C. ocellata, Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata (Grunow) D. M. Williams & Round and Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow. Palaeolimnological studies in Süleymanhacı Lake showed that lake was characteristic of fresh or slightly brackish waters, being dominated by Cymbella leptoceros (Ehrenberg) Kützing, Epithemia sorex Kützing and Mastogloia lacustris (Grunow) Van Heurck (Reed et al. 1999). The karstic Uluabat Lake was investigated by Reed et al. (2008) and they reported that Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow ex A. W. F. Schmidt, Cocconeis placentula Ehrenberg, Epithemia sorex, Epithemia adnata (Kützing) Brébisson, Rhoicosphenia abbreviata and Rhopalodia gibba (Ehrenberg) O. Müller were found as dominant taxa in pre-19th century, while A. granulata, Cyclostephanos dubius (Hustedt) Round, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow and S. medius Håkansson were abundant in ca. 1911 1970 in the lake. The use of diatom indices in water quality monitoring is relatively new for Turkey. Several studies have been carried out in the Antalya River basin (Kalyoncu 2002, Solak et al. 2007a, Kalyoncu et al. 2009), Büyük Menderes River basin (Barlas et al. 2001, 2002, Solak et al. 2007b), Fırat River basin (Gürbüz & Kıvrak 2002), Kızılırmak River basin (Akbulut et al. 2010), Sakarya River basin (Solak et al. 2009, Solak 2011) and Susurluk River basin (Dalkıran et al. 2008, Karacaoğlu et al. 2008). While the number of studies using diatom indices is increasing, more are needed to calibrate these indices more precisely according to taxa and ecological conditions occurring in Turkish rivers and lakes. A first important step is the taxonomic revision of reported taxa and production of local, well-documented floras. An important consequence of this taxonomically precise work would be a better estimation of optima and ranges of tolerance for the different taxa growing in Turkish ecosystems, and thus, an increase in the precision of indices expressing their water quality. Conclusion The difficulty with which the literature reviewed in this manuscript was gathered highlights the great need to build libraries of easy access in Turkey. There is an urgent need to build a properly curated reference collection for diatoms. The current lack of a collection in the country severely limits the access to important historic information that could be used, for example, in the assessment of past changes in lakes and rivers related to human activities. Additionally, collections would allow taxonomic investigations with immediate beneficial influences on applied studies such as water quality assessment, a tool that is gaining importance in Turkey due to the need to quickly alleviate the effect of human-related disturbance on aquatic systems. One particular taxonomic area that might be improved is the case of centrics, which careful examination using combined light and electron microscopy studies might yield a higher diversity than that currently reported. Tied to this need of taxonomic investigations is the urgency in the production of local floras for the country through intensive and extensive taxonomic review of historic and newly collected material. The number of diatom-related publications available for Turkey is not representative of the great diversity of aquatic systems in the country. From a taxonomic standpoint, it is impossible to build even a preliminary catalogue of diatoms because current research practices did not allow the inclusion of rare taxa in published results. It is imperative that this style of research is promptly changed in order to get a clearer picture of the diversity of diatoms in Turkish rivers.

Review on diatoms in Turkish inland waters 447 Acknowledgements This paper is a tribute to Prof. Dr. h.c. Horst Lange-Bertalot for his devotion and infatigable dedication to the study of diatoms. Authors are grateful to A. Akbulut, Z. Altuner, T. Atıcı, S. Barinova, M. Barlas, K. Çetin, F. Çevik (Kandemir), A. Gönülol, A. Hindáková, K. Pabuçcu, R. Sıvacı, and K. Yıldız for their help during our literature search. References Açıkgöz, İ. & T. Baykal (2005): Karagöl (Çubuk-Ankara) alg florası. S.D.Ü. Su Ürunleri Derg. 2: 38 55. Açıkgöz, İ., T. Baykal, A. Akbulut, A. Udoh, K. Yıldız & B. Şen (2007): Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesindeki (Dicle Havzası) önemli sulak alanların alg florasında gözlenen bol ve yaygın türlerin dağılımı. XIV. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu. 4 7 Eylül 2007, Muğla. Akar, B. & B. Şahin (2006): Benthic algal flora of Karanlık Lake and diversity of epipelic algae. Fresen. Environm. Bull. 15: 48 54. Akbay, N., N. Anıl, S. Yerli, S. Soyupak & C. Yurteri (1999): Seasonal distribution of phytoplankton in the Keban Dam Reservoir. J. Plankt. Res. 21: 771 787. Akbulut, A. (2003a): Planktonic diatom (Bacillariophyceae) flora of Sultan Sazlığı marshes (Kayseri). Türk Bot. Derg. 27: 285 301. Akbulut, A. (2003b): The relationship between phytoplanktonic organisms and Chlorophyll a in Sultan Sazlığı. Türk Bot. Derg. 27: 421 425. Akbulut, A. (2010): The diatom composition of the Salt Lake Basin and its relationship with salinity. Ekoloji 74: 150 159. Akbulut, A. & N. Akbulut (2000): Planktonic organisms of the Manyas Lake. Hacettepe Bull. Nat. Sci. Engin. 28: 19 22. Akbulut, A. & N. Akbulut (2006): The determination relationship between phytoplankton and abiotic variables in Ova stream, Ankara/Turkey. In: Ács, É., T. Kiss, J. Padisák & É. Szabó (eds), 6 th International Use of Alge for Monitoring, 12 16 September 2006, Balatonfüred, Hungary, pp. 23 26. Akbulut, A., A. Demirsoy, N. Akbulut, N. Arslan, M. E. Özgür & M. Darílmaz (2009b): Kemaliye ve çevresinin sucul canlılar açısından değerlendirilmesi. 5. Geleneksel Ulusal Su Ürünleri Bilimsel ve Kültürel Platformu. 31 Mayıs 1 Haziran 2008, Erzincan. Akbulut, A. & M. Dügel (2008): Planktonic diatom assemblages and their relationship to environmental variables in lakes of Salt Lake Basin (Central Anatolia-Turkey). Fresen. Environm. Bull. 17: 154 163. Akbulut, A. & E. Gündüz (2004): Bacillariophyceae (Diatom) species: New records for Turkey the Salt Lake Basin. Hacettepe Bull. Nat. Sci. Engin. 33: 41 53. Akbulut, A. & K. Yıldız (2001): Mogan Gölü (Ankara) planktonik Bacillariophyta üyeleri ve dağılımları. G. Ü. Fen Biliml. Derg. 14: 1081 1093. Akbulut, A. & K. Yıldız (2002): The phytoplanktonic diatoms of Çıldır Lake (Ardahan-Turkey). Türk Bot. Derg. 26: 55 75. Akbulut, N. & A. Akbulut (2002): The plankton composition of Lake Mogan in Central Anatolia. Zool. in the Middle East 27: 107 116. Akbulut, N. & A. Akbulut (2004): Phytoplankton and zooplankton structure of Sultan marshes in Central Anatolia. Hacettepe Bull. Nat. Sci. Engin. 33: 3 1 40. Akbulut, N., A. Akbulut, S. Günsel & C. N. Solak (2010): Use of epilithic diatoms to evaluate water quality of Kızılırmak River. Hacettepe University Fund, No: 0701601006, final report (in Turkish). Akbulut, N. E., A. Akbulut, S. Karaytuğ, K. Çelik, N. Barlas, S. Bayarı, A. Alper, D. Özatlı & I. Yılmaz (2007): Limnological assessment on the shallow Uluabat Lake (Bursa/ Turkey) plankton composition, benthic macroinvertebrates, chemical and physical variables, CCA analysis. In: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS-5), 8 14 July 2007, Palermo, Italy, p. 166. Akbulut, N. E., S. Bayarı, A. Akbulut & Y. Şahin (2009a): of Turkey. In: Tockner, K., C. T. Robinson & U. Uehlinger (eds), of Europe, pp. 643 672. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford.

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