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AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition)





Hukuk ve Hukukçular için İngilizce/ English for Law and Lawyers


HAKKIMIZDA ABOUT US. kuruluşundan bugüne PVC granül sektöründe küresel ve etkin bir oyuncu olmaktır.



Konforun Üç Bilinmeyenli Denklemi 2016

Educational On-line Programmes for Teachers and Students


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Teknoloji Servisleri; (Technology Services)

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Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog)

Parça İle İlgili Kelimeler

STAJ DEĞERLENDİRME FORMU (ÖĞRENCİ) Internship Evaluation Form (Student)


Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course.


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Erol KAYA Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Chairman Of The Board





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NOVAPAC Ambalaj San. Tic. A.Ş


a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü




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Var Olmak (Dergah Yayinlari) (Turkish Edition)

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Reklam & Danışmanlık Hizmetleri. Güvenilir Başarılı ve Hızlı. Reliable, Successful and Fast. www.

Team Building in the Workplace


Proceedings/Bildiriler Kitabı I. G G. kurumlardan ve devletten hizmet beklentileri de September /Eylül 2013 Ankara / TURKEY


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Product Development and Management Association New Product Development Professional (NPDP) Certification YENİ ÜRÜN GELİŞTİRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTİFİKASI EĞİTİMLERİ Onaylı Sertifikalı Eğitmen NPDP Sertifikası Eğitimlerinde İş Ortağımız PDMA Kıdemli Eğitmen NP LEARNING LLC PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 1 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI NEDĠR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme ve Yönetim Birliği (PDMA) tarafından 2000 yılından itibaren verilmeye baģlanan Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası, ürün inovasyonu alanında uluslararası tanınmıģlığa sahip tek ve en geçerli sertifikadır. Ürün geliģtirme çalıģmaları içerisinde yer alan ve kariyerlerini bu disiplinde yapmak isteyen bireylerin eğitim, uzmanlık ve deneyimlerinin yeterliliğini belgelemektedir. Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası, ürün geliģtirme alanında ortak bir dil ve bilgi temeli yaratmakta; bireyler için mesleki bir norm oluģturarak hem onların kiģisel kariyerlerine hem de çalıģtıkları kurumların sürdürülebilir geliģimine katkı sağlamaktadır. Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası nın baģlangıcından günümüze, baģta Amerika BirleĢik Devletleri, Kanada, Ġrlanda, Hollanda ve Ġngiltere gibi geliģmiģ ülkeler olmak üzere, Dünya genelinde 37 ülkede 1200 ü aģkın uzman Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikasına sahip olmuģtur ve bu ayrıcalıklı sertifikaya sahip uzman sayısı her geçen yıl hızla artmaktadır. Ülkemizde, Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) sertifikasına sahip olan ilk uzman makine mühendisi Hasan ACÜL dür. NPDP sertifikalı uzmanların ülkemizde de yetiģmesi ve sayılarının artırılması yönünde atılan ilk adım Hasan ACÜL ün kurucu ortak olduğu ROADMAP firmasının PDMA sertifikalı eğitmen statüsünü almasıdır. RoadMap AKADEMĠ, PDMA tarafından sertifikalı eğitmen (NPDP-REP) statüsünde olan Türkiye deki ilk ve tek kurumdur. Alanında, Avrupa daki üç, Dünyadaki on altı adet sayılı uzman kurumdan bir tanesidir. Günümüzde baģta FedEx Services, AT&T Wireless, First Data Corporation, Cardinal Health, Sage Software, Sprint, PRTM firmaları olmak üzere, alanlarında lider birçok kurum çalıģanları için Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikasını kurumsal olarak desteklemektedir. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI NIN AVANTAJLARI NELERDĠR? Küresel rekabetin kurumlar üzerindeki baskısı arttıkça ürün geliģtirme disiplinin önemi daha fazla anlaģılmaktadır. Bu duruma paralel olarak, ürün geliģtirme prensiplerini bilen, Dünya üzerinde iyi uygulama örneklerinden haberdar, ürün fikrinin ortaya çıkartılmasından ticarileģmeye kadar olan tüm aģamaları sistematik bir biçimde uygulayabilecek sertifikalı yeni ürün geliģtirme uzmanlarına -ya da bir baģka adlandırma ile ürün inovasyonu uzmanlarına- ihtiyaç da artmaktadır. Böylesi bir durumda, ürün geliģtirme alanında çalıģan bireyler Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası ile eğitim, uzmanlık ve deneyimlerinin yeterliliğini uluslararası düzeyde belgeleyerek kendilerine ve kurumlarına oldukça önemli avantajlar sağlamaktadırlar. En genel anlamda bu avantajlar Ģöyle özetlenebilir: PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 2 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası bireylerin, Ürün geliģtirme alanındaki uzmanlıklarını uluslararası düzeyde ispat etmelerini sağlar Bilgi seviyelerinin artmasına ve mesleki geliģimlerinin sürekli olmasına destek verir ÇalıĢmalarının daha verimli ve etkin olmasına yardım eder Kariyerlerinde yükselmelerine ve lider pozisyonda olmalarına yardımcı olur Yeni iģ fırsatları sahibi olmalarına imkân verir ĠĢe tercih edilmelerinde öncelik sağlar Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası, -sertifikalı uzmanlar vasıtasıyla- kurumların, Strateji ile bütünleģmiģ sistematik bir yeni ürün geliģtirme süreci sahibi olmalarına yardım eder Ürün geliģtirme süreçlerinin ölçülebilirlik ve sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanmasına destek olur Dünya üzerindeki iyi uygulama örneklerinden öğrenmelerine olanak sağlar Yeni ürün portföy yönetimlerinin verimliliğinin artmasına yardım eder GeliĢtirilen yeni ürünlerin pazar baģarı oranlarının artmasına imkan sağlar Fikirden pazara, ürün geliģtirme ve ticarileģme zamanının kısalmasına yardımcı olur Rekabette bir adım önde olmalarına destek olur Bilgi seviyeleri yüksek, sürekli kendini geliģtiren yetiģmiģ insan kaynağı ile çalıģmalarına imkân sağlar YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI ĠÇĠN YETERLĠLĠKLER NELERDĠR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası sahibi olmak için bireylerin EĞĠTĠM, DENEYĠM ve BĠLGĠ olmak üzere 3 temel alanda gerekli kriterleri sağlıyor olması gerekmektedir. Bunlar: Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Yeterlikleri ÜNİVERSİTE MEZUNLARI İÇİN Akredite edilmiģ üniversite, enstitü veya dengi okullardan Lisans ya da daha üstü seviyede bir dereceye sahip olmak Yeni ürün geliģtirme alanında, toplamı son dört yıl içerisinde olmak üzere, en az 2 yıllık profesyonel mesleki deneyim sahibi olmak EĞĠTĠM DENEYĠM BĠLGĠ LİSE ve ÖN LİSANS MEZUNLARI İÇİN Akredite edilmiģ lise, meslek yüksek okulu veya dengi okullardan diploma sahibi olmak Yeni ürün geliģtirme alanında, toplamı son sekiz yıl içerisinde olmak üzere, en az 5 yıllık profesyonel mesleki deneyim sahibi olmak Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Sınavından Geçerli Not Almak NPDP Sertifikası Geçici Statü (NPDP Provisional Status): Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika sınavına gerekli deneyim yılına sahip olmadan da girilebilir. Bu durumda sınavdan geçerli not alan -ancak deneyim seviyesi gereksinimi karşılamayanadaylara Geçici Statü (NPDP Provisional Status) verilir. Geçici Statüye sahip adaylar takip eden 5 yıl PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 3 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

içerisinde gerekli deneyim seviyesine eriştikleri taktirde, bir daha sınava girmeksizin, Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikasına sahip olurlar. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI SINAVI KAPSAMI NEDĠR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası sınavı aģağıdaki tabloda belirtilen temel 6 ürün geliģtirme konu baģlığını kapsayan 200 çoktan seçmeli sorudan oluģmaktadır. Konu BaĢlığı Soru Sayısı Yüzdesi Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Stratejisi 30 15% Yeni Ürün Portföy Yönetimi 20 10% Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Süreçleri 40 20% Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Araçları ve Performans Metrikleri 40 20% Yeni Ürün Pazar AraĢtırması 30 15% Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Takımları ve Organizasyonları 40 20% Toplam 200 100% Sınavı baģarı ile geçmek için 200 sorunun en az 150 tanesi (%75) doğru olarak cevaplanmalıdır. Sınav süresi 3 1/2 saattir. Sınav sonucu, testin tamamlanmasının ardından hemen açıklanmaktadır. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI SINAVINA NASIL HAZIRLANILIR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası sınavına PDMA onaylı sertifikalı eğitmenler ile hazırlanılması tavsiye edilmektedir. RoadMap AKADEMĠ, PDMA tarafından sertifikalı eğitmen (NPDP- REP) statüsünde olan Türkiye deki ilk ve tek kurumdur. Alanında, Avrupa daki üç, Dünyadaki on altı adet sayılı uzman kurumdan bir tanesidir. RoadMap AKADEMĠ, Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika sınavına hazırlık eğitimlerini, bu alandaki iģ ortağı PDMA Master Trainer statüsündeki NP LEARNING firması ile iģbirliği içerisinde Sınıfta Eğitim ve On-Line Eğitim olmak üzere 2 farklı biçimde vermektedir. Eğitimler genele açık, gruplara özel ve firmalara özel olarak düzenlenmektedir. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI EĞĠTĠMLERĠNĠN ĠÇERĠĞĠ NEDĠR, PDMA TARAFINDAN ÖNERĠLEN KAYNAKLAR NELERDĠR? Eğitimler PDMA tarafından sertifikalı (NPDP-REP) eğitmenler tarafından verilmektedir Eğitim içeriği PDMA tarafından lisanslanmıģ ve belirlenmiģ kapsam dahilindedir On-Line eğitimler PDMA Master Trainer statüsündeki iģ ortağımız NP LEARNING firması ile iģbirliği içerisinde düzenlenmektedir. Sınıfta ve on-line olarak verilen eğitimlerin dokümanları ve sunumları Ġngilizcedir. Türkiye de verilen eğitimlerde dokümanlar ve sunumlar Ġngilizcedir. Anlatımlarda eğitim dökümanlarına ve sunumlara uygun olarak Ġngilizce ile desteklenen Türkçe dili kullanılmaktadır. NP LEARNING tarafından yapılan tüm sunum ve dökümanlar Ġngilizcedir. PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 4 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

Eğitimlerde 300 den fazla pratik hazırlanma sorusunun olduğu soru bankası adaylara sınava hazırlanmalarında oldukça önemli fayda sağlamaktadır. Eğitimin içerdiği temel konu baģlıkları ve bölümlere özel öncelikli PDMA referansları (çalıģma kılavuzları) Ģu biçimdedir: PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 5 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

Öncelikli PDMA Referansları Temel Konu Başlıkları Öncelikli PDMA Referansları Temel Konu Başlıkları Öncelikli PDMA Referansları Temel Konu Başlıkları Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Stratejisi Kurumsal Misyon, Vizyon ve Değerler İş Stratejisi ve Strateji Unsurları Ürün Stratejisi ve Türleri Ürün İnovasyonu Türleri Ürün İnovasyonu Kılavuz Dokümanı Cooper, Robert G., Winning at New Products Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New Products Management Wheelwright, S. C. and K. B. Clark, Revolutionizing Product Development Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Süreçleri Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Süreçleri Tanımları Stage Gate ve Phase Review Süreçleri Ürün Geliştirme Başlangıç Aşamaları (Fuzzy Front End) Ürün Geliştirme Aşamaları Karar Verme Yaklaşımları Süreçlerin Yöneticiliği Yeni Ürün Portföy Yönetimi Yeni Ürün Portföy Yönetimi Nedir Portföy Yönetiminde Üst Yönetimin Rolü Portföy Yönetiminin Amacı Yeni Ürün Projeleri Portföy Türleri Portföy Yönetiminin Temel Araçları Portföy Seçim Yöntemleri Portföy Yönetiminin Entegrasyonu Cooper, Robert G., Scott Edgett, and Elko Kleinschmidt, Portfolio Management for New Products Yeni Ürün Pazar AraĢtırması Ürün Geliştirme Aşamaları ve Araştırma Metotları Genel Pazar Araştırma Yaklaşımları Odaklanmış Tüketici Grup Çalışmaları (Focus Groups) Müşteri Ziyaretleri Anketler Konsept Testi Ürün Kullanım Testi Pazar Testi Cooper, Robert G., Winning at New Products Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New Products Management Cooper, Robert G. and Elko Kleinschmidt, New Products: What Separates Winners from Losers?, Journal of Product Innovation Management Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New Products Management McQuarrie, Edward F., The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide For Beginners Ürün GeliĢtirme Araçları ve Perofrmans Metrikleri Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Araçları Portföy Yönetimi Finansal Analiz ve Tahmin Fikirlerin Ortaya Çıkartılması QFD (Kalite Fonksiyon Yayılımı) & HoQ (Kalite Evi) Mühendislik Analiz ve Tasarım Araçları Proje Yönetimi Pazar Araştırması/Pazarlama Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Metrikleri Esaslar Başarının Ölçümü Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New Products Management Griffin, Abbie and Albert Page, 1996, PDMA Success Measurement Project: Recommended Measures for Product Development Success and Failure, Journal of Product Innovation Management Kahn, Kenneth B., Editor, The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development Rosenau, Milton D. Jr., Successful Project Management Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Takımları ve Organizasyonları Tanımlar Proje Takımı Organizasyonları Takım Kültürü ve Süreçler Takımı Oluşturmak ve Yönetmek Takımların Desteklenmesi Aranda, Eileen K., Luis Aranda, and Kristi Conlon, Teams: Structure, Process, Culture, and Politics Wheelwright, S. C. and K. B. Clark, Revolutionizing Product Development PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 6 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

ARALIK Sınıfta İstanbul KASIM EKİM Sınıfta İstanbul EYLÜL YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI EĞĠTĠMLERĠN SÜRESĠ NEDĠR, 2011 3. & 4. ÇEYREK TAKVĠMĠ NASILDIR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimlerinin süreleri Ģu biçimdedir: RoadMap ACADEMY tarafından Ġstanbul da verilen hafta sonu eğitimleri toplam 33 saattir; 3 hafta sonu olmak üzere 6 gün sürmektedir. RoadMap ACADEMY tarafından Ġstanbul da hafta içi ve Ġstanbul dıģında verilen eğitimler toplam 33 saattir; 1 hafta içi olmak üzere 5 gün sürmektedir. Web üzerinden yapılan on-line eğitimler PDMA Master Trainer statüsündeki iģ ortağımız NP LEARNING firmasının uzman eğitmenlerince verilmekte; NP LEARNING web sayfası ( üzerinden 7/24 sağlanmaktadır. Kurs süresi 6 haftadır. Kurumlara özel olarak verilen eğitimlerin süre ve takvimlerinde değiģiklikler yapılabilir. Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası sınıfta ve on-line 2011 3.&4. Çeyrek Eğitim Takvimi aģağıdadır: YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI EĞĠTĠMLERĠ 2011 3.&4. Çeyrek Eğitim Takvimi Pazartesi Salı Çarşamba Perşembe Cuma Cumartesi Pazar - - - 1 2 3 4 5 OnLine 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 OnLine 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OnLine 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 OnLine 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Açıklamalar: 1. On-Line eğitimler için belirtilen tarihler eğitim başlangıç tarihleridir. Kayıtlar üzerinden yapılmaktadır 2.Hafta sonu sınıf eğitimleri için kayıtlar üzerinden yapılmaktadır YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI EĞĠTĠMLERĠNE KĠMLER KATILMALIDIR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimleri için tavsiye edilen genel katılımcı profili: Ürün GeliĢtirme ve AraĢtırma GeliĢtirme Yöneticileri Ür-Ge ve Ar-Ge Takım Liderleri ve Üyeleri Proje ve ĠĢ GeliĢtirme Takım Liderleri ve Üyeleri ġirket Yöneticileri Ürün Yöneticileri, Ürün Sorumluları PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 7 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

Ġnovasyon Projeleri Yöneticileri Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme ve inovasyon Konularına Ġlgi Duyan Profesyoneller Hizmet ve Servis GeliĢtirmeden Sorumlu Yöneticiler ve ÇalıĢanlar GiriĢimciler DanıĢmanlar Akademisyenler YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI EĞĠTĠMLERĠ NEREDE VERĠLĠR, EĞĠTĠM ÜCRETĠ NEDĠR, ÜCRETE NELER DAHĠLDĠR? NPDP Sınıfta Eğitimler: Sınıfta yapılan Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimleri özel olarak tasarlanmıģ eğitim salonlarında yapılmaktadır. Eğitimlerin kesinleģmiģ yer bilgisi etkinlik duyurularında verilmektedir. Kurumlara özel verilen eğitimler için yer talebe göre ayrıca belirlenebilir. Örnek Eğitim Sınıfı Örnek Eğitim Sınıfı Sınıfta yapılan genele açık Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimlerine katılım bedeli Etkinlik Kayıt Sayfasında ilan edilmektedir. 2011 ilk eğitimlere özel %30 iskontolu tanıtım fiyatı ile eğitim kiģi baģı 1.750 $ + KDV dir. Bu fiyat içerisine sınav ücretleri dahil değildir. Eğitimlere, aynı firmadan 2-4 kiģi arası katılımlarda % 10; 4 ve üzeri katılımlarda %15; Firma Desteksiz Bireysel Katılımlarda % 10; Akademisyen ve Öğrencilere % 10; ĠĢsiz Uzmanlara % 15; indirim uygulanmaktadır. [Gruplara ve firmaya özel indirimler katılımcı sayıları ve eğitim kapsamına göre özel olarak değerlendirilir.] Katılımcı sayısı her eğitim için en fazla 15 katılımcı ile sınırlıdır. Eğitimlere kayıtlı kiģi sayısı 7 kiģinin altına düģtüğünde eğitim ertelenir. Katılımlar öncelik sırasına göre değerlendirilmektedir. [Gruplara ve firmaya özel eğitimler katılımcı sayıları ve eğitim kapsamına göre özel olarak değerlendirilir.] PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 8 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

Sınıfta yapılan genele açık Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimlerine eğitim notları, katılım belgesi, gün içinde çay/kahve ikramı, açık büfe öğle yemeği, teknik ekipmanlar (projeksiyon, wireless, vb.),dosya, bloknot, kalem hizmetleri dahildir. Otopark ücretleri hariçtir. NPDP On-Line Eğitimler: Web üzerinden yapılan on-line eğitimler NP LEARNING firmasının web sayfası ( üzerinden 7/24 sağlanmaktadır. Kurs süresi 6 haftadır. On-Line Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimlerine katılım bedeli, 2011 yılı için, kiģi baģı 1.689 $ dır. Bu fiyat içerisine sınav ücretleri dahil değildir. Eğitimlere kayıt web sayfasından yapılmaktadır. On-Line Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimlerine sınav hazırlık el kitabı, PDMA tavsiye edilen makaleler ve on-line pratik test soru bankası dahildir. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI SINAVINA NASIL BAġVURULUR, SÜREÇ NASIL ĠġLER VE SINAVA NERELERDE GĠRĠLĠR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası sınav baģvurusu PDMA tam üyelik statüsündeki üyeler için ücretsiz; Öğrenci ve Takım Üyelikleri statüsünde olanlar için 100 $; üye olmayanlar için 200 $ dır. [PDMA üyeliği RoadMap tarafından tavsiye edilmektedir]. Bunun yanı sıra, PDMA üyesi olsun yada olmasın, sınavların yapıldığı ProMetric test merkezleri tarafından sınava giren adaylardan sınav bedeli olarak 250 $ alınmaktadır. Sınava ancak PDMA tarafından verilecek sınav giriģ onay belgesi ile ProMetric Test Merkezlerinde girilebilir. Sınavda baģarılı olan adaylara, sınav sonrasında (yaklaģık) 4 hafta içerisinde NPDP sertifikası, kartı ve rozeti PDMA tarafından gönderilmektedir. Not: Sınava, alınacak RoadMap ACADEMY eğitimi sonrasındaki ilk iki hafta içerisinde girilmesi tavsiye edilmektedir. YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASININ DEVAMLILIĞI NASIL SAĞLANIR? Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası alan bireyler, sertifikalarının devamlılığını sağlamak için 3 yıl içerisinde 60 Mesleki GeliĢim Puanı (PDH) toplamak zorundadırlar. Zorunlu olmamak ile birlikte her yıl 20 Mesleki GeliĢim Puanı alınması tavsiye edilmektedir. PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 9 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

YENĠ ÜRÜN GELĠġTĠRME UZMANI (NPDP) SERTĠFĠKASI SINIF VE ON-LINE EĞĠTĠMLERĠ KĠMLER TARAFINDAN VERĠLMEKTEDĠR? Hasan ACÜL Öğrenim ve Sertifikalar Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Bilim ve Teknoloji Stratejileri Yüksek Lisans, 2011 Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği Lisans, 1999 PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası ve PDMA NPDP REP (Sertifikalı Eğitmen) Onayı, 2011 Tübitak-Tüsside Ar-Ge Uzmanı Sertifikası,2006 Genel Profil Hasan ACÜL ün mesleki uzmanlık alanları yeni ürün geliştirme, ürün inovasyonu yönetimi, proje yönetimi, soğutma ve iklimlendirme, enerji verimliliği ve yönetimidir. Belirtilen alanlarda çeşitli kongre, konferans, sempozyum ve mesleki dergilerde yer almış ulusal ve uluslar arası bir çok yayını mevcuttur. Hasan ACÜL, Uluslararası Ürün Geliştirme ve Yönetimi Birliği (PDMA) tarafından verilen Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP, New Product Development Professional) Sertifikasına sahip olup ülkemizde bu sertifikayı alan ilk kişidir. Bunun yanı sıra, NPDP sertifikası eğitimleri için Türkiye de PDMA tarafından sertifikalı eğitmen olarak onaylanmış ilk ve tek uzmandır. Hasan ACÜL ayrıca Tübitak/Tüsside Ar-Ge Uzmanı Sertifikasına da sahiptir. Hasan ACÜL mesleki deneyimini ısıtma, soğutma, iklimlendirme sektöründe faaliyet gösteren çeşitli firmaların şantiye, satış, üretim ve ağırlıklı olarak ürün geliştirme bölümlerinde mühendislik, eğitmenlik ve yöneticilik görevleri yaparak edinmiştir. Kurucu ortak sıfatı ile yer aldığı RoadMap öncesinde son olarak, Friterm A.Ş Ar-Ge Bölüm Müdürlüğü ve Friterm Akademi Yöneticiliği görevleri yapmıştır. Proje ve Mühendislik Yöneticisi Olarak İş Deneyimleri Araştırma ve Ürün Geliştirme Projeleri Firmaya Özel Sektörel Tasarım ve Ürün Seçim Yazılımları Geliştirme Projeleri Ortamla Dengeli Tip Kalorimetrik Test Laboratuarı Tasarlanması ve Kurulması Projesi Soğutma ve İklimlendirme Sistemlerinde Enerji Verimliliği Sektörel Sertifikasyon Faaliyetleri (Eurovent Certification) Avrupa Birliği 7. Çerçeve Programı Geleceğin Kobisi Projesi Faaliyetleri (EU FP7 FutureSME Project) Teknik Makale, Doküman, Eğitim, Kitap Hazırlama ve Yayınlama Faaliyetleri Firma Kurumsal İnovasyon Faaliyetleri Ar-Ge Destek ve Teşvikleri Faaliyetleri Firma Kurumsal Akademi Yöneticiliği ve Eğitmenliği Faaliyetleri Firma Üniversite-Sanayi Projeleri Faaliyetleri ON-LINE EĞĠTĠMLERĠN EĞĠTMENLERĠ On-Line Yeni Ürün GeliĢtirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifika eğitimleri NP LEARNING LLC Ken Westray PE, NPDP ile William S. Little, Ph.D., NPDP tarafından verilmektedir. Eğitmen özgeçmiģleri web sayfasında verilmektedir. PDMA Yeni Ürün Geliştirme Uzmanı (NPDP) Sertifikası Eğitimileri Bilgilendirme Dokümanı / Rev 0.21 / 11.08.2011 10 / 10 Tüm Yasal Hakları RDMP Eğitim, Danışmanlık, Mühendislik İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Firmasına Aittir.

PDMA News and Extras Report from certification NPDP certification from PDMA reaches its first decade Dear PDMA member As head of the PDMA certification program, I m happy to report that more than 1,200 professionals have now received certification through PDMA s new product development professional (NPDP) certification exam, and that the program has reached an important milestone one decade of operation. A steady stream of executives continues to apply for this valuable certification thus confirming its value and its vast recognition both in the U.S. and abroad. NPDP certification was a major topic of discussion at the Chapter Presidents meeting last fall in Anaheim, Calif., which preceded PDMA s 2009 annual conference. NPDP certification was also discussed at the Global Leadership Forum, a new event also held in Anaheim during PDMA s annual conference, which brought together representatives from many PDMA affiliates outside the U.S. Twenty-six countries now can claim to have certified professionals within their borders. PDMA is continuing to expand its list of registered education providers (REP) and almost half of these trainers are based outside the U.S. today. List of REPs is expanding New REPs include Richard Notargiacomo, New York; Oscar Acuna, Mexico; Yu-wei Tseng, Taiwan; Chad McAllister, Colorado; and Clara Fleisher Kosanoff, Mexico. As these providers complete development of their training, you will find links under the website for them along with the existing REPs. The REPs offer classes of various lengths, online courses, and other training material. Check out the Certification section of the website for more information. ( The certification committee, one of the principle committees under the board of directors, is continuing to improve the certification program within PDMA. A subcommittee led by Jerry Groen with support from Al Page, Tom Hustad, Kathy Morrissey, Mary Drotar, Ken Westray, and Bill Kelleher has been updating the current NPDP Certification Preparation Review. The first section of the NPDP Review, which covers product development strategy, is being rolled out to REPs, allowing them to update their own training material. An update to the test, which will cover new material in the strategy section, is also being developed. Education providers will have approximately three months to begin teaching the new material before the test is put online through Prometrics, which is expected to occur in late spring of 2010. Other activities strengthen the program The program is being strengthened in a number of other ways: Guy Belletete and Ann Zakrowski are reviewing the PDMA Glossary of Terms as well as a certification glossary that is used by the REPs as an aid in the training for certification. Our goal is to have one set of terms and definitions that can be used globally. Once we have agreed on the reference base, we will be looking for help from the international REPs and global affiliates to help develop multiple language versions of the key terms in New Product Development and Innovation. Dave Newman, Ann Zakrowski, and Deana Bright have restructured the Certification section of the website to make it easier to find information. Testimonial videos are also included in the new website. Information is available on the website describing how to become certified and how to track your professional development hours (PDHs) online to maintain your certification. And as always, our headquarters staff is readily available to assist you and answer questions. A PowerPoint presentation has been developed for chapters and affiliates to promote certification during their regular activities. A flier Gain the Edge was updated and used at the PDMA Annual International Conference in November 2009. We welcome your ideas and participation to continue to improve our certification program. Please contact me at Bill Kelleher, NPDP, VP Certification ( Students at REP workshop led by Ken Westray 36 march 2010 PDMA Visions Magazine

PDMA News Capital One practitioner talks about the value of PDMA s NPDP certification program Karen Kardian David Newman Karen Kardian, NPDP, Manager, Product Management, Capital One, Inc. (; interviewed by David Newman, NPDP, Engineering Consultant, The Coca-Cola Company, PDMA NPDP Certification Committee Member ( Today, service companies are ramping up their new product development (NPD) efforts. To train internal staff in NPD best practices and techniques, a number of these companies are using PDMA s New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program. In this article, Karen Kardian, Manager of Product Management at Capital One, talks about the benefits she has gained from her NPDP certification. David Newman: How does being NPDP-certified benefit product managers like you? Karen Kardian: Certification in the product development industry is recommended for those focusing on their development and improving their skill set. I recommend the New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program. It defines a career path and provides As a result of this certification, I am a better practitioner in the new product development and marketing arena. Karen Kardian, Capital One validation of skills. Learning more about new product development (NPD) is one way to succeed in the industry and pursue development goals. Certification also distinguishes you from your peers who have not received the certification. This can be a differentiating factor when exploring new opportunities. For me, certification ensures the use of NPD best practices and frameworks when looking to solve new product or marketing challenges. The NPDP certification also promotes communication by providing a common language for those in the industry. It pairs experience against theory and enables you to communicate with others regarding challenges. One of the outstanding benefits of NPDP certification is ensuring the use of the acceptable frameworks and best practices that have been proven over time by the PDMA. When other product managers within my organization look to expand their product development knowledge, I recommend the NPDP certification to assist in their personal development. Newman: What process did you follow to get certified? Kardian: My first introduction into the NPDP certification arena consisted of a two-day training course. This gave me an overview of all the modules and areas of focus within the NPDP exam. Then I set up a study group with one of my peers at Capital One where we reviewed articles and had discussions in preparation for the exam. These study sessions really allowed us to focus on the material and discuss key points for clarification. Newman: PDMA requires continuous learning and a recertification process every three years. How do you remain current? Kardian: The primary way that I maintain certification is to attend the PDMA annual conference. This provides the opportunity to hear the industry s leading speakers, have round-table discussions with others in the PDMA industry, and reconnect with colleagues. The round-table conversation gives a forum to discuss service marketing and product development in a more intimate setting. The yearly conference provides updates on the latest trends specific to new product development. I also attended a conference workshop to go in-depth on specific principles of NPD such as portfolio management. This was invaluable in understanding the best practices specific to managing a portfolio of products. Workshops and chapter meetings provide education and recertification credits. Newman: What would you tell someone who is considering NPDP certification? Kardian: I continue to incorporate my NPDP certification as part of my professional growth in the product managers family within Capital One. As a result of this certification, I am a better practitioner in the new product development and marketing arena. I would recommend the NPDP certification to others in the new product, service, and marketing development industry. 32 JUNE 2008 PDMA VISIONS MAGAZINE

PDMA News First Data Corporation uses NPDP certification to accelerate its NPD programs Jamie Henry David Newman Jamie Henry, NPDP, Director of Product Management, First Data Corporation, President of the PDMA Rocky Mountains Chapter (; interviewed by David Newman, NPDP, Engineering Consultant at The Coca-Cola Company ( More and more companies are finding the certification the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) offers useful in training employees in the field of new product development. First Data now has over 50 professionals who have achieved the NPDP (New Product Development Professional) certification. In this article, David Newman interviews Jamie Henry, Director of Product Management at First Data Corporation about his company s commitment to the NPD process and use of the PDMA certification process. David Newman: Why is innovation important to First Data? Jamie Henry: First Data is a leading major provider of electronic commerce and payment solutions to financial institutions and other companies. Innovation is very important to us in this field, and we believe that a significant portion of our company s future growth in both revenue and profit will stem from successfully launching new products that are highly valued in the marketplace. Our customers are viewing our products as a means of gaining a competitive advantage in their business, so we need to continue to innovate to meet their evolving needs. We also view innovation as tool to combat the price compression that is inherent in most industries. Newman: Tell me about First Data s certification program. Henry: First Data s Commercial Services organization is in the midst of certifying 130 employees in our Product and Business Development team. Over 50 employees have become NPDP [New Product Development Professional]-certified since mid-2005 and the list is growing NPDP certification provides a common, fundamental skill set and will allow us to continue building and improving the skills of our team. Jamie Henry, First Data almost every day. The success of our homegrown program has allowed us to expand to other individuals outside of product development, including members of our marketing, finance, and business strategy teams. The president of our Commercial Services, Product and Business Development team, Barry McCarthy, said, PDMA and the NPDP certification ensures that my product management team has a common language and knowledge of industry best practices to help us accelerate our rate of product innovation. Every product manager in our Product and Business Development group is scheduled to participate in one of our 12-week sessions, which consist of a short kickoff meeting, three group review sessions, and one capstone workshop. The review sessions are held via a teleconference for those that are traveling or out of the office. We typically hold one class per quarter, with class sizes averaging between 25 and 30 participants. At the end of the training, there is a reward and recognition ceremony for those that achieve certification. Newman: What is First Data hoping to achieve by encouraging its employees to become NPDP certified? Henry: There really are two main reasons we are undertaking this initiative. First, we recognize the value of having everyone both inside and outside of the product development group understand new product development terminology and strategies. Second, our development process which includes gate reviews and status meetings is much more productive and efficient because our senior management teams, managers, and individual contributors all understand what is required to develop a product according to best practice. Newman: What have been the primary benefits your company has realized since it has undertaken this certification program? Henry: NPDP training and certification has allowed our team to successfully and efficiently implement a structured new product development process across our organization. NPDP certification was a key instrument in rolling out our NPD process because it helped our team members to not only understand the process better, but also understand the value of the process, which ultimately helped obtain buy-in from the team. The knowledge associated with NPDP certification is also allowing our team to move to the next level of our NPD process, which is overall portfolio management. This will allow our senior management team, as well as our product managers, to have a much more strategic perspective on our innovation efforts. Newman: Would you recommend a program similar to this to other senior managers? Henry: I would highly recommend NPDP certification for product development teams in general. Because our team at First Data found value in NPDP certification, we wanted to develop a practical way to help our employees gain this knowledge and achieve certification. NPDP certification provides a common, fundamental skill set and will allow us to continue building and improving the skills of our team by leveraging NPDP certification as a solid foundation. Jamie Henry, NPDP, is Director of Product Management at First Data Corporation and President of the PDMA Rocky Mountains Chapter. David Newman NPDP, is Engineering Consultant at The Coca-Cola Company. PDMA VISIONS MAGAZINE MARCH 2008 29

PDMA News and Announcements Certification News FedEx uses NPDP certification to achieve greater NPD success Donald Comer Ken Westray Certification Editor by Donald Comer, NPNP, Director, New Product Development (, Federal Express and Ken Westray, PE, NPDP, PDMA Certification Committee and President, NP Learning, LLC ( PDMA offers a certification program through its New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program. More and more companies are finding the NPDP program a knowledge standard for what they expect their people to know. In the article below, Ken Westray interviews an executive at Federal Express (FedEx) about how the company took advantage of PDMA s certification program and what he expects their company to get out of it. Federal Express now has over 20 certified NPDP professionals. Ken Westray: Why is innovation important to FedEx? Donald Comer: Our CEO Fredrick W. Smith values innovation highly. As he told the Executives Club of Chicago in 2004, Simply put, innovation drives corporate value. It powers growth and reduces costs. From the time our company was founded, innovation has fueled growth at FedEx. The two words are nearly synonymous. FedEx created an industry based on innovation, taking an idea outlined in a college term paper and building an industry. With ever increasing competition, the importance of continuing innovation and creating new value propositions for our customers are key. Innovation continues to allow FedEx to extend its reach, and to find new and exciting markets to conquer. From its early successes that include being the first all cargo airline delivering such services as the Overnight Letter and Saturday Delivery to the drive for innovation and differentiation that created the guaranteed 10:30 a.m. Delivery or your money back, we just keep driving for the next new frontier. Most recently, innovation lead FedEx to acquire Kinko s, creating more than 1,000 new points of access for our customers. Westray: Why was NPDP certification important to the innovation efforts at FedEx? Comer: With innovation playing such a pivotal role at FedEx, having a predictable and disciplined approach to driving new ideas to market is important. And having talented and skilled staff to lead the way is equally as important. To us, the New Product Development Professional Certification seemed like a logical tool to gauge the level of understanding of the key tenets of innovation and New Product Development as well as to identify bright individuals committed to the craft. Westray: What were you trying to achieve with your team by encouraging their quest for NPDP certification? Comer: As Director of New Product Development at FedEx, I am tasked with providing the structure and discipline necessary to bring the highest quality products and services to market in the shortest amount of time. This can be challenging. The NPDP certification helps to make this happen. The NPDP certification helped my team find a new science of relevance both here at FedEx and within the larger marketing community. If there were ever any doubt in the minds of my team members about the value of their jobs, NPDP certification has put those doubts to rest. I led the way by being the first in my department to complete the certification. Doing that, I discovered a new passion and desire for the higher level of excellence in my craft. Westray: What has been the result in achieving NPDP certification? Comer: Today more than two-thirds of the New Product Development team proudly tout NPDP certification and bring to bear all the credibility and reach of a proven New Product Development Body of Knowledge, helping to tear down walls of doubt and open up new opportunities to innovate and create new value. These FedEx employees, among others, recently achieved NPDP certification. Left to right: (row 1) Camille Ellison, Allen Sparks, Rob Curtis, Monica Adams, Brandi Sisnett (row 2) Cher Tan, Cindy Todd, Jenny Mazumdar, Suna Kosoglu, Amit Khanna, Andrea Williams, Mike Rude (row 3) Karen Beverly Dave Murray, Barry Mobley, Marvin White, Petrick Adams. Westray: What would you say to other senior managers of the benefits of NPDP certification? Comer: One of the best books is a book titled The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni. In this leadership fable, as he likes to call it, Lencioni talks about things like absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability, and inattention to results as obstacles to high performing teams. I have found that the tools the NPDP certification program provide are an effective remedy for these dysfunctions. Additionally, the certification creates more common ground for a team, helps teams with diverse experience to converge, and enables them to better leverage their collective talents. Finally, the NPDP certification supports continued education and professional development, the cloth from which learning-organizations are made. 28 APRIL 2006 PDMA Visions Magazine

PDMA NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Certification News Success stories illustrate value of NPDP Certification PDMA launches Gain the Edge marketing program by Ken Westray, PE, NPDP, member of PDMA Certification Committee ( continue to grow, and NPDP certification makes sure you Gain the Edge and won t be left behind. Ray Starbir, NPDP 2003, Manager, New Product Development, Cox Communications, Inc. Earning NPDP certification is a powerful example of an individual s dedication to the craft of product development. It is a potent complement to experience, communications skills, and the other vital talents professionals continually develop. Late last year a new Ken Westray NP Learning, Inc. Gain the Edge! Campaign Promotes NPDP Certification To bring home the value of NPDP certification, PDMA has launched a major marketing program called Gain the Edge aimed at new product professionals. The program explains the benefits of certification and how to achieve it. Details may be found at! In the last 18 months, 103 individuals have Gained the Edge in their professional careers by becoming New Product Development Professionals (NPDP) in PDMA s Certification program. The importance of certification for these individuals is reflected in the slogan of PDMA s new marketing program, which focuses on how individuals Gain the Edge in NPD when they become certified. The job titles of recently certified individuals ranged from Vice President of New Product Development or Innovation to Design Engineer, Project Manager, Researcher, Scientist, and Market Researcher. These individuals came from many geographic regions in the United States, as well abroad. PDMA s expansion of the NPDP certification to an international level is another milestone of acceptance for this program. Individuals were certified in countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, India, and New Zealand. The industry sectors that value PDMA NPDP certification continue to expand. They now include financial services, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, construction, software, manufacturing, and various types of consulting. As you read the following personal comments from recent NPDP professionals, remember that they are achieving a return on their investment in time and money by demonstrating their professional excellence through the NPDP Certification Program. As the economy continues to grow, the demand for New Product Development Professionals will vice president joined our team. He was aware that we followed a Stage/Gate process, and my NPDP certification demonstrated that I understand how and why the process works, and the importance of related disciplines, such as portfolio management. Even with my years of New Product Development experience, there One Value of Certification Job Retention were gaps in my knowledge base. NPDP training and certification helped identify and fill those gaps, rounding out my skills and indicating what aspects I need to strengthen. Glenda Wylie, NPDP 2003, Global Strategic Technology Manager, Halliburton Corporation NPDP certification has given me greater organizational visibility and credibility. NPDP certification provided me the product development principles to apply for the Halliburton Corporation to gain greater visibility and credibility with the customers. We continue to improve our New Product Development activities, receiving 16 industry recognition awards. Product revenue has been affected positively through the principles applied from In these uncertain job times where poor corporate profit performance and downsizing can lead to job loss, your ability to differentiate yourself is critical. One way to do this is through PDMA s NPDP certification. Within a few years of its inception, NPDP certification has become an increasingly valued credential within companies. A recent survey conducted by PDMA, for instance, showed that 41percent of respondents agreed with the statement, Certification helps me keep my job by differentiating me from my peers, while 27 percent had no opinion. Here is a typical job-retention comment from one professional: My company was recently purchased and I believe that NPDP certification added to the security of employment with the new company. 32 PDMA VISIONS JULY 2004 VOL. XXVIII NO. 3

the certification process learnings... If I had to do it all over again I would have gotten my NPDP certification sooner. Eric Flett, NPDP 2004, Manager, Business Development, Technical Association of Paper and Pulp (Tappi) The NPDP certification process allowed me to understand what NPD best practices are and concentrate my studies in these areas. The achievement of certification in part satisfied my hunger for knowledge and gave me real feedback on my learning skills. Recently I have been asked to lead a team in identifying new value opportunities for our association. This is a high-visibility assignment which I believed NPDP certification helped me obtain. Guy Belletete, NPDP 2004, Directeur General, Institut de Developpement de Produits, Montreal, Canada C est fantastique! Up to now, we have disseminated product development knowledge on our own, based on reading, attending conferences, inviting experts, and staying close to our members new product developers. Now the NPDP certification represents a major step forward. He says further, We represent a growing community in Quebec of new product developers. Achieving certification helps our professional image and credibility with the local community of development professionals. But the main benefit is that it will bring us a more profound understanding of the best practices and will help to establish a standard of knowledge for a common language. It is our mission to provide the best knowledge available in the world on product development in our community, and aligning our activities with the body of knowledge of PDMA will be an important improvement for us. I see the NPDP certification as a documentation of an individual s professional achievement and I am convinced that this type of achievement will represent an interesting challenge for a lot of people. Including myself, there are three NPDP professionals in the Quebec province; we expect this to grow by several orders of magnitude within the year. w Ken Westray, PE (Professional Engineer), NPDP, is President of Atlanta, Georgiabased NP Learning, Inc. He is also a member of the PDMA Certification Committee and a certified NPDP trainer. NPDP Exams to be Given in Real Time Starting June 2004 Starting in June 2004, NPDP certification will go real time with computer-based testing. PDMA has contracted with Thomson Prometric, the leading global testing center, to host the NPDP exam. When you feel you are ready to sit for the NPDP exam, contact Thomson Prometric via the web at, complete the application, make your payment and select the city, date, and time you want to take the test. No more additional expense for travel, hotel, pencils and erasers, and limited availability hassles. Computer-based testing puts you in control. And the best for last: immediate feedback on how you did! When you hit the finish button, the grading will take place and you will know if you have passed or failed. For more details, rules, regulations, and links go to + Now Offering... A powerful new = resource for full service market research and a seamless process for turning insights into ideas for growth. INSTANT RESPONSE research and FOCUS GROUPS in one session Discover the WHATs. Uncover the WHYs. Find out what customers think of your new concepts. Instantly. Then, go deeper with them in a face-to-face focus group. The best of quantitative and qualitative research. Fast and deep. Innovation Focus Inc. and Innovation Focus Research 111 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster, PA 17602 717.394.2500 PDMA NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS PDMA VISIONS JULY 2004 VOL. XXVIII NO. 3 33

PDMA NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS NPDP Certification Program of PDMA expands steadily Users praise program for multiple benefits by Ken Westray PE, NPDP, PDMA Certification Committee Member and President, Cloud Nine Product Solutions, Inc. ( Recognition and use of PDMA s certification program is growing, as more and more corporations use it to train their new product development managers. Recent conversations with users revealed why they support PDMA s New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program for their people. The benefits of NPDP varied by organization but all agreed that the value was there for them. The acid test of the value of NPDP certification was when the executives were asked if they would have still support certification in these recent difficult times, the answer was a resounding Absolutely yes! Comments ranged from the certification program Is a key to advancement and greater acceptance to the fact that it Helps us differentiate ourselves and It is one of the best things we have ever done. What Do Users Think of NPDP Certification? Executives say NPDP certification has Helped our NPD process gain greater acceptance. Been a key to advancement. Helped us differentiate ourselves. Been one of the best things we have ever done. Like any other investment in life if you want to get a return, you need to take action now. Over 50 individuals with their companies leadership and support have made the investment and already receiving a professional return on their efforts. Questions about NPDP certification? When is the next exam and review workshop? What are do I need to do? Please go to the to the newly redesigned NPDP home page at the PDMA website ( certification/). Here are comments from top executives at four corporations that are using PDMA s certification program. Cingular Wireless, Atlanta GA Almost two years ago in the summer of 2001 Cingular Wireless of Atlanta, GA started a program to get many of their individuals active in new product development certified as New Product Development Professionals (NPDP). The objectives of this initiative were to develop a common NP foundational language, improve the internal professional image internally of the department in this newly formed company and establish realistic professional expectations for individuals. By the end of the year 14 individuals had been NPDP certified. Today, after almost two years, Jeff Schlueter, NPDP, Executive Director, Product Management, who is the executive responsible for approving the training, has this to say: After a dynamic two years in the telecommunication industry the majority of the Abbott Labs Abbott s most recently certified NPDPs are (back row to front row): Timothy Manthei; Mark Ward; Carla Koch, Pharm.D.; Michael Cozine; Timothy Pasternak; Armin Gerhardt, Ph.D., R.Ph., Angie LeCaptain; Jerry Groen; Kathleen Georgen; Lee Reif, Ph.D.; Michael Cain, Ph.D., R.Ph and Joe Bebout. Ken Westray PE, NPDP Cloud Nine Product Solutions, Inc. individuals certified are still active in New Product Development with Cingular Wireless. Schlueter says the certification program has been good for expanding the knowledge (NPD) for use in other parts of the company. Schleuter also stated our NP development process has been strengthened and gained greater acceptance within the organization because of certification. When asked if he would have done the same thing regarding NPDP certification today based on what has transpired during the last two years Schleuter said, Absolutely! Integrated Development Enterprise, Inc. (IDe ), Concord, MA Has NPDP certification helped Integrated Development Enterprise, Inc. (IDe )? Yes it has, says Curtis Spear, NPDP, Vice President, Services. Over a year ago IDe embarked on a program to assist anyone within the organization who wanted to achieve NPDP certification. Twenty individuals responded to this opportunity. Individuals from almost every department sales, marketing, customer service, program management and customer support participated in the NPDP certification program. Preparing to take the exam helped individuals achieved a greater breath and depth of NPD knowledge than what was immediately required for their specific jobs. Spear said, certification was one of the best things we have done in developing our people. Asked to identify the business benefits, he said, during the critical implementation phase of our IDweb NPD software system, the credibility of IDe personnel having the NPDP certification has helped us quickly build a positive team environment with the client. 28 PDMA VISIONS JULY 2003 VOL. XXVII NO. 3

Would he have done the same thing regarding NPDP certification today, based on what has transpired during the last two years? Absolutely! That s a word that has been used before to describe the decision of a corporation in support of NPDP certification, even in these difficult times. IDe uses NPDP certification to differentiate ourselves from the competition, according to Spear. It shows our commitment to understanding the customer s business needs and supporting them with real subject-matter expertise. Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL Abbott Laboratories new product process is strategically driven and customer focused,, said Ed Ogunro, Ph.D., vice president, Hospital Products Division R&D, Medical and Regulatory Affairs, and the new product process owner. Further, our timely and effective project execution requires the cross-functional teamwork and leadership of our Program Managers. Since 2001, Abbott Laboratories has supported the certification of Program Managers as New Product Development Professionals (NPDPs). These individuals have key roles in support of the new product development efforts and are responsible for defining project success criteria, planning and leading the team effort, monitoring and communicating project status, and ensuring satisfactory project completion. The Program Managers are the focal point for this cross-functional teamwork and their roles are very important to the ongoing success of our new product development efforts, said Ogunro. Since the PDMA certification program focuses on strategy, customers and cross-functional teamwork, getting certified in this program increases the credibility of their roles. Recently, we revised our training program for R&D and Medical/Regulatory Affairs, which includes the option for PDMA certification for all Program Managers. Abbott s most recently certified NPDPs are Timothy Manthei; Mark Ward; Carla Koch, Pharm.D.; Michael Cozine; Timothy Pasternak; Armin Gerhardt, Ph.D., R.Ph., Angie LeCaptain; Jerry Groen; Kathleen Georgen; Lee Reif, Ph.D.; Michael Cain, Ph.D., R.Ph and Joe Bebout. PRTM, Boston, MA Since the beginning of the New Product Development Professionals (NPDP) certification program at management consulting firm PRTM two years ago, five directors and seven consultants have become NPDP certified others are in-process. NPDP certification is significant to PRTM because it demonstrates another level of professional standard, excellence, and best prac- Cingular Wireless Newly Certified Cingular NPDP professionals at a celebration luncheon IDE IDE personnel still smiling after just completing a PDMA s certification review workshop PRTM Directors at management consulting firm PRTM who are NPDP certified are pictured here (left to right): Mark Strom, Tavor White, Mark Deck (past President of the PDMA), Ed Yu, and Jeffrey Kaplan. tices that PRTM brings to our clients. Although many regard PRTM as a thought leader in product development, and hundreds of companies have applied PRTM s PACE (Product And Cycle-time Excellence ) framework to achieve faster time-to-market in product development and improved return on R&D investment, we continue to pursue advanced practices, says Mark Deck, NPDP, a Director at PRTM and past President of the PDMA. We have an ongoing commitment to training and ensuring our consultants have industry certifications such as NPDP. NPDP certification is key to the advancement of consultants in our product development practice, says Deck. PRTM appreciates PDMA s dedication to NPDP certification. The program cultivates professionals with competence in new product development, and it raises the bar in terms of practices and performance across multiple industries. w Ken Westray, NPDP, is President of Cloud Nine Product Solutions and a member of the PDMA Certification Committee. PDMA NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS PDMA VISIONS JULY 2003 VOL. XXVII NO. 3 29

Global NPD News Chin-Hsiung (Robert) Tsai News from Taiwan How Taiwan companies can overcome the language barrier when it comes to PDMA s NPDP certification program Chin-Hsiung (Robert) Tsai, R&D Innovation Dept., China Productivity Center, Taiwan ( Business leaders in Taiwan are determined to help companies excel at innovation. One way they want to do that is through making PDMA s well-recognized certification program for product developers easier to absorb even in Mandarin Chinese, the standard language in that country. Here s how the China Productivity Center (CPC) came up with ways to help executives study for the PDMA s New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program both in English and Chinese. CPC s Robert Tsai told Visions editor April Klimley how this training works. April Klimley: What is the CPC and why it is taking a lead in training executives in new product development (NPD)? Robert Tsai: The China Productivity Center (CPC) is management training and consulting organization headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan s capital city. The center is made up of a staff and members. The members are executives who work at Taiwan-based companies. The center focuses on the development of companies in Taiwan through training the executives in our member companies. We play an important role in helping members improve their management skills. Establishing new competencies such as NPD knowledge is becoming more and more important since we can no longer rely simply on manufacturing for economic growth in Taiwan. Exhibit 1: New Product Development Professional Certification Exam Review Session Training Program Jan. Concept Evaluation Initial Plan Program Start Practice Preview & Modification Closing Program NPD Portfolio Orientation for NPD Training Recruiting and Evaluation NPD Strategy NPD Process NPD Team and Organization NPD Tools and Metrics Training Courses Materials Making and Evaluation Materials Making (According to expertise & interests) Study Meeting (sharing and modification) Materials Gate Review Presentation Gate Review NPDP EXAM Training Promotion NPD Market Research SOURCE: Robert Tsai, The China Productivity Center, Taiwan. 24 MARCH 2009 PDMA Visions Magazine

Klimley: How did you learn about PDMA s New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification program? Tsai: We ve met a number of members of PDMA who are NPD experts, such as Robin Karol, PDMA s Executive Director, who traveled here and gave a presentation, and Peter Koen, whom we visited in the U.S. That s how we found out about NPDP certification. And many of us at the CPC decided it would be helpful for executives here to gain this kind of certification. It will help us in Taiwan to achieve our mission of expanding our industry base through innovation. We believe this is an efficient way to do this. Klimley: How did you go about this training? Tsai: The first step was an exploration mission. Three of our consultants from our R&D Innovation Department traveled to the U.S. to find out more about this exam, visit PDMA headquarters, and also speak to some U.S. companies about their innovation processes. Klimley: What was next? Tsai: These three consultants become our cross-pollinators to promote NPDP at CPC. In fact, they created a NPDP preparation program right here at our center. The first step was to create a study group to prepare for the examination (see Exhibit 1 on page 24). Klimley: How did they form the group? Tsai: We had to match the needs of executives with this discipline of NPD as outlined in the certification materials. We ended up recruiting study members from five divisions of CPC Services and Logistics, Management Consulting, Business Integration, Project Integration Business, and the core group, R&D Innovation Department. All the members had to be evaluated to join the study group, and their performance has been reviewed periodically. Exhibit 2: Glossary of New Product Development Terms in Chinese Terms in English Terms in Chinese 1 Business Case 2 Collaborative Product Development 3 Concept Testing 4 Customer Site Visits 5 Cross-Functional Team 6 Flexible Gate 7 Fuzzy Front End 8 New-to-the-World Product 9 Prospectors 10 Product Architecture 11 Pipeline Management 12 Portfolio Management 13 Qualitative Marketing Research 14 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 15 Radical Innovation 16 Simulated Test Market (STM) 17 Stage-Gate Process 18 Voice of the Customer(VOC) SOURCE: Robert Tsai, The China Productivity Center, Taiwan. PDMA Visions Magazine MARcH 2009 25