Izmir Teams Championship 2010(Round 14)

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1 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Buyuksehir beyaz vs Zelal u Buyuksehir beyaz Zelal u Zelal u Buyuksehir beyaz M.Bilgen U.Aykal H Yildizog B Aslan H.Goksu U.Oztunc ryilmaz Kubac Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs PA x 00-1 IMPs Buyuksehir beyaz Zelal u This segment 1 Penalty 0 0 Carryover 0 0 total References: BridgeBase online. dited by M.ugino

2 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz : Zelal u - 0 o 0 c K 10 Q J10 A A Q A K K K J Q J10 AQ J : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p 1 p p 1 p p p h_karluk: it was obvious that declarer would pitch his loser at table to K K T.. J.. J.... T h_karluk: say aykal had AK would play K 1stly Q.. Q.. #1 :: Q,A,, # :: Q,,A, # ::,A,,T # :: J,,K, # ::,T,K,A # :: K,,, # ::,,, # ::,J,, # ::,,, #10 ::,K,, #11 ::, T, J, J #1 ::, T,, #1 ::,Q, Q, h_karluk: here we go h_karluk: okay that s my bad, just remembered, goksu was a few times in local club i played, i remembered now, our national player..p..1..p..p..1.. h_karluk: many times elected, sorry all h_karluk: safe Q lead brings tricks for defense....p..p..p.. Q.. A Q.... A.. h_karluk: 10 count.... A.... T.. J.. h_karluk: a slip in Oztunc s defense.. K T.. K.. A.. K.... h_karluk: shld let aykal s wins.. h_karluk: aykal refused to have K so there were not any need to overtake his winner J

3 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 1 : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz o 0 c K 10 Q J10 A A Q A K K K J Q J10 AQ J : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p 1 p p X p p 1 p p X p 1 p p p #1 :: Q,A,, # :: Q,,A,K # :: T,K,A, # ::,,J, # ::,A,,T # :: J,,, # :: K,,, # ::,,, Q # ::,,, #10 ::,,, J vugraphzfs: Herkese merhabalar baˆ lamak ˆ zere yusufb: selam tekrardan vugraphzfs: Arkas takˆ mˆ maˆ henˆ z baˆ lamadan 1VP telefon cezasˆ aldˆ yusufb: 11 maclar baslˆ yo champ i: ˆ zgˆ r karo ˆ ˆ ksa iyidi vahaboglu: belki de T derlerdi n_aydogdu: var nt derler fakat batˆ dan batar dogudan olabˆ lˆ r..p..1 yusufb: acaba inverted x mi oynuyolar bulent xxx le caktˆ roswolf: trapppy for e/w any plus score will be a good result imo..p..p vahaboglu: RDB a Kuzeyin 1 dediˆ ini varsayˆ yoruz begse: pike iyi gelinmiˆ vahaboglu: baˆ ka bir ˆ ey dˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ lemez zaten yusufb: muhtemelen oyle yoksa nezih AQXX le ceza atardˆ xx ten sonra begse: bu konturda tamamen benim tercihim dˆ ˆ ˆ....p vugraphzfs: son durum iˆ in yusufb: 1 makul..p..1 vugraphzfs: sonuˆ lar ve sˆ ralama roswolf: could be a straight push.. hedyg: he can make this roswolf: east showing safety inclinations..p hedyg: but nothing more gulyas: x should have been p csabi: with an endplay csabi: no, not csabi: sluff and rudd is ok csabi: rudd csabi: ruff, i van t type gulyas: :) hedyg: right no endplay roswolf: yup east didnt get his heart ruff sstavros: dbl end play = csabi: so roswolf: hmm very lucky with the layout gulyas: right, double endplay yusufb: en sonunda soledi vahaboglu: sadece 1 ile uyandˆ ran bir ortaˆ a karˆ ˆ biraz agessif gibi..p..p.. Q vahaboglu: diˆ er odada champ i: tahminime gˆ re cl oynayˆ p nt olcak.. A champ i: ataktan cl ˆ ˆ kˆ lsa batardˆ.. adriansou:..... Q vahaboglu: ama tutmuˆ.... A champ i: kendi maˆ ˆ mˆ zada yorum yapmak heyecanlˆ mˆ ˆ.. K.. T.. K champ i: kˆ r yusufb: batabilir normalde 1 batˆ yo ama bilmesi zor.. A J vahaboglu: lˆ bile olabilir A.... T.. J.. yusufb: puan var teke karsˆ K var yinede oluyo bence agresif degil tamam uyandˆ rma ama eldede koz 1 1 var

4 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Buyuksehir beyaz : Zelal u - 0 o PA c K J K Q K J AQ10 J AQ10 K 10 J AQ10 A : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p p p p h_karluk: stiff K and 11.. K Q J..p..p..p..p h_karluk: normal h_karluk: junk suit also Board : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz o PA c K J K Q K J AQ10 J AQ10 K 10 J AQ10 A : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 p 1 p p p #1 ::,T,K, # ::,,,Q # ::,,J,Q # ::,A,, # ::,,K, # ::,,A, # ::,T,Q,J # ::,,, # ::,K,, yusufb: A girilince 1 n_aydogdu: kg 110 veya 10 yazabˆ lˆ r..1 hedyg: so is +...p..1 roswolf: fireworks in the other room after south opened a weak vugraphzfs: Beyaz 1., mavi. Akkoyunlu. yusufb: puan n_aydogdu: fakat koru konusamadˆ lar..p..p..p.. yusufb: selam tekrar.. T.. K Q yusufb: sansli bir nt champ i: karo demesi lazˆ mdˆ 1 as karo ˆ igan vugraphzfs: sonuˆ lar ve sˆ ralama iˆ in champ i: rd champ i: bir ˆ nceki oyunda nt hep oluyormuˆ oyun sonu kˆ rden yatˆ yor (Merci metin ˆ alˆ k) - -

5 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) n_aydogdu: yˆ nede ˆ mp alacaklar gˆ bˆ yusufb: ye bence K koycak.... vugraphzfs: 1.maˆ lar.. J.. Q kemeny: declarer ducked the in open.. roswolf: i think both eastd committed hari-kiri here - why did with balanced ****? roswolf: bid yusufb: - kacˆ yo yusufb: buyuksehir maˆ ˆ nˆ bekliyoduk ama sanˆ rˆ m bi sonraki maˆ buyuksehir karˆ ˆ lasacak onu yayˆ nlayacaklar.. A yusufb: ˆ imdi.. yusufb: ufak oynasa karara kalˆ yodu.. K csabi: a huge swing for Honti.... yusufb: ama tabii burdan el acˆ k gorunce yorum yapmak cok kolay.. roswolf: - will net them imps in this room.. A.. yusufb: son ma. sonuˆ larˆ nˆ bilmiyorum maˆ sonunda bornova buca sˆ radaydˆ.. hedyg: endplay coming.. T.. Q yusufb: ezmezse yaptˆ rur.. J yusufb: masada bide vugraf macˆ nda o kadar kolay olmuyo:).. csabi: it is -.. hedyg: - roswolf: ok 11 imps.. K.. belisa: :).. Board : Buyuksehir beyaz 1 : Zelal u - 0 o 110 c Q J10 A Q K J AK 10 A10 10 Q J K K J AQ : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu X X p p p #1 :: Q,K,, # :: T,,,A # ::,,A, # ::,,, # :: J,,,K # :: Q,, J, # :: Q,,, # :: A,,, # ::,,, K #10 ::, J,, #11 ::,,T, T #1 :: T,,K, #1 ::, Q,A,J h_karluk: very light - seems player preferred to pull vuln adv tho had no idea abt his partner p h_karluk: such things are common in MPs especially last rounds for aggression..p h_karluk: with 1 hcp at side trying for side ruffs at level..p.. Q.. K T A A J K.. Q.... J.... Q A h_karluk: west shld refuse ruff, just pitch a.... K.... J h_karluk: done h_karluk: declarer s line immaterial now, doesn t make a sense h_karluk: a slip by Aykal this time, shld play a T.. T.. T.... K

6 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1).. Q.. A.. J Board : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz 1 o 110 c Q J10 A Q K J AK 10 A10 10 Q J K K J AQ : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 p 1 p p 1 p 1 p p p #1 ::,A,, # :: Q,K,, # :: T,,, # ::,,K, # :: Q,,, K # ::,,Q,A # :: A,,, roswolf: room gulyas: why not play a? weird hedyg: well he got a switch in the other room roswolf: and now a random goal in the other room for someone iceberg1:. maclar sonunda yusufb: lu ve sagˆ nda oynadˆ yusufb: onun yerine sadece K ucmaya oynasa daha basitti hedyg: forgot to double there..p..1..p mdgraham: rehi all hedyg: :) csabi:?..1 csabi: y roswolf: e/w forgot everything in the other room gulyas: oh-oh..p roswolf: well practical if not scientific..1..p..1 mdgraham: now all ast has to do is make it. csabi: Qx in north is the main chance - -

7 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) csabi: (or - of course) mdgraham: if he guesses hearts, the play in the diamond suit could be interesting hedyg: X in? yusufb: olsa kacmasada yapamaz cunki demetci yatcanˆ gorup onor atardˆ yˆ llarˆ n oyuncusu..p..p..p yusufb: niye cekmesin kartmˆ kalmˆ ˆ vugraphzfs: 1. Bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir Beyaz vugraphzfs:.bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir Mavi vugraphzfs:.akkoyunlu yusufb: yani oynanan oyunun ihtimali dˆ sˆ k birazda fantezi.. vahaboglu: As koyarsa 10 luyu debloke etmesi lazˆ m ancak.. A.... vahaboglu: luda var zannedilebilir.. Q.. K.... csabi:?.. T roswolf: i can only see a pseudo squeeze working.... vahaboglu: artˆ k kˆ rlere ulaˆ ˆ lamˆ yor yusufb: esasˆ nda su squezeleri ve yatˆ rmalar ˆ bilmesek yada denemesek bi sˆ rˆ kagˆ da batmˆ caz astarˆ yuzunden pahalˆ ya geliyo K.... Q marlowepi: declarer should lead the ten of hearts from dummy at an early stage. this has the most ways to win..... roswolf: it might come down to south doing a crocodile coup in diamonds hedyg: can always overtake the Q begse: ya kˆ r atagˆ lazˆ mdˆ batˆ rmaya ki zor mdgraham: was thinking..lead the...ten, ace then maybe six towards dummy - if plays low, wins Q and has to concede a ruff-sluff, if the hand had been eliminated. ot possible now of... K mdgraham: course vahaboglu: Bˆ lent gˆ neyin antresinin ne olduˆ unu mu dˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ yor vahaboglu: ne fark eder ne ise ortaˆ ˆ ona geˆ er zaten roswolf: the club jack is the pseudo threat.. vugraphzfs: maˆ sonuˆ larˆ, sˆ ralama, butler ranking iˆ in yusufb: AK cekip Q dˆ ˆ mezse pasˆ en iyi oyun gibi duruyo yusufb: tersi tabii ve karˆ ˆ tˆ :).. marlowepi: when plays the ten od Ds on first round of suit, clear for to unblock the queen.. Q marlowepi: then no crocodile necessary mdgraham: it will be most annoying for orth in the other room if his team-mates come back with roswolf: indeed.. A marlowepi: the heart length is surely with, so if he has Qxxx (no nine) the heart ten on 1st round of suit works by brute force. even if he has Qxx, he may not cover, and if perchance he... marlowepi: has Qx after all it is almost sure he will not cover roswolf: yup but... marlowepi: i think Hedy s reference to " was an endorsement of this play marlowepi: if hearts are it makes no difference which heart is led from dummy hedyg: maybe i should not have said it roswolf: i think if declarer had ducked a diamond earlier he might have pulled it off roswolf: i just dont see how the defenders can go wrong roswolf: 10 imps to harangozo rather than a the other way = big swing in a tight match - -

8 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Buyuksehir beyaz 0 : Zelal u - 0 o 0 c A AQ K Q K Q10 J10 A J J - K J10 AK Q10 : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p 1 X p p p p #1 :: K,,, # :: Q,T,, # ::,A,J, # :: K,,, # :: Q,,, # :: T,,, # :: J,A,, K # :: J,,,K h_karluk: this would bring a trump promotion.. A h_karluk: i think too fast play is enough barrier to count, evaluate and judge such things..p p h_karluk: lucky layout while no entry to hand....p..p..p.. K Q.. T A.. J.... K Q T J.. A.... K.. J.. Board : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz 0 o 0 c A AQ K Q K Q10 J10 A J J - K J10 AK Q10 : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p 1 p p p #1 :: Q,J,, # :: A,,, # :: K,,, # :: T, T,, # ::,,, # ::,,, # ::,,, Q # :: T,A,,Q # ::,A,K, #10 ::,K,, #11 :: T, J, J, #1 :: J,, A, #1 :: Q,K,, yusufb: parcanˆ n AK cekmesi normali damˆ n onda dˆ ˆ me ihtimali daha fazla cunki.... K yusufb: ezih Kubaˆ istanbullu fakat bu sene buyukˆ ehir takˆ mˆ nda oynuyo finaller iˆ in izmire gitti roswolf: rehi..p..1..p..p..p hedyg: so he put his eggs into the - s with Q on side basket.. Q.. J begse: renginde - puan 1 acabilir ama lˆ rengin iyiolmamasˆ kˆ tˆ roswolf: a huge result in the other room for the new leaders.. gulyas: makes for.. hedyg: i remember my 1st ever teamgame competition i was told: never double a partial except if you have enough UR tricks to beat it in your hand - -

9 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) hedyg: such as opps playing M and you have AKQJ10 in the suit was the example i was given gulyas: slam only goes down cos of the -0 trumps in fact roswolf: perhaps a little extreme but sound enough principle hedyg: just a little extreme :).. A.. marlowepi: -0 trumps is not enough to beatthe slam, also spades must be -1 csabi: and if they go down in they still win 11 IMPs gulyas: makes no diff, u lose a and a trump ( discard th on the K at end) yusufb: gˆ naydˆ n herkese roswolf: yes fielders choice.... marlowepi: if spades wre not -1 it would be an easy make with correct single-dummy handling of trump suit hedyg: why would they go to when passed twice first? gulyas: well done, lot of imps coming in.. K.... roswolf: looks like only the odd 1 imps here hedyg: "only".. yusufb: izmir takˆ mlar finalleri oynanˆ yo yusufb: 1nt e gokhan mudahale etmedi dolay ˆ sˆ yla zon kactˆ yusufb: sory demetˆ i gulyas: :).. T hedyg: probably dicisive for the match mdgraham: could be.. T.... yusufb: 1 takˆ m lig usulu 1 maˆ oynayacaklar yusufb: puan li renkle davet etmesi gerekirdi vahaboglu: Q ˆ ˆ kˆ ˆ ˆ bir anlam ifade ediyor mu acaba roswolf: yup althiugh the imps appear to be flying around somewhat randomly yusufb: su ana kadar maˆ oynanmˆ ˆ durumda hedyg: swingy matches are more fun for the specs.. marlowepi: one entry short from trump coup to make i think.... hedyg: but luckily for him he is only worried about making 11 tricks marlowepi: in that case "worried" is a massive overbid:) hedyg: :) roswolf: lol yusufb: nt bu pozisyonda lebenshol oynayanlar iˆ in.. yusufb: x davet eli gosterir.. vahaboglu: "ortak merak etme bende yeterince var" gibi yusufb: gˆ lce pˆ narbaˆ ˆ 1 durumda Q.. T yusufb: :).. A yusufb: pˆ narbasˆ gecen yˆ lˆ n si ama bu sene kotu gidiyolar.... Q.... A.. K K T.. J.. J.... J.... A.... Q yusufb: buyukˆ ehir standart her borddan - alˆ yo.. K.... vahaboglu: taˆ ra belediyesi deˆ il tabii - -

10 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Buyuksehir beyaz : Zelal u - 0 o 10 c 0 0 K J Q Q10 K K J A A Q J K10 AQ J A : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p 1 p 1 p p p p #1 :: Q,,,A # ::,,J,Q # ::,A,, # :: A,,, # ::,, T,K # ::,,J, # :: K,,J, # :: Q,,, h_karluk: Goksu guessed correct, would bring +1 trick to declarer bcos of K s positional factor advantage..p h_karluk: much conservative pass, ten is th most valuable spot, luckily hooks enemy K..1..p..1..p....p..p..p.. Q A J.. Q h_karluk: so a, and say losers there with a working trump finesse.... A h_karluk: well well, ugur played against the probability table A T.. K h_karluk: time to claim J.... K.... J.... Q h_karluk: as +1.. h_karluk: wld pitch loser at hand to established Q Board : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz o 10 c 0 0 K J Q Q10 K K J A A Q J K10 AQ J A : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p 1 p 1 p p p p #1 :: Q,,,A # ::,,K, # :: T,K,A, # :: Q,,, # :: J,,, # ::,,, # ::,, J, # ::,,, # ::,A,, T #10 ::,,K, hedyg: Hanna having problems keeping up or early claims maybe hedyg: actually he could claim after A..p..1 roswolf: yup this could be fun as well yusufb: acˆ sˆ na gˆ neyin eliyle konuˆ mak cok zor x en iyisi gibi..p hedyg: bergen...1! hedyg: but a wow bergen! csabi: as 0-? very unusual vahaboglu: neden bu kadar battˆ ki hedyg: obviously not..p hedyg: more like an upgrade yusufb: operasyonel nt ama sonuˆ iyi olmicak roswolf: and a lot more!.. hedyg: :) mdgraham: outh a bit fixed now roswolf: yup would be a shot in the dark marlowepi: C must be megaweak if is not

11 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) bidding H csabi: no problem now, the opp is forced to bid yusufb: elemeler sonunda 11 takˆ m martta baslayacak olan tˆ rkiye sampiyonasˆ finallerine katˆ lmaya hak kazanacak..p..p..p vahaboglu: trafl bozuk da ondan begse: buda oluyor.. Q yusufb: imp daha begse: oynarken pik cakadan korkup elden kˆ r oynamˆ ˆ olabilir deklaran roswolf: and could easily hit the bidder.. csabi: pass was extra gulyas: wow mdgraham: what? hedyg: something is wrong here imo csabi: i doubt they hold these cards :).. hedyg: something missing in the bidding marlowepi: some very hungry bidding by vahaboglu: yanlˆ ˆ anlaˆ ˆ lmasˆ n "kˆ ˆ ˆ k" belediye demek istemiˆ tim.. A yusufb: evet acˆ ktan verip kere ucurmaya gitmesi makul oynarken yusufb: recainin eline gore ortak acmˆ ˆ ken yapmamalarˆ zor.... begse: bu eldede fikrim ˆ u 1 acˆ lˆ rsa zon kacmaz onun yerine nt veya multi acmayˆ tercih etmiyorum.. K yusufb: aam bile olmuyo:).. mdgraham: another swing to the leaders.. T.. K yusufb: izmir kontenjanˆ 10 du ama cekilmeler sonucunda 11 olan yakˆ mda katˆ labilecek.. A.. yusufb: takˆ m.. Q begse: eˆ er korunacak onˆ rler olsaydˆ o taktirde olabilirdi.. champ i: yusuf hoca hoˆ geldin yusufb: merhaba herkese yusufb: hoˆ bulduk sagol MolvaM: gˆ naydˆ n herkese :) hedyg: there must have been a 1 bid by we did not see or even J.... n_aydogdu: kuzey enteresan oynuyor.baska yer gecerˆ yok gˆ rˆ yo ruayˆ yusufb: son mac girilirken buyukˆ ehir beyaz bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir mavinin vp onunde 1 sˆ rada yusufb: izmir bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir belediye gecen senenin Tˆ rkiye ˆ ampiyonu aynˆ zamanda gecen sene balkan ˆ ampiyonu oldular onceki senede bonn da cok gˆ ˆ lˆ bi turnuvada son anda 1 ligi kaˆ ˆ rdˆ lar... yusufb: cok baˆ arˆ lˆ gidiyolar yusufb: bilirse bilemezse iˆ eri.. J begse: yerde ikinci antre yokken kˆ re oturmakta cazip degil deyinki ortakta q tek vahaboglu: bu pozisyonda R den oturmak yanl ˆ ˆ csabi: or rather hedyg: and zalay probably bid on his way to A roswolf: hmm dont bank on it gulyas: no, its their style to pass with a passed pd.. yusufb: battˆ.. T.... begse: yoksa std pozisyonda 10 luya onˆ r koymak dogru ama.. K.. vahaboglu: - alˆ yor derken atak yaptˆ bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir belediye imp aldˆ

12 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Buyuksehir beyaz 11 : Zelal u - 0 o -1 0 c J A J J10 Q J10 K Q K K Q10 A A10 Q AK - : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu X p p p p #1 :: Q,,K, # ::,Q,A, # ::,,A, # ::,K,, # ::,,K,A # ::,,T, # :: J,,, h_karluk: many slips on defense at the table, i think their tempo is really high, so far only Mert didn t show any mistake p....p..p..p.. Q.... K Q.. A A K.... Board : Zelal u - 0 : Buyuksehir beyaz 11 o -1 0 c J A J J10 Q J10 K Q K K Q10 A A10 Q AK - : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 p p p p #1 ::,,Q, # :: K,A,, # ::,,A, # ::,,J,K # ::,,A, # :: T,J,, # ::,,Q, # ::,,T, # :: T,,, hedyg: vulnerable on the level? K.. A T.... J hedyg: are you sure? marlowepi: but would not come in D without some prior action by mdgraham: well imps in boards gulyas: he saw the fit, they are unlikely to x him hedyg: on cards with a balanced weak hand yusufb: davete armaganˆ n eli geri derdi dedi:) begse: ˆ rnek verirsem rx arqvx axx r10 nt acmak iˆ in ˆ ok daha cazip rualar korunsun diye gulyas: leaddir bid..1.. csabi: was szalay s bid a fit non-jump supporting spades? n_aydogdu: yusuf sen bˆ ara bu ˆ zmˆ r bb de oynamˆ stˆ n ne olmustu o zaman? gulyas: what spades

13 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) hedyg: i dont believe that Harangozo passed roswolf: magical mystery tour gulyas: trust me, he did hedyg: ok... yusufb: elde ne var anlamadˆ m Q J puanda yok bu el daveti kabul ederse hangi el etmez merak ettim o zaman davet sekansˆ oynamamak lazˆ m tokay1: nt yapm,s iyi sp cˆ kˆ lmassa squize oynarsa oluyo csabi: ah, Hegedˆ»s s wife has just explained..p hedyg:? csabi: contains the 0- too roswolf: really!!!.. tokay1: defansta spi teklemek yerine hlerni atmˆ s kararda kalmamis oynayana hedyg: suiter?..p..p..p csabi: (and the -) yusufb: tamam :) harmon: Hedy!!!.. hedyg: showing +? hedyg: i believe they play that over a preempt, but here... begse: slm lar vahaboglu: 1 overcall yapsa Batˆ 1 T diyecekti yusufb: antalyada oynamˆ ˆ tˆ k 1imp le finale kalamamˆ ˆ tˆ k siz ˆ ampiyon oldunuz sene:) yusufb: slm nafiz abi hoˆ geldin.. roswolf: e/w maybe just swinging because of ttheir poor set thus far.. Q.. begse: bu konuˆ ma artifisyel begse: ne oldugunu bilmemekle birlikte).. K yusufb: sole cok kotu bi alˆ ˆ kanlˆ gˆ mˆ z var daveti her elle kabul ediyoruz kabul etmemek sanki ortaga ayˆ p olurmuˆ gibi.. A.. yusufb: muhtemel batcak.. tokay1: demetcide yapar bunu oyunda esit ihtimal squiz daha havali n_aydogdu: heheheh eskˆ takˆ mˆ na hak etˆ klerˆ ˆ ltˆ fatlarˆ yapˆ yosun yanˆ vahaboglu: gereksiz bir overcallu vahaboglu: normal 1 denecek bir el yusufb: cok gˆ ˆ lˆ takˆ m cokta baˆ arˆ lˆ gidiyolar hakediyolar ovgˆ yˆ ben bi ara engelledim ama:) vahaboglu: rakibi zorla yukarda deklereye zorlamˆ ˆ oldu n_aydogdu: bu yˆ lda benˆ m favorˆ m onlar haklˆ sˆ n n_aydogdu: ben sana takˆ ldˆ m mahsus yusufb: biliyom:) begse: bu zayˆ f atlamalar ˆ ok zaman ters tepiyor bakˆ n normalde nt ya gelmeyecek el olan nt ya sˆ rˆ kleniyor begse: kontratta direk kˆ r pasˆ lazˆ m ki mˆ mkˆ n degil burda da bir batacak.. yusufb: batar bence.. n_aydogdu: yapacak bunu demetcˆ bence mdgraham: I think this can be made double dummy.. A csabi: sure harmon: not so double dummy on bidding.. csabi: eliminate black suits and lead a trump mdgraham: throw in on outh hedyg: now and endplay on looming if zalay doesnt play roswolf: perhaps even single dummy after north/s bid declarer must surely have great clues as to the layout hedyg: yes even on return he makes it marlowepi: yes yusufb: kup var tokay1: etabi h kupu yok varsaydik n_aydogdu: kor donmezse begse: batmasˆ iˆ in karo vermesi lazˆ m J hedyg: had to switch immediately after 1st.. K begse: iyi oyunu buldu n_aydogdu: bu el hayatta batmaz artˆ k csabi: down now A.... T harmon: now cant make hedyg: yes roswolf: timing is wrong now yusufb: pasˆ na gerek kalmˆ yodu.. J.... yusufb: buyuksehir beyaz macˆ yayˆ nda olcakmˆ ˆ ama rakip vugrafa cˆ kmak istememi ˆ bundan sonraki yada ondan sonraki maˆ larˆ yayˆ nlanacak.. begse: erdide geldi.. tokay1: rua cli cektiginde squiz olcak tur h ele gelip.. Q.. tokay1: beyazda 11 siyahla araya girmemesi icin super zayif olmas, lazm T.. tokay1: iyi analiz ederse simd, yusufb: K anˆ nda teklemeli uzun sˆ re dˆ sˆ nmeden tokay1: oynamasi gereken tempo diaya clini at,p hlerle ele gelip rua cli cek,ip yerden sp atmak - 1 -

14 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) tokay1: sonra dusunucek oynayan empasm,i yapalim as sp mi cekel,m kuzey squiz olmustur tokay1: r10xx - xx v10xxxxx uygun zonda nt ya kim pas der bu zamanda Board : Buyuksehir beyaz - : Zelal u o 10 c 0 0 K J Q Q J10 A K10 A K 10 A J Q J10 AK Q : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu 1 p 1 p p p p p p #1 :: A,,, # :: Q,,,A # :: Q,,,K # :: J,,,T # ::,,T,K # ::,, T, # ::,,A, # ::,,T, h_karluk: there might be also several reasons : long marathon, physically tired etc.. T.... h_karluk: i am pretty much sure they are capable to see and avoid such things..1..p..1..p....p h_karluk: there, kind of double dummy...p....p..p..p.. A h_karluk: hard to guess K offside and way finesse h_karluk: surprised that started with A, normally better to use K for reading count.. Q A.. Q K.. J.... h_karluk: but maybe they changed CC and now apply suit preference.. T T.. K.. h_karluk: nice guess.... T A T - 1 -

15 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Zelal u : Buyuksehir beyaz - o 10 c 0 0 K J Q Q J10 A K10 A K 10 A J Q J10 AK Q : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 p 1 p 1 p p p p #1 ::,,Q, # :: A,T,, # :: Q,,,A # ::,K,, # :: A,K,, # ::,, Q, # ::,J,K, # ::,, J, # ::,,A, #10 ::,,T, gulyas: ok, so a push roswolf: a chance missed marlowepi: he was playing for stiff club in hand, misled by the Ccall csabi: i don t think so, because was - yusufb: 1 eliyle x yada pas ben pas derdim yusufb: 1 numaralˆ bordda buyuksehir 10 imp almˆ ˆ gozukuyo ama bord egaleymiˆ begse: buda fevkalade bir pik vahaboglu: bu sefer Hakan zonu dememiˆ begse: bende vugraph macˆ var onun iˆ in geldi demesinler diye gitmedim..1 yusufb: skor - yani roswolf: fair point marshall..p marlowepi: oh, i assumed H would have shown..1..p roswolf: so did i yusufb: borddan tanesi nt cinsinden oynanmˆ ˆ entresan csabi: well you may be right..1 yusufb: sory ilk bord egaleyi ilk bord egale sanm ˆ ˆ ˆ m:)..p yusufb: skor dogru yani marlowepi: it would be a strange way to organize agreements...you can never play.. hedyg: now T roswolf: they could try for yusufb: bilmeye kalˆ r..p vahaboglu: Q ˆ veya K yˆ bulmasˆ lazˆ m marlowepi: if play lebensohl in this situation, i think has another call in him..p..p csabi: partner about -11 roswolf: DO THY PLAY LBOHL OVR A DOUBL OF A AK? hedyg: yes they do roswolf: marlowepi: even a passed hand could produce a slam hedyg: or at least the CC says so gulyas: yes, they do roswolf: then north should explore i think marlowepi: keep shouting Geoff, it is a long way to the Danube:) yusufb: nt batˆ rmak kolay degil den sonra vugraphzfs: 1h Kuzey oyuncu tarafˆ ndan yanlˆ ˆ lˆ kla sˆ ylendi hedyg: files/conventioncards/00mindportgamesbeijing /Open/Hungary/Harangozo_zalay.pdf.... roswolf: ah no adventure begse: h diyebilir davetkar degil rekabet hedyg: explore what if he has values?.. Q gulyas: but has a great hand now, and u still need some good things to happen in slam yusufb: ama w den oynanˆ nca kolay yusufb: K cˆ kˆ lˆ nca yusufb: ilk egale bordu ilk bord egale sandˆ m:).. yusufb: bence nacinin splinteri + gostermesi lazˆ m begse: iyi olmuyor ama ben tercih ederdim.. A roswolf: is that why it is often blie?.. T csabi: that is max HCP and no known -card fit.. yusufb: elden J oynarsa yapabilir n_aydogdu: batmaz artˆ k begse: - yusufb: 10 atˆ lˆ nca oldu

16 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) vahaboglu: Gˆ ney iyi oynuyor diye transfer etti herhalde n_aydogdu: ˆ talyan stˆ l vahaboglu: ge desek begse: pik enteresan trefl atagˆ na hep batˆ yordu.. Q begse: karo verebilir.... hedyg: careful nd duck, wd.. A yusufb: kˆ sa yoldan tekimi gosterim dedi kozda tane var yeter hedyg: now finesse into hand..... K n_aydogdu: otomatˆ k yaptˆ.... begse: elimine edip pik pasˆ yaparsa trefli bilmeye gerek kalmˆ yor vahaboglu: gˆ zel eliminasyon oyunu var begse: ˆ imdi olabilme durumu var ama yinede zor.. A marlowepi: (a) you might belong in C or H instead of -- might have QJx of D and no club ace, for example (b) there is some chance u have a slam; (c) in all likelihood if u can make... K.. marlowepi: tricks at T u can make 10, so there is safety at the level (d) would have been endplayed into bidding on many hands marlowepi: C keeps all those balls in play, at the slight risk of failing in begse: kontur gelebilir ama usta oyuncular bunu pik iˆ in deneme oynuyor yusufb: yok.. yusufb: ye gidiyo Q begse: yani rekabet x=trial vahaboglu: gˆ zel oynadˆ J.. K yusufb: gˆ zel oynadˆ.... yusufb: oluyo.. begse: ufak bˆ raksa dam koyacaktˆ.. J vahaboglu: pik empasˆ na da gerek kalmadˆ yusufb: battˆ.. A vahaboglu: pik as pik ˆ ˆ kacaktˆ T yusufb: se otomatik yapˆ yo Board : Buyuksehir beyaz : Zelal u - 10 o 00 c Q10 K J Q10 AQ A J K J K K J10 10 A 10 AQ : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p 1 p p p p p #1 ::,,A, # ::,J,Q, # :: T,,,K # ::,,J, # ::,,, # ::,A,T, # ::,,T,A # ::,, K,Q # ::,,, #10 :: K,,, #11 ::,,Q,T #1 :: A,,,J #1 ::, Q,J, K h_karluk: it s almost classic in international field to apply A-attitude K-count, however it all depends to stylr..p..1.. h_karluk: *style - sry for typo.. h_karluk: i ithink that is on Forcing..p h_karluk: barely natural showing out hcp with stoppers and short h_karluk: pass expected....p h_karluk: wow...p..p h_karluk: given layout very lucky bcos of K placed well for him and spade bluk on west :)..p A J.. Q.... T K J A.. T h_karluk: *bulk h_karluk: however west still controls a T.. A

17 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) h_karluk: i think something was wrong in my screen.... K.. Q h_karluk: it cld b abt roadrunner connex h_karluk: i remember west had QT - table had AJx - east had x and decl had Kxx diamonds.. K Q.. T.. A.. h_karluk: ok worths to check by movie when ends.... J.... Q.. J.. K Board : Zelal u - 10 : Buyuksehir beyaz o 00 c Q10 K J Q10 AQ A J K J K K J10 10 A 10 AQ : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p 1 p p p p p #1 ::,,A, # ::,K,, # :: K,,, # ::,T,A, # ::,,T, # :: K,,, # ::,,Q, # :: A,T,, # ::,,, J #10 ::,T,, #11 ::,,, K csabi: n already showed strength with begse: ˆ ˆ nkˆ 10 veya vale ikiliye kazanˆ yor yusufb: Arkasa ilk imp ler geldi vugraphzfs: kˆ sa bir mola vugraphzfs: evet, geri dˆ ndˆ k champ i: yusuf hocam benim maˆ a gitmem lazˆ m sana iyi yorumlar yusufb: nt harici ilk oynanan koz adaptasyon sorunu oldu galiba yusufb: sagolasˆ n champi bolˆ ans n_aydogdu: transferde haklˆ ymˆ s yanˆ kuzey hehhe yusufb: cok satma..p champ i: tmm :) vahaboglu: Kuzey de aynˆ sˆ nˆ yapardˆ marlowepi: true but i dont see how that addresses the points i just made. cant be confident of a - 1 -

18 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) juicy club fit after the H rebid..1.. begse: flannery=10-1 puan + tez: merhaba:)kolay gelsin.gunaydin begse: defans valeyikoyarak yaptˆ rdˆ bence armaganˆ n liyi oynamamasˆ bu niyetini gˆ steriyor...p yusufb: normal begse: reverse degeri olmayan el yusufb: 1 1 e mert nt demiˆ acaba trial dahamˆ iyi marlowepi: in other words, while it is true than has shown a good hand, he hasnt shown this good a dummy for CLUB..! gulyas: see how szalay passed first with the bad suit..p hedyg: how many s? yusufb: QJ10XX-AX-XXX-K10X le.. yusufb: tez hocam tˆ naydˆ n hoˆ geldin..p hedyg: =?..p gulyas: e gulyas: maybe just a joke marlowepi: if C shows Ds, how can also show clubs & both minors? gulyas: or he bid :) csabi: i think he wants to get doubled in gulyas: worked for dumbo:) yusufb: diyenlerde var gokhan eliyle ama benim tercihim..p vahaboglu: yok vugraphzfs: Kuzey T yi cl e transfer olarak alert etti ve ortaˆ ˆ nda karolar anladˆ ˆ ˆ nˆ sˆ yledi yusufb: ozgurun batcagˆ bi degildi aslˆ nda.... marlowepi: trump lead not easy.. A mdgraham: ast loses patience :) begse: benden rica aˆ ˆ k odaya bi yardˆ m begse: gˆ rˆ ˆ mek ˆ zere yusufb: gorusuruz nafiz abi.. yusufb: 11e 11 yine zona gelinmiˆ.... K marlowepi: this lead cant be right even with trumps, because both opp hands will be short in Ds.... mdgraham: slightly curious lead - why not try for a club ruff or two? tez: vugrafta oynamanin dayanilmaz hafifligi:).. K marlowepi: since cannot overruff hearts, he should lead a trump or -- more likely--try for club ruffs.... roswolf: Y AD A CITG LOOKIG AUCTIO PTR OUT ITO AITY csabi: plays for tapping with.. yusufb: pas.... T tez: aslar sansatu oynarkende koza oynarkende uzun renk varsa cok onemli roswolf: sorry keyboarditis again.. A marlowepi: the old 1-card tap gulyas: thats obv not right hedyg: ok she lost the play... hedyg: happens hedyg: just let us have the result when its finished pls Hanna tez: hazir lovelerini alacak mecburen ve 1 batacak.... roswolf:?.. T harmon: spade back therwise csabi: otherwise yusufb: oldu tez: verip loveyi hazir eder ama rakip el alir yoksa.... K.. hedyg: claim 11 tricks Q.... A.. T.. begse: 11 lˆ ve oldu J.... T.. yusufb: pasˆ atmadˆ ama kuzey squeze oldu.... yusufb: bolesi daha havalˆ :) tez: hmm - 1 -

19 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board : Buyuksehir beyaz 0 : Zelal u - 10 o 10 c Q A10 K Q Q A A10 AK10 K J J J 10 K Q J 11 : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu 1 p 1 p 1 p p X XX p p p p p p 10 #1 ::,,Q, # :: K,A,, # ::,J,, # :: J,Q,A, # ::,,J,Q # ::,T,, # ::,,K, # ::,, A, # :: K,,, h_karluk: last cards and Q shld b obvious winner K..1..p..1..p..1 h_karluk: oh no, drops down under K, now lines ok..p..p....r..p....p h_karluk: decl carefully unblocked, with a working finesse lucky T made, well, nicely done....p....p..p..p.. h_karluk: now another loser unless plays towards.... Q.... K.. A J J.. Q.. A J.. Q.... T K A.... K.. Board : Zelal u - 10 : Buyuksehir beyaz 0 o 10 c Q A10 K Q Q A A10 AK10 K J J J 10 K Q J : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 p 1 p 1 p p p p p #1 ::,,Q,A # :: A,,, # :: K,,J, # ::,,, Q # ::,Q,A, # :: T,,J, # ::,,, # ::,,K, # ::,K,, #10 ::,, Q, #11 ::,J,, #1 :: T,,, yusufb: bu zonda bu kadar kaliteli lerle! h acˆ labilir.... tez: rakip e demisti.lu majoru yoktu.. dami atmanin sakincasi yoktu tez: dam atmakta as atmak kadar havalˆ ydˆ :) hedyg: 1-1 T..1..p begse: flannlar 1 cevabˆ nˆ li oynarery oynayan tez: rakibin eline silah sˆ kˆ ˆ tˆ rki intihar edebilsin:) roswolf: invitational i suppose..1 hedyg: = invite yusufb: 1 1 ye denmesi daha iyi onceki elde begse: karˆ ˆ tˆ yazˆ hedyg: with cards..p - 1 -

20 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) yusufb: yada oynarlar ama hangi siyah bilinmez tez: ortak ataga rua koymustu..bu damˆ inkar ediyordu begse: ibi..1..p begse: zona gitmezler n_aydogdu: karo ile nt arasˆ....p hedyg: ok who overbid?.. roswolf: well naybe a small gain for the trailing team..p begse: pas diyecek davetse harmon:..p..p roswolf: north roswolf: :) hedyg: is minimum? gulyas: mostly, but too:) vahaboglu: aˆ ˆ k odada bu sefer de zon denmemiˆ yusufb: ama gˆ neyin 1 e pasˆ makul hedyg: has a nice - hand.. roswolf: never accept an invite with youe minimum point count vahaboglu: Yusuf hocam sen de devamlˆ Hakanˆ ˆ tutuyorsun yusufb: ama bende pas derdim :) yusufb: kontrolu olmadˆ gˆ iˆ in woidwood yapmadˆ.. begse: hg din nevzat n_aydogdu: herkese merhaba tez: bord basina 11 imp..gol aˆ ˆ sˆ ndan fena degil:) gulyas: has AQx in trumps, a doubleton - it could be enough.. Q.. A harmon: I always accept then yell at pard for overbidding:).. A roswolf: COULD is never enough hedyg: then he should bid 1/ Daniel hedyg: 1/=could roswolf: ok:) gulyas: :) yusufb: 0-1 +kozq diye gidiyo yusufb: +koz Q cevabˆ na dedi makul.. K.... J yusufb: en kotu yerde AXX varsa pasa kalˆ yo begse: burda belki salvo tane kritik karti var diye dedi puan az ama ˆ ok kˆ ymeli onˆ rler.... tez: defansta as altindan oynamak kadar zevkli bisey varmi:).. mdgraham: five boards left, 1 imps in it.... Q.. hedyg: boards left and 1 imps roswolf: 1 behind still could be close hedyg: sry Mike yusufb: tabii bunu tesbit edemiyo normalde pasa demek kotu.. Q.. A.... T yusufb: battˆ.. n_aydogdu: evet as ile yan rengˆ n damˆ degerlˆ ama ben ce sp yerˆ ne pas demek dogru.. J vahaboglu: bir ˆ nceki elde de ya T derdim de de, "Hakan" bu nickle sen mi girdin diyelim vahaboglu: :).. vugraphzfs: yanlˆ ˆ claim +1.. yusufb: :) begse: karoyu yatˆ racak.... yusufb: ten gidilince Q ogrenmek mumkun olmadˆ.. K begse: bir karo kaybˆ ile bitecek K Q.... n_aydogdu: wd nezˆ h.. J - 0 -

21 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 10 : Buyuksehir beyaz - 0 : Zelal u - 10 o 0 c A J 10 AQ AK K K J 10 A J Q K Q J10 Q : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p p p p p p p p p #1 :: Q,,,K # :: K,,, # ::,,A, # :: T,,, Q # :: A,J,, # :: A,,T, # ::,K,, # :: J,, T,Q h_karluk: but that doesn t cost much as side suits good, while there s a trump entry T..p h_karluk: and still would afford to lose another trick as th contract was below game....p...p vugraphzfr: maximum hand.. h_karluk: Turkish players are not unusual to multi and some variants..p....p....p....p..p..p vugraphzfr: H was transfer h_karluk: T asks feature h_karluk: - obv a variant, in classic describes weak.. Q K.. K A.... T Q Board 10 : Zelal u - 10 : Buyuksehir beyaz - 0 o 0 c A J 10 AQ AK K K J 10 A J Q K Q J10 Q : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p p p p p p p #1 :: Q,,,A # :: T,,,A # ::,A,, # :: K,, T, # :: K,,, # ::,,A, # :: T,,, Q # ::,K,, # :: K,,, roswolf: sorry both but we all have great minds!.. A.. J A.... T K J.... T.. Q hedyg: :) begse: iyi oynandˆ tez: bakalˆ m rakip ruasˆ nˆ koyabilecek mi..o gecen saniyeler bir omre bedel:) mdgraham: at least we are awake..p yusufb: armaganˆ n oynanˆ rken ye 10 vermesi gerekirdi yusufb: bu tur hiˆ ˆ lem eli gelmedi..! hedyg: speak for yourself!..p yusufb: altˆ nda renk sanˆ rˆ m yusufb: araya gircek muhtemel mdgraham: well, similar minds... vugraphzfs: ewet..p..! yusufb: diger oda girilmemiˆ ama mudahele etmek kacˆ nˆ lmaz

22 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) hedyg: T?..p.. roswolf: this is a scary auction with e/w possibly laying an ambush tez: yusuf nerdesin..yanlˆ z bˆ rakma beni yusufb: tezcan elle stayman yapˆ yormusun yusufb: burdayˆ m begse: normalde trefl pik lˆ iken 1nt iyi degil ama bu el tam 1nt acˆ ˆ ˆ..p MolvaM: nt batmayacaksa yapmˆ yor :) hedyg: why T?..p..p yusufb: operatˆ r kim masanˆ n yusufb: yada bazˆ lerlemi yapˆ yosun roswolf: at the score west should have doubled for blood -n/s have nowhere to run.. Q yusufb: oldu h_karluk: selam yusufb: selam roswolf: he wanted to go for a penalty!?.. vugraphzfs: evet.. n_aydogdu: dˆ ger odada bˆ r fazla olmus ama normalde kontratˆ n oluru yok tez: ellerle stayman yapilmaz gibi bi prensibim yok.. A yusufb: paˆ ammmm sory gelmiˆ miydin:) hedyg: forgot to unblock J.. T.... begse: burda bi ˆ ˆ zˆ m anlatayˆ m bu tip eller iˆ in mdgraham: houlda dumped the J.. A tez: ortakta genellikle ˆ ikiyor.. n_aydogdu: en ˆ yˆ hamle rua kor gˆ bˆ ydˆ.. A.... begse: 1nt- kˆ re trf.. K begse: bir davet elim var demek.. begse: nt acan nt begse: kˆ r ve trefl karo kˆ r h le pik davet tez: pasham hos geldin sefalar getirdin.dum tˆ s tˆ s:).. T.. MolvaM: asˆ l eˆ lence pik batarken nt yapˆ lˆ rsa yusufb: o zaman bˆ yˆ k oyuncu oluyosun yusufb: koydum nt yi masaya diyosun MolvaM: o zaman cevapˆ ˆ maˆ bitiminde ne gˆ zel anlatˆ r "baktˆ m pik riskli olabilr, nt yi uygun gˆ rdˆ m" diye gulyas: makes now.. K mdgraham: king lead looks to be from KQ in the methods vugraphzfs: sonuˆ lar iˆ in gulyas: bad def.. A MolvaM: rakiplerden birinde pik li olabilir gibi geldi bana diyerek konuˆ ma bitirilir ve ˆ aydan yudum alˆ nˆ r.. yusufb: :) tez: bu aralar ˆ ok sˆ k kullanˆ yorum..bir elle ilgili karar vermeye ˆ alˆ ˆ ˆ rken elin tamamˆ naa bakˆ yorum hedyg: K asking for unblock or count.. T.... mdgraham: low=encouraging or even.. Q.... K

23 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 11 : Buyuksehir beyaz - 0 : Zelal u 1 o 0 c J AK J Q AK Q10 10 K 10 AK AQ J Q J : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p p p p p p p p #1 :: K,,T, # :: A,Q,, # ::, T,, J # :: A,,Q, # :: K,,, # :: J,,, # ::,,A,K # :: Q,,, h_karluk: likely they may use to cover a miniroman gap (1-1 1)..ie with 1+ any 1.. K..p..p h_karluk: a good reason to use w decent cards in suit....p....p h_karluk: both nonvul and not defensive values in side suits..p.. h_karluk: auto down unless pins stiff K.....p..p..p.. K h_karluk: i don t think defense wld slip.... T.... A.. Q T h_karluk: wow, brilliant line.... J.. A.... Q.... K J A.. K.. Q Board 11 : Zelal u 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz - 0 o 0 c J AK J Q AK Q10 10 K 10 AK AQ J Q J : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p p p p p p #1 :: A,,,T # :: K,,Q, # :: J,,, # ::,,A,K # ::,,,A # ::,,,Q # ::,K,, # :: T,,, yusufb: atagˆ na defans atlamazsa batardˆ begse: mus adres tez: mesela ortak spinter yapti..o renkte bende kq var..hemen reddetmiyorum.. yusufb: bekleyip bekleyipmi reddediyon..p..p roswolf: n/s need only to avoid disaster..!..p hedyg: seems he should have led Q...acc to zegedi s CC with Gulyas hedyg: your fault Daniel! gulyas: yep:) gulyas: pass would gain here mdgraham: yes, looking at the zegedi-gulyas card, Q from KQ10x... yusufb: defans te ˆ srar ederse olurdu yusufb: kazanˆ nca donulmesi gerekiyodu tez: gelen binlerce mesaja cevap vermem mumkun degil.kusura bakmasˆ nlar:).. hedyg: anybody?..p gulyas: right - -

24 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) yusufb: demesi lazˆ m bulentin n_aydogdu: duz bˆ r bord..p yusufb: nt iyi tutuˆ u heralde yusufb: 1nt ye degiˆ ik bi araya giriˆ konvansiyonu gordum..p gulyas: is silly.. A vahaboglu: diˆ er odada ˆ nˆ c tˆ r oynanmˆ ˆ, kuzey 10 luyu geˆ emeyince oynayan Asˆ ˆ ekmiˆ hedyg: spec suggests by.. yusufb: e diyebilirdi yusufb: ya tek renkli ya ceza.. yusufb: selamm berker.. T.. K.... Q.. yusufb: atmazsa batabilir.. J.... yusufb: bu x te ya ceza ya degil heralde onuda pek anlamadˆ m roswolf: well imps to the trailing team is a mishap rather than a disaster.. yusufb: :) A.. K yusufb: overcal yusufb: tabiikii:) vugraphzfs: gˆ nˆ n son eli.. yarˆ n tur daha oynanacak.. ilk maˆ ˆ n baˆ lama saati 11: 00.. marlowepi: H a bid sticky with only xxx in spades.... tez: dogunun eliyle mi..kontr mu derdiniz?.. A.. vahaboglu: Bu sene ˆ zmir den bayaˆ ˆ ˆ ok takˆ m katˆ lmˆ ˆ Q hedyg: you have a better bid Marshall?.... K yusufb: oynasaydˆ serap empas atarsa batardˆ koz promosyonuyla T Board 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz 10 0 : Zelal u - 1 o 00 c J 10 A A Q J Q K Q J10 A AK Q K10 K J : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p p 1 p p p p p #1 :: A,,, # :: K,,T, # :: Q,J,, # ::,K,, # :: Q,,A, # ::,,, h_karluk: but i think Hakan wld pick to play to ensure his K h_karluk: schedule.php I think net round starts at.p Turkiye,.a UA edt..p..p p...p...p..p..p.. A K.... T.... Q.. J h_karluk: as far as i have seen there were swings, perhaps board 11 wld also be a swing K Q.... A.. nafiz:, h_karluk: deniz? h_karluk: game stopped, everythink okay there? h_karluk: *everything lol srry vugraphzfr: thinking h_karluk: sure, it s fine, moment of truth vugraphzfr: perhaps not sure about last sp or calculating +1 h_karluk: before touching x wld also work.... h_karluk: i see, ty - -

25 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) h_karluk: h_karluk: abandoned other line Board 1 : Zelal u - 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz 10 0 o 00 c J 10 A A Q J Q K Q J10 A AK Q K10 K J : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p p 1 p p p p #1 :: T,,A, # :: K,,, # :: Q,J, T, # ::,,, # ::,,A, # ::,, T, # :: Q,,, J # :: J,,, # :: A,,,K #10 :: K,,, #11 ::,,Q, roswolf: nerves will be jangling + fatigue -tough game bridge yusufb: zor ama ben derdim tez: bence onemli tez: ben kontr derdim vugraphzfs: bir sonraki devre 1:00 de.. sonuˆ lar, sˆ ralama ve butler ranking iˆ in vugraphzfs: son raund 1: de baˆ layacak ve ˆ zmir den Tˆ rkiye Finallerine gidecek takˆ mlar belli olmuˆ olacak hedyg: p marlowepi: still anyone s match, 1 IMPs and boiards..p..1 vugraphzfs: sonuˆ lar ve diˆ er bilgiler iˆ in roswolf: hmm this is nip and tuck....p n_aydogdu: selamlar vugraphzfs: final grubunda 1 takˆ m oynuyor - -

26 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1).. bu takˆ mlarˆ n 1 tanesi finallerde oynayacak..! yusufb: bu sonuˆ larda maˆ lar cˆ kˆ yo bendemi sorun var vugraphzfs: Bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir Beyaz geˆ en senenin ˆ ampiyon takˆ mˆ olarak zaten kontenjan hakkˆ na sahipti roswolf: my feeling is the defence should prevail.... yusufb: selam nevzat abi hoˆ geldin marlowepi: needs to duck next spade,..p tez: selam evzat:) n_aydogdu: yenˆ uyandˆ k herkese gunaydˆ n yusufb: cokk sanslˆ nt ama ulaˆ mak zor..p n_aydogdu: 1 pˆ ke kontur la baslamak daha ˆ yˆ oncekˆ elde hedyg: duck..p marlowepi: club suit frozen yusufb: yapardˆ ew ama denilince konuˆ amadˆ lar vahaboglu: hayˆ r sitenin linkindesorun var roswolf: when north ducks what next?.. T marlowepi: though either defender can make declarer guess by leading an honor on the first round.... A.. marlowepi: here declarer did the logical thing, hoping D king an entry.. K hedyg: asked for marlowepi: this suits declarer all right.. tez: ozgur az dedi bence u tez: dese.. n_aydogdu: bˆ defa puanˆ bellˆ oluyor bu sonrakˆ asamalarda ortagˆ rahatlatˆ yor yusufb: armaganda ci x atacak kuvvet yok.. vugraphzfs: ˆ u an kontrol edilmesini saˆ lˆ yorum site ile ilgili yusufb: cok az.. Q.. J yusufb: derdim secenek n_aydogdu: 1 koru eksˆ k ama oldukca ˆ yˆ bˆ r el. tarafada ˆ yˆ hem ofansˆ f hem defansˆ f tarafˆ ˆ yˆ marlowepi: sooner or later will have to break clubs, and they need to start by leading an honor.. T.... roswolf: declarer has another entry but not very useful marlowepi: should not be fooled though, given the silence, with known to have Kxxxx and D ace and heart queen, roswolf: fair point marlowepi: while would likely have balanced with club KQ and H QJ hedyg: play multilandy and he didnt bid so basically should not be - marlowepi: sorry AJ hedyg: seaching for his th trick mdgraham: can t find it hedyg: had to lead j from dummy begse: irazdan A marlowepi: he should be content with down one once spades were -1 and D king was not an entry.... marlowepi: and heart king not a trick marlowepi: the only card in a good place for is the ten of clubs vahaboglu: teams_round.php?round=1 yusufb: capraz tabloda sorun yok yusufb: de Q tane onun iˆ in rakibin oynamasˆ makul.... T.. vahaboglu: yusuf bu linke gir tez: ruayi girmese yere antre olmayacaktˆ.. Q J.. J.. tez: sekansˆ n ustune onor suronor yapmak zararlˆ genellikle.. tez: ama onlum kesiyor deniyor genellikle n_aydogdu: bu 1 takˆ mˆ n 11 ˆ mˆ fˆ nalde oynayacak tez: ikinciye koyarsˆ n gene keser gulyas: good def.... A K.. K.. mdgraham: only imps, but could be decisive marlowepi: my reference to ten of clubs is that given all else that is wrong for, location of club ten prevents a bigger minus vahaboglu: son tur iˆ in de aynˆ link ama son rakan "" olacak, ok Q.. vahaboglu: rakam - -

27 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz 1 1 : Zelal u - 1 o 0 c K Q J J10 J J A10 K K Q A10 K AQ A Q : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu p p 1 p 1 p p p p #1 ::,,T,K # ::,,K, # ::,T,J,A # ::,,, # :: K,,, # :: A,,, h_karluk: now closed room result appeared h_karluk: i guess now..p..p..1..p..1..p....p h_karluk: as splinter..p..p h_karluk: as wld b a reverse bid.. h_karluk: this helps to stop at in case responder has a medium response values.... T.. K.. h_karluk: yes K T.. J.. A K A h_karluk: clubs good and discards hearts 1 Board 1 : Zelal u - 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz 1 1 o 0 c K Q J J10 J J A10 K K Q A10 K AQ A Q : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz p p 1 p 1 p p p p #1 ::,,K, # ::,,,K # :: K,,,A # ::,A,,J # ::,T,J, # ::,,Q, # :: A,T,, # ::,,, h_karluk: operatorumuz kim bu odada?..p roswolf: not much scope here for a fain by e/w..p marlowepi: if i understand right, 1 & have yet to be compared roswolf: gain yusufb: ilk bord egale gitti gibi ama bundan sonraki bordlarda imp alˆ ˆ veriˆ i olur mdgraham: T?..1..p roswolf: perhaps but that shouldnt make..1..p....p yusufb: x otomatik roswolf: we will see now anyway..p marlowepi: i predict a make..p mdgraham: might be difficult for outh to switch to spades roswolf: on that lead yes hedyg: why not make? mdgraham: and the same for orth hedyg: just play 1 - -

28 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) marlowepi: well what other lead were we expecting?) n_aydogdu: kor ataga dˆ ger sartlarda vahaboglu: merhabalar.. n_aydogdu: slm haldun vahaboglu: bu elle splinter iyi fikir olabilir yusufb: sagolasˆ nnnn:).... K.. roswolf: small spade:).... marlowepi: presence of both clubs in hand is bad for defense.. hedyg: lol Geoff hedyg: duck??.. K.. K A.. marlowepi: however, if won the fiurst or second clubs and switched to the queen of spades, would have to guess the hand out.. A.... J.... T.. J roswolf: well 10 imps make it interesting -ish.. yusufb: arˆ k bilsede yapamˆ yo muhtemel batcak Q Board 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz : Zelal u - 1 o -1 0 c 1 x J AQ Q J Q K 10 Q K J A10 K AK A J : M.Bilgen : U.Oztunc Open : U.Aykal : H.Goksu 1 X XX 1 p X p p p p #1 ::,,A, # :: T,J,, # ::,,J,K # ::,Q,K, # ::,,, # ::,,, # ::,K,, # ::,,Q,T h_karluk: i think last board.... A.. T h_karluk: schedule.php I think net round starts at.p Turkiye,.a UA edt..1.. h_karluk: please stay with us, thanks to BBO and Deniz..r..1.. h_karluk: highly sophisticed :..p p...p..p h_karluk: but np :)..p.. h_karluk: bye.... A.... T.. J - -

29 Izmir Teams Championship 010(Round 1) Board 1 : Zelal u - 1 : Buyuksehir beyaz o -1 0 c 1 x J AQ Q J Q K 10 Q K J A10 K AK A J : H Yildizog : Kubac Closed : B Aslan : ryilmaz 1 X XX p p 1 p! p X p p p #1 ::,,A, # ::,,Q, # :: A,T,, # :: Q,T,,K # :: K,,, # :: J,,, # ::,,K, # ::,, A,J marlowepi: there is room for to have an entry if has KQT of spades, so would have to guess J.. K.... Q.. K K Q.. T yusufb: bi sonraki maˆ izmir buyuksehir beyaz macˆ vugraphzfs: bu devrenin son boarduna geldik.. 11.tur saat 1: te vugraphzfs: bugˆ nˆ n son devresi saat 1:0 da baˆ layacak vugraphzfs: sonuˆ lar,sˆ ralama ve butler ranking iˆ in vahaboglu: As yerine As olsa iyi ˆ ilem olurdu roswolf: only 1 bd to score in the other room..1 hedyg: last board now yusufb: armaganla hasan degiˆ ik bi sistem oynuyolar galiba onun iˆ in bazˆ degerlendirmelerim yanlˆ ˆ olmuˆ olabilir x teki gibi hedyg: our thanks to our talented operator Hanna Gabor! to my excellent fellow commentators Marshall, Geoffrey, Mike, Daniel, Gyˆ rgy and Csaba for their guidance!as well as to the.....r hedyg: Hungarian Bridge Federation for their support, especially to Adam Magyar who was instrumental in organising these broadcasts vahaboglu: gene de 1 lˆ ve hazˆ r deˆ il yusufb: gecen senin Tˆ rkiye sampiyonu bu turnuvanˆ n ve bi sonraki hafta baˆ layacak Tˆ rkiye sampiyonasˆ nˆ n favori takˆ mlarˆ ndan..p..p mdgraham: boards 1 and 0 have cost the Honti team dearly..1..p!..1 or!h hedyg: thanks to all specs for joining and the kind and helpful comments. we hope you enjoyed the show tokay1: dia super vugraphzfs: son maˆ ˆ mˆ z Bˆ yˆ kˆ ehir Beyaz-psilon Bornova takˆ mlarˆ arasˆ nda olacak..p.... or!h..p..p vahaboglu: Kuzey RDB a kesinlikle konuˆ malˆ dˆ r vahaboglu: konuˆ malˆ ydˆ yusufb: alˆ ˆ veriˆ baˆ ladˆ :)..p begse: kuzeyin deklaresini anlamakta gˆ ˆ lˆ k cektim marlowepi: thx all.. roswolf: bd likely to be flat therefore harangozo are safe vugraphzfs: 1 saat sonrs gˆ rˆ ˆ mek ˆ zere vahaboglu: burada konuˆ ma bir ˆ ey vaad etmez n_aydogdu: puandan asagˆ hˆ c konusmaz seklˆ ndekˆ kahve dusturu ˆ slemˆ s gˆ b ˆ roswolf: well done to them.... A.. marlowepi: and Happy Valentines day hedyg: :) n_aydogdu: nt karo cˆ kˆ lmazsa yapar ew.. yusufb: bu macˆ n kapalˆ odadaki son eli sonraki maˆ 1: te tesekkˆ rler.... Q.. vahaboglu: Doˆ u-batˆ ya zon yok yusufb: tekrar merhaba.. A.. T.. yusufb: bi sonraki maˆ saat 1:00 de.. vahaboglu: gereksiz sayˆ verilecek.. Q.. T.... K champ i: selamlar.. K.. n_aydogdu: dogu nt rebˆ d ederse olur. lu - -

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Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 9 SBS PRACTICE TEST 9 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. We can t go out today it s raining


Turkish Winter Open Teams Championship(RR11)

Turkish Winter Open Teams Championship(RR11) Turkish inter Oen Teams Chamionshi(RR) Turkish inter Oen Teams Chamionshi(RR) Amisos vs ABBK Amisos ABBK ABBK Amisos ˆ balcˆ Akkoyun BOZDUMA ARIOGLU ˆ ler Aksu OZAHI HORAA Board Contract By M D - - Contract


Anatolian Spring Teams Championship(Final - Danish 2_2)

Anatolian Spring Teams Championship(Final - Danish 2_2) Anatolian pring Teams Championship(Final - Danish _) Anatolian pring Teams Championship(Final - Danish _) RKL vs KIRA RKL KIRA KIRA RKL Phantoma GOUL KIRA AKBULUT GURL BAKA ˆ M KORDˆ Board Contract By


SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz.

SBS PRACTICE TEST 2. Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 2* 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. SBS PRACTICE TEST 2 1. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. 3. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcükleri seçiniz I am your true friend Mehmet. A true friend


Turkish Winter Team Championships(Final 3_4)

Turkish Winter Team Championships(Final 3_4) Turkish inter Team Championships(Final _) Turkish inter Team Championships(Final _) Mersin BB vs ˆ mir BB Mersin BB ˆ mir BB ˆ mir BB Mersin BB T. Gˆ rkan B. Aslan M Bilgen Koksoy Y.Isitemiz. Kubac H Goksu



ASSAEL INVITATIONAL CALCUTTA(Final 3) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(Final ) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(Final ) Team vs Team Team Team Team Team Ventin kini orth ast rang Kahyaoglu outh est Board Contrat By M D - - Contrat By M D - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog)

Exercise 2 Dialogue(Diyalog) Going Home 02: At a Duty-free Shop Hi! How are you today? Today s lesson is about At a Duty-free Shop. Let s make learning English fun! Eve Dönüş 02: Duty-free Satış Mağazasında Exercise 1 Vocabulary and


Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not

Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Lesson 30: will, will not Ders 30: will, will not Reading (Okuma) I hope you will visit me one day. ( Umuyorum bir gün beni ziyaret edeceksin ) I think your sister will like that cellphone. ( Bence kız


2017 Briç Yasaları Uyum Kursu Sınavı Ankara

2017 Briç Yasaları Uyum Kursu Sınavı Ankara 2017 Briç Yasaları Uyum Kursu Sınavı Ankara 27-10-2017 SORU1. Her sorudaki en son konuşmalardan hangileri geri alınan konuşma için 'Eşdeğer Konuşma' sayılır? a) 1NT... 2 (transfer)yerine 1NT 2 3 (natürel


TBF Hakem Kursu Sınavı İzmir

TBF Hakem Kursu Sınavı İzmir TBF Hakem Kursu Sınavı İzmir 03-03-2019 İsim: İl: SORU 1: Son konuşmalardan hangileri geri alınan konuşma için 'Eşdeğer Konuşma' sayılır? a)...... 1 (sırasız) yerine 1 P 2 natürel 16+P EŞDEĞER/EŞDEĞER


Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final)

Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final) Turkish Winter Teams(Quarter Final) YILANKIRAN vs JR. YILANKIRAN YILANKIRAN JR. YILANKIRAN JR. YILANKIRAN YILANKIRAN N O. SAKRAK E F. KEPEKCI N O.Kanlˆ E O.Gur S Y. ATABEY W E. KAYA S ˆ Ayaz W G.Yˆ lmaz


THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney THE SCHOOL S MYSTERY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474


«Merhaba demek ve selamlaşmak»

«Merhaba demek ve selamlaşmak» Hello Hi Hey Nasıl gidiyor? demek How s it going? ( How s it goin? ) How are you doing? ( How ya doin? ) How are you? ( Howar ya? ) Fine, thanks. And you? ( Bunu kullanmamaya çalış ) Good. How about you?


AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition)

AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri Yapisi ve Uyum Sorunlari (Turkish Edition) Hakan Cora Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically AB surecinde Turkiyede Ozel Guvenlik Hizmetleri





Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır?

Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır? Hüseyin Demirtaş Dersimiz: o Argumentative Essay o Format o Thesis o Örnek yazı Military service Outline Many countries have a professional army yet there is compulsory


Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5)

Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5) Bulgarian National Teams Championship(Final - Segment 3_5) Quantum vs Primabridge Quantum Primabridge Primabridge Quantum N Nanev E Popov N S.Skorchev E J.Stefanov S Mihov W Andonov S B.Popov W V.Aronov


Turkish Winter Team Championships(Quarter Finals 1_3)

Turkish Winter Team Championships(Quarter Finals 1_3) Turkish inter Team Championships(Quarter Finals 1_) kˆ i vs ge kˆ i ge ge kˆ i. Cengiz G. Darik Kirdar T Ozbey C. Arigun. Matraci O Unal U Koc Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs 1 2 10


1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend.

1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she. 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is. 1. This is girlfriend. 1. English? a. She is b. Is c. He d. Is she 1. This is an office, and tables. a. those are b. that are c. these d. that is 1. This is girlfriend. a. hers b. to him c. of her d. his 1. There are people


CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts: Pisti: A Turkish Card Game

CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts:  Pisti: A Turkish Card Game CultureTalk Turkey Video Transcripts: http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu Pisti: A Turkish Card Game Turkish transcript: G: Ne oynuyorsunuz? (Inaudible speech) Z: Pişti. H: Pişti oynamaya çalışıyoruz. G:





Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues

Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues TEOG Page 1 Phrases / Expressions used in dialogues Tuesday, November 11, 2014 7:30 PM Teog Sınavı için Cümle Kalıpları ve İfadeler Really? Gerçekten mi? That s a good idea! Bu güzel bir fikir! I am afraid


Turkish Open Teams(Swiss-1 4_Match)

Turkish Open Teams(Swiss-1 4_Match) Turkish Open Teams(wiss-1 _Match) Fox vs Tokay Fox Tokay Tokay Fox Kokten Ilgin LAURIA ADUT Aluf Tokay VRAC AKR Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs 1 20 x 00-2 1 0 2 10-00 x 0-0 00 2-1 2


European Youth Championships(U26)

European Youth Championships(U26) uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) uroean Youth Chamionshis(U) TURKY vs GLAD TURKY GLAD GLAD TURKY RCA ATTHY BRO CICK GUDOGDU O MORRI OZTURK Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs 1 0 00 1-1 1 0-0


ingilizce.com-müşterilerle En çok kullanılan Kelime ve Deyimler-Top words and phrases to use with customers

ingilizce.com-müşterilerle En çok kullanılan Kelime ve Deyimler-Top words and phrases to use with customers The Top words and phrases to use with customers Müşterilerle En Çok Kullanılan Kelime ve Deyimler Definitely Kesinlikle Surely Tabii! Kesinlikle Absolutely Muhakkak Kesinlikle Certainly Elbette PHRASES


Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(R16 segment 1)

Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(R16 segment 1) Turkish Club Team Championship 200(R1 segment 1) Adana B..K. vs Izmir B.B..K Adana B..K. Izmir B.B..K Izmir B.B..K Adana B..K. B.Koca M.C.Tokay. Assael T.ren T.Kose.Kubac.Zorlu A.Aksu Board Contract By


Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır;

Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır; GAZİLLİ Major açışından sonra tüm dağılımları anlatmak için kullanılır; 5 5 Limit 5 5 Game Forcing 6-4 Limit 6-4 Game Forcing Mono (single suit) Limit Mono Game Forcing 5-4 Limit 5-4 Game Forcing NT (5332)


Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri.

Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri. Sevgili dostlar, Aşk hayatımızın en güzel şeyi. İşte İngilizce de aşk üzerine söylenmiş çok güzel sözler ve onların çevirileri. Aşk tadında yaşamanız dileğimizle I love you! > Seni I love you more than


CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney

CALUM SAILS AWAY. Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney CALUM SAILS AWAY Written and illustrated by Sarah Sweeney SEV Yayıncılık Eğitim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat 3, 34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul Tel.: (0216) 474 23


Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi

Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will. Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Lesson 31: Interrogative form of Will Ders 31: Will kalıbının soru biçimi Reading (Okuma) Will it be sunny tomorrow? (Yarın güneşli mi olacak?) Will you lend her the car? (Arabayı ödünç verecek misin?)


Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought

Grade 8 / SBS PRACTICE TEST Test Number 6 SBS PRACTICE TEST OH! Thank you very much. You are a A) occupied / fought SBS PRACTICE TEST 6 1.-5. sorularda konuşma balonlarında boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 3. I was shopping officer. What were you doing he stole your bag? 1. Mustafa Kemal


2. Masada düzgün şartlar ve yöntemin sağlanmasından Kuzey de oturan oyuncu öncelikle sorumludur. O Doğru O Yanlış ( Madde =...

2. Masada düzgün şartlar ve yöntemin sağlanmasından Kuzey de oturan oyuncu öncelikle sorumludur. O Doğru O Yanlış ( Madde =... 1 Adı : Soyadı : PUAN: ( ) 1. Kuzey 1 açar ve hemen 1 SA ile değiştirir. Bunun üzerine Doğu ben 1 i kabul ediyorum diyerek 1 deklaresini masaya koyar. 1SA deklaresi cezasız olarak kalkar. 2. Masada düzgün



SORULARLA İLERİ DÜZEY ORTAKLIK ANLAŞMASI YALÇIN ATABEY SORULARLA İLERİ DÜZEY ORTAKLIK ANLAŞMASI HAZIRLAYAN YALÇIN ATABEY Alman Lisesi ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi nde öğrenim gören Yalçın Atabey, 1990 yılında Briç e başladı. 1992 ve 1994 te Avrupa Gençler Şampiyonasında,


Ortaklık Anlaşmaları

Ortaklık Anlaşmaları Hazırlayan: YALÇIN ATABEY Ortaklık Anlaşmaları Sinyalizasyon 1. Öncelikli sinyaliniz hangisidir? a) Apel (gel-gelme) b) Sayı c) Preferansiyel (renk tercihi) 2. Apelleri (gel-gelme) nasıl oynuyorsunuz?


İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir:

İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: İngilizce de selamlaşma maksatlı kullanılabilecek pek çok yapı vardır. Bunlar Türkçeleri ile beraber aşağıda verilmektedir: Informal Greetings (Gayri Resmi selamlaşmalar) - Hi. (Merhaba) -Hello. (Merhaba)



TEST RESULTS UFED, XRY and SIMCON TEST RESULTS UFED, XRY and SIMCON Test material : SIM card Tested software : UFED 3.6, XRY 6.5, SIMcon v1.2 Expected results : Proper extraction of SMS messages Date of the test : 02.04.2013 Note : The


5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ

5İ Ortak Dersler. İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ Listmania Part 2 Ünite 12 5İ Ortak Dersler İNGİLİZCE II Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA PART 2 Okutman Aydan ERMİŞ İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 4 12.1.1. Review of verb forms...


WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref

WOULD. FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be. She hoped (that) we would com. I thought that he would ref WOULD FUTURE in PAST [1] (geçmişteki gelecek) [past of WILL] He said he would be She hoped (that) we would com I thought that he would ref WILLINGNESS (gönüllülük) She would not The car would not POLITE



HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL SCHOOLS Bulletin No: 7 (08 December 21 December 2014 ) Page 1 BASKETBALL MIDDLESCHOOL STREETBALL 8B has won the match that it played against 8C and got 3rd place with a a score of 10-9. 8D became the champion



TEOG 1. MERKEZİ ORTAK SINAVLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ BENZER SORULARI TEOG SINAV SORUSU-1 UNIT 2 SINIF İÇİ TARAMA TESTİ Diyalogu tamamlayan ifade hangisidir? Henry: That's my money.i don t want to give it to you. Martin:...! Don t be so stingy. Diyalogda boşluğu en iyi tamamlayan


Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(Semi-Finals 1_3)

Turkish Club Team Championship 2009(Semi-Finals 1_3) Turkish Club Team Championship 200(Semi-Finals 1_) Ankara Uni. S.K. vs Galatasaray S.K. Ankara Uni. S.K. Galatasaray S.K. Galatasaray S.K. Ankara Uni. S.K. N N.Cengiz E N.Aydogdu N M.A.ince E A.Ozalp S


a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü

a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü Possessive Endings In English, the possession of an object is described by adding an s at the end of the possessor word separated by an apostrophe. If we are talking about a pen belonging to Hakan we would


Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma

Lesson 63: Reported speech. Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Lesson 63: Reported speech Ders 63: Bildirilen konuşma Reading (Okuma) He told me that he would come. (Bana geleceğini söyledi.) She said that she would be fine. (İyi olacağını söyledi.) He promised that


Ortağın Rengine. Koz 3-5 Aynı NT Sonra Oyun içinde Attitude

Ortağın Rengine. Koz 3-5 Aynı NT Sonra Oyun içinde Attitude DEFANSİF VE KOMPETİTİF DEKLERELER OVERCALL(Stil; Cevaplar; 1/2 seviyesi; 4.pozisyon) 6-16 HCP Cevaplar: Cue :F1,Jump fit: dengesiz blokatif, Jump yeni renk : fit ile beraber 6-10 Yeni Renk maj: Fit ile


Lesson 23: How. Ders 23: Nasıl

Lesson 23: How. Ders 23: Nasıl Lesson 23: How Ders 23: Nasıl Reading (Okuma) How are you? (Nasılsın?) How are your parents? (Ailen nasıl?) How was the interview? (Görüşme nasıldı?) How is your work? (İşin nasıl?) How do you go to school?


THE HOME TOWN STARS. No. 3, Saturday, 13 November, 2010

THE HOME TOWN STARS. No. 3, Saturday, 13 November, 2010 o. 3, aturday, 13 ovember, 2010 images: Mehmet uri Unver THE HOME TOW TAR For over two decades alvador Assael (l.) & afiz Zorlu have been Turkey s most established pair. They play for Izmir Büyüksehir


İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri. How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? İngilizce konu anlatımlarının devamı burada Tıkla! 1 Spot On 8 Ders Kitabı Tüm Kelimeleri 2 How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense? 3 8.Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı ve Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları 4 TOO


Bağlaç 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet

Bağlaç 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet ÖNEMLİ BAĞLAÇLAR Bu liste YDS için Önemli özellikle seçilmiş bağlaçları içerir. 88 adet P. Phrase 6 adet Toplam 94 adet Bu doküman, YDS ye hazırlananlar için dinamik olarak oluşturulmuştur. 1. although



NEY METODU SAYFA 082 NEY METHOD PAGE 082. well. NEY METODU SAYFA 082 NEY METHOD PAGE 082 ÜÇÜNCÜ DEVRE SESLERİNİN PORTE VE NEY ÜZERİNDEKİ YERLERİ Üçüncü devre sesleri ile eser icrasına başlamadan önce, öğrendiğimiz 7 perdenin, porte üzerindeki yerlerini,


a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.)

a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) a) Present Continuous Tense (Future anlamda) I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. (Yarin halamı ziyaret ediyorum-edeceğim.) He is having an exam on Wednesday. (Çarşamba günü sınav oluyor-olacak.) Mary is spending


Clear omegle ban on puffin

Clear omegle ban on puffin Clear omegle ban on puffin How to Get Unbanned from Omegle. Omegle can be a rowdy place, but bans can come when you least expect them. If you don't have the patience to wait out. You can use Unban Omee






ASSAEL INVITATIONAL CALCUTTA(Session 2) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(ession 2) AAL IVITATIOAL CALCUTTA(ession 2) Team 1 vs Team 2 Team 1 Team 2 Team 2 Team 1 ortel Bjornlund orth ast Ho inlair outh est Board Contrat By M D - - Contrat By M D - -


a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü şu that (something relatively nearby) şu ekmek o that (something further away) o dondurma

a, ı ı o, u u e, i i ö, ü ü şu that (something relatively nearby) şu ekmek o that (something further away) o dondurma Recap Çoğullar ler If the final vowel is a, ı, o or u, then use lar. limonlar, çocuklar If the final vowel is e, i, ö or ü, then use ler. zeytinler, ekmekler This, That, These and Those bu this bu limon





Merhabalar, Rahat İngilizce başlangıç seti, 2. Bölüm Extra Dersine hoş geldiniz. Bu dersimizde, mini hikayemizdeki cümlelerin Türkçe anlamlarını öğreneceğiz. Haydi başlayalım. There is a woman. Her name


Turkish Open Teams Championships 2009(Swiss 3 Round 4)

Turkish Open Teams Championships 2009(Swiss 3 Round 4) Turkish Open Teams Championships 2009(Swiss 3 Round 4) PEKSEN vs MATRIX PEKSEN MATRIX MATRIX PEKSEN N E. Koksoy E B. Us N M.Kuranogl E O.Ozcan S L. Ozgul W A. Uysal S B.Baskan W H.Peksen Board Contract


«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek»

«Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» «Soru Sormak ve Bir Şey İstemek» Soru sormak için kullanılan kalıplar. Önemli soru kelimeleri. Sorulan sorulara cevap vermek için kullanabileceğin kalıplar. Anlık kararlar ve öneriler için sık kullanılan


Present continous tense

Present continous tense Present continous tense This tense is mainly used for talking about what is happening now. In English, the verb would be changed by adding the suffix ing, and using it in conjunction with the correct form



ONSTEIN TAKES THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS CUP IN A CLOSE MATCH o. 5, Prize Giving Edition, Sunday, 14 ovember, 2010 images: Mehmet uri Unver OSTEI TAKES THE EUROPEA CHAMPIOS CUP I A CLOSE MATCH Onstein (Bauke Muller, Bas Drijver, Simon de Wijs and Sjoert Brink) is


One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık.

One Crazy Story. Dialog. Turkish Tea Time. Lesson 12. görevlisi ile tanıştık. Lesson 12 One Crazy Story Turkish Tea Time turkishteatime.com Made with love. Ever have one of those nights? You know, the kind you can't wait to tell all your Turkish friends about the next day? Before



A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION 1. Çeviri Metni - 9 Ekim 2014 A LANGUAGE TEACHER'S PERSONAL OPINION Why is English such an important language today? There are several reasons. Why: Neden, niçin Such: gibi Important: Önemli Language:


Choreography Notes for: Usta-Çırak 2014 Schadia, all rights reserved

Choreography Notes for: Usta-Çırak 2014 Schadia, all rights reserved 5 4 Usta-Çırak Usta sen ol bu sefer çırağın ben. Yaklaşa yaklaşa mesafe kalmadı. Dünden hazırız ama cesaret olmalı Sen bana aşık ben sana aşık Ne duruyoruz ki başlasak artık? Seni çözmek için alt yazı


Cases in the Turkish Language

Cases in the Turkish Language Fluentinturkish.com Cases in the Turkish Language Grammar Cases Postpositions, circumpositions and prepositions are the words or morphemes that express location to some kind of reference. They are all


4- Tek kartla birden fazla sinyal(örneğin hem apel hem sayı) veriyor musunuz?

4- Tek kartla birden fazla sinyal(örneğin hem apel hem sayı) veriyor musunuz? Hazırlayan : Yalçın ATABEY Ortaklık Anlaşmaları Sinyalizasyon 1- Öncelikli sinyaliniz hangisidir? a) Apel(gel-gelme) b) Sayı c) Preferansiyel(renk tercihi) 2- Apelleri(gel-gelme) nasıl oynuyorsunuz? a)


Bu anda Batı 1 'ü alert etmeliydim der. Hakem çağırılır. Ne yaparsınız?

Bu anda Batı 1 'ü alert etmeliydim der. Hakem çağırılır. Ne yaparsınız? Adı : Soyadı : PUAN: ( ) 1. Deklarasyon 1 P 1 P 2 Bu anda Batı 1 'ü alert etmeliydim der. Hakem çağırılır. Ne yaparsınız? ( Madde =.......... ) (6Puan) 2. Ortaklığın konvansiyon kartında 1 NT açışı 12-14


Norwegian Premier League(1_1_11)

Norwegian Premier League(1_1_11) orwegian Premier League(1_1_11) Hordaland vs ord-trˆ ndelag 1 Hordaland ord-trˆ ndelag 1 ord-trˆ ndelag 1 Hordaland Rasmussen Brogeland Flˆ tt Charlsen Bentzen ybo Ringseth Hoftaniska Board Contract By


Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B)

Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B) Indonesian Premier League(Semifinal 5B) BTN vs Djarum BTN Djarum Djarum BTN N J BOJOH E OCTAVIAN N Anthony S E Franky K S L GONTHA W A HAITANI S Kamto W Piskanto Board Contract By M D N-S E-W Contract


Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet

Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi. Samimiyet Mart Ayı Değerler Eğitimi Samimiyet Darüşşafaka Orta Okulu Mart Ayı değeri olan Samimiyet değeri kapsamında etkinlik ve paylaşımlar düzenlemiştir. Yabancı diller bölümü; Samimiyet konusuyla ilgili olarak


D-Link DSL 500G için ayarları

D-Link DSL 500G için ayarları Celotex 4016 YAZILIM 80-8080-8081 İLDVR HARDWARE YAZILIM 80-4500-4600 DVR2000 25 FPS YAZILIM 5050-5555-1999-80 EX-3004 YAZILIM 5555 DVR 8008--9808 YAZILIM 80-9000-9001-9002 TE-203 VE TE-20316 SVDVR YAZILIM


Küçükler İçin Briç. Öğr. Gör. Tuncay ALTUN. Osmaniye 2017

Küçükler İçin Briç. Öğr. Gör. Tuncay ALTUN. Osmaniye 2017 Küçükler İçin Briç Öğr. Gör. Tuncay ALTUN Osmaniye 2017 Katalog grafik tasarımı: Altan ELMACI ÖNSÖZ Brice başlamakla hayatınızda ilginç bir dönemi başlatmaktasınız. Bu kararınızdan dolayı sizleri kutluyorum.


SİSTEMİMİZ (Two Over One) & CC

SİSTEMİMİZ (Two Over One) & CC SİSTEMİMİZ (Two Over One) & CC Derleyen: Mehmet AYDIN-ANKARA aydin_06tr@hotmail.com - Mavikumsal (BBO) Güncelleme: Mayıs/2013 Mehmet Aydın tarafından 10 yıldır surekli guncellenen değerli bir 2/1 sistem


First Stage of an Automated Content-Based Citation Analysis Study: Detection of Citation Sentences

First Stage of an Automated Content-Based Citation Analysis Study: Detection of Citation Sentences First Stage of an Automated Content-Based Citation Analysis Study: Detection of Citation Sentences Zehra Taşkın, Umut Al & Umut Sezen {ztaskin, umutal, u.sezen}@hacettepe.edu.tr - 1 Plan Need for content-based


Start Streamin. now! MiniPod Bluetooth Streamin speakers

Start Streamin. now! MiniPod Bluetooth Streamin speakers Start Streamin now! MiniPod Bluetooth Streamin speakers Streamin PodSpeakers True stereo great design P3-4 P5-6 P7-8 MicroPod Bluetooth Great sounding stereo streamed from your Bluetooth device SmallPod


Takım Maçı ve IMP Skorlaması

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function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); }

function get_style114 () { return none; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } function get_style114 () { return "none"; } function end114_ () { document.getelementbyid('all-sufficient114').style.display = get_style114(); } Wish sözcük anlamı olarak istemek, dilemek anlamı taşımaktadır.cümlenin


Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak

Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time. (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları. Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Lesson 24: Prepositions of Time (in, on, at, for, during, before, after) Ders 24: Zaman Edatları Zaman Edatlarını Kullanmak Reading (Okuma) I was born in 2000. ( 2000 de doğdum) We work in the garden in


STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri)

STATE OF THE ART. Be Goıng To Functıons (İşlevleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) 1. Planned future actions (Planlanmış gelecek zaman etkinlikleri) We use it to express a future decision, intention, or plan made before the moment of speaking (Konuşma anından daha önce düşünülmüş kararlar,


Relative Clauses 1-3

Relative Clauses 1-3 Relative Clauses 1-3 a man who has powerful friends things I like the world which I created the kind of person we need a place that I know something you should know a place where life is simple somebody





BBC English in Daily Life

BBC English in Daily Life İçindekiler Lesson one - Ders 1:... 2... 2 Lesson Two - Ders 2:... 2... 3 Lesson Three - Ders 3:... 3... 3 Lesson Four - Ders 4:... 4... 4 Lesson Five - Ders 5:... 4... 4 Lesson Six - Ders 6:... 5... 5






THE CUP FINAL: ONSTEIN V. ANGELINI o. 4, unday, 14 ovember, 2010 images: Mehmet uri Unver THE CUP FIAL: OTEI V. AGELII Today the Grande Finale of the European Bridge Champions Cup will take place between t Onstein (Vorden, The etherlands)


Dekleran Rakip Cevapçı Rakip İlk deklere 1] P 1[ P rebid 1{ P 4{

Dekleran Rakip Cevapçı Rakip İlk deklere 1] P 1[ P rebid 1{ P 4{ XYZ KONVANSİYONU: Oyun açanın 1 düzeyindeki rebidi ile başlar. Bu durumlar şunlardır; 1. 1]- 1[- 1{ 2. 1]- 1[- 1} 3. 1]- 1[- 1N 4. 1]- 1{- 1} 5. 1]- 1{- 1N 6. 1]- 1}- 1N 7. 1[- 1{- 1} 8. 1[- 1{- 1N 9.


Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3. (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar)

Lesson 38: Infinitive 3. (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3. (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar) Lesson 38: Infinitive 3 (how, what, where, when + infinitive) Ders 38: Mastar 3 (nasıl, ne, nerede, ne zaman + mastar) Reading (Okuma) He knows how to cook spaghetti. ( O spagettinin nasıl pişirileceğini


MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1

MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1 MESOS (Merkezi Sistem Ortak Sınav) PRACTICE TEST 1 1. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi doğru tamamlayan sözcüğü seçiniz 3. Verilen cümlede boşluğa gelecek sözcüğü seçeneklerden işaretleyiniz. We have got flowers





CmpE 320 Spring 2008 Project #2 Evaluation Criteria

CmpE 320 Spring 2008 Project #2 Evaluation Criteria CmpE 320 Spring 2008 Project #2 Evaluation Criteria General The project was evaluated in terms of the following criteria: Correctness (55 points) See Correctness Evaluation below. Document (15 points)


ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com

ata aöf çıkmış sorular - ders kitapları - ders özetleri - ders notları www.zaferfotokopi.com ATA - AÖF AÇIK ÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ VİZE SORULARI YABANCI DİL l Sipariş ve Bilgi İçin : ZAFER FOTOKOPİ SINAVINIZDA BAŞARILAR DİLER. 0.332 353 78 75 Rampalı Çarşı 1 Kat No: 135 Meram/KONYA www.zaferfotokopi.com


A mysterious meeting. (Esrarengiz bir toplantı) Turkish. List of characters. (Karakterlerin listesi) Khalid, the birthday boy

A mysterious meeting. (Esrarengiz bir toplantı) Turkish. List of characters. (Karakterlerin listesi) Khalid, the birthday boy (Esrarengiz bir toplantı) List of characters (Karakterlerin listesi) Khalid, the birthday boy (Halit, doğum günü olan oğlan) Leila, the mysterious girl and phone voice (Leyla, esrarengiz kız ve telefon


Neyzen olabilmek için en önemli özellik; sabretmeyi bilmektir. In order to be a neyzen the most important thing is to be patient.

Neyzen olabilmek için en önemli özellik; sabretmeyi bilmektir. In order to be a neyzen the most important thing is to be patient. www.neyzen.com NEY METODU SAYFA 033 NEY METHOD PAGE 033 Yücel Müzik İKİNCİ DEVRE SESLER Öğreneceğimiz NEVÂ, NÎM HİCÂZ, ÇÂRGÂH, SEGÂH, KÜRDÎ, DÜGÂH ve RAST seslerinin tümünü üflerken, aşîrân perdesinin


Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular

Lesson 66: Indirect questions. Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Lesson 66: Indirect questions Ders 66: Dolaylı sorular Reading (Okuma) Could you tell me where she went? (Bana nereye gittiğini söyler misiniz?) Do you know how I can get to the hospital? (Hastaneye nasıl



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FB6-2017WBTC(OT-RR1) FB-01BTC(OT-RR1) FB-01BTC(OT-RR1) UA1 vs TURKY UA1 TURKY TURKY UA1 J CLRKI IC KARADIZ JACOBU D CLRKI KOKT YILDIZ PALL Board Contract By M D - - Contract By M D - - IMPs 1 0 0 - - 0 1 0-1 1 0-1 0 1 0 -





Üyelerimizi; "anlıyorum konuşamıyorum", "konuşabiliyorum", "akıcı konuşabiliyorum" şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz.

Üyelerimizi; anlıyorum konuşamıyorum, konuşabiliyorum, akıcı konuşabiliyorum şeklinde üçe ayırıyoruz. English Spoken Cafe sosyal bir ortamda, ana dilini konuşan yabancı ekip arkadaşlarımız eşliğinde konuşarak, İngilizcenizi yurt dışında yaşıyormuş gibi geliştirebileceğiniz ve İngilizce öğretmenleri tarafından


Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU

Ünite 12. Listmania. Ortak Dersler. İngilizce II. Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU Listmania Ünite 12 Ortak Dersler İngilizce II Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU 1 Ünite 12 LISTMANIA Okt. Derya KOCAOĞLU İçindekiler 12.1. PRESENT PERFECT & PAST SIMPLE... 3 12.2. REVIEW OF VERB FORMS... 3 12.3. VOCABULARY
