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Кыргыз-Тγрк Манас университети Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi K T M Ü Yayınları: 90 Süreli Yayınlar Dizisi: 23 «Манас» университети КООМДУК ИЛИМДЕР ЖУРНАЛЫ Manas Üniversitesi SOSYAL BİLİMLER DERGİSİ Sayı: 16 Bişkek 2006

Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi SOSYAL BİLİMLER DERGİSİ Yıl 6, Sayı 16, 2006 Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University The Journal of Social Sciences Year 6, Vol. 16, 2006 ISSN: 16943-5093 Manas Üniversitesi Yayınları: 90 Süreli Yayınlar Dizisi: 23 Hakemler Kurulu/Advisory Board Sahibi / Owner Prof. Dr. Sulayman KAYIPOV KTMÜ Rektörü Prof. Dr. Seyfullah ÇEVİK KTMÜ Rektör Vekili Editör / Editor Prof. Dr. Bahattin AKŞİT Editör Yardımcıları / Associate Editors Doç. Dr. Muhittin TUŞ Yrd. Doç. Dr. Asım ARI Yayın Kurulu / Editorial Board Prof. Dr. Bahattin AKŞİT Prof. Dr. Zamira DERBİŞEVA Doç. Dr. Ömer Selçuk EMSEN Doç. Dr. Anvar MOKEYEV Doç. Dr. Muhittin TUŞ Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin ÖZBAY Yrd. Doç. Dr. Asım ARI Dr. Habibe ÖNGÖREN Düzeltmenler / Review Board Kırgızca: Doç. Dr. Taalay ABDİYEV Toyçubek ÜSÖNALİYEV Türkçe: Ingilizce: Rusça: Dr. İbrahim ŞAHİN Faruk ÖZTÜRK Dr. Aida KASİYEVA A. Belgin TORMAN Alla NAROZYA Teknik Yardımcı / Technical Assistant Baktıgül ERMATOVA Tasarım / Design Raşit SADIKOV Doç. Dr. Taalay ABDİYEV Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Doç. Dr. M. Bahattin ACAT Eskişehir Osmangazi Üni./Eskişehir Prof. Dr. Nurcan AHMETOVA Kırgız Milli Üni./Bişkek Doç. Dr. Hüseyin AKAY Marmara Üni./İstanbul Prof. Dr. Bahattin AKŞİT Orta Doğu Teknik Üni./Ankara Dr. Elif Ekin AKŞİT Ankara Üni./Ankara Yrd. Doç. Dr. Asım ARI Eskişehir Osmangazi Üni./Eskişehir Prof. Dr. Nurbübü ASİPOVA Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Doç. Dr. Halil AYTEKİN Gazi Üni./Ankara Dr. Kadıyana BOOBEKOVA Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Dr. Ayhan ÇELİKBAY Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Doç. Dr. Ö. Selçuk EMSEN Atatürk Üni./Erzurum Dr. Habibe ÖNGÖREN İstanbul Üni./İstanbul Prof. Dr. Sehavet GÜRDAL Marmara Üni./İstanbul Prof. Dr. Nuran HORTAÇSU Boğaziçi Üni./İstanbul Doç. Dr. Halil IŞIK On Sekiz Mart Üni./Çanakkale Dr. Murat İRİ İstanbul Üni./İstanbul Prof. Dr. Nuray KARANCI Orta Doğu Teknik Üni./Ankara Prof. Dr. Reşat KARCIOĞLU Atatürk Üni./Erzurum Doç. Dr. Önal KAYA Ankara Üni./Ankara Doç Dr. Murat KOCOBEKOV Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Feza KORKUSUZ Orta Doğu Teknik Üni./Ankara Doç. Dr. Anvar MOKEYEV Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin ÖZBAY Gazi Üni./Ankara Doç. Dr. Kenan ÖZDEN Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Zekai ÖZDEMİR İstanbul Üni./İstanbul Yrd. Doç. Dr. Göksel ÖZTÜRK Marmara Üni./İstanbul Yrd. Doç Dr. Aynur PALA Celala Bayar Üni./Afyon Prof. Dr. Cusup PİRİMBAYEV Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Doç. Dr. Burul SAGINBAYEVA Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Kubatbek SAMATOV Kırgız Milli Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Fikret SENSES Orta Doğu Teknik Üni./Ankara Prof. Dr. Recep SONGÜN Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. İlhan ŞAHİN Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN Eskişehir Osmangazi Üni./Eskişehir Doç Dr. Kubatbek TABADİYEV Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Aysıt TANSEL Orta Doğu Teknik Üni./Ankara Doç. Dr. Selahattin Turan Eskişehir Osmangazi Üni./Eskişehir Doç. Dr. Muhittin TUŞ Selçuk Üni./Konya Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ömer Faruk TUTKUN Niğde Üni./Niğde Prof. Dr. Cıldız URMANBETOVA Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üni./Bişkek Prof. Dr. Dilek YILMAZCAN Marmara Üni./İstanbul Web Tasarım / Web Design Talant CANDRALİYEV Yılda iki defa yayımlanır. Published twice a year. Hakemler soyadı sırasına göre sıralanmıştır. Adres / Address:: Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Tınçtık (Mir) Caddesi Nr: 56 Bişkek/KIRGIZİSTAN Tel / Ph: 00996 312 55 27 52-53 Belgegeçer / Fax: 00996 312 54 19 35 http://www.manas.kg E-posta / E-mail: sbd@manas.kg Abonelik: Tek sayı ve abonelikle ilgili her türlü bilgi ve başvuru için Nazgül ARAPOVA ile iletişime geçilebilir. Tel: 00996 312 54 19 42 47 Membership: Please contact Nazgül ARAPOVA on Ph: 00996 312 54 19 42-47 for membership or to obtain one issue of The Journal of Social Sciences.

Кыргыз-Түрк Манас университети КООМДУК ИЛИМДЕР ЖУРНАЛЫ 6-жыл, 16-саны, 2006-жыл Кыргыз-Түрк Манас университети чыгармалары: 90 Мезгилдүү басмалар сериясы: 23 ISSN: 16943-5093 Рецензенттер Ээси: Проф., док. Сулайман Кайыпов КТМУ Ректору Проф., док. Сейфуллах Чевик КТМУ Ректорунун биринчи орун басары Башкы редактор: Проф., док. Бахаттин Акшит Башкы редактордун орун басары: Доц., док. Мухиттин Туш док. Асым Ары Редакциялык кеңеш: Проф., док. Бахаттин Акшит Проф., док. Замира Дербишева Доц., док. Өмер Селчук Эмсен Доц., док. Анвар Мокеев Доц., док. Мухиттин Туш Доц., док. Хүсейин Өзбай Доц., док. Асым Ары Док. Хабибе Өнгөрен Редакторлор Кыргызча: Доц., док. Таалайбек Абдиев Тойчубек Үсөналиев Түркчө: Англисче: Орусча : Док. Ибрахим Шахин Фарук Өзтүрк Док. Аида Касиева Амбер Белгин Торман Алла Нарозя Техникалык редактор Бактыгүл Эрматова Дизайн Рашит Садыков Веб дизайн Талант Жандралиев Доц., док. Таалай Абдиев Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц., док. Бахаттин Ажат Эски шехир Осмонгази унив./эскишехир Проф., док. Нуржан Ахметова Кыргыз улуттук унив./бишкек Доц., док. Хусейин Акай Мармара унив./истанбул Проф., док. Бахаттин Акшит Орта Догу Текник унив./анкара Докт. Элиф Экин Акшит Анкара унив./анкара Доц., док. Асым Ары Эски шехир Осмонгази унив./эскишехир Проф., док. Нурбүбү Асипова Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц., док. Халил Айтекин Гази унив./анкара Доц. Кадияна Бообекова Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц. Айхан Челикбай Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц., док. Селчук Эмсен Ататүрк унив./эрзурум Док. Хабибе Ёнгёрен Стамбул унив./стамбул Проф., док. Сехавет Гүрдал Мармара унив./стамбул Проф., док. Нуран Хортачсу Богазычы унив./стамбул Доц., док. Халил Ышык Онсегиз март унив./чанаккале Доц. Мурат Ири Стамбул унив./стамбул Проф., док. Нурай Каранжы Орта догу текник унив./анкара Проф., док. Решат Каржыоглу Ататүрк унив./эрзурум Доц., док. Өнал Кая Анкара унив./анкара Доц., док. Мурат Кожобеков Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Феза Коркусуз Орта Догу Текник унив./анкара Доц., док. Анвар Мокеев Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц., док. Хусеин Өзбай Гази унив./анкара Доц. док. Кенан Өзден Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Зекаи Өздемир Стамбул унив./стамбул Доц. док. Гөксел Өзтүрк Мармара унив./стамбул Доц., док. Айнур Пала Желал Байар унив./афйон Проф., док. Жусуп Пиримбаев Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Доц., док. Бурул Сагынбаева Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Кубатбек Саматов Кыргыз улуттук унив./бишкек Проф., док. Фиркет Сенсез Орта Догу Текник унив./ Анкара Проф., док. Режеп Сонгүн Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Илхан Шахин Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Мехмет Шишман Эскишехир Османгази ун./эскишехир Доц., док. Кубатбек Табалдиев Кыргыз-Түрк Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Айсыт Тансел Орта Догу Текник унив./анкара Доц., док. Селахаттин Туран Эскишехир Османгази ун./эскишехир Доц., док. Мухиттин Туш Селчук унив./коня Доц., док. Өмер Фарук Туткун Нигде университети/нигде Проф., док. Жылдыз Урманбетова Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» унив./бишкек Проф., док. Дилек Йылмазжан Мармара университети/стамбул Журнал жылына эки жолу чыгат Адрес: Кыргыз-Түрк Манас университети Тынчтык проспектиси, 56 Бишкек/КЫРГЫЗСТАН Тел: 00996 312 55 27 52-53 Факс: 00996 312 54 19 35 http://www.manas.kg E-mail: sbd@manas.kg Абонемент: Журналдын сандары жана абонент тууралуу маалымат алуу үчүн Назгүл Арапова менен байланышыңыз. Аты-жөнүңүздү, адресиңизди, индекс жана жазылуу жылын белгилөөнү өтүнөбүз. Тел: 00996 312 54 19 42-47

Редактордон «Коомдук илимдер» журналынын 16-санын сиздерге чоң кубаныч менен тартуулайбыз. 2001-жылдан баштап жарык көрө баштаган жана рецензенттик кеңешке ээ болгон «Коомдук илимдер» журналы Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети тарабынан жылына эки жолу жарык көрөт. Аталган журнал эл аралык статуска ээ болуу менен бирге анда кыргыз, түрк, англис жана орус тилдеринде жазылган илимий макалаларга орун берилет. Алгач жарык көргөн күндөн тартып, алты жыл жемиштүү жол баскан журналыбыздын максаты жогорку стандарттардын негизинде кыска убакыттын ичинде дүйнөгө таанымал журналдардын катарына кошулуу, улуттук жана эл аралык индекстүү журнал катары таралуу. Журнал басып чыгаруу ой-пикир жана илим дүйнөсүнүн эң эле жигердүү тармактарынын бири. Илимий изилдөөлөр, жаңы көз-караштар, табылгалар жана талкуулар алгач журнал бетине жарыяланат. Олуттуу редакциялык жана рецензенттик кеңеш тарабынан жетектелген бул журналыбызга коомдук илимдер жаатында эмгектенген бардык окумуштуулар тарабынан баалуу илимий эмгектердин жиберилишин күтөбүз. КТМУ «Коомдук илимдер» журналы менен www.manas.kg адресиндеги «Мезгилдүү басылмалардан» тааныша аласыздар. Адресте көрсөтүлгөн жазуу эрежелерине ылайык макалаларыңызды sbd@manas.kg адресине жиберсеңиздер болот. Урматым менен, Проф., докт. Бахаттин Акшит Коомдук илимдер журналынын редактору Editörden Sosyal Bilimler Dergisinin 16. sayısını sizlere sunmaktan dolayı mutluluk duyuyoruz. 2001 de yayın hayatına başlayan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Kırgızistan- Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi tarafından yılda iki kez yayınlanan hakemli bir dergidir. Yazı dili Kırgızca, Türkçe, İngilizce ve Rusçadır. Dergimiz uluslar arası statüye sahiptir. Yayın hayatında başarıyla geçen altı yılını geride bırakan dergimizin öncelikli amacı yüksek standartları ile en kısa süre içinde dünyada kabul görmüş dergiler arasında yer almak ve ulusal ve uluslar arası indekslerce taranmaktır. Dergicilik bilim ve düşünce hayatının en aktif alanlarından biridir. Dergiler, yapılan araştırmaların, yeni düşünce ve tartışmaların öncelikle yayınlandığı yerlerdir. Tüm sosyal bilimcilerimizi, güçlü bir yayın ve hakem kuruluna sahip olan dergimize, hazırladıkları değerli çalışmalarını göndermeye davet ediyoruz. KTMÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisine www.manas.kg adresindeki Süreli Yayınlar bölümünden ulaşabilir; bu adreste belirtilen yazım kurallarına uygun olarak yazıp çalışmalarınızı sbd@manas.kg adresine gönderebilirsiniz. Saygılarımla Prof. Dr. Bahattin AKŞİT Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Editörü

Коомдук илимдер журналынын максаттары Кыргыз-Түрк «Манас» университети жарыкка чыгара турган илимий журнал Советтер Союзу тарап кеткен соң бири-бирине жакындашуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн алган, бирок байыртан маданияты (тили, кай бирлеринин дини, тарыхы, салтсанаасы ж.б.) орток болгон түрк калктарын илимий изилдөөлөр алкагында жакындаштыруу ниетин көздөйт. Түрк дүйнөсүндө эл аралык деңгээлге жеткен таанымал окумуштуулар бар. Тилекке каршы, алардын эмгектерин жарыялап туруучу журналдардын саны өтө аз. Ошондуктан, биздин журналыбыз түрк мамлекеттеринде, Батыш жана КМШ (СНГ) өлкөлөрүндө жашаган илимпоздордун эмгектерин жарыкка чыгаруу, орток маданий табылгаларыбыздын бардык тараптары менен багыттарын көпчүлүккө жеткизүү максатын көздөгөн өзүнчө бир илимий булак боло алат деген үмүттөбүз. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisinin Yayın Amaçları Kırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesinin yayımladığı ilmî dergi, Sovyetler Birliği nin çöküşünden sonra daha çok yakınlaşan ve aynı kültürü (dili, dini, tarihi, gelenekleri) paylaşan Türk devletleri-topluluklarını akademik çalışmaların çerçevesi dahilinde bir araya getirebilme düşüncesinden hareketle hazırlanmıştır. Türk Dünyasında uluslar arası düzeyde tanınan birçok bilim adamı olmasına rağmen maalesef bu araştırmacıların çalışmalarını yayımlayabilecekleri dergiler az sayıdadır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda, Türk devletlerinde, batıda ve Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu nda yaşayan akademisyenlerin yaptıkları çalışmaları toplayarak ilmî merkez özelliği kazanacak olan dergimiz, kültürel müşterekleri bütün yönleriyle sergileme düşüncesindedir.

İ Ç İ NDEKİ LER/CONTENTS Liberalizasyon ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkileri: Göreceli Gelişmiş ve Az Gelişmiş Geçiş Ekonomileri Deneyimleri Liberalization and Economic Growth Relationships: Experinces of Relatively Developed and Less Devloped Transition Economies Ö. Selçuk EMSEN, M. Kemal DEĞER, Çağatay KARAKÖY...1 Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Bölgeler Arası Dengesizlikler: Bir Neden Olarak Piyasa Ekonomisi Unbalancednesses Among Regions in Transition Economies Market Economies as a Reason Lütfü ÖZTÜRK... 21 Enflâsyon Hedeflemesi Uygulamaları ve Türkiye Açısından Değerlendirilmesi Applications of Inflation Targeting and Evaluation from the Point of View of Turkey Bahar ŞANLI...37 Kırgız Tekdüzen Hesap Plânı ve Kırgız Tekdüzen Hesap Plânının Türk Tekdüzen Hesap Plânı ile Karşılaştırılması The Kyrgyz Uniform Chart of Accounts And Comparison of Kyrgyz Uniform Chart of Accounts With Turkish Uniform Chart of Accounts Hüseyin AKAY, Seyil NACİMUDİNOVA... 57 VII-XII. Yüzyıllar Arası Yedisu Vadisindeki Ticarî İlişkiler Hakkında Yeni Numizmatik Belgeler-II New Numizmatical Findings About Trade Relationships in Jeti-Suu Valley Between the VII th and XII th Centuries-II V.G. KOŞEVAR (Rusçadan çeviren: Cengiz BUYAR)... 79 Türkiye de Halkçılığın Evrimi (1908-1938) Evolution of Populism in Turkey (1908-1918) Mehmet ÖZDEN... 89 Түркологиялык адабияттардагы жөндөлүш типтеринин парадигмасы (Түрк жана кыргыз тилдери) The Paradigm is Case Endings Types in Turkic Literatures (Turkish and Kyrgyz Languages) Бурул САГЫНБАЕВА... 101

VI Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Level of Recalling and Forgetting Mathematical Knowledge in the Fourth Grades in Primary Schools İlköğretim Dördüncü Sınıflarda Öğrenilen Matematik Bilgilerinin Hatırlanma ve Unutulma Düzeyi Asım ARI... 109 Ortaöğretim Kurumlarının Etkili Okul Özelliklerine Sahip Olma Düzeyleri Levels of Efectiveness Characteristics in Secondary Schools Zühal ÇUBUKÇU, Pınar GİRMEN... 121 Sosyal Bilgilerde Öğrencilerin Okuduğunu Anlama Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesinde Kullanilabilecek Strateji ve Teknikler The Strategies and Techniques that Can Be Used in the Improvement of Students Reading Comprehension Skills in Social Studies Cengiz DÖNMEZ, Kubilay YAZICI... 137 Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmenlik Becerilerini Uygulama ve Gözleme Düzeyleri Levels of Observation and Practice of Teaching Skills of Student-Teachers Abdurrahman KILIÇ... 155 Emotional Intelligence and Family Environment Duygusal Zeka ve Aile Ortamı Nilüfer ÖZABACI... 169 İlköğretim Birinci Kademe Öğretmenlerinin Eğitim Teknolojilerine Yönelik Tutumları Primary School Teachers Attitudes Towards Educational Technology Aynur PALA... 177 An Investigation on the Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication Faculty-2004 Kocaeli University Kocaeli Üniversitesi Iletişim Fakültesi Öğrencileri ve Internet Kullanimlari Üzerine Bir Araştirma-2004 Nurdan Öncel TASKIRAN... 189 Dating Behaviours, Views of Marriage and Marital Preparation Among University Students in Kyrgyzstan Kırgızistan Üniversite Öğrecileri Arasındaki Flört, Evliliğe Bakış ve Evlilik Hazırlıkları Sevinç KARADAĞ... 207 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisinin Yayın Alanları ve Yazım Kuralları Коомдук илимдер журналынын тармактары жана эрежелери... 219

Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Sayı: 16 2006 AN INVESTIGATION ON THE INTERNET USAGE OF THE UNDERGRADUATES OF COMMUNICATION FACULTY-2004 KOCAELİ UNIVERSITY Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nurdan Öncel TASKIRAN Yrd. Doç.Dr. KOU İletişim Fakültesi, mnurdanoncel@yahoo.com KOCAELI ÜNIVERSITESI İLETIŞIM FAKÜLTESI ÖĞRENCILERI VE İNTERNET KULLANIMLARI ÜZERINE BIR ARAŞTIRMA-2004 Özet İletişimi çok hızlı yaşadığımız bir çağda bu hıza ayak uydurmasını en çok bekleyeceğimiz insanlar yeni medyayı en çok kullanan üniversiteli gençler özellikle İletişim Fakültesi öğrencileridir.evlerinde ve okulda internet imkanları olmakla birlikte internette yeterince uzun kalmalarına rağmen kendi şikayetlerinden ve hazırladıkları ödevlerin yetersizliğinden üniversite gençliğinin çağın medyası olan internetten yeterince yararlanamadıkları sorunu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkiye nin sayısal teknoloji tarihine bakıldığında internet kullanımına 13 sene önce başlandığı, bu alanda tüm ülke genelinde yaygınlaştığı, hatta mahrumiyet bölgeleri olarak bilinen Doğu Anadolu kentlerinde telefon hattı olmayan hiçbir köy kalmadığı düşünülecek olursa, bir bilgisayarla sonsuz bilgi kaynağı olan internete erişim olanağının kolaylığı açıkça görülebilir. Bu çalışmaya itki olan neden Avrupa Seyahat Komisyonu nun (European Travel Commission) Mayıs 2004 tarihinde güncelleştirilen resmi sitesinde İnternet Dünya İstatistiklerine göre Türkiye dünya internet kullanıcıları kategorisinde ilk 25 ülke arasına girmeyi başaramadı. 3. dünya ülkelerinin bile yer aldığı listede Türkiye nin yer alamaması düşündürücüdür. Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversiteli Türk gençlerinin internette geçirdikleri sürenin ve kalitesinin incelenmesidir. Öncelikle bilgisayar sahibi olup olmadıkları, internet bağlantı durumları, interneti kullanma amaçlarının ne olduğu, internete bağlanma mekanları, internette ne kadar süre kaldıkları, çevirimiçi olduklarında neler yaptıkları, hangi sitelere ne amaçla girdikleri, internette harcadıkları süre, yabancı dil sorunu olup olmadığı, internette ulusal, cinsel, bireysel kimliklerine dair yerli veya kültürler arası bir etkileşim yaşayıp yaşamadıkları nitel veri elde etme bakımından odak grup tartışmaları yöntemi ile araştırılmış, internetin bilgi edinme, eğlence, oyun, arkadaşlık, haberleşme gibi nedenlerden hangisinin daha fazla kullanıldığı ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Odak grup tartışmaları Kocaeli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi 1, 2, 3, ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerinden raslantısal olarak, gönüllü olanlardan 8 er kişilik gruplar oluşturulmuş ve bu öğrencilerin internet bağlantıları kıstas alınmıştır.

190 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi İnternet çağında İletişim Fakültesi öğrencilerinin internetten yeterince yararlanamaması, interneti gereği gibi kullanamaması önemli bir problem teşkil etmekte, yararlanamama nedenlerinin araştırılması ve çözüm önerileri getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kocaeli İletişim, İnternet Kullanımı, Etkili Kullanım, Odak Grup Tartışması. INTERNET USAGE AND THE UNDERGRADUATES: A research on the internet usage of Kocaeli University Communication Faculty undergraduates INTRODUCTION The internet has developed rapidly over recent years and Türkiye is one of the countries whose people are highly interested in this vast source of information and entertainment. Especially the Turkish young have been familiar with the internet since 1993, for almost 13 years. In Türkiye internet users are mostly adults between the ages 30-50 and the undergraduates, between the ages ranging from 19 to 30. But on the other side of the story, there lies a scientific reality; according to the European Travel Commission s statistics updated in May 2004 by Internet World Statistics 1 Türkiye was not included one of the internet users worldwide among top 25 countries. The main objective of this study is to reveal the underlying reasons of this astonishing outcome. Therefore, the people whom we expect to keep up with contemporary new media in the age of information are undoubtedly to be the Communication Faculty students, who seem spending most of their time on the internet. The purpose of the study is to determine the internet relationship of the KOU (Kocaeli University) undergraduates, to search for their Pc ownership, internet behaviour including e-mail usage, frequency of access, interest areas and hours per day connected, internet access and experience, activities online, the time they spent online, their major aims in going online, access points, connections to Turkish and foreign sites, internal and international friendship if they have, command of English, internet café usage, pseudonyms, fake e- mail addresses, their fears and expectations if they have, experiences with different identities, and anonymity of online world mainly. In addition, any domestic and cross cultural interactions experienced concerning their national, sexual, and individual identities on the internet are also to be defined by focus group discussion method. It seems necessary to investigate the matter because it is a serious problem to take into consideration broadly. However, not any significant research relating to the internet access of university students and their internet awareness and what they do online have not been studied seriously up to the present. A Governmental research on the issue in 2002, A Workshop Report On The Internet Access Of Young People in Türkiye, was practiced by the Internet Commission in the leadership of Middle East Technical University, Department of Sociology. It aimed the problems and solutions of internet access of the target mass aged between 15-18 basically 2. Another survey practiced by Turkish Governmental Institute of Statistics named Household Usage Of Communication Technologies dates back June 2004, which revealed only the demographic percentage of the internet access of Turkish People in 1 ETC/New Media Review, World&Regional Overview, updated 30th June 2 http://kurul.ubak.gov.tr/m01.php

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 191 general 3. Recently some academic researches have focused on the issue, but university students have not not been taken as target mass into consideration and yet not been investigated thoroughly. Thus, the objective of this study is to look into the matter from KOU-Kocaeli University, Faculty of Communication students point of view. This study is limited with the Communication Faculty Students only who formed up random sampling group students. They are juniors, sophomore and seniors. It was a good job to organize all students in two week s time for the discussion. The discussions are limited with the internet activities of the undergraduates. For further investigations governmental supported subvention is required. That s why a wider ranged research, which requires a detailed information about the internet usage of all undergraduates in Türkiye, has to be delayed till a second chance. Focus Group Discussion Method, which allows a variety of points of view to emerge and for the group to respond to and to discuss these views, is applied to random sampling groups of Communication Faculty students of Kocaeli University. Group discussions seemed to be the best because interactions might lead to a highly productive discussion as interviewees respond to questions and evaluate points as a group. Another reason for the methodology is this type of interaction would likely to lead to a rich flow of data for the exploratory purpose and could generate or respond to a number of ideas and evaluate them so, it would be helpful to explain or explore concepts on the issue in this research. The discussion groups conducted within a specific organization like Faculty of Communication, will help establish the credibility of the research where an attempt is made to overcome issues of bias associated with interviews in general and this type in particular. In this method Group interviewers were used for a specific purpose; to get qualitative data about the internet usage of Turkish undergraduates. So discussion groups of eight participants are designed to obtain views about internet usage, which require a higher level of interviewer-led- structure and intervention. The use of group interviews also provides an efficient way to interview a large number of individuals at one time. Their use allows to adopt an interview based strategy that can more easily be related to a representative sample, particularly within a specific organization like this. From this point of view it may help to establish the credibility of this research where an attempt is made to overcome issues of bias associated with interviews in general and this type in particular. Focus Group Discussion, which is one of the best known qualitative research methods, is used to identify key themes because this particular use of group interviews may suggest that data collection commences with a reasonably clear focus. The purpose is more specific and linked to the exploration of a known theme. Focus groups are well known through their use in market research to test reactions to products. ABOUT THE FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSIONS Focus Group discussions were carried out with a moderator and an observer reporter. In this method moderator s job is to get data supporting the hypotheses in the discussions They were planned as two hour s period. Each group was consisted of 8 students, 4 males, and 4 females who are between the ages19-30, totally 32 students. All students were kindly asked to participate in a group discussion, so willingly they participated, and were given the chance to have their say. Horizontal slice was the 3 www.die/hanehalkıbilisimteknolojilerikullanimi/gov.tr- 15 Oct 2004

192 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi nature of each group. They attend the same faculty, take part in similar projects and courses, have similar homework and dissertations and share similar settings and benefit from the same facilities. The first group was freshmen (later cancelled), second group was juniors, third was sophomores and the last was seniors. Focus group discussions was completed in two week s time. Discussions were carried out in a warm and sincere atmosphere. Young people were so eager to have their say so they did it in a free flowing discussion where the facilitator intervened the least. A DV cam borrowed from the university television studios shot all the discussions, which later was helpful to extract the invaluable data in them. Fortunately most of the students were accustomed to live with cameras, because they were cameramen, camerawomen, journalists, directors or producers of the future. In the beginning of this focus group process, some questions were asked to the participants in order to present themselves. After the presentation, an outline was followed by the moderator in accordance with the order of the general thoughts on their internet relationship. In this respect, the opinions of the participants were tried to be identified by the underlining the target issue. Some special and detailed questions not more than 5, such as whether they have a pc at home or how they get connected to the internet, were asked by the moderator. All the three groups completed their tasks successfully. I. st FOCUS GROUP -FRESHMAN CLASS DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE PARTICIPANTS DISTRIBUTION OF AGE Age Number of students 19 + 21 +++ 22 + 23 + 25 + 30 + DISTRIBUTION OF SEX Male Female 4 4 LEVEL OF FAMILY INCOME Level of monthly income 300-600 million +++ 600-800 million +++ 800-1 billion - 1 billion-2 billion + 2 billion+ + Number of students Discussion recorded but later cancelled

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 193 LEVEL OF EDUCATION University 1 st year 8 2 nd year 0 3rd year 0 4th year 0 Number of students An important explanation about the 1st Focus Group Discussion The clash of the final time caused the freshman class to discuss last. The First groups were juniors and seniors Second and fourth class discussions were held successively on the same day. Freshman s discussion was postponed to the next week, while the sophomore s to the next day. Working out of the recordings revealed that findings in the research were quite alike, almost the same. Senior class discussion was held the following day ;again all the findings were the same. 3 groups had almost similar behaviours and thoughts about the internet usage though they were unaware of other groups. When all data collected, it seemed that another discussion would be redundant and would not change or affect the results for great majority of the findings was supporting the hypotheses claimed on the issue. For this reason last group discussion- freshman s -was cancelled. 2nd FOCUS GROUP - JUNIOR CLASS DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE PARTICIPANTS DISTRIBUTION OF Age 19 ++ 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 27 + 35 + DISTRIBUTION OF SEX Male Number of students Female 4 4 LEVEL OF FAMILY INCOME Level of monthly income Number of students 300-600 million ++ 600-800 million + 800-1 billion ++ 1 billion-2 billion ++ 2 billion+ +

194 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi LEVEL OF EDUCATION University Number of students 1 st year 0 2 nd year 8 3rd year 0 4th year 0 3. RD FOCUS GROUP SOPHOMORE CLASS DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE PARTICIPANTS DISTRIBUTION OF AGE Age Number of students 21 ++ 22 + 23 ++ 24 ++ 25 + DISTRIBUTION OF SEX Male Female 4 4 LEVEL OF FAMILY INCOME Level of monthly income Number of students 300-600 million + 600-800 million +++ 800-1 billion ++ 1 billion-2 billion ++ 2 billion+ - LEVEL OF EDUCATION University Number of students 1 st year 0 2 nd year 0 3rd year 8 4th year 0

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 195 4 th. FOCUS GROUP SENIOR CLASS DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE PARTICIPANTS DISTRIBUTION OF AGE Age Number of students 21 + 22 ++ 23 + 24 ++ 25 + 26 + DISTRIBUTION OF SEX Male Female 4 4 LEVEL OF FAMILY INCOME Level of monthly income Number of students 300-600 million ++ 600-800 million ++ 800-1 billion ++ 1 billion-2 billion ++ 2 billion+ LEVEL OF EDUCATION University Number of students 1 st year 0 2 nd year 0 3rd year 0 4th year 8 Before the focus group discussions what we have are some hypotheses like those: 1) A few students go internet for academic reasons, 2) Many students are online just for entertainment, 3) Many students are inefficient to use the internet perfectly, 4) Many students have a limited vocabulary of English.

196 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi FINDINGS Findings and inferences extracted from the discussions which are highly supportive to the hypotheses are categorized into 5 main parts relating to computer usage, internet access, online abuse, mispresentation of the internet and command of English. 1) Data on Computer usage ownership, internet access, and time spent All participating students had computers either home or at school. They had internet connection, too. They spent at least 2 hours online a day even they only ran an eye over e-mails. But they complained of the fees at internet cafés, which was approximately 1 $ per hour. Most of the students have to be away from their homes during the week days because the university has recently moved to its new campus and has no internet facility yet. The campus is now very far from the city centre, therefore, they have to go to the internet cafés after school. (Many students live in İstanbul which is 90 km far from the campus. So they have to travel at least 2 hours a day, many have to stay at hostels or rent flats which cost their families too much). Except 2 students all undergraduates visited internet cafés regularly for e-mails or playing games or chatting and they spent - at least - 1 hour online. During the weekend at home, the time spent on the internet got higher. Because they could not go internet as they desired at the internet cafés because of the high cost. 3 students complained about the smoky and stuffy setting of the cafés and they told that they were annoyed by the crowd and could not manage to concentrate on what they were dealing with. Although Internet access is now available on ADSL connection in most parts of Türkiye, which is faster and cheaper, in some parts of Türkiye, especially in the eastern parts still have to contented with internet cafés in which internetcoholics have to pay for more than 1 $ per hour. 2) Data On The Purposes Of The Internet Access Getting information, Entertainment, Correspondence The reality that students went often online only for entertainment and spent most of their time was agreed by the great majority of the students. Only 2 students told that they only spent time online searching for information or cultural investigations 4 hours a week approximately in addition to their homework searching. The rest were online for fun. 22 students of 24 unhesitatingly admitted that they were spending too much time online, visiting music or pc hardware downloading sites or having chats on ICQ or instant messaging. 2 students explained that they hated messaging and chatting because being online cause them feel like something artificial, just hypocritical. They told that they went internet mostly for daily news or to explore interesting sites. 22 students admitted that their first aim to go online was correspondence, receiving and sending e- mails. The second reason was for fun, surfing the sites to enjoy time especially playing on line action games, cyber games, or many different kind of games in which they took great pleasure. 20 students enjoyed on line chatting either on Msn or Icq. In case they were asked to prepare an assignment or a project at school, they went internet to get necessary references for the homework 2 students claimed that they regarded internet as a source of information, but not of entertainment 22 students agreed on the idea that from the very beginning people were misguided about the informative power of the internet that it was presented as if it were only a means of chatting each other or finding boy or girl friends on line. They were also proud of being so fast at writing keyboard that they could play games freely and chat friends and reply back e-mails simultaneously 2 students claimed that they only had time to benefit from the internet as

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 197 much as possible because it was an expensive media for them, so they had no time to waste in chatting or playing games. They also added that they had explored so many search engines and news sites, so they felt happy and they did not need to look for fun. One of them was curious about the world news and violent photographs published on line especially about Iraqi War, while the other was interested in employment sites, cosmetics, health and care, secondhand products, auctions, travelling on good prices. They confessed that they relied on the information provided by the internet but conversely, they did not trust the people with whom they chatted online. 2 students disagreed with the idea. They insisted on that there still might be reliable people on the internet. 3) Data about Anonymity Of Online World Adopting new identities, nationalities, social status, age and sex virtually Another important case discussed in the focus group was that they enjoyed disguising the identity when online. 18 students dared to say that they often changed their sex, social status, age, and nationality during chatting. 8 of them were females. Especially male students admitted that they took great pleasure taking up such a different identity. They usually wondered how male kind treated the female online, so they described themselves as if they were perfect women physically, and won his confidence by sending him some photos of unknown models. Male students often adopted themselves a female screen name and an e- mail account under a fake address to chat with the same kind as if they were females. They made appointments with the online boy friend somewhere and went there to watch and laugh at him secretly. They added that they behaved like because they just wondered the way female felt when they were courted and wanted to feel the same. 9 male students told that nothing could exchange the feeling of having hundreds of messages being sent to a female nick name in a minute on Icq, while a male nick name kept awaited for hours to get even a hi! They explained that they never had such an experience, having hundreds of messages from females, when they were themselves! A girl student told about a case once she experienced on Icq, she happened to introduce herself as a crippled little girl. She did not know the reason, but hours later she felt she hated herself and revealed her real identity to the people she chatted. On revealing that she was exposed to such swearwords so much so that she had to get herself a new account and a nick name. Since then she never tried again. Young males liked to be in place of a woman on line but never did the young females. They had not even tried to disguise as a man online they only tried to cheat their girl friends or boy friends with pink lies. Another girl student told how she made up an imagery young French woman s story living in Istanbul for years and successive lies about her old husband and family in France. She had carried on his French identity online almost 3 months then got bored and gave up. She said that she had not felt anything about the character she adopted and was never affected by at all. As the the story ended, they all agreed that internet was not a place to trust, nobody should believe in the people there. Chatting was just an amusement, just for fun. They thought that the tendency towards changing identities was a way of amusing oneself on line. Laughing at each other some students interrupted to say that they were suspicious about the gender of the males who were keen on pretending female online. They all laughed on the point. Moderator s question if they ever had clicked the erotic sites was answered immediately by all the students: yes! Except 4 girls, the rest accepted that they experienced -at least once erotic sites 4 girls said that they hated pornographic sights. One of the girls said that she had clicked on the cookie of the erotic site because she was really curious about the content of it. She hurriedly quitted of the site because pictures were disgusting, not esthetic at all. 12

198 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi males admitted that erotic sites did not affect them at all. 2 girls said that they searched for the health sites to lead a healthy life and learnt a lot relating to health including sex.( It is interesting that young girls dared to admit that they clicked erotic sites!) 4) Data About A Claim: Misguidance Or Ignorance? Social Awareness 5 students claimed that the internet had been presented as a medium of chatting mainly but not as a source of information. When the internet was presented for the first time in Türkiye, it meant for friendship or finding an online date, or it was a medium to pass time. They supposed that this misguidance was the real source of internet ignorance especially among young generation. Thus, they claimed that, nobody could get the importance of the internet completely at the beginning. Pioneers of the internet in Türkiye had misled all people by encouraging them to chat or find a friend all the time. Nobody had guided people that internet was a medium of information which could be made use of anytime. Although other students agreed with the claim, they concluded that it was a social awareness to keep up with the innovations for the sake of digital future of Türkiye. A girl student blamed the young for being ignorant and insensitive to the latest technologies. 3 male students opposed that they were interested in the new technologies much more than the girls, that it was depended the area of interest mostly, that it should not be taken as a lack of social awareness but something individual. All students except 3, agreed on the idea that individuals should be aware of social awareness. Except 1, all admitted that they did not know how to benefit from the internet in detail, how to link other sites, how to use other search engines or how to look for an essay in newspaper archives for the back issues. But they knew to fight against viruses; to hack and download hardware programmes, or music pieces. Though young people were not familiar with delicate details, they knew all kind of viruses and how to protect computers and the ways to hack or decipher user s information well. They claimed that they were very good at such matter. Therefore they were scared to be wormed or hacked by anybody. 5) Data About A Serious Obstacle For Interaction And Intercultural Relationship In trouble with English? One of the important data acquired from the discussions was language barrier. Most students regretted that they did not have a good command of English. Students discussed the govermental policy about the public schools where they fail to teach students a foreign language perfectly because of many reasons, such as crowded classes-60 and over-or lacking course book supply due to financial reasons or towards to the eastern parts of home lacking teaching staff altogether. Most of the students, who were public school graduates, recalled the days how they suffered to learn English by a music teacher though they were not in the east! The English was enough just for opening and closing down the computers. 4 students did not agree with the idea, in their opinion their English is sufficient that they could manage themselves on the internet and also had foreign friends with whom they chatted very often and had no problem at all. More grammar would be nonsense, because they were from private high schools They learnt English in 20 student s classes. But being a private school graduate, one of the students complained that she had serious problems with English practice and pronunciation. 16 students never mentioned about a foreign online friend because they

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 199 have never had. They revealed that they avoided surfing foreign sites because of their poor English and preferred Turkish searching engines instead. CONCLUSION & SUGGESSIONS Internet is not a new media for Turkish people. For more than 10 years Turkish people of all ages have been familiar with the internet, especially the young are enthusiastic on the new media. According to the Turkish statistics published by the governmental organizations like DIE (National Statistics Institue) and IC (Internet Commission), university students are the busiest ones with the internet. Türkiye has the advantage of having all cities -even villages- cabled with telephone lines that is, internet connection is available to all people within the boundaries. Leonard Kleinrock 4 who is one of the pioneers of the internet in the world, visited Türkiye in July 2004 and was very happy to see young people at internet cafes even in the furthest point in Eastern Anatolia. It writes that he advised to encourage and provoke the young to use the internet to have better visions and go one step further on the eve of European Union. Having too many young people in the population was an advantage, he adds. It is a speech making you proud of the situation that Türkiye has been in. However, according to European Travel Commission s statistics updated in May 2004 by Internet World Statistics, Türkiye, unfortunately, can not take place among the internet users worldwide among top 25 countries. Therefore focus group discussions among undergarduates of Communication Faculty, Kocaeli University were held and their relationship with the internet was investigated. From the discussions many data have been reached, which strongly supported the hypotheses. One of the important data acquired from the discussions is that the students agreement on the main reason for going online most is only for fun and communication, not for academic reasons fundamentally. In case they have a project they spend time seriously for the homework till they complete it. A few students regard internet as a big book with innumerable pages for searching academic sources online. The rest, the great majority, spends most of their time to read and reply the mails. They use internet mailing which costs none. Second reason they go internet is for entertainment They have ICQ and MSN services which enable them to find friends all around the world and chat with them instantly. They spend time on downloadig hardware programmes or music pieces, shopping online, as well. They only do online shopping with the sites advised by the close friends, where there is no risk of credit card abuse. Another finding is that they all do rely on the information given online but not rely on the people they chat. What they believe is that anybody could abuse the other easily because they are virtual. They could disguise as the one anyone appreciates or pretend as young or old, rich and attractive or having a Ferrari or a villa, anything could be probable anytime to trap both males and females; it is a risky media. The person you chat with could be anybody else except what he/ she presents himself/herself. She/he could take up a new identity for fun, which most students do take a great pleasure from. They like disguising and feeling the same way as a female / male does during chatting. Fortunately this never affects them at all in their real lives. 4 Hürriyet Gazetesi, July2004, p 8

200 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Other important point investigated is that they spend much time in Turkish sites and a few of them have foreign friends for online chatting. They only click music and sport sites in English, because they do know that the sites in English will completely mean nothing for them; The bitter fact that the English they have is insufficient to deal with the whole flow. They know what they have, and are aware of what they are really missing. For that reason they avoid to get contact with the world. They always have dictionaries along with them online. The last point is that they blame the pioneers for mispresenting the internet as a medium for making friends, mailing, chatting and making fun instantly. In the light of the data collected from focus discussion groups they go internet less to get information but much to make fun; but they always click Turkish sites because they are awaere of a language handicap. Therefore, although they spend much time on the internet they have little chance of any cultural and individual interaction beyond the boundaries. Language deficiency fails them to have more effective usage of the internet and taking advantage of the cross cultural exchanges profoundly. Apart from the language deficiency many precautions should be taken to make it use efficiently: English courses shoud be taken seriously at public schools internet access must be free of charge free of charge internet courses should be provided by the government especially for the undergraduates. free of charge English courses should be provided for the Eastern inhabitants via mass media. our brains living abroad should be called back to serve at home for a while as volunteers especially in teaching English in hardship areas. As the last words, it is obvious that Türkiye has a promising and potential youth ready for cultural interactions in case we encouraged and helped them regain their self confidence by taking the precautions suggested above and bringing them into force immediately for a contemporary generation. The data in this research is limited with the 24 Communication Faculty students only. Having a comprehensive generalization for a further project about the internet usage of the students requires looking into the matter in a larger scope, for instance, having discussion groups all over Türkiye, including all undergraduates of different ages and sexes, which naturally will require much time and governmental support financially. REFERENCES ETC/New Media Review, World&Regional Overview, updated 30th June Hürriyet Gazetesi, July2004, p 8 http://kurul.ubak.gov.tr/m01.php www.die/hanehalkıbilisimteknolojilerikullanimi/gov.tr- 15 Oct 2004 APPENDICES DIAGRAMS AND CHARTS DIAGRAMS

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 201 Diagram 1.

202 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Diagram 2.

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 203 Diagram 3

204 Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Diagram 4.

An Investigation on The Internet Usage of the Undergraduates of Communication 205 CHARTS Chart 1. Chart 2.

SOSYAL BİLİMLER DERGİSİNİN YAYIN ALANLARI Türk cumhuriyetleri ve muhtar toplulukların, kültürleri, etnolojileri, tarihleri, ağızları, iktisadî yükselişleri, hızlı içtimaî değişimleri ve çeşitli bilim dallarında yapılan bilimlik araştırmalar, günümüzdeki araştırmacılar için zengin kaynakları içermektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle yayın hayatına başlayan dergimiz, tarih, dil, din, etnoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji, işletme, iktisat, maliye, basın yayın ve halkla ilişkiler, edebiyat, Türkoloji, coğrafya, arkeoloji, sanat tarihi, felsefe, sosyoloji, epigrafi, biyografi, destan, bibliyografya, kitabeler, arşiv, sinema, tiyatro, sahne sanatları, radyo, televizyon, görsel sanatlar, alan taraması çalışmaları ve öbür bilim dallarındaki özgün araştırmaları yayımlamaktadır. YAZIM KURALLARI Uluslar arası standartlara ulaşmak için, dergimizde yayınlanan makaleler arasında bir bütünlük oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır, bu nedenle dergimize gönderilen makalelerin aşağıda belirtilen yazım kurallarına uygun olarak hazırlanması ve sbd@manas.kg adresine e-posta ile gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi hakemli bir dergidir. Dergiye gönderilen her yazı mutlaka iki hakem, gerekli görüldüğü takdirde üçüncü bir hakem tarafından incelenmektedir. Hakemlerin verdikleri raporlar doğrultusunda makaleler yayımlanmakta veya yayımlanmamaktadır. Yayınlanan makalelerin hata vb. her türlü sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir. Gönderilen yazılar daha önce hiçbir yerde yayınlanmamış olmalıdır. Her hangi bir sempozyum ya da kongrede sunulan yazılarda kongrenin adı, yeri ve tarihi belirtilmelidir. Derginin yazım dili Kırgızca, Türkçe, Rusça ve İngilizcedir. Makale metinleri bu dillerden birinde hazırlanmalıdır. Kırgızca, Türkçe, Rusça hazırlanan makalelerin İngilizce başlığı, özeti ve anahtar sözcükleri de olmalıdır. İngilizce hazırlanan makalenin İngilizce özetinin yanında diğer üç dilden her hangi birinde ikinci bir özeti hazırlanmalıdır. (kısaca; makalenin biri İngilizce olmak üzere iki özeti olmalıdır) Makale başlığı büyük harflerle, 12 punto koyu olarak ve satır ortalanarak yazılmalıdır. Makale başlığından sonra boş bir satır bırakılmalıdır. Yazar(lar) unvanı, adı-soyadı, çalıştığı kurum ve web adresleri ana başlığın altında sola dayalı olarak yer almalıdır. Örneğin: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Asım ARI Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi Eskişehir/TÜRKİYE E-mail: ari@ogu.edu.tr Özet 350-500 kelime ve 10 punto olarak hazırlanmalıdır. Özetin altında 3-5 kelimeden oluşan anahtar sözcükler yer almalıdır. Örneğin: